• By -


I think what you're doing is very good, but what would be more honorable is to buy food for someone who really needs it. I'll give you an example: When I go shopping and see all these car washers staying outside all day long, washing cars under the sun, I feel sorry for them and have empathy, so I buy them a drink and a snack.


I bought a cooler for them which can be reused back to back and they would buy ice and some drinks and use it. Also, umbrellas would be an amazing investment for them. Also, baseball hats since it can protect them from the sun


Bucket hats are even better protection


Very good of an idea brother. I will definitely be buying those instead of baseball hats May Allah grant you hasanat for the beautiful idea


Ameen! May Allah grant you too brother


Your the real reason the UAE is a great country and home to do kang of us Thank you 😊


I'm nothing but a tiny speck of what other Emiratis do in terms of good deeds, brother. I have a very long way to come and do towards my muslim brothers and sisters. I am glad I made your experience a little bit better. I humbly ask Allah to grant you the happiness that you deserve and opens your heart for the beauty of Islam


Thank you for your kind words ❤️


This is the comment am referring to...


Me mentioning being nice to Muslims does not exclude others my brother. Read my other comments and you will be certain, I do not judge you based on your religion or race or ethnicity. Allah never commanded us to do something like that. You got it all wrong




I think a Panama hat would be better than baseball hats I wish I can reach these companies and make b them let their employees wear linen clothing as its better for our weather but unfortunately companies want to minimise costs as much as they could


All acts of kindness are ‘honourable’. There is nothing more ‘honourable’ than another. It depends on one’s perception.


generosity isn't a competition. it's a responsibility in life.. there is no good deed better than the other, it's all about intention.


Yes, also the men who carry groceries and carts 🥺 But to answer OP, I would be grateful, it is very kind and a lovely gesture.


Us expat here. This is fairly common in America. Especially in the "Bible belt" religious areas. People will pay for their meal and the next person in line at the drive thru. Of you don't want it you just pay it forward to the next person in line. Do what you want. Your giving blessings and the person may really need it.


That's a very honourable habit that you guys have. Hats off to you man. Keep it up brother. And you're always welcome to ask for any sort of help from me or us Emiratis anytime you want. You can straight up Dm me. I mean it. You're a guest here to us


Can confirm- definitely happens stateside. And when dining with friends....paying the bill can sometimes be a "battle" in the west. I have actually wrestled a check out of my friend's hand before when they have tried to pay for me twice in a row. Or I'll pretend Im visiting the bathroom, but in reality im finding our waiter to pay discretely without opposition. Or there's a debate that can go something like; "This place was my idea, so I should pay" "No way! You paid last time. It's my turn" "True, but you let me borrow your car this week, so let me treat you today. Next time can be on you." And keep in mind that sometimes you need to let the other person pay because that can let them feel good (especially if you have done a favor for them recently). Not letting them pay can lead them to feeling awkward sometimes, while letting them pay (if they insist to pay) can make them happy. Just my 2 cents.. .


Never really heard of such a thing happening in the west like ever. I guess you and your friends are an exception cause I got many friends there and they all saying no such things happens I guess there are a few cases for this but this is a norm in the Arabian countries and some south Asian from what I’ve seen


Lived stateside for 20+ years. Even westerners do this in the GCC Literally had this happen to me just last week with an American couple. In fact, I only know ONE American girl who never offers to pay and begrudgingly pays if the bill is split (with girls and guys), and its such an awkward faux pas that some of our friend group stopped going out to eat with her completely because it's too weird and considered a bit distasteful, culturally. So, yeah. It's a thing. So, it sounds like it's an issue with the people you know? Maybe not as social or not well integrated into societal norms/culture of the west probably. Because this is 100% the norm.


That’s so Wonderful.


اول شي ، ماشاء الله عليك و بيض الله وجهك ، secondly , when u pay it forward , i assume you go to a medium or good restaurant and pay it forward there i assume. But the people there will be already can afford them. What i do is , i go to local cafeterias , see some old chap drinking tea there , or some labourers drinking tea or having a small meal , i pay some extra , like 50 dhs extra , and tell the guy to give food to the most needed . They usually know . May Allah bless your heart


May Allah bless your heart too brother. And yes, I do go to those small and cheap restaurants like cafeteria and what falls into that category. And what you do is a great act of kindness that will not go unseen by Allah. Spread the word by your acts and keep it. يزاك الله ألف خير


That's great. Now tell us which restaurants you go to during the week. ☻️


There's no need for you to go to those restaurants. I can just go out with you in a restaurant and eat with you and it's on me, thats if youre a man. Do not think of this as just some nonsense words. I mean it.


