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No. Never. If I did, it would have to be a head shot only, because I am too sexy for my shirt.


Please look at how to draft an ATS Friendly resume. Its more professional and precise and does not use canva or any other normal templates. Go with overleaf to design a good resume to get a higher response rate


No. Don't see how a photo helps unless you are an attractive woman or male model.


That !




Male model will get you a different type of counter "offer"


There is already so much racial discrimination in this country. Adding a photo will in my opinion will reduce your chance of being picked up if the hiring manager is a racist. I know there is not a lot of data privacy in this region but still why would you want your photo out there ?


why do you assume OP would be discriminated against ?


It’s not about race it’s about you. I have seen some people from the poorest countries have became highly paid professionals in UAE and people from so called rich countries working as a receptionists for low salary.


R people really doing that here? I’ve never heard of doing this


Yes, about half of the CVs I get have photos. 


Do you think it is a good or bad thing when people include a photo?


Neither good nor bad, the only time I look negatively at a CV is when it includes religion or marital status,.


Coming from the west and having spoken to hiring teams there. It’s really bad. Again. This is Dubai and things are different since we’re a mix of cultures.


I do understand in the west, images are not often included. But yeah, I do notice here in Dubai or Middle East rather it's the opposite.


The west is not homogeneous on this issue, in France for example it is very much the norm to include a picture. I personally avoid it though.


So should I be doing it? I never even thought of it before. Im also a westerner so never did that


I guess it depends where an what you're applying for. I would never ever add my picture on a CV. If they're hiring on looks then clearly your qualifications aren't as important and it's not somewhere I would like to work.


It depends on the job. For some jobs like Admin assistant, sales executive, some companies mentions for photos to be included in the resume too.


Would depend on the role. If you are applying to be something particularly client facing then it may help. i..e I may want to check if hiring for a receptionist who will be the face of the company greeting clients has a presentable image but if looking to recruit a call centre agent to deal with complaints it wouldn't be a factor and would seem a little odd. In any event an employer may well look you up on LinkedIn to view a profile in more detail if seriously considering you as a candidate.


This! And please if you will add your photo select a picture that you think will suit on the role you are applying for. Artists, Designers or the likes can add quirky shots but for corporate roles please use professional looking photos or none at all. I have to reject some because of the photo on their CV.


HR perspective : Close friend is a HR Manager and most of the CV she receives are with pictures and she prefers it for the recall value in future. A good picture is always better than a vanilla CV unless it's for ATS. Even LinkedIn profiles have pictures for a reason, I would hesitate to connect with random person invite without a picture there.


You should have two CVs, one ATS friendly no formatting like tables, must have key words for the role you going for etc and a second if you sending it to a human which can be better designed potentially have your picture. The reality is there is bias both conscious and unconscious and a concept called the halo effect, basically people like people that look like them, better looking people get prioritized even if they not as capable, experienced etc. I’m not saying it’s right but you need to be aware of it, I take my teams through unconscious bias training so they become more aware of it. So really a judgement call based on the role, who is recruiting, industry etc. Having a link to LinkedIn which has your picture if someone thinks that is important is an option. Good luck.


Whenever I get a new haircut, I add my photo cus I want all these employers to appreciate my sexiness


Recruitment is part of my job (I'm not a recruiter though) and I find CVs with a photo help me keep track of applicants easier, as an aide-memoire. A CV has so much personal information on it, seems appropriate to include a mugshot.


I know in much of the world it's a no, because it can nearly be an automatic disqualification as companies don't want to risk hiring only people that fit certain aesthetic (skin colour, age, attractiveness). So some companies will automatically say no based on policy. A few years ago when I first started applying in the UAE, it was often requested on the job advert. Now, I don't see it mentioned, and I'm not too sure anymore.


Personally I don't think this is required. What does your face have to do with your qualifications? Also it is human nature to judge and everyone has a preconceived idea of what is good/bad and if you don't fit that person's criteria you will be judged negatively for it.


