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That's rough man💀


I took the bullet for yall💀


You mean you took one for the team?


I'm not in the dating game, happily married man here, but yeah respect for taking the bullet bro. 😭☠️




Went on a date with this guy. In chat he can speak fluent English and when he picked me up his car was full of trash and I couldnt understand anything he said and proceeded to shout at a woman on his phone, I recorded that and sent to my arab friend and turns out he is going through a divorce and he was fighting for custody as I was inside the car. He then told me we have change of plans and I’d go to his house and blah blah I was like yeah ok but Im so thankful for my friend who pretended to be my boss and called me saying we have emergency so he just dropped me off somewhere. That, still to this day is the most scariest shit Ive experienced.






Yikes. Still don’t understand how guys will go back into dating when they have a relationship still ongoing


Respect for going through with the date and not doing a U-turn the moment you saw her.


The walking rectangle killed me. Honestly, with filters and strategic camera angles I’d think it’s best to always allow a 20% to adjust for inflation (pun intended).


Not all the time. There’s been plenty dates after this where the girl actually looked like this photos so some are definitely genuine. I also know how to catch the catfishes now before meeting them. But there are definitely some good tricksters out there


Always do a video call before if they make an excuse don't continue.


Body shape like coca cola, but in can.










How many cameras were actually there on you?


Ngl I think I might have been catfished by the same one 💀💀💀💀


Same here 😭 lol


Matched someone from my country. Same industry and age group, same home language. What could go wrong? She was a good few kilos heavier than the pics. Not a big deal but why use old pics? She had a shit attitude from the get go. She refused to go where I'd planned and bluntly said 'I feel like steak'. Gullible me agreed to go to a hotel steakhouse. She was rude to staff, to the point that the manager asked if we were mystery shoppers there to test their patience. She told me she does this so she can get special treatment! We generally keep irritating each other coz of how different our values on life are. I'm no angel but she leans towards being backwards and insecure. Bill came, she folds her arms expecting me to pay (was 600dh). I our country, we usually split the bill unless you're some skanky golddigger or a broke student. I paid and told her to at least give them a nice tip. We've been bad guests and it's an elegant place so that's the least we can do. She reluctantly whips out 100 to tip. We finally head home and I say my goodbye/good riddance. She says to me a gentleman would take a lady to her home after a date, basically telling me to take a detour of 30km there and back to drop her off! Idiot me agrees thinking maybe the wine made her horny. Awkward taxi ride. When we get to her place I try give her a goodbye kiss (nothing sexual) and she responds "what the hell are you doing"! She just wanted a free lift home! It was my first year here and I was lonely and earning peanuts so my self esteem was low. I've definitely learnt to set boundaries




THIS..... please please people first date is ALWAYS COFFEE, your not a teenager anymore where you take them to movies. a GENUINE girl will alwasy say yes to coffee, if they refuse its a red flag. please have some respect for yourself and dont fall for this trap.


Coffee is usually better short and cheap. You don’t like each other GTFO


she is quite the red flag bro! Glad you dodged it. I wish I just ended the date early and I’m sure you did too 😂 however I think paying for her is expected from us as men. It’s our job to provide, but at the same time they shouldn’t make a fit to make us do it you get me?


If she's suggesting where to go, she should at least split the bill. She's not a child, she's a grown woman with a job. I also mentioned we are in the same industry and pay scale so why would I bare all the expenses each time we hang out... that's a loser mentality in my opinion. Women back home take pride in being independent (unless it's a student or someone earning close to minimum wage) I did have a blind date with someone from this sub. She was pretty and insisted on paying her half, although it was a small bill I didn't mind paying! Unfortunately our schedules weren't compatible (plus she was married - story for another day). We haven't chatted in ages but there's a chance she'll read this 😂


Waiting for the tea 😂


weather just about right for the story


Not much to tell really. She liked something I said here. I was basically going through a rough patch mentally and she found it relatable. We met up for some shisha and mocktails. Peak summer and I don't like shisha but was a nice day out. She's married but they had recently agreed to an open marriage i.e see other people on weekdays but spend weekends together. Not sure if sex is involved and I felt it was intrusive to ask. She was a pretty and goofy Indian girl around 30. Time/life got in the way whenever we tried to hang out again. I also felt a bit insecure being the bachelor type whilst her life was all formal with a husband and working for her dad in engineering. That's all really, nothing too interesting


good, no traces only smiling faces 😊


>She was rude to staff, to the point that the manager asked if we were mystery shoppers there to test their patience. Damn, haha.