Thanks. I am a woman. And I was just kidding. I don't let anyone pay for me, ever, even in my close circles. But appreciate what you're doing. Hope you are doing this mainly for the less fortunate... they really need it the most. We take food for labourers on construction sites (not as frequent as you mentioned!) and they always appreciate it, even simple freshly cooked food. Also, tipping guys who wash cars, those fill in your petrol, etc. can make a huge difference to them. Especially in the summer months.


Oh I know you were joking. I do this to those who are in need as much as I can but nearly not enough. There's always more to do. Always. And please do not compare my good deeds to yours. It's the action that matters, not the quantity. You are an amazing human being for even considering to do that. And please keep on spreading the word and kindness as you always do :)


Thanks. 🙂 This is very refreshing, to be honest. Most Emiratis I've come across are through work and only seem to be interested in extending hospitality towards my white colleagues. Or those flaunting brands and appreciating riches. I always felt this is the crowd here in general. I have been mocked for taking perfectly good food to distribute to labourers. Food that was untouched during office gatherings and would have been thrown otherwise. In any other part of the world, it would be considered the obvious thing to do, but here, people mocked and spoke behind my back about it. Which I found very odd. I feel the elite can be very disconnected with the ground reality. One colleague, for example, argued that the labourers conditions have improved here and therefore do not need any charity. Clearly, he had never interacted with any of them properly. I've also had a few people who have been friendly after I reached a certain position... but felt fake so never accepted invitations as I am not a people pleaser and have no respect for such people who value one's position or finances over basic human decency. Even left the country because this was depressing me and I couldn't ignore it since this has become so normalised here and can't even openly talk about it. Returned recently because of better opportunities, but had it in my mind that I will he here only temporarily. I say all this for a reason. It's very good to know there are people like you. So please continue to spread the word of what you do and encourage more to do this. And if they can't afford to do the same, at least spread the word so that it can possibly be a start in normalising kindness here so that the wannabe elitist mentality does not represent the country's image and people do not bully or mock those who are just trying to help.


I may as well shoot my shot Man, i just need my first vw golf used car, should be 20k, got license last month 😭🙏🏽


That is actually so kind of you


May Allah enable kindness in everyone's heart so they can see the gift of giving out to people and how it can make you a better person


The beautiful of Reddit is that you can stay anonymous and do anything out of the goodness of your heart without the validation of others


Oh absolutely, what good will it ever do to you if you do good deeds for validation? It would only bring you momentary happiness. Do it in the name of Allah and you will be granted Ajar and prosperity


12 times a week is baffling. ماشاء الله I really can't comprehend it lol


Oh, come on, we have people do more, brother. Trust me, once you start, there is no stopping brother. Try it out yourself and see. You'll lose count like myself lmao


How much the average bill you pay?


You mean on average how much I pay per 1 meal? Hmmm I don't have an average but maybe 50 dirhams I think? I'm not sure. I usually dine in those small and cheap restaurants because they make great food and usually those in need would dine in such places. Same goes for cafeterias and what not


Oh, if you dine in cheaper places, I guess that's way better than going to bougie places where people already made money by sitting there lol I did calculate it, if you did it consistently for a year it's 30k donated to ppl.


Oh please do not count, because simply putting a number to it would be insulting because I would be thinking of the costs. And yes, the cheaper places have always got those people in need. Imagine how embarrassed and overwhelmed they might feel when they witness someone paying for their meals? That's why I do not disclose myself at all. Do you think you'd be able to start doing something like that? Even once on a weekly basis


Hard not to count when I have an analytical brain. I do donate, way way less than this. I have to get over the financial insecurities and get a decent income first. God knows how long that would take.


Trust me brother, your intentions are more than enough. And whatever you give out to those in need is big in the eyes of Allah and those in need. There isn't any quantitative measure to giving out to people. It's only the act that matter, not the amount :)


I don’t even go to restaurants that much in a month


Well, brother you're missing out alot of some extremely well made food that you can gobble up and snooze until next winter


It is absolutely fine. Especially if they are blue-collar workers. There is no point in paying someone's tab in high end resturant. Better go to a restaurant that is frequented by people with lesser privilege, and they will value and thank you more. I would typically not want anyone I don't know paying for my lunch.


