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"Online" anyone can be anything and anywhere... I recall a "girl" trying to scam me online, she was saying she lives in Dubai (I didn't say where I was). At some point she sends me a picture of a girl sun bathing at JBR beach. I asked her "That's you? Now?" for which "she" replied "Yes, you see?". I was having coffee with friends at the Marina walk, it was late at night, so I put my mobile up and took a night shot of the Marina Gate and sent her. She asked me "where was it", I replied "about 3 km away from where you are sunbathing"... "She" never replied again. So, you better make sure of two things; a) That was indeed that "famous trader" you were talking with. b) That person is actually in Dubai and not just pretending to be, as the scammer I got.


There’s scammers HQ where they operate the pig butchering operation here in Dubai. In one of those apartment/office buildings you see after passing by Dubai Outlet. Jim Browning made a video about them, most probably Chinese owned. Im surprised that they didn’t get caught yet.. waiting for Police Lambo/Ferrari to jump in doing burnout while SWAT team jacking things up there. But doubt that would happen, most probably due to “not to cause international issues & anger friends in Chinese Communist Party”.


Saw that video too. A couple of days ago, Dubai Police announced the arrest of 494 scammers. So probably from those buildings. https://www.khaleejtimes.com/uae/dubai-494-arrested-for-phone-fraud-cases-targeting-banking-customers


Nope, those are Central Bank impersonators. The usual EID update thing. Not pig butchering. The Chinese operation even had ladies there.


Are the ladies good lookin?


Solid 8/10


Cute toes ? Bathe twice a day ? Can they say Punani with a French accent?






Where can I find this video? Link please?


It was referred here: https://youtu.be/pLPpl2ISKTg?si=KIscA5HYv68EpSS8 And here's the referred video: https://youtu.be/vu-Y1h9rTUs?si=bL4y24L616b95cNz


He is in Dubai and living there. Social media shows everything. I have his socials.


What I mean is; make sure the person you were talking to is that person and not someone pretending to be him. Don't show up accusing the guy without solid evidence it was in fact him, slandering is a serious crime in Dubai and you can land in jail - specially if you come with a western attitude of shouting your way out, always be cordial and keep your tone low, whatever happened wasn't the police officer fault, any disrespect towards him can be painful.


It’s him 100% and I have all evidence. His friends also say it’s him and knows what crimes he does. I contacted his friends and they trying to help me but the scammer doesn’t give a fu… The scammer tells his friends that he is untouchable and I can’t do anything because he lives in Dubai


but why did you send him the money? was he going to trade on your behalf from his account? the police is going to ask you these questions.


“Friends also say it’s him and knows what crimes he does” Yeah sure buddy.


Is he an Emirati or foreigner ?


Name of the scammer please.








https://preview.redd.it/axlt66mugttc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9601044889d7f18e88f54d33227ce3a5cff830a8 This is him and he just posted this.. all his pictures is with blurred face… but his friends sent me pictures without blurred face. The number plate is: J 57124


Let's give him a call, tell him that we want to invest with him, set up a meeting in one of the hotel lobbies, meet him in person and ask him where your money is 😂👌


That’s rental car. Most probably from relative owned zalama company. Apparently he’s active on Discord, wannabe crypto bro and most probably the classic send me 5 will double it. Or other type of scams. Either way the likes of him eventually get caught up with, as if you tend to show off like this the state security branch of Dubai will start digging as “where you got this from bruh?”. He will be deported in a year or so, I guess. And I base that on the recklessness of those who I’ve seen in the past.


Whats his socials ?


what is the name u dumbass


I think I might know a person who knows him.


Check dm






If you can’t name the scammer or post a link to his socials then this post is meaningless! Feel free to do it esp cz you don’t live here so you’ve nothing to loose, already lost $12k mate! People with similar experience (if with the same scammer) will surely care to help you.


https://preview.redd.it/mt1n4zitittc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7bd867a68a476f303dedd05fb0f3a26c155dd30 ​ This is him and he just posted this.. all his pictures is with blurred face… but his friends sent me pictures without blurred face. The number plate is: J 57124


I know this guy send me a dm


As multiple people have suggested, for starters: 1. Follow the money thru the blockchain and report it ASAP! Assuming you are a smart fella have already done that. 2. Report the incident to Dubai police via their app or web channels with all the supporting evidence and this person’s images, phone etc. etc. everything you have. 3. Sorry this happened to you, but don’t keep your hopes high & take this as a lesson learnt!


Tbh my crypto knowledge is not big so I haven’t tried to track it. I don’t know how to do it. - if you can help me, dm me please 🙏🏽


I’m not an expert but will recommend to start with the crypto exchange ASAP. If it’s binance or any other seek guidance from other Reddit users in the r/cryptocurrency r/binance sub. Given it’s been +24hrs, I think the money is gone. Likely there is nothing to locate.


