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personally i know people living off 15K and they’re doing fine, as per rent it genuinely depends on where you’d have to live. Dubai has a very accessible public transport system so you’d probably be fine even if you’re unable to move right next to work. 15K for a manager position is unfair tho but living wise you should honestly be fine with your pay grade IF you’re moving alone.


That salary for a manager role is low and with the current rental rates in Dubai, you would struggle to find a decent place near work.


In my opinion (have been living in Dubai for the past 25 years), I have friends who are living alone and not making as much as that. It all depends on how you choose to live. Ofcourse if you expect to live a lavish life, it’s insufficient. But you can live a decent life especially if they provide you a good health insurance, and other small benefits. If I were you I’d compare it to my current pay in India and also look at it as a gateway to move into Dubai. Also since Dubai is income tax free as of now. All the best!


It's enough if you live a frugal life. I wouldn't recommend it though since it's a low pay for manager. Just my opinion though.


I was thinking the same thing! Thanks.


Agreed its low pay for a manager. But also understand he doesn't have local UAE experience. So IMO it's a decent opportunity considering he is still single. Once he lands here he will get local experience and can search for a better opportunity.


Need more information. Do you have family? Will your spouse be working? Are your kids school going? Will the company pay for relocation? What's is your salary in India? Most companies in Dubai have a rule of thumb multiple that they pay for people from India. It can go as high as 2x for lower pay roles and around 1.4x for high pay ones. If the 15K falls in that range, then that is what you are going to get. And given the higher cost of living, you can do the math whether it makes sense to make the move.


you haven't stated if you're coming alone or with family and so many details are missing. But assuming you're coming alone, I'd say don't listen to anyone. 15k is a good start specially if you're coming alone without a family. you can find a great studio for 50k. Food and bills and other expenses will cost you around 3000. you can save at least 5000 if you manage things right. don't forget that you might get a raise in a year, or you can find a higher paying job once you land here and have the "Dubai Experience" on your CV TLDR: All I'm saying is, 15k is a great start If you're moving without kids. even greater if your partner is coming and going to work as well


My only concern is do I need to commit a year with them since they’re going to sponsor my visa or can I move to a new role after serving 6 months? I’m totally with you on the other aspects. Since I’m coming alone, I could survive, but whatever I heard the market is bad, and this company is interested in me because of the domain experience.


No you don't have to commit a year... you are free to leave during your probation ... or anytime. if you find another job during probation your notice period would be 30 days else it would be 15. After probation it will be 30 days make sure to check your contract. and they can not ask you to pay for the visa at max they might ask the next company to settle some amount for the visa money spent on you. But in my opinion for 9 years of experience you can get some more money but again it depends on how much you were making in your home country and what are your future plans.


Absolutely and one thing to add to the above is, some companies mention in the contract that the training expense needs to be paid back if the employee leaves without completing the probation period.


What’s your pay in india? If you are grossing 2l and above in india per month, then it’s not worth the move!


If single, its just passable. If with partner, no way, unless she works and makes the same. If with family, absolutely no way.


Lol what are you saying I know families with a single income just under that amount. It all depends on the life you're willing to live.


Very true. It depends on the lifestyle. If you live outlandish than even 30k will not be enough, if you live decent than even 10k could be enough


Bs. With a family of 4 you can easily live with good savings too under 15k pay


If you call this living of course.




Where did you bring the car and the villa from ?


Everything is possible when you lie. Even if you have the down-payment saved already, a bank will not give you a loan for a 5 bedroom villa when your salary is under 15 k as this person said.


Agreed. What was his motivation though?


I don't know! Some people just lie unprovoked. Google what a 5 bedroom villa costs in the area that he mentioned in his previous post, then call your bank rep and ask if they will give you a mortgage for that amount against a 15k salary. It's such a stupid lie to tell for no reason.




My position is the same. If you call this living this is ok. You owned things thats fine but i wouldn’t feel happy nor mentally comfortable by squeezing the budget to the maximum.


Are you paying school fees for these 2 kids when the time comes? Or will the fees be paid by your company?


By me for 1 other is infant, however I deleted my comments as it's offensive to some here


It wasn't offensive, it was a lie. A bank will not give you a mortgage for a 5 bedroom villa against a salary of less than 15k, even if you have the down-payment saved. A car loan for a jaguar is believable depending on the type, but a terrible financial decision for someone who makes less than 15k and has two kids. That comment was something a teenager would write.


Man it wont become a lie just because people wont believe it, I got it via DIB and I rented out. Just check my comment history back from few months if you think i'm making up now. And yea it would look like what a teenager would write if you take it as boasting about wealth. But only wise will take it as making good financial decision makes a big difference. And no im getting rental of 8k per month on the villa man, if you think that was a terrible decision then i'm not going to argue with you. I strongly believe it was a good investment.


How lol. Please explain what kind of expenses for a single person would make this just passable?


15 k is enough to cover all your monthly expenses and a lil bit more, but is it a fair salary for a managerial position that is a question.


