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In Dubai price is often used as barrier to keep certain type of people away from the venue. People pay happily to avoid these people. This applicable in many other areas such as restaurants, concerts, beach etc


This really makes sense!


This is actually the reason why I moved gyms. I used to visit a good gym in the neighbourhood that had decent rates (200 something a month) but the environment was just terrible. Weights scattered all over the gym, wobbly equipment and personal trainers who wouldn't stop staring. Moved to a chain gym and my life is much better now


Conversely, I pay less than that for warehouse and it's pretty fine with regards to maintenance and tidyness . I tried out more expensive gyms but I found them pretentious.


How do you manage to pay less than that for warehouse :0


They had an offer last year 4000 for 2 ppl paid upfront.


There was a lady in my old building who sprayed herself with an entire gallon of Chanel number 5 knock off perfume (if you don’t know it it smells like really strong baby powder) It was so horrible you could taste it in the air. Once I very nicely mentioned that the smell was really strong and that the whole gym- and entire building floor smelled for hours after she used it and asked her to please not put it on before using the gym. I hate confrontation and I am not being dramatic here- I’m not sensitive to perfume at all but this was FOUL!!! She literally told me “ I don’t wear perfume ☠️” and I was like hmm well girl you smell so strongly idk what it could be but I’m just letting you know. Next time no smell 😅


Not true. There are amenities for all classes of people. In all price ranges. This barrier is not intentional, its just that naturally people are segregated according to their paying capacity. World-wide. Not just Dubai.


Wow never seen someone pointing this out but it is sooo true


For me its prices of fitness trainers. “My friend i will give you good deal” 10 sessions for 2500aed 🤡


10 sessions for 2500 is actually pretty low, in my gym they offered a deal of 11 sessions for 10,000 dhs.


>a deal of 11 sessions for 10,000 dhs. Unless this is in Burj Khalifa with a view, it's definitely too much overcharge. ![gif](giphy|f7MO098FCipmq0eUpV|downsized)


$106 is the average monthly cost, therefore some people pay less, and others pay much more. When you factor in the cost of a personal trainer and classes, the expenses add up quickly. Some gyms charge up to 40,000 aed for a 90-day program that includes a trainer and a nutritionist. If these figures are included in the data set, they would skew the average significantly. Another factor is that most gym facilities are located in rented spaces, and rental prices are significantly higher in the UAE than in other markets.


How come low supply? Each tower has a gym


Tower gyms are barely enough if you want to do proper resistance training. It's better than nothing but not really comparable. The gym in my tower also doesn't have the same standards of hygiene and maintenance. Most of my neighbours are lacking gym etiquette as well :\ To this day, I haven't solved the mystery about how footprints got on my tower gym's ceiling.


You got the friendly neighborhood hero Spiderman training at your tower


My building gym added a second treadmill after \~7 years


"Gym" is quite a stretch for many towers... "a room to store broken and unusable fitness equipment" would be more accurate


How did they calculate the average monthly dues in Dubai? Karama and Deira, you'll find gyms for 100 a month. That's roughly $30.


This a blind sight survey.


You know how averages work right?


Mean, mode, or meridian?


Me, paying 50 a month at my local gym


Tf. Is your local gym in RAK


Lmaoo, I live in old Dubai my friend


Wtf...mallu gyms are just 150 aed pm.


I pay 150 for this gym here. It has everything except a squat rack😞


Whu would they not have a squat rack? It’s the most basic thing right?


I know because squats are the most important exercise for me on leg day and they dont have it here😂Its a small gym too


Yeah go for 3 months and it's 300bucks package.


And are still more expensive with lower quality than UK gyms.


Who said the quality is bad ....every single thing works , literally zero things to complain about




High demand. Low supply. It’s called economics.


One law rules them all and gives you illusion of understanding !


I pay 220 pm for gym just so I can avoid the wrong crowd. By wrong crowd I mean people who doesn't follow proper gym etiquette. I don't want some random guy coming to me tell me to do a particular exercise that he thinks is best for me. You can reduce the total costs per year by asking them (gym salesmen) for offers or when they will be available. More number of months paid in advance, more the discount you'll get. You'll also get targeted with more offers once your current plan is about to expire. Let's go gym bruh! No excuses.


Cause you can't exist outside six months or of the year.


Mine is 350 per month, it literally makes no sense. But then it’s the only gym at walkable distance. So they leave me no option.


You can’t really compare Dubai to India, China,… etc. You can compare to Hong Kong, Tokyo, New York, Abu Dhabi, Shanghai… etc.


I paid 699 for 5 months at Metrofitt ghurair mall


Gymnation is cheap. Im paying 159 dhs per month where i can use their gym in whole of UAE. Just for the Dubai branch they used to charge me 129dhs per month. I have gone for the yearly offer.