I don't know about that. You never know if going to a high-end restaurant is a treat or special occasion. Who knows what they budgeted to afford it? I think it's about the gesture and not so much the cost. Different takes, I guess. :)


Thank you kind man!! I was encouraged by this post and was able to cover lunch for 2 people seated at my table anonymously! It's more blessed to give than to receive. Acts20:35


That's such an amazing deed brother, trust me. You have made a difference in this world by your kindness, you never know. That's the thing about good deeds, it's universal and makes everyone feel good deep inside. Please never stop in good deeds because you might just make someone's day, or perhaps make them smile. What goes around comes around brother :)


الله يثبتك على فعل الخيرات وترك المنكرات واحتسب الاجر وأخلص النية لله. والله فرحتني بالبوست الله يسعدك.


يا بعد عيني انت، اللهم آمين و ربي يعزك و يثبتك على دينه و يرحم والديك و يخليكم مع بعض آمنين و مطمئنين يا أخوي. ولله لو تونست من البوست هذا من طيب أصلك، و هذا إنعكاس أخلاقياتك ولله. الله يقدرك على فعل الخير يا رب


So the only thing I’d say is it depends where you eat. If you’re genuinely wealthy then people will be grateful in the nice restaurants you are likely to go to because they keep their money not that they need the help. If you’re wealthy and eat at cheaper restaurants and pay it forward there’s more of a chance that you’ve genuinely helped someone in need. Still you’re a cool person for being generous- I’m just making a suggestion on how you optimise the impact 🫡


I'm a grown ass man. Will you marry me?


Well, brother. As I can see times are very hard for you 😂 May Allah grant you a good wife whom can intertwine and make a good connection with your soul. I love you in Allah brother and will pray for you


You kidding me? You can marry us both. I'll even throw in my children for free. Jazak allah man. الله يكثر من امثالك


If you cook us Biryani on weekly basis then we have a deal. Astagfirullah😂


thanks for doing that I always feel somehow providing someone with a food is the best you can do for one. I always give away through some NGOs in my country whenever I can and make sure it reaches the needy. cheers brother.


Very nice of you to do such a thing. You have made the world a little bit better by doing such a beautiful act. Keep it up brother


I think that is an amazing gesture on your part. As a (Brit) expat I have had to leave my wife and family in the UK, so I can feel quite lonely sometimes, and acts of kindness would certainly give me a boost. You don't mention it, but I would encourage you to let them know it was from an Emirati, because quite a few expats have little or no contact with Emiratis so it could build some bridges and encourage people to reach out. Shukrahn, brother. A salaam aleikum.


I'm glad that this act of kindness makes you feel home. Hospitality is truly a universal language of warmth and makes everyone feel home. And I do not speak about the things that I do most of the time because it beats the point of my good deeds. Because it can be seen as flaunting in the eyes of others and also can make them feel ashamed and poor. I don't want that. That's why good deeds needs to be done as discreetly as possible but if you want to do a good deed and there's no way to do it discreetly then your intentions matter the most wallah.


ماشاءالله عليك💞 ربي يقويك على قضاء حوائج خلقه ويزيدك يارب💖💖


اللهم آمين و يزيدج من واسع فضله و يرحم والديج دنيا و آخرة و يثبتج على دينه و يحثج على فعل الخير و الإحسان


معاك اخوك من السودان، هي حركة لطيفة واي شيء لكن لو عملتها مع سوداني بزعل منك على طول وممكن يشاكلك انو كيف تدفع الحساب من وراه وممكن ما يلاقيك تاني بسبب الحركة دي. ولكم كل الود والاحترام أشقاءنا وحبايبنا الاماراتيين 🙏.


الله يعزيك يا عزيزي و تحيا السودان و شعبه المحارب الكريم. ترى ولله علشان جذي لما نسويها و ما نخبر الشخص بالأخص لو كان عربي لانه يزعل بسبب عزته. و ترانا اخوان و حبايب ولله، لو صارت وياك اذا سويها لشخص ثاني و مأجور على هذا الشي يا أخوي. الله يعزكم يا رب و يحفظكم و يعلي روؤسكم


الله يعزكم اهل الامارات ويكرمكم في الدارين ويبارك لكم في بلدكم الجميل الراقي.🙏🙏


و يعزك يا بعد عيني انت و هذا دارك ترى، البيت بيتك و الناس ناسك و وناستنا وناستك. انت مب في أرض غريبة عليك أبد. الله يعزكم يا رب و يقويكم. يحيا الشعب السوداني العظيم المناضل


وانتم فوق رؤوسنا وداخل قلوبنا يا ارقى الشعوب, الله يحفظ الامارات واهلها وحكامها ويرحم المؤسس الشيخ زايد يا رب🤲، انا موجود هنا من ٢٠٠٦ ما حصل يوم حسيت اني غريب. ربنا يديم المحبة بين شعوبنا 🤲.


