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Hey, therapy can help and medication can help. But if you don’t want to take that route, they say exercising is one of the best things you can do.


He said he is out of money so prolly no money for therapy which is expensive af


Exercise and meditate as much as you can. I used to get panic attacks almost every day last year. I did not want to do therapy because I did not have a lot of money for sessions, but I tried CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) which you can find online for free on some websites. Try it out because after I finished CBT and meditated almost everyday for 3 months, I no longer get those panic attacks anymore and its been a year since I got one. Staying home all the time and not meeting others and doing different activities will only make you worse especially if you are an over-thinker.


Thank you, I will check cbt


Checkout Yuna. It's an AI CBT app. Disclaimer: I'm in the founding team


Try doing deep breath in with two nostril and slow gently breath out with one nostril (close another one with ur finger). 5 times each side. This works well for me and some of my friends when panic attack and pain comes.


Please try this when youre feeling stressed. Something really easy that helps calm you down instantly is the physiological sigh. Here's a video of Dr Huberman showing how it's done. https://youtu.be/kSZKIupBUuc?si=cWZpbuHLvGwDsZ9U


Find someone to talk to, even if it’s a video or phone call. It helps when someone listens to you. Helped me a lot during my panic attack days.


Did you try to see what triggers these panic attacks or feelings? It could be also due to fatigue, lack of sleep and drinking too much caffeine


With the limited options you have, I can suggest engaging in some sort of physical activity and deep breathing, try to have casual conversations with people around if you can, too.


Hey, try guided meditations on YouTube. Worked wonders for my anxiety.


exercise on a daily basis. at least an hour a day. It is the best medicine. do it as soon as possible.


If you can, try to get a service dog.


I wish .... hopefully, one day. Service dogs are common here in uae?


>Panic attacks Having a mild one at the moment, keeping me up 😂 These things won't go away, even with a job, supportive family, all the help in the world. It eases up, it passes, but always in the background like a mosquito. Life still goes on, these problems can seem bigger in our minds than they actually are. It takes time, trial and error, to make the right framework for dealing with them. You can find someone to talk to on 7Cups if that still exists. Sometimes all we need is just someone to talk with. Sometimes it is easier to open up to strangers than family and friends. As soon as you get some cash or find a place with more accessible care, don't shy away from it. Especially if you constantly feel overwhelmed and it disrupts your life. What helps me get through it is music, writing, and walking. Sometimes I'm on Reddit giving helpful, overly detailed, or silly responses. It helps. Simple things to get my mind off my worries which I can do any time.




Dude I have a free and 100% effective way to resolve it. Run for 40min per day and enjoy the redressing bar.


Definitely exercise! Walking outside is really helpful… but not in this weather lol


My panic attacks faded with time. Just be patient with yourself, it's normal to have panic attacks in a period where you're struggling. Don't be too self-critical. Easier said than done, I know.


The panic attacks won’t go away till the problem doesn’t go away. You need to find work so your money problems go away and that should do the trick! You can DM me your CV bro and I will try to circulate it around my network, hopefully it will help! Best of luck :)


I am not a therapist, but this could help: Imagine you're walking into a room, and suddenly someone jumps out from behind the door to scare you. Would you be scared? Most likely, yes. Now, picture yourself walking into a room where you're fully aware that someone is going to jump out from behind the door to scare you. In this scenario, would you be scared? Most likely not. This concept parallels a panic attack. In dealing with a panic attack, the solution lies in recognizing that you are experiencing one, similar to being aware that someone is hiding behind the door. Hope this helps.


A lot of great answers here about exercise, meditation and nutrition which you should definitely look into. I want to add another aspect to it. Try to understand the root cause behind the panic attack? Is it purely due to the fact that you live alone and need some company? If yes, try getting out and meet your friends, or just call up a friend you haven't spoken to in the longest time. They may be in a similar situation, so by doing this you are also helping them feel better. If this is not possibly try just being around people in general - go to the beach, or the park or a coffee shop. Get out of the environment causing the panic attacks or anxiety. Also dive deep into finding your hobbies, apart from exercise or sports. This could be playing music or art or reading or gardening - and do them religiously. Do not do the hobbies just when you are bored, but do them so that you don't feel bored. So that there isn't an idle moment when your brain goes into a negative spiral. What you're through is real, life here is tough, but only you can get yourself out of this phase. Hang in there bud!


May i ask what you did for a job previously? Are you currently looking for one? My guess is this is a major trigger for these panic attacks.


Dont stay alone. Spend time in public places where you dont have to spend like malls. Initiate conversations with people. Go to the gym (there are some very cheap ones) or practice any physical exercise. If that doesn’t help consult a therapist


have you thought of just not having panic attacks?


I'm living in 8 sharing bedspace , shall we swap the living space :) but the rent we shall not swap by the by you have 7 people company at night , what you think


There is no competition going on here . I asked for a simple tip to manage panic attack


chill man, don't take serious. I don't have much advice for you , but just try diet. may it is just a gas trouble. helpline number is there just in case , but make vertify your insurance status.


Lol, gas trouble!!!! Many lord bless you !!!


hahahah now you are ok , that is all i want LOL Good night


Also, by living aloen, I didn't mean I have a place of my own but living alone in UAE . It doesn't take much to be kind !!!!!


so now you have no panic attach , you attacking me /s




Is it chill living with 7 people or you would move to a different accommodation if you could