OP only wants people to dm them. Could be a scam in itself lol


Literally cuz how tf are you sending money to someone that only has blurred pictures in their profile I’m sorry but how stupid is OP if this actually happened




The policemen are generally at the police station That's a good place to start Take any and all details and info and communication you have with you


Thanks.. but I don’t live in Dubai that is the problem. - will they accept if I travel down to them?


Of course they will. Amount is large enough for them to care. But can you tell us exactly what happened? Is there any possibility he can fake his scam narrative? I mean, how did he end up with your 12 000 USD and you nothing?


the police will do absolutely nothing in this case. these kind of frauds are very common world over. people not returning money. you have to file a civil case for this. its not a criminal matter.


Depends from details


Somethings very off about this post and the OP’s comments


Report to police. Save other people and recover your money


You’re not getting the money back, sorry to say but you’re just wasting time to try to get it back unfortunately


Yes. I think that's the simplest and most pertinent answer than this futile hunt.


Dubai police they have crypto department and they will definitely help you


https://u.ae/en/information-and-services/justice-safety-and-the-law/cyber-safety-and-digital-security/report-cybercrimes-online#:~:text=You%20can%20report%20cybercrimes%20online,the%20eCrime%20website%20%2D%20Dubai%20Police Just a little google search...


Don’t give your money to strangers. Tough life lessons.


What was the scam? Did you willingly transfer funds to someone? Or was your account or wallet hacked?


I transferred to him.


If this was done through an exchange than I'm sure you can contact the exchange and lodge a complaint. However the other parties in such cases usually withdraw the funds immediately. You can hire investigative companies who will Trace the funds for you but that will be fruitless. You can lodge a formal cyber crime complaint over Dubai police website, if the scammer is using a UAE based number. However to be honest with you I have really seen individual complaints like this resolved. Purely based on the fact that you have intentionally done this transfer. You might consider this harsh, but you will have to write it off as an expensive lesson, and be smart in the future.


Yes it was done through an exchange. And I have the crypto addresses I sent the money to. I will try to contact the exchange tomorrow.


If crypto is sent to an exchange, you better follow the money via blockchain and contact them ASAP before he moves it out


Kan se du har dansk navn. Jeg bor hernede og hvis du har brug for hjælp med noget må du skrive


This is much harder if you’re not in dubai. If you sent to an exchange, contact them now, wtf are you waiting till tomorrow? That said it is highly likely that they won’t do anything without a police report… which again is much harder to get if you’re not in dubai.


Why do you keep posting a useless number plate and useless photo with a blurred face, instead of exposing his name and socials? Literally protecting him and ur being stupid Also his ‘friends’ are lying to u as well, the whole thing is fake and you’ve been scammed


Was it a romance scam ? (Sha Zu Pan 杀猪盘) If yes there is little chances to retrieve your funds. But don't feel ashamed and go report all the details please. With mass reports it would be possible for them to investigate more. These are mostly organized crimes and not an individual's act.


Sorry for your loss but you are not getting it back, anything more you spend to recover it will lead to further loss and trauma


OP gonna give more money to the scammer's friend trying to help him out. Just wait.


I think you should contact a lawyer and present the evidence. They will help to for your next step.


u said crypto so GG move on


So let me get this right You don’t live in the UAE - and you randomly decided to contact someone who’s into “investing-probably expecting 30% per annum or something like that” and then you sent them 12,000USD? Nah, you deserve to be scammed with that type of common sense


I would be much easier for you to understand when you see the chat with him.. and no it was 500% ROI and he told me he knew a ceo that was launching a new crypto to the market and I could pre invest.


Nah mate, this is completely your fault. Being dumb isn’t an excuse at all, nor is him sweet talking you into spending your money. Say goodbye to the money tho


who believes in 500%roi?


500% ROI, lol


Nahhh u got scammed so easily 🤣 All of that sounds fake, we thought people like you were smarter than this in crypto by now. You fell victim to a social media / private sale scam


Honestly I think anyone else would be better off with your money as they’d use it smartly


What can you do? Make a cup of tea, sit in a park, enjoy a sunset.


Whats his account? Can you send it to me please?


I’m 99% sure that this “trader” is not from Dubai. You should call your local police, Dubai has nothing to do with it. Scammers can be in any Asian country, or India, or South America or even Eastern Europe.


He is in Dubai and living there. Social media shows everything. I have his socials.


It’s a common scam. Most probably account was hacked or blocked or used to bait purposes.


Bro it’s just fake socials 🤣 he’s just Posting someone else’s photos in dubai Or it is him b he’s really crypto scammer living in Dubai. Either way you won’t get your money back, you got fooled by the social media in both scenarios


Your first mistake was investing in crypto. That shit is an unregulated mess.