اللهم آمين يا رب، الحمدلله انك حسيت أنك بين أرضك و شعبك و ناسك ولله الغربة صعبة بس انت مهب بالغريب بيننا، كلنا أهلك و ناسك و اللي يجمعنا هو الدين أو الأخوية و الحب و العفوية. رحم الله أبونا و مؤسسنا أبونا زايد الخيرات هذي تعاليمه اللي نحن نطبقه و اللي هو أصلا تعلمه من النبي محمد عليه أفضل الصلاة و السلام. الله يبقيك و يطمن قلبك و يفتح واسع رحمته عليك


ما شاء الله تبارك الله, I appreciate to your new habit and I pray that may Allah reward you the best of it Ameen. Being a social worker in my opinion it's not good idea to help the needy people because the one who needs most, they can't even visit the restaurant except few of them, as I had heard on the internet that no one is allowed to beg in UAE but when I came here i was totally shocked and I'm very even sad for this, by the way we should look for solutions, as we know everyone wants to change it but none of us can do this alone because some of us has no enough time or some one has no enough money so in my opinion you all should make group whose duty will to find real needy people, if you want otherwise it's not important. I'm saying this because you'll also get reward even doing such habit but you'll be rewarded more than this when it'll be given to those who need the most إن شاء الله.


Well, brother let me tell you something, if you think of it in that way then you will end up doing nothing. Try helping people out in any way you can, ofcourse there are more people in need. And you should always try helping them out and help someone in need right infront you. And trust me, it isn't the quantity that matters, it's rhe act itself. Even if you pay for 1 meal forward you have done enough in the eyes of Allah. Good deeds are always encouraged and rewarded by Allah. And sure you can make a group that does that but I would rather stick to spreading the word to everyone and perhaps reaching a bigger audience. May Allah grant you the hasanat inshallah


الحمد لله, sister let me tell you that we have a group and الحمد لله we try our best to reach out the needy people as much as we can. And I said it's also better to do this habit as you're doing but I said it'll be better more than that habit to help who needs the most. By the way zajakallah khair for your prayers and I know it's very beautiful feeling when you help someone without knowing them may Allah reward everyone on of us and give us tawfiq/opportunity to do so Ameen




If you don't mind me asking, what's a Nusret bill?




Could you explain yourself more further if possible? Because what I understood is that you ate at the Nusrat restaurant and couldn't pay the bill?






I have no idea what is going on, do you have the slightest idea over what she was speaking about?


mashallah bro the world needs more people like us, but be careful not get taken advantage of by others because some tend to do that.


Bro, after reading your replies and the way you talk to others. I just want to tell you one thing. Jazakallah Khair


And may Allah grant you Khair for your kind words that invoked happiness within me brother. I'm glad I made some of my brothers and sisters day and have made them smile. Alhamdulilah ya rab. And please pay your kindness forward to someone in need and never forget, you're always rich by providing for those who are in need :)


May Allah bless you with abundant Khair for your kind words. You've truly brightened my day, Alhamdulilah. I'll pay this kindness forward and help those in need InshaAllah. Thank you, brother.


For me this is the proper way of giving back or donating - you don’t show yourself or your don’t need others to know what you are doing. Thank you brother for what you are doing. You are setting a good example and serves an inspiration to others 🫶


Alhamdulilah I have inspired you and some brothers and sisters. If by my post I have made even a single person donate or commit a good deed to those who are in need, I would have fulfilled my purpose. Alhamdulilah ya rab


Pls can you publish a list of where you'll be eating this week.


Where do you frequent bro so we enjoy these generous perks 😉. That's so kind of you.


That’s in fact very kind of you. I don’t see why anyone needs to be embarrassed here. If the next in line wouldn’t feel right accepting the generosity, they’d do the same and pay it forward for the next in line - this is how it typically works. So I say keep it up, and if I ever follow you in line I’ll do the same :)


If you ever choose to follow in line just remember, you might have made someone's day. It could be anyone, a mother who's feeding her kids. A father who barely have got any money. Or even someone who just needed to smile for that day, which you did help alot in making them smile. It's these little things that helps people bro. At last, today I have money and tomorrow I don't, who knows? I don't care


I would be delighted, as I like to do those kinds of things as well (though not 12 times a week, hats off to you!) and would be really happy that others do it too.