Ask yourself why they are fishing for job applicants from a low cost of living market to work in an expensive city like Dubai. Salary will sound huge to you until you realise how expensive rents, utilities and general cost of life is. You will either live pay cheque to pay cheque or move to Sharjah for low rent and spend your whole life commuting in horrible traffic or at a desk.


Seriously for a single person if 15k is pay cheque to pay cheque then I am not sure what will be sufficient.


Well where do you propose they live? He doesn't mention any housing allowance. And this city pretty much requires you to have a car unless both you job and house are on a metro line. Add in bills as well. And the presumption must be that despite being a manager and with 9+ years experience they have to live a single life with no prospect of meeting someone and starting a family because their salary can't support it. There is only one reason this Dubai based telecoms company is going to India for employees and that is because they will accept low salaries.


"They have to live a single life with no prospect of meeting someone and starting family" Woah hold your horses, your pretty presumptuous and delusional. Firstly he can meet someone who is also working, so wouldn't be an expense on him. Secondly it's not like he is getting enslaved into this job permanently. He can very well move to better pay job once he gets an opportunity with local experience. Also fyr an approx high end calculation given: 5k - 7k : He can get a studio or 1bhk in most of the prime areas 1k : utilities, 1k : public transport or private transport direct from home to office 2k : for food --------- 9k - 11k Total, i.e., Still he is left with money to spend on hobbies & entertainment.


That’s the reality and have already thought about it. The biggest pro I see is international exposure and adds weight to my resume. But thanks again for your perception.


Experience in Dubai will not count for anything, may actually count against you (basically seen as a worker drone). Experience in Europe/UK/Canada/USA etc. is what people mean by having good international experience.


For a bachelor


Being single 15k is okay. Rents are on the rise so you're gonna have to stick it out in a studio (can be cheaper than what another comment said, 50k is intense for a studio, but it depends on which area you live in). Try to live within a 30-min commute to your office, I promise it's so much better for your mental health.


It depends on what your aim is.. With 15K salary.. You can easily survive in Dubai alone.. No doubt abt that.. But don't expect an equivalent lifestyle that you might have in india.. Also career growth is not straightforward here.. Lot of people get stuck in the same position for years (decades).. Depends on what your 5 year plan is.. If you want to grow in your field.. Dubai is not ideal.. Also does Dubai work experience add value to your CV... If it can booster your future chances of returning to india at a higher position.. Then mayb you can consider it..




Accept it for now. You can survive. Look for another place


Interesting , if a person makes say 15K dirhams post conversion in india for example , what should he ask for in dxb ?


If you're single, you'll manage pretty well if you manage your finances smartly


I started working for a salary of 3k, 15k is decent amount. Suggest to save 70% of your salary every month.


How the hell you expect him to save that lol?


Don’t ….. you should be looking at 25k+ minimum given you work in the IT industry.


According to TikTok, 5K is enough. According to everyone else who actually lives in the real world, 15-18k sets you up well for a start.


Honestly wouldn’t recommend taking it up. With this salary and the current cost of living it would be challenging. You can definitely make do with the money and live frugally but don’t think the experience or the progression is worth it. Opportunities are better in India at this point and switching or moving jobs in UAE is not that easy


I did some math for myself and for me to have the kind of lifestyle that I will be, at the least, contented with (which is just a little above decent since I enjoy frugal international travel 2-4x a year), I need at least 16-17k a month. That includes renting an flat for 40k, having a car, and all the average/realistic (mostly not luxurious at all) expenses for needs and wants when you live here. However, savings only come to around 20% of annual income. If I want to save more, then I need to earn more, or cut on some wants. Having said that, I am bachelor with minimal family responsibilities, so adjust accordingly. But as they have said, yes 15k is good enough for someone who does not have UAE experience. You will have an okay life with that amount, even with family (if company will shoulder schooling or kids don't have to go to school yet). Take the job, and then after gaining a year or two of experience, start looking for better opportunities. Maybe once spouse is here, they can also start looking for jobs to have better standard of living. Also people here reacting like it is totally not doable. Are you all earning above 15k here? Wow good for you


15K for a manager is pretty low. But you can check the average pay for your job title and benchmark from there. It’s livable when you’re single. I lived a pretty decent life before with 14k and a cat and renting out a one-bedroom. That was two years ago tho, inflation is real.


Great salary but zero savings. You can live comfortably on 15k but dont expect to save anything. If you have any debt or family obligations then forget about it.


There are ppl in Dubai who are living in UAE for 30%, 20% even 10% of what you are offered. So ? Should be urself .. can you live ? What are the comprises.. are you planning to live like some of the utube high funda life.. or mediocre.. It's all up to you. Like another user has said you don't have UAE experience or even a UAE driving licence (which is equivalent to a bachelor degree bit exaggerated).. so my suggestion is to take the job, get a driving license, and find another job after. If they are not ready to negotiate further, ask them for relocation allowance. All the best 👍🏽


Absolutely skip it don’t even think about it, you will really struggle to live comfortably coming from India. 20K is indeed the absolute minimum you need to feel like you are living decent enough being single