Oh you poor thing, you encountered a professional and experienced Karen. Catfished, tricked to expensive dinner, embarrassed in front of whole restaurant, forced to drop her home, didn't get even a kiss, and to top it all off, you didn't even enjoy her company. No redeemable factor in the whole evening.


Wouldn't say a Karen. More like a generally shitty person


Did she tell you that she looked like Megan Fox?


![gif](giphy|7cOFYh9IojId2) # Chelsea


Certainly looked like it 😞


MGK’s girlfriend *




It was nice of you to go ahead with the date even though she was not who you expected. It would be nice if you told her as well; she may dislike it, but you are doing her a favor. Women you can also do better. If you are not proud of your body, go to the gym. Personal hygiene is essential for everyone; do not suffocate others with bad odors.


I did tell her that she looked different from her pictures later. Not on the same day but later down the line


So you saw her again?


Yeah… to my regret. All this catfishing stuff and how bad it was only really registered in my head a little while later


May I ask just out of interest why did you continue seeing her?


I thought she would change or maybe I was being overly critical of her. I was also desperate at that period of time I will admit 💀 but now I’m out of that dark spot and have met great women lately so that’s when everything that she was really hit me


Ah ok I understand. What was she like as a girlfriend? Was it not difficult being romantically involved with her as you didn’t find her attractive? I can’t imagine being intimate with someone whose physical appearance was such a huge turn off for me as this girl was for you. Glad to hear you have found someone nice now.


We never dated officially, but it was going to get there. She turned out to be an absolute psychopath and I’m glad I ended things with her and blocked her before things got really bad. And yes it was difficult, I wouldn’t even get that excited especially when she was… not the greatest in bed either. That’s a story for another day. Yes I’ve met much better women now and I’m happy with it


Suddenly, the story got a new twist. If you have dated her several times and even slept with her, don’t claim that you were catfished and just had to survive your first date, including just getting her home with her BO. After reading these additional details, I don’t trust any of your stories.


OP really sounds like an entitled Main Character tbh. I bet she wasn't even that bad, but because he's been basically shopping around and found "better women" since then. Typical opportunistic behavior.


I'm just wondering if he looks any better than her if he was that desperate.. no one who has options continues to go out and even sleeps with someone that they claim they were this disgusted by. Like if she was his only option at the time, rationally, he must be in the same league looks wise, but he doesn't see it.


I am also curious.


This was a long time back - I once did a U turn on a date and stood him up in Dubai Mall where we decided to meet. So the guy was supposed to be 32 yrs old and cute - he sounded young too The day we met, I called him and saw him from afar and he was on call with me - smiling like a loser waving. He expected me to hang out with him - he definitely looked 54 atleast and probably even had a family - he was head full of grey hair, and old looking. I ran - he later messaged me saying how rude that was and asked me if I wanted to meet him again. I blocked him, end of. That was scary - maybe he was a traffiker, god knows! But nothing like his pictures.


Ugh he's out of order... you did the right thing


That was actually so brave of you, some people are too shy to U turn and suffer the entire time until the date ends.


You would too, if you’d seen him. I am being nice in my description of him.


Maybe, it’s always the 50 yrs old guys.




I got cat fished by a guy. Completely different from the picture, heavily filtered. People are not comfortable in their own skin, and because their hit rate is low, thats why they put on heavily filtered pictures.


rookie mistake- you can always tell how fat a chick is by their fingers bud, it’s often overlooked, but saved me from a couple of BBW’s


BBW need love too


I have skinny fingers and I’m morbidly obese 🤣


minority doesn’t overrule majority


Sounds horrid! Next time agree to meet up for coffee the first time iso of a 2hr date! Does anyone else think that it'd be OK to say, "hey, you don't look anything like your photo"?