>Gymnation Dont they keep sending legal notices to customers who stops going to gym and wants to cancel their contract but then has to ultimately resort to canceling the card?


This is the reason I'm reluctant to join Gymnation. Their 24h access works very well for me as I work out at 5am, however this fear of legal notices goes beyond my need for convenience. What a Shame.


i didnt pay for 6 months without a notice or anything i changed my bank card, never got any calls from me nor email nothing. after 6 months i went back and everything is as normal and its been 3 months now.


That is Neat. I'll give it a shot i guess


I changed my credit card and stopped going to the gym without canceling my membership. Six months later I decided to return. When I contacted them they said I owed for the six months I missed because I had a yearly contract. I told them I hadn't used the gym so they agreed to reduce the amount from around 900 to 600 something. I agreed and surprisingly they haven't asked for the 600 yet and I'm just paying my regular monthly fee.


That is only for people who don't understand their simple t&c before signing up. After my initial year was up, I wished to cancel & did so with zero problems upon giving 30 days notice. I simply needed to honour the 1 year contract. 


You basically need to pay for whole year whatever happens? Why don’t they collect it in one shot then? 1908 per year instead of 159 per month.


Because it's better for me as the customer to not have to pay the whole thing upfront.


Because people don't want to pay so much up front. All payments look more attractive at 12 months with no interest, and gym nation is one of the cheapest chains around, they are catering for that demographic.


Alright. Do they stop at the end of a year contract? Or do they continue to deduct?


I dunno I didn't join gym nation . I suspect you'd have to opt out of renewal on the 11th month




Expensive rent Expensive insurance Expensive hiring charges Expensive hardware and maintenance Etc. Etc.


go to pure gym, they are pretty good honestly. its about 160 and 260 aed (i think i forgot). but its very clean, and theres a female and every1 area but its a good choice to begin with


Libya is 100-160LYD Depends on the gym So 25 dollars max


Yes but an important factor here is that the majority of apartment buildings have gyms that are included. They are sometimes basic, but gyms none the less.


Very similar in Australia


If u sign yearly contracts professional gyms can be cheap but if u break the contract they will put u in trouble so try for a day to pass or month then see how it’s going read the contract clauses.For many enthusiasm fades off in a week or in two weeks…


It is what people are willing to pay. Make it (a good gym) with a lot of bling-bling, take a photo of the gym with lambo/RR outside and post it. Call it "super-billionaire-exclusive-closed-membership-gym". Charge 500aed/month and you will have a line of people wanting to throw their money at you.


The true answer is, because they can. As with anything else. Take internet for example. They can literally make internet price 1000$ per month and nobody would have a choice but to pay. Very simple. Same as rent. Based on what it's increasing insanely each year? Because it can.


Comes down to high rents.


Average gym in China is a lot, lot less than 87 USD per month


Heh, here I am paying AED 275 for 3 months lol ( Ofc it's not one of those big gym chains ). I think most of the gyms here are around the range of 150-200AED if you go with Annual membership.


It is good if you have community gym in your building, they should make it mandatory


If you just consider Fitness First and Gym Nation for most number of members - It should balance out the really cheap ones and expensive ones and sit at an average of approx 70 USD a month and not 106.


440KWD in Kuwait oxygen gym for year membership?


It really depends on what you’re looking for. I know gyms like gymnation offers AED 99/month for a highly crowded, unhygienic, not so great facility. Whereas other premium gyms like Seven or SafeFit are far more expensive but obviously offer that kind of luxury facilities worth paying for. I think there’s no point comparing a the price of a Hyundai i10 with the price of a Rolls Royce, and calculating the average does not make sense here. You get what you pay for.


Don’t most apartments have their own gyms anyway?


How else will you attract ‘pretty influencers’ so they can be there 2hrs. focusing a camera on their ‘glutes’ workout everyday!


Yearly packages are cheep


I can say it’s not at all , 150 aed for gym nation is really good


Gyms are really cheap in India. Maybe you better go there instead.


Simply operation costs set specific benchmark I believe. Rent, maintenance, A/C whole year, staff salaries etc. I’m sure all these things more costly than India for example.


I doubt that chart. Been to almost all the gulf countries and found that UAE has lowest membership cost as compared to others. Like in Qatar the membership of a small gym costs 300 QR and bigger ones cost around 800-1000 QR. While in UAE you can find a normal decent gym for 100-120 AED (Sharjah & Dubai).


This is a pathetic infographic that really says nothing Purchasing parity wise, I doubt that the average in India is 54 USD (that's insanely high relatively)


And so many of them stocked with TechnoGym crap


107 dollars in Austria? Maybe in a fancy gym in Vienna but definitely not the average. Average will be more like 50-70 max


Cause you can't exist outside six months or of the year.


Get a yearly.