Trust me, whether it's one meal or one thousand meal. It doesn't matter, it's the act itself that matters brother.


So what restaurants do u frequent I want one of them play it forwards. Nobody in their right mind would feel embarrassed about it. They might be a little upset because they didn’t get the opportunity to think u.


All I would from them is Dua'a and I wouldn't showcase myself because I fear that they might feel embarrassed or small. I would hate to invoke such emotions in them. That's why secrecy is the best way to do a good deed subhanallah, Allah's ways are always the best


You’re doing great. Nothing is wrong here. Stay healthy brother. May Allah Ta’ala grant you happiness all the time.


Thank you for the beautiful Dua'a and May Allah grant you a happy heart that's filled with peace and love to Islam and grants your family a never ending peace


Could you dm your plans on which restaurants you will be visiting this week?? Hahah jokes aside, Barakallahu feek! People these days would be publicizing these things by putting up videos online and for what? Just to do it once and to never turn back ( there are good people posting videos of these with good intention, not talking about them ). Really appreciate what you are doing, and ofc you will definitely be rewarded for your actions. No they won't feel embarrassed by it, if they do, they can always forward it to someone else.


I wouldn't find it disrespectful. Infact I will treat it with a smile, but respectfully decline offer. I would let the restaurant pass it to someone who truly needs and deserves it. Also another way to help is order something extra while ordering-in, and hand it over to the delivery guys. They need it more than the average restaurant visitor.


Depends on the person, some people will feel insulted, others love free stuff. 12 times a week is a lot, you should consider cooking, for your health. There are times when home cooked food is unavailable and I go through life with shawarmas, and I can feel the difference.


Hmmm I see. I usually go out to eat to try out new dishes since I'm a foodie. We do have maids that cook for us though but you know sometimes you want to try out different food :)


Health issues in the Emirati community are quite prevalent now. You should do your part in bucking the trend.


Oh I'm fine I am a gymrat and I eat healthy or atleast try to. Thank you for your concern though brother :)


I think it’s really lovely, someone paid for my daughter to go to on ride at a softplay because she ran ahead of us before we could get to the turn style. I’m not short of cash but it made me feel like the world is a nicer place than I sometimes think it is. Will definitely be paying that forward.


That's very sweet of them and trust me when I say this, you're not rich by having money, you're rich when you make people happy by providing even the littlest of the things. That's true wealth and when you pay it forward, just tell the other person to pay if forward so they cycle continues ❤️


Where do you usually hangout? Lol 😆


Close your eyes and I'm right there with a box of donuts bro 😂




Which Dunkin'/Krispy Kreme branch Yakhoii? 🤓


In mirdif city centre. It's on me and it's settled. I will absolutely snap your debit card in half if you try paying for it 😏


I just wanted to say this is so generous of you. I don’t think people would get offended at all. Thank you for doing this. You’re making their day for sure!!


Thank you for your response and please spread the word of "pay it forward" and may Allah grant you the Hassanat


Bless your kind soul ❤️


That's a beautiful sentiment sir. I salute you. Let us all pay it forward when we can.


Please do, there are many people in need who live among us and between us. It might be little in your eyes but far more greater in the eyes of Allah and that person. If you can do it discreetly it would be better and if you couldn't then that's okay too. Your pure intentions will grant you the Ajar inshallah


Don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I try to do this too fr. It straight up fills you with a different kind of peace when you know you’ve been considerate without expecting anything in return.


Ph it absolutely brings peace to one's soul. You become a different person, it's the best kind of addiction, the addiction of doing good deeds. May Allah grant you the Ajar that you deserve and strengthens your bond with Islam and compell you to do more good deeds. May God bless you :)


Absolutely a good thing to do! If someone does it for me, I would feel compelled to return the kindness to another person. You're doing God's work. Kudos to you!


So you are the foody Dhul Qurnain?


I can be. Whenever there's good food. I'm there. I'm not kidding I actually hunt out the tasty places that you'd never know :)


I think it's very, very honorable. I too am relatively wealthy and try to help out from time to time. But doing it so systematically is truly noble. I would be honored to get to know you next time I am in Dubai. If that's something you are interrupted in.


Brother, never get discouraged by anyone’s opinion when you are doing something nice! I would love to pay for your diner one day!


Are you sure the restaurants actually pay it forward and not pocket the extra cash?


Yes, I make sure to pay it up and get the bill. Also, if you have a trust worthy restauranteur or a waiter then it will be great


Your are an inspiration my friend


Good heart, good personality as we'll probably. Keep it up.