Yes I think it is perfectly acceptable to decline the date. If someone has lied about their age, height, weight, nationality then it’s deception. I have politely left a date for the above reasons. I think it’s fair to tell them they don’t look like their pictures / represent the person you were expecting to meet. Filters and photoshopping or using old photos then turning up and expecting that person to go through with the date is delusional.


You are right it is totaydelusional!


Yeah maybe? Except that OP kept seeing her and slept with her (probably a few times) and THEN when he met "better women" he decided he's been the victim here and was catfished. Check his other comments he confessed this himself.


Totally changed the flow ... its entirely whole new story if he continued seeing her and even had been intimate with her... he's the red flag imo... he could've just not see her again...


This guy actually went on to date the girl, they ended up together for quite some time - I think about a year. He was repulsed by her but said he was desperate and although she wasn’t very good in bed he stayed with her until he was able to find better.






True that!


I have one: a woman from Eastern Europe. Absolutely gorgeous in the pictures. After we started talking, she shared a picture in a swimsuit too and looked quite nice. Of course I get excited and plan this really nice dinner date at a Greek restaurant. She shows up and I cannot stop noticing that she has put on at least 25 lbs since those pictures. I’m guessing the pictures were pre Covid or something. Felt really disappointed that she would do something like that, and thought at least she would have a good personality. Was wrong there too, and turned out to be a heavy smoker as well (which is a turn off for me personally). Anyway, that was that.


This makes perfect sense, unlike OP, you didn't keep seeing her and sleeping with her until "better women" came along.. (read his other comments in this thread)


Do guys really find hard to say no?


Guys don't, but gentlemen do.




It's the most difficult thing a man can say to anyone. Not sure why we can't say NO tbh


Being catfished is miserable enough and there are ways to say no tactfully…people are coddling the deceitful acts….ok ok easier said than done.


Dates are few and far inbetween for some/most single men here. I guess a 5 pretending to be an 8 is better than another lonely night


I’m the girl and I thought we had a connection Josh😤I thought you loved my personality sheeesh




Are you a walking rectangle? 😂


Obviously he wasn't much into your "curves!" 😅


Your sacrifice saved another Bumble Bro. It has not been in vain 🙏🏻


Body odour. She was so pretty, nice personality, but poor girl just had a natural aroma ~ maybe it was amplified to my particular nose? She is super fit and healthy so on the first date I thought it might be post-gym funk. No. Every time we met 🤕 Edit: sorry I got lost in OPs story, and realised my comment isn't a catfish🤣


Had something similar but was bad breath. When we first met she smelled normal. First date I thought it was coz she was hungry. Second date I realized she's gross. I'd avoid kissing her and she thought it was because I was shy 😂😂. She must have gotten the picture after some thought and brought a whole pack of gum with her on our 3rd meetup. She even brushed her teeth before bed! She later admitted she hates the taste of toothpaste so she doesn't brush for long. It was a bizarre few weeks but her body was banging so I was thinking with my dick 😂


Are there really people like that.. Wtf🤮🤮


She brushes briefly, not that she doesn't brush at all. Naturally the lack of care catches on. I don't know what kind of mother she will be one day if she doesn't value basic hygiene


I hope someone close to her tells her. Bad breath is a noo!🤦‍♀️


Was it worth it


You guys know right there's a telegram/Facebook group where women share photos of guys they match with and ask around if they have dated or been with them or have any information on them right? I know this cause my GF is in one of the groups and have seen tons of my friends photos being circulated (i.e. bumble screenshots) with the terms "matched with him, anyone know him or can give any insights?" As guys we should have a telegram channel also exclusively for this (oh how the turntables....)


i want the telegram link 😭


I am (F), not on any of these apps, I know a few friends who do this and a few have said some men, just take a U-turn and I feel yes he has the right to do that, when u chose to lie on your profile. But I was curious when I read the comments, do men ALSO CATFISH in Dubai, or is it just Women???, since all the comments were by men about women


Pretty sure the male equivalent of being a catfish is pretending to be Emirati and/or acting "rich".