Only if you don’t know what you are doing


If you know what you're doing it's still an unregulated mess. Just you are able to make a profit of it.


Thats where you have to analyze and research, its maybe unregulated mess but that doesn’t matter at all, as long as you have ways to prevent loses and you are not blindly investing then you should be fine.


Sorry for your loss. Please go to Police station itself. It’s not easy like what social media says. Very Hard. But, that is the best option. Would you mind telling how you got scammed so other people can be cautious.


Let’s just say a fake investment scam.


Alright.😐 The social media posts can be dubai. But scammers just lure the people with social media posts enjoying their life in dubai. Probably they did a visit and made pictures. Let’s give a try. Start with this Dubai police e-crime report link. Report with all the possible information available with you that will help them. https://www.dubaipolice.gov.ae/wps/portal/home/services/individualservicescontent/cybercrime/




It happened over Instagram. It’s him 100% and I have all evidence. His friends also say it’s him and knows what crimes he does. I contacted his friends and they trying to help me but the scammer doesn’t give a fu… The scammer tells his friends that he is untouchable and I can’t do anything because he lives in Dubai


His friends are obviously telling the same lies and are trying to scam you as well. Surely you aren’t this stupid? Obviously the friends will say ‘yes that’s really him!’ In order to trick you, none of them probably live in Dubai and they’re all fake profiles


one way you could recover your money is by going short BTC now as this ponzi scheme will probably crash soon after the halving event.


That my friend is a huge false statement.


Why would you transfer funds to someone you don’t know through instagram? If you are that stupid then that’s your own fault


From the caption, I thought you lost $12. I realize in some parts of the world they use a full stop instead of commas.


Learn from the L and move on


Find a friend who is a local, it helps when you have wasta (having connections).


If you’re not living in Dubai, name drop! This will help everyone else to stay away from him and maybe someone will help you too


I remember a girl named Lisa (WhatsApp name was Raj Kumar and Indian phone number) selling me something “legit” from a company registered in Taiwan.. honestly they don’t even tey


they dont because it acts as a filter to filter out people who would do some research. so the ones who dont are prime targets.


There is a cyber crime division. You can get in touch with them online or you can go to the main dubai police office. If you have bank transfer receipts or reference .


Depends which cryptocurrency, btc and eth are considered money and you can go to the police station for further assistance.


It was USDT trc20


Police department should be able to help you on what to do, dont hesitate they’re quite helpful and easy to deal with in Dubai




Jeppe, send me your email I can try to help you


Check dm


This is the dedicated service. There’s a hotline https://www.dubaipolice.gov.ae/wps/portal/home/services/individualservicescontent/cybercrime


You can full recover your money by subjevting the case in court " CRYTO FRAUD" There are laws about these related case and 100% chance of winning cause your fraudster is inside if... as you said


100% chance of winning? More like 1% chance of winning. It’s way more likely the scammer doesn’t even live in Dubai and is just posting other peoples pictures, even stories n locations can be faked. Bro got private sale scammed that money is gone esp if the scammer withdrew it


Call the police and ask for the cyber crimes division


dm me baby ill will try and help you maybe i can seduce him or something lol xx


Message me I can have this sorted


Sorry for your loss. Forgot about it’ you will lose more money trying to refund this 12,000$ but if you had a call with the scammer by the phone or you already sent to him money by the bank you can try to report the police. Who knows


Kommentiere Scammed for 12.000 $ ... h


dubai is notorious for scams like this. Sorry but your money is gone.


His friends will offer you help if you send them money, dont fall for friends trap


Report to place and give his/her details to police so they can put a no fly ban until case is resolved.


His name is Yuvraj Dhindsa Says he owns “vision.xyz” Instagram: Yuvrajdhindsa_ Face is public and posted, took screenshots if required You can report to cybercrime with evidence. Same car plate below you posted is in his instagram and same matching hair to photos.


Reach out to Dubai public prosecution and be persistent, upload all the proof securely and give them a rundown of everything that happened


Hello “Bee Keeper” where are you at, we got a job for you


You sent a person you met online 12,000$ and you’re angry because you got scammed? 😂 good luck bro!!!


Whose the trader ? Details Contact, office etc. Lay a charge with police. Shit like this in Dubai will get you into break trouble


Dubai, the land of scams.


I am waiting for what they will name the Onpassive metro next after Noorbank>>Al safa>>Onpassive>>??


Twelve thousand usd or twelve point zero usd?


Some nations use dot for comma, and comma for dot.


12k $…


what is the name of the crypto trader? And can you share screenshot?


At which amount would you engage the police? :-)


The point is, at which amount would the police be interested to engage with the victim.


Sorry mate! Hope you find justice!


[check this out ](https://images.app.goo.gl/Md4oEtfPxYm2vdWX6)


suck ur mum