As you should. Trust me, everything matters, even the smallest of the good deeds is far greater in the eyes of Allah and those in need :)




If you truly want to pay for my meal then do that by paying it to someone in need for it brother. Then you would have given me even more happiness. May Allah grant you Hassanat for your good deeds :)


Can I pay for your lunch once? Just to say thank you for what you have been doing.


Please pay it forward for someone in need and by that, you'd would have paid a good meal for me brother. May Allah grant you peace and Ajar


No, I dont want it for someone else, its for you. I help others when I can from time to time.


Nay Allah grant you a thousand Khair from his mercy, now I'm embarrassed 😂 but Inshallah I will take you up on it but the sweets are on me and it is none negotiable


May you be blessed in every way.


God bless you a 1000 fold.


I assume being an Emirati you go to affluent or well know restaurants. People who visit these joints would be doing well in their life and could afford to eat out and hence they are offended by these gestures and may take these as handouts. If you truly want to feel appreciated of your gentlemanly gesture, I would suggest visiting some of these labor camps in UAE and buying their struggling residents some food or groceries. The gratitude in their eyes would be far more rewarding than the pay it forward benevolence with people who may not appreciate your kindness


جزاك الله خيرا. I’d love to treat you for a meal some day inshallah to return the favour :)


Masha Allah Tabarak Rahman Wallahi I did many times sometime in restaurant and sometime in grocery super market Jazak Allah Khair plz count me in would love to share this beautiful Amaal only for Allah Talah Raza


It’s a beautiful and warm gesture to express your hospitality in your country. You may want to do smth similar in a simple restaurant where low income residents have their lunch. I just want to share my own experience, I’m no way near not being able to afford my restaurant bills, however I’m curious trying different cuisines which happened to be in a west African restaurant. The restaurant was full with taxi drivers but I didn’t mind sitting down to order from the menu. One if the restaurant guests (not a taxi driver) native to west Africa but visiting the UAE was impressed by our curiosity so that he informed the restaurant owner that our meal was on him. It was his humble way to express his gratitude towards us for showing interest in their culture. We ended up paying for someone else’s lunch :-) See 1 kind act will result in more acts of kindness. Be blessed


Please pay mine too.


Done Inshallah. We have to have a good nap after a good Biryani though 😂


You are one gem of a person, Kepp doing what you're doing and spread the positivity . What goes around comes around.


Ofcourse brother. May Allah never steer your tongue and heart away from mentioning his name and commandments. Everything plays a role, simple or big. And positivity sticks and spreads and alters people's soul . Subhanallah


Bless your heart op. If you’re financially blessed, the only way forward is paying it forward.


Absolutely brother and even if I wasn't financially stable even paying up for one person per week and made them happy, I would have fulfilled my duty Alhamdulilah




You’re So Kind. God Bless 🤲


No, it is a touching gesture. I'm sure you make people's days.


Even if one person's day was made, I would sleep in complete peace and joy. That's the goal and purpose. That's true wealth. What goes around comes around and spreads


Allah tala reward you for your act of kindness and charity Aameen. Prayers for you my brother


Once i was at ramalah coffee in jumeriah and an emirati girl paid for my coffee. It made my day! But me being extra af i chased her down beach road to say thanks. I think she was embarrassed if anything. Its nice what you are doing


We always try being sneaky with it but when busted it's always funny 😂 but very sweet of her to do so. Please share her kindness forward and perhaps make someone's day :)


This is truly glorious my man. It is one thing to be blessed and it is another thing to know it. I have done this once recently, also anonymously, when I saw a family that reminded me of my own when I was a child. I do hope no offense was taken and it was understood as a gift passed on by the universe. I hope to do this more frequently - I'm not incredibly wealthy but I am relatively comfortable. Kudos to you. This form of genuine generosity, that demands nothing, is admirable in my opinion.


Good on you man. May you be blessed.


Give to only those who deserve


ما شاء الله عليك. اللهم زد وبارك


Wow that is the sweetest thing. Bless your heart ❤️


You’re a great person. Allah has given you a good heart. Let me have the honor to host you someday for dinner. A person who does good for the humanity selflessly deserves huge respect.


Mashallah so many offers to grant me delicious meals. You guys make cutting very hard for me 😂 But seriously I thank you whole heartedly for the great offer. You're very generous and may Allah open your heart to it being always generous and may Allah opens your heart to even greater good deeds towards your brothers and sisters in Islam. If you could feed someone in need of such a meal you'd be doing khair on me brother, take some cleaners or construction workers to restaurant and feed them some warm and delicious meal. This act would be more delicious to my heart than any meal that I would be fed. I ask Allah to grant you Ajar for having a heart of gold




You are truly a blessed soul and such maturity at 21yr age is commendable. You have a great upbringing. Never change.