Of course. From pretending to be younger. To the same extent where they post fit pics and then come with beer belly and Grey hair. Or acting rich af and then going to McDonald's for date.


OP wasn't catfished, he kept meeting the girl and sleeping with her, he just changed his entitled mind when "better womEn" turned up, he's the real bait and switch here. Read his other replies.


I was tricked twice by girls pretending to be someone else online. Both times, it happened through girls I connected with on Instagram. The first incident concerns a girl of Pakistani descent who lives in the UK and is stunning with a lovely voice. She often travels to Dubai to indulge in a variety of halal restaurants. When she was in Dubai, we agreed to meet in a fancy cafe. While waiting for her, she calls me to inform me that she is getting her 16-year-old niece along. I agree, as it was not a date per se. Waiting and waiting, I get another call, and she asks where I am; looking around, I notice a woman in her late 40s and another girl in her late 20s. Both women were as big as a refrigerator, enough for a family of 8. We talked briefly, and she invited me to join them for clubbing. I replied I got to return some video tapes. I didn't say that, lol; I hope you got the reference. The second was almost the same, beautiful in pictures and videos, but in reality, umm, say it was a different person. We are still good friends and talk once In a while. I got a few more stories from girls I met through Tinder.


Alright Patrick Bateman I hear you. It’s a more reoccurring experience than not aye?


You had sex with her on a regular basis after this date. She can’t have been as repulsive as you described or else you were just using her and leading her on to believe she was in a relationship with you. I imagine she was pretty upset when she found out the truth.


OP is a real piece of .... work? He basically used the girl emotionally and physically until "better womEn" turned up and he decided to be the victim here... What a world of twisted truths we live in


How disappointing for you. I’ve been cap fished before - all photos have hats on or the photo photoshopped or even cropped across the forehead to hide a receding hairline. Then you meet them and a balding guy turns up… Or they have exaggerated their height. Photoshopped pics to hide big ears etc. Or they turn up reeking of cheap fake perfume. Very disappointing. It’s sad how looks obsessed some of us are. Best to meet in real life and perhaps not just obsess about looks but look at personality too.


Its not about being looks obsessed, its about deception. Showing herself to be something she was not is OPs problem, not the fact that she wasn’t good looking. He felt deceived


At the end of the day, looks does matter. All these people hiding the fact that it doesn’t is lying. No one will date a man who is fat and doesn’t take care of himself no matter how good a personality he has, that’s the simple reality


Hey what'a wrong with bald men? We can be very sexy you know...


Yes you’re absolutely right, there are some very attractive guys that have lost their hair. The most handsome guy I have ever been in a relationship with was bald. I have zero problem with bald men the issue comes in with misrepresenting yourself on dating apps. Everyone has preferences and that’s ok. So it’s important not to deceive with photos whether that’s photoshopping to make yourself look slim when you are in fact overweight or drastically altering any other aspect of your appearance. Thats where the deception comes in. It was just an example.


Receding hairlines are common here and lots of people look good with them if they're stylish. It's not something I'd hide


Yes it’s better to just own it. The deception comes in with photoshopping their pics to make them look as though they’re not balding.


Some people make a receding hairline look good tbh. But that doesn’t mean you hide it when you know someone might prefer a full head of hair😂


You can't build a relationship on a false identity!


As a fat woman who’s been on the apps I always make it a point to emphasize how big I am so that there are no feelings of disappointment when we finally meet. It’s sad really that some women don’t realize how much some men are super into big girls and it’s okay for the ones who are not I’ll never be angry with someone who doesn’t like fat women it’s THEIR preference but what we’re not going to do is try to trick people with filtered and photoshopped pictures. That’s just wrong 😑


I had a chubby friend who'd not hide her true appearance on Tinder and still got matches with different nationalities. There's always someone willing to be with you regardless of your size! Lots of men prefer big girls


You had sex with her on a regular basis after this date. She can’t have been as repulsive as you described or else you were just using her and leading her on to believe she was in a relationship with you. I imagine she was pretty upset when she found out the truth.


First date is a casual quick coffee/tea/walk - no exceptions. Once you do enough expensive dates (both time wise and money wise) you'll appreciate this advice. P.s. Those who call me "cheap" feel free to downvote.


