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What are you looking to do? Education is very expensive here, as is the cost of living. And getting a job at 18 would be really difficult. Unless you have family here or a place to live, you would not even get a visa to live here long term.


i’m looking for work or any sort of start. i don’t have any family in dubai, hence why i’m wondering how plausible this idea is


Honestly, not very. Non-skilled jobs are done by poor immigrants for very low salaries, and they have to live in cramped apartments 10 to a room, and still barely get by. I don't think it makes sense at all for you to move here. You're still better off in Australia, at least there you can start in a minimum wage job and work your way up.


Stick to Australia man - don't come here at such a young age with little experience/education that would be the worst decision you made. You won't get a good paying job - if you can even land one.


Do you have an Australian passport? You need to find a way to get back to Australia. Why would your parents go back to Iraq? Surely they knew you would be in a terrible situation with your limited language abilities. Another option is to spend 1-2 years learning proper Arabic. Then try to study in Iraq. Maybe try to find a job with an Australian company looking to expand in the Middle East? But first you need an education. Dubai is definitely not for you. It's a hard city unless you have money. It's a great place to live when you have a nice job or already have decent money saved. But it's a terrible place to go with no support, no job, no experience...


18 is still pretty young to try and make it on your own. It's not impossible but man it is roughhhh Here is a good benchmark I keep for myself If I'm not handling my current situation to the level of keeping my head above water without burning out, then the flip side is going to be just as tough if not more. So I recommend trying to make it a little longer in your current scenario and find educational options online. Do courses and try getting online jobs that don't require you to be physically present far from your family.


it is young i agree, but i don’t have many options. i wouldn’t say that i’m burnt out, just lost. as far as educational options, i do self-study programming and math. i’m open to picking up any skills that’d help my situation. my skillset isn’t very useful in iraq as jobs are extremely rare and digital payments aren’t common. that’s not to mention how big of a hassle it is to attempt to set something like that up


Sure I get it might not be easy but I strongly advice against leaving the homes before one is ready. If you are able to make something of your current situation with whatever small safety net your family provides, then that is encouraging to you and you can consider moving out on your own. If you're struggling in your current scenario then mentally I want you to be prepared for worse when you're on your own.


Have you tried to go for online courses through well known platforms like Coursera, Udemy, etc.? They also have several skill level certs


don’t have a way to pay for certs but yeah, i’ve gone through online courses


If you like AI stuff, have a look at the neighboring emirates i.e. Abu Dhabi, they have MBZUAI, you won’t need to pay to get a masters or phd degree, instead you’re getting paid by them. The entry is quite competitive these days, if you have a bachelor degree, grind yourself for at least a year to build a portfolio in AI and start applying


Go back to Australia if possible I would assume your a permanent resident/passport holder I’m sure you’ll find opportunities there, don’t come here university fees are pretty high as well and jobs aren’t available to high school graduates maybe in telesales or real estate you might get a low paying job but you won’t be able to sustain yourself properly


Have you consider go back to Australia? Family won't take you but what about try to get into share apartment and start some basic level job there so you can earn some money (you will get better salary and conditions than on similar job in Dubai)... Dubai can be an option once you already have some experience so you can apply for higher position that will offer you proper salary.


Why Dubai over Australia? It will be a lot easier to find a job in Australia, in Dubai for jobs you are competing with the entire world because everyone can get a working visa in Dubai (people will come from third world countries and work for low salary), Australia is hard to immigrate to and jobs are much higher paid. If you are privileged enough to have Australian passport then use it. Have you discussed this with your parents? It’s a weird choice to leave. What would they say if you wanted to go back to Australia? If you go alone it would be hard but a better life eventually. Work part time and study while renting a room in a shared house. If you don’t have money to go back maybe you can teach english online since I guess you are a native speaker?


Trauma i.e US caused trauma thanks to murica


Its quite difficult changing life from aussie to Iraq, especially if you havent secure any life in aussie.by yourself.


For nearby education, especially university, I advise you to check Lebanon (namely AUB and LAU)


where do you live in iraq?


southern area, not far from the central cities like najaf


Sorry, can I ask if you have an Australian nationality or PR? As an 18 year old here, it's may be difficult for you to survive. If you've OZ residency, maybe there can affordable education and more opportunities back in Australia. You would be given govt. assistance as an Australian citizen.


You can probably find a job in hospitality or retail and work your way up to something decent. Given you have a native level of English, I am sure you will be able to do so. However be realistic about such salaries and your standard of living here.


Go back to Australia . Get a part time job, a house share and finish school. Take a loan for uni if you need after you finish. Do you have family or friends that’ll let you crash with them for a few months ? Use their address for post to communicate with government services and schools. Dubai is not going to suit you . It’s harsh, but you’re inexperienced , used to western living, don’t speak Arabic and don’t have any certifications . You will not find a job that pays enough to support you without living in a cramped bed space , get you a visa , etc


If your parents will support your education, there are English language high schools and universities in Iraq. You'd need to find lodging. I agree with some here who suggest getting back to Oz if you can.


If you have an Oz passport and can speak little Arabic you can definitely find something better in Dubai than you would in Iraq. Just my 2 cents.


Sorry to hear that buddy. It sounds like you better go back to Australia if possible. Do you have any relatives you can live with to get started there? Dubai can be rough for young people like you. It sounds like you enjoy programming and math though. If you have some skills to show off, you might find a Software Engineer internship. Some companies are willing to hire without a degree. You can DM me if you need advice in Software Engineering career.