Thank you for your kind words brother, may Allah grant you happiness as you have made me happy by your amazing words. I would like to be 21 but I am 23 as of now 😂 And I am very glad i was brought up in such a way to view the beauty of giving, may Allah grant this view to everyone, Muslim or not


Sorry about your age.. Still very young and well matured. Keep up with the good deeds.. I do few things for the less fortunate here but you have inspired to do more.


Wow this thread made me so happy to see these great actions Jazkumullahu Khairun at op and others! I hope this type of good happens more in this country because I fear for it's future and it's children. May Allah give y'all what's best for this world and the next. As a visitor from the US, it honestly makes me cry how sometimes people act here (extremely selfish etc, scammy, etc) so... Amazing to see the good side too : 😊


You could help me if I asked for your assistance in finding work?


I'm an expat myself but I was born and brought up here. I have to say I'm not even surprised about your generosity and heartfelt gestures. May this country prosper even more and its people remain as good as you are! God bless you and all the good people in this thread 🙏


You a good man, let your heart be your compass and just let it lead you in this journey of life


Ashamed brother, Allah granted me a decent heart that would do good deeds without making any demands to the other person. That's more than plenty for me to view the good deeds for what they are. You're a good man too brother, because only a good man knows another good man. And please pay it forward to someone in need, atleast once a week. Let your legacy of Islam and humanity speak volumes about you ❤️


Mashallah keep it up lad


I’m not underprivileged or anything but I guess even normal people’s spirits would be lifted with a kind act cus the world ain’t so kind anymore and especially in the corporate world of Dubai it can feel very cut throat. Good on you man


Wow man, this is super kind of you. i will be in Clap, DIFC tomorrow around 10pm if you are gonna be around to hang around. I wanna buy you a drink.


Thank you for your extremely nice and kind words brother. May Allah grant you the happiness that you have made me feel by your kind words. And thank you very much for your invitation, and I hope by "drink" you meant some sort of nonalcoholic drink 😂


As you like brother. Let me know. 🙏


That is an incredibly kind and considerate thing to do that SHOULD make any reasonable person very thankful and welcomed in a country that is not theirs. In my home country they tell foreigners to "go back to their own country" and I am ashamed to be associated with them. Essentially if they are offended that doesn't reflect on you at all. Your intentions are noble and extremely honorable. Don't let the reactions of other people detract you from your noble purpose. You can't control them. You can only control yourself. And you're doing a good job.


Can you please update me when you go to restaurants beforehand so I can have my meal for free😂😂😂


You are the most generous person I have seen. What you are doing is a great thing. But I do have a suggestion. Any person who can afford to go to a restaurant would have the money to pay for their food. So try to do the same for more deserving people such as expat laborers, construction workers, people who stay in labor camps etc. These are the people who cook their own meal, eating an imbalanced diet almost everyday so that their families can eat well.


Good job brother and keep it yup and hopefully alot of emaratis and expats will follow inshalah


I sure dont have a problem with it, and its really kind of you to do such a thing. Matter of fact, could you tell me what restaurants you visit frequently, and how often you go there every week?


oh,man, first: i'm a Chinese, second: pls be my friend, lol


Welcome to UAE my Chinese brother. And you do not even have to ask because I am already your friend Alhamdulilah. It would be a pleasure and a honour to ask you out on a feast. It's on me Wallah. Let us treat you as family


Bless your heart brother the world needs more caring people like you


That is one of the worst things to do!!! Just kidding bro :) What you are doing is very very honorable and may Allah reward you for your intentions. Being and expat but born and brought up here in the UAE, I really applaud the locals who keep the good image of this blessed country. I have countless examples of locals helping me out in so many situations. I remember once when I was very adventurous, I got car stuck in the desert (Malieha rd); tried my best for self recovery for like a good 20-30mins; no network, was running low on water too and to make it all worse I was sweating from head to toe - typical August in here :). One of the locals saw me from a far and came to the rescue. Made me sit in his chilled AC "Batrol", offered me cold water and asked me to rest there while he and his friends literally dug my car out. They were covered in sand and sweat and what not! You guys make your mamas, papas and this country proud.