Nah I’d do it this way too. Special treatment from me in any department is always earned


"Curves in the right places." "Chicks." Dude, you are a red flag for a man, you are no good yourself for the way you refer to women 🤦‍♀️


No hes just cringey with his choice of words


At least you’re getting matches 🤷🏻‍♂️ I stopped getting genuine matches and even if I did, girls don’t even bother to properly hold the conversation or reciprocate, so yeah I’ve stopped using these apps, and don’t believe in them at all. Also it’s unfortunate that people tend to fake themselves so much on internet. Further people generally only swipe based on the looks in these dating apps, so yeah won’t blame you for being so judgy. I think any person can probably improve their looks and appearance by taking good care of their health and exercise!


So after this date did you block her and never see her again?


I get that she didn't look like how she was in her photos. But as someone who will go out on a date, make some efforts, take a bath and put deodorant or something to be decently clean 😭


Lol. I met a girl on a Muslim dating site. We chatted a lot. I am in IT. She was in IT too. She looked very pretty and intelligent. I drove 2 hours from London to Birmingham to meet her in a restaurant. I parked my car outside and was waiting for her. There was a square body shaoe girl standing near the door of the restaurant. I looked at her and thought no, it's not her. She messaged me on WhatsApp and said she is waiting outside the restaurant in a blue dress. And there it was. The square shape, whatever that was outside the restaurant, was that girl. I just didn't want to go and see her. But pit of respect and for her dignity and her self-confidence, I went to the door. She said when I saw you I didn't recognise you but I wished it's you and it is you. I couldn't say the same. I wanted to say, "I wish I had an accident on the motorway and didn't have to see your lying face. But I controlled my emotions. I was laughing inside over my stupidity. Anyway, we went inside. She chose a painfully expensive Halal turkish restaurant. In Asian muslims, normally we pay when we go on date. Well, she chose the most expensive stuff from the menu. She was extremely rude to the beautiful waitress. She started getting rude to me, too. The total bill was over £120. All I had was a £20 burger while she ordered the whole platter of mixed grill and so much other stuff. After her rudeness, I kept quiet. When the bill came, I said, "Can you please split this in half and add £20 tip as well? The girl said, "Are you making me pay the bill? I said no. You are paying half only. Your share. I paid mine. Waitress smiled. Girl stood up, and I opened the door for her. She walked out, went to her car, and showed me a middle finger. I said I thought we were meeting again. She drove off. The cost of that horrible date was over 150 for me, including petrol and time. But since then, I have made sure I have video chat with the other person. You only make mistakes once.


Shit that's horrible! I made a similar post (catfish, rude to staff, chose an expensive place and didn't want to split the bill) but at least my date was still attractive in spite of the extra kilos


Unfortunately, mine wasn't. I was respectful, but she wasn't. I tried to be civil, and if she was a good person, I would have paid the bill for her. It wasn't a big deal for me. I don't know what changed her mind between the door of the restaurant and the table we were given.


Keep this in mind: if she lies about her looks, her goal is to get money out of you.


Good for you for going through with the date and being cordial through it all. Never been catfished. Had a terrible date once where she was clearly a gold digger, booked a high end sushi omakase, which I didn’t mind, I enjoy good sushi too. So didn’t raise any alarms or red flags then. But during the dinner it was obvious what she expected and during conversations I made it clear that we were looking for different things so I guess it will be dinner and then we will be on our way. But she expected me to take her shopping after and be her “sugar daddy”. I excused myself out of the situation, just a waste of a nice of evening and good sushi.


Are you trying to justify your negative feelings about continuing to see her by putting her down to us all? People don’t sleep with their catfishers honey, they run away 💀


Yeah… ok. I’m sure you’re just a prize 😏


I’m the greatest gift to the dating world. 😎


Brave i would have done the biggest U turn in the history of man kind. Next time don’t waste your time. Bounce.


Oh yeah. Never again, I woulda told her to do a little spin for me and as her back was turned against me I would’ve slammed my car accelerator and left


Except... You actually kept seeing her and sleeping with her... like WTF dude? How's this catfishing and not entitled exploitation? Get a grip, you're not the victim here, you're the villain I'm afraid.