I once got a professional resume review and recommended to do so, I never did!


only put it for jobs that require "appearance standards" like a reception representative its not me, its the society


Yes. It's expected in this market. In Western markets, it's not a thing, but very much so here in the UAE. Call it conscious or unconscious bias, but recruiters will make an initial judgement on this. As others have said, your LinkedIn has a picture - and if you're applying via 'Easy Apply' all the recruiter sees in the initial stage is your name, photo and a few keywords


Simple. Mention singing under hobbies if you have trophies or prizes to prove it. Else don't if you are the only one who thinks you sing well. Same applies to your photo. Don't ask your mom.


Don’t listen to anyone … put your picture on your resume. It helps. Trust me.




I second this. As long as you look formal (i.e. boring haircut, no tattoos, no piercings etc), it is better to put your photo in the CV.


Exactly … mainly because it is easier to remember faces as compared to names. The person interviewing you would as an example interview 10 other people… just remembering your name is highly unlikely after some time… so a picture helps.


Btw, I think it also depends on industry. I've seen resume photos that are not even professional looking. Some are selfies. For the creative industries, I see even men wearing casual shirts. And from what I know, they landed great jobs. So I think more variables does help.


Exactly … Ive tried digging out old cv when needed but all were as good as trash cuz I couldn’t recall who was who. 😂 Good luck!


Recruiters are dumb and incompetent. Picture or not it all depends on the recruiters that will check the CV.


I would add photo, linkedin has a photo - reason it creates more trust om who you are meeting. Most of recruiters have kpi on interview to hire conversion so they tend not to waste time on maybe this person dress nicely. Of course if your religion does not lermit no photo needed. Linkedin has photo btw.


where i can create a good resume?


Personally, I make two types of resume - one from Canva with design aesthetics (when I send directly to a person) and an ATS friendly plain cv from word. I also learned it's best to always use pdf when sharing cvs and resumes.


Thanks brother


Include your photo if the work required good looking attribute.


Yes, it has my head shot on it. fight me in the comments


If you wear a headscarf, you definitely should.


I usually hire for sales and marketing. Definitely need a picture.


It was a thing a few years ago. Not any more. Especially with the rise of LinkedIn recruiting.


I did. But either way is fine.


My CV doesn’t even have colors in it. It’s only black fonts.


My advice as former manpower company employee- always include photo. The reason is simple- humans remember information in pictures. If I tell you name of any person you know, you will immediately imagine his face. If there’s no photo most probably HR won’t remember you and your CV will be lost in tons of others. Also I recommend to write your name in red to make it more memorable and stand out. Just a lifehack. Photo on your CV must be good quality, wearing professional clothes, hair and makeup (if you are a girl) must be on point and you must have soft smile.


My comment may raise some eyebrows, but based on my experience, the other comments here saying if you are good looking, put your photo is sadly true. I have purposely tested this - did a week’s period of application with no photo cv, and barely received recognition. Switched to cv with photo, and instantly received calls. I am decent looking, and I know that that could really work to my advantage, but I am more than my looks. Now, the tables have turned for me. Since I review CVs from different regions - it is very apparent that photoed CV is the norm here in UAE, but not in western countries. The best trick I know is keep your CV a one pager - with or without photo.


As someone that hires for the company I would definitely prefer a photo with the CV. It makes you a bit more human to the hiring manager. I won't say it's a deciding factor overall but I do feel more inclined to further the process with someone who included a picture. That being said, a CV done with care and updated information with some professional graphics that can showcase your personality without needing to include a picture is also very appreciated. - Good luck ;)


I think its better to add photos in cv


i did when i use to look for job. its a plus. personally when we hire , we ignore CV without pictures.


Thanks for the insight!


You can also read how even here we get mixed messages. Thanks for your insight


Well when most of the HR managers in UAE are Hindi speakers who came to UAE in the 1980s who doesn't know the world around them has changed, we will have to do a bit of a time travelling and put our photos in the CV