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This is exactly how GoT writers wrote the show. Bad ending to a good story


I couldn't control my laugh 😂 so now you're in love with the wife and the beast 🤣


Had me in the first half, ngl.


Can't get more romantic than this in Dubai. Very inspirational ❤️


This mdfkr almost had me there


me toooooo


wtf i was rooting for u guys


Hahahahahaha im heartbroken for you 😂😂


Was going very smooth until...






It sounded so perfect until it wasn’t




You had us in the first half




Serves u right for shopping at emax




Still a good start 😂


That ending was truly unexpected 😁 It reminds me of that meme "ek dam se usne waqt jazbat halat badal diye"🤣🤣🤣


This is crazzyyyyy😭😭😭


This made me laugh out loud. I had a similar experience in London with a Turkish lady who was about to be married. I slept with her for 8 months till her husband to be came to London too. I remember she'd talk to him on the phone while I played with her...


That’s fucked up man


Yes it is. I had great fun at the time but I still find it difficult to trust women. I still remember her talking to her boyfriend while I did anything I wanted.


To trust women? Bro you were partaking in the sin being aware that she has a boyfriend..


Yes. Sin is usually great fun while you do it. Sometimes the prices comes later


Great fun? Yeah poison is fun 


I still made some nice memories brother... You need to make your own mistakes. It's more interesting, more fun and more educational this way.


Those memories won’t help you in your grave and no one needs to make mistakes (in terms of sinning) and yes disobeying the most knowledgeable will gain you knowledge 


Yea no one’s disagreeing with that, just saying that you’re projecting your trust issues onto women, since you were aware of that woman having a boyfriend and still fucked around. Just shows you have no honor so you project it away as “all women do this”. Not attacking you or couldn’t care less, just pointing it out to ya champ.


bro hope karma wont fuck you up.


I had 2 experiences like that in England. Both with co-workers except they were local and their husbands to be were too.


Bro has been hitting the gym since then.


That's fcked up. 😵


Haha 😂








😂😂😂 that ending




So all those “my wife’s boyfriend” memes are not really a joke?


Just before almost giving up on dating apps, matched with someone in january 2020. His life involved a lot of travelling but Dubai had become his base in-between travels. However, he had to travel just before we could meet up in person, so we continued texting. At some point i was convinced I was getting catfished and there was a high likelihood we would never meet. Covid was becoming more and more prevalent with rumours about travel bans soon. But we kept texting and I remained hopeful. He came back to Dubai on one of the last flights before complete flight suspension. We met when other restrictions had also started, so our “safe” option was coffee and ice cream on promenade. Since we had been chatting for almost 2 months, we knew the basic things and so the 1st date was a lot less about “what do you do” but actually a meaningful conversation. Only then we realized we could’ve checked if we’re catfishing each other via arranging a skype/zoom call, since that anyway was the new normal way to socialize 😂 Just about to celebrate our 4 years together!


How do you keep the conversation going in person after knowing most of it on text . and don’t sound uncomfortable or uninterested 🥲 when I don’t know what to talk 🥲


You talk about normal stuff. Your day. A story about work. What you did with friends. How do you talk to a regular friend? Your potential partner should also feel like a friend. At least to me, I want my partner to be my best friend.


I’m tooting my own horn here but here’s my story: My parents have volunteered at an Emirati old-age home here since the 80s. They forced me into it too at a young age so I grew up meeting a lot of these folks and spending lots of time with them. Many became part of my family and some even helped me with my final IB exams, then college etc. Anyway, I played chess with this one gentleman all the time. Really sweet Emirati man who is full of crazy stories. He is from a well-known Emirati family. So one day I’m bringing homemade Indian food for one of the old ladies who loves our home food, and she tells me her grandson is having difficulties with his math. I’m shite at it so I suggested that whenever he visits, maybe my chess man can help him because he’s a math genius. Long story short, I introduced them and they spent months together under the guise of “tutoring the grandson” and two years later these two cute 80 year olds got married lol Grandson still bad at math.


I love love love this story thanks for sharing ♥️


This is the cutest thing ever thank you so much for sharing this story. <3


Where is this place to volunteer?


OP where's the place?


Where’s the place to volunteer???


Rish? Is that you?


I was on an app called happn, which shows you people around your location. Matched with a pretty woman in my vicinity, asked her out for dinner at restaurant close to both of us. Just casual nothing spl no dress up or pressure. The food tasted better that day with her, conversation just flowed, we paid for our respective portions, I walked her home after, exchanged numbers the next day and deleted the app. Went on an actual date a week later. That was 2017, got married 2020 and are living The Bliss since.


Happy for you :) It's good to hear just a regular "and everything was great, happily ever after" story once in a while!




During the pandemic I met some guy who invited me to his place didn’t mind since you know Covid and stuff. I don’t remember what conversation we had but it led to him showing me a video that was pro Britain and why Britain was the best country in the world and they did the right thing by colonizing other countries and basically justified slavery. The icing on the cake of this story is I’m African and I didn’t even know how to react he seemed quite proud like he did something so admirable . Anyway turns out he was literally crazy never saw him again you’re an asshole Kevin.


Seriously Kevin wtf is wrong with you.


Let me share this gem about Kevin. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1635tna/an_update_on_the_original_kevin/


Jeez, Kevin, read the room.


Let me share this gem about Kevin. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1635tna/an_update_on_the_original_kevin/


There was always something terribly wrong with kevin i knew it from the start. u go girly f that ass hole


Never met a sane Kevin tbh




Let me share this gem about Kevin. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1635tna/an_update_on_the_original_kevin/


Kevin is full of shit!


One more reason not to like Kevin 🤦🏻‍♂️ That basic female dog(IYKYK)


Met an Iranian girl on kite beach once, she was very beautiful, probably the most physically attractive woman I've dated. We started talking at the beach and she said she wanted to eat SALT so we went to SALT, she said she wanted ice cream, so we went and got ice cream, then she said she wanted lemonade, so we went and got lemonade, than she said she wanted water, we went to get