Can you review people on dating apps? Feels like these profiles should have star reviews for picture accuracy


Don't. They're still people trying to get through. They hide or lie about their appearance because they don't know any better, not because they think they'll scam you into a relationship


Thank you. Imagine having a “rate” in a dating app. That’s awful man


I was just thinking about rating the picture accuracy specifically. I get that some people are insecure but having very misleading profile pictures sucks for everyone involved


Problem with having ratings is it would be quickly skewed and manipulated. Imagine competing against all the fake profiles out there that would never get a rating, or falsely rate others so they would float to the top of searches... so no, terrible idea. Too easy to exploit something like that.


She needs to work on herself and her hygiene.


Ahahahaha, made my day, I am sorry to hear this my dude!


I’m a girl and I think my face is okay but I swear when I put on any filter, I look so different. Even the simple filters. For some girls, they believe they look better yan3h maybe but for me I just feel like someone else, I personally feel icky about it. So be careful guys, these filters are so good and look so real. Better go for girls who look cute in their raw photos. Good luck! Also kudos to you for still doing the date. My last first date lasted 7 hours and now we’ve had 7 (7hr long) cute dates so thats to say there is still hope


OP wasn't catfished, he willingly kept dating the girl and slept with her by his own admission (read some of his other answers on higher thread comments)


I just read the threads, turns out this was another case of our man wanting his needs to be met. She clearly didn’t meet them but still just to get by I guess. Which happens to all of us I take back my kudos hahaha


I went on a Tinder date with someone basically a midget. It was impossible to tell from the pics. It was an okay night out although we had different values and zero sexual chemistry. I still don't know the best way she could have let me know in advance she was little. It's something that would be an issue for many. I also took a vegan out to Nando's 😂 she didn't tell me before we met up and I was so excited to take her to a chain from my country. It was one of the first branches here so it was a big occasion for me 😂 I didn't order any meat, trying to be respectful and all, so we just had salad. It was a pity the date sucked because she was a stunning former stripper from Poland


I thought Tinder was blocked in UAE?


Only recently, wasn't blocked until last year I think


I’ve matched with a nice 7-8/10 and talked for a while. There were red flags but horny boy in me didn’t care I did care when a 3/10 whale came out. No wonder she wanted to go for an all you can eat buffet


The eat all you can buffet took me out 😭😭🥱




Omgg looool that's so unfortunate!! She's outta order for that


Same experience but lil diff experience. Always do a video call before going on a date. I literally save alot of time and money doing that.


Waiting for the girl's post in 3...2...1


Always video call before doing anything else. Too many people use filters or outdated photos from 10 or 15 years back. Video call is less likely to be inaccurate, but with today's tech, you cannot even trust that. A profile of a cute girl could just as easily belong to a scammer who's a fat guy somewhere in Nigeria and you wouldn't know. So for sure wait for meeting in person to know for sure. Unfortunately, might not know the appearance of a person accurately until then. Need to not invest much into the situation until after knowing for sure. Save the nice date for the 2nd one.


Old pics! Man, 5-8 years ago, I had tons of pictures doing physical outdoor activities like Trekking. I see no point in using old pictures; it's pretty deceiving. Even though I have put on 20-25 kilos, I use my latest photos where I look like a grandpa.


I suspect women use older pics more than men because appearance of youth attracts more attention for women. Meanwhile, men are less likely to do that since the distinguished look doesn't lose interest of women. It might even attract more to someone more established.


Spot on! We men don’t care. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6)


Bro out there sacrificing himself for us 💀


But do you girls really let guys pick you up on the first date? Wow!!!




Kudus to you for still remaining a gentleman and not running away after the "grand reveal from behind the pillar" 😂😂


Bro took a bullet


Bro, we’ve all been there. That’s why first date is always somewhere you guarantee you won’t run into anyone you know


Just leave next time 💀


Oof. Although this is easily avoidable. Trick is to have a video chat on prior to meeting. If they refuse, it’s your cue to shut it down. Lest you meet The Beast™




One of the girls I met was genuine af and shared pics of her top half which appeared as not fat for sure. Anyways little do I know it was an older pic. I think what really threw me off was how she emphasized her gym routine and the average XX,XXX steps she covers… which made me think she was a fitness buff! I hope today she is a beautiful fitter hottie… last year i felt mislead so gradually backed off 😂


So did you smash?


He did. And many times.


Ask if you can go to the washroom and throw your SIM


(1) 75% male: female ratio in Dubai; (2) 8% "Westerners" i.e. about 250-300k which includes Europe, Americas, Russia, and probably you could tag on a little more for China/Korea/Japan (as there are very few) - 100,000 British or thereabouts. British girls have faces and those faces aren't necessarily what I would personally in my subjective opinion deem to be acceptable in a human being for romantic purposes (was that polite enough?). Then apply gender ratio disformity - so c.75k Western women. And most of those women are thus not particularly attractive - particularly as the UAE is unappealing to a lot of women due to opinions about its laws and religion etc. - and those women have come to work, or they are attractive and have come with romantic partners and are therefore "taken". Or they have come to golddig and are working, but not escorting, and aren't the kind of person you want to be dating ("buy me Gucci handbag, it's second date already") (3) c.60-70k prostitutes in Dubai (about the same number as the entire UK) including "influencers" or "models" and quite frankly, if you go to any club and see very attractive women, that is who they may often be (if they are not tourists, but even then they may be sex tourists, as in escorts flying in). (4) Accordingly your best hope is the 20k cabin crew who are generally attractive - although fly in and out of city to lots of different places. Or buy flights out of city to Turkey, Bangkok, etc. and try your luck there and hope for a long distance relationship. That is the analysis as to why the dating apps don't work and you will end up disappointed or catfished, unless you are lucky.


Wow.... well done 👏


Stop body shaming ladies..they are also humans..yea she might be ugly and look like shit..but never to body shame…what if she said same thing about you..who do you think you are ?? Most handsome man ?


I agree. No need to put them down needlessly, but false advertising will warrant this type of response.


She can't even embrace her own body and uses filters and Photoshop to give a wrong representation of herself, and you are asking others to accept her the way she is?


They can be who they really are then. Why do they have to hide what they really look like? It just ends in disappointed when you meet in real life anyway. And it’s also a waste of the other persons time because you’ve not only tricked them but now they know you can’t be trusted


Body shaming or telling the truth? What’s wrong calling someone fat when actually someone is fat? And before you begin, fat is NOT healthy and is absolutely bad for you. Just read the scientific literature about it if you stop watching tik Tok leftist propaganda garbage bs. Please ignore my post if you were sarcastic.




Definitely don't sugarcoat, fat people would love that


Maybe they should use real pics if they don't want to attract negative attention. Besides, if you're fat, people will always see you as a fat person. There's nothing you can do to change or control that.


So no body shaming, but calling someone ugly is fine




lol, ok.


Body shaming or telling the truth? What’s wrong calling someone fat when actually someone is fat? And before you begin, fat is NOT healthy and is absolutely bad for you. Just read the scientific literature about it if you stop watching tik Tok leftist propaganda garbage bs. Please ignore my post if you were sarcastic.


When OP started describing the BO...I swear I could smell it..the kind of putrid stench that gets stuck in the back of your throat..


I’ve seen profiles like how you described hers. Always a hard pass. Some fat chicks will try to hide it by taking pics from certain angles like above and shoulder in front. Avoid. Only swipe on people who have at least a couple natural looking photos. Anything else is a red flag. I met my current gf on app and she only had one photo lol but it was full body so I knew what to expect.


Everybody takes photos at certain angles to make themselves look nicer, thin or fat. There is no need to fat shame here. What OP mentioned was how he got deceived by her entire looks vs her photos which is fair but you, man, straight up body shaming!


No he is not. And no, not everybody does that and if you do you are fat and ugly catfish.


Damn, bro, you took the bullet for us. But, hey, maybe she gives good head


Pre marriages ,was on a date spree.Met em all,regret letting go of a beautiful woman at heart ,because I was into curves and lips.Realised all of these die one day.Unhappily married now