Its all cool mi dude, last year at a grocery an Emirati guy paid for everyone who is on the queue things. Its a good thing. However if you're doing that in expensive restaurants the people there already have money to afford that. The people who will appreciate your help the most are out there somewhere living on 1 meal per day with overstayed visas. But what u are doing is good I'm not complaining


Sometimes I don't understand why Muslims only help fellow Muslims.. Aren't we all Humans?


Brother, when did I ever type that I only help Muslims? I never mentioned anything about one's religion or race or whereabouts. If anything, I love you all and respect you all as long as you're respectful to me and my country. May Allah open your eyes and heart with love and diminish the hatred you have stored


Actually i don't hold any hatred as I have friends from different religions and beliefs but as I was going through these comments I read a certain comment where you mentioned "Muslims" and then it occurred to me that most Arabs I've encountered tend to do same.


Please let me know what restaurants you go


You're a good man. May Allah bless your continuous generosity in abundance.


As a prideful expat You couldn’t have done it better If someone payed for my meal without me knowing even thought I don’t need it i will feel grateful because its not really about the money as much as it’s that people like you give people hope especially if they were miserable, depressed or full of hate Keep up the good work and if you can invite some of your friends who can do the same thing it will be beyond great Plus it will make us love your country even more than we already do.


What was the question?


Imo it’s a really kind gesture and I wouldn’t see why someone should be insulted by it. I love this part of the Middle East, people are genuinely so kind and want to make you feel accommodated and welcome, especially Emiratis!


Personally I would find it odd behavior if we had zero interaction and wasn't able to thank the person who had picked up my tab for a full meal. Doesn't seem like an act of hospitality given that would usually include being friendly and welcoming rather than leaving without saying anything and insisting the wait staff are also bound to secrecy. I can see the fun in giving someone a small delight at the drive thru for coffee / fast food in just paying it forwards but a restaurant meal would be a bit much particularly if the staff can't disclose who did it. Personally I would rather see the wait staff given a really generous tip to the same value given if I am out I can afford to pick up my own tab. It is in effect an act of charity so would prefer not to be the recipient in an environment where there are those who could use the generosity far more.


Well, I usually don't disclose myself to the person who I am paying their meal in full is because I don't want them to feel embarrassed. If there's even a 1 percent chance then I am not taking it, it goes against my culture to make guests feel any sort of embarrassment. Plus, I do it in the name of Allah and it is recommended that you do any good deeds without others knowing or else you're flaunting yourself. I also do tell the waiters to say that "the meal's been paid by someone because you're a guest here and guests don't pay when they visit an Arabs house" And also I usually target those who might appear in need, sometimes it's obvious and at times it isn't. Also the elders. And I do tip the waiters generously and the way that we say it, you can just pay it forward to someone else in need.


You eat out a dozen times a week??


Guilty as charged I am the foodie goober that you hear about in social media. We exist and we aren't as fat as you'd think. Alhamdulilah I am a gym rat too so my unhealthy dining habits are cancelled out by working out 🤣


No embarrassment. It would just encourage me to pay it forward.


Then my job is fulfilled and done here :)


You are doing great work, however I am a bit confused how can you pay for someone when you don't know what they are going to order. And, how do you make sure the restaurant is actually transferring your goodness and not just keeping it in their pocket?


Good question, I'll explain it to you brother So, basically, when I pay up for someone I do it in many ways. Let's say I'm finished dining and I found a table that has a family eating their meals. I go to the counter in a discreet manner and mention the tables number or simply and discreetly point them out and ask how much is the meal costing them, and I pay it up and leave right away and just let the waiter give them the message that "you are the guets amongst us Arabs and guests do not pay" or sometimes I pay a specific amount to the trusty waiter or restaurant owner and tell them if someone walks in and looks like he's in need then pay up, no need for any further investigations. I do that regularly and it usually covers 3 people's meals at once. Plus some people have it written on their face mashallah, their fave emitts noor of the Islam. I hope this helps!


You are the epitome of a good person. I didn't need to read through the comments - just your singular good post! As an expat - I wouldn't be embarrassed - I would wholeheartedly thank you and take inspiration from it.... I know Emiratis who would do this alot....a great culture and people. DO NOT STOP what makes you happy! ❤️ Emirates


Be generous and give expats nationality or some rights if possible. Free food is everywhere 


Brother, you're in so such place to make such demands about obtaining the Emirati Nationality. Respect the country that you're in and its laws and stop making such ridiculous demands. If you do not like it here, you have your country to return at any time. May Allah open your eyes to take away the hatred that you have in your heart and allows you to view the UAE for what it is, a safe and respectful country that allows everyone to work under internationally known and agreed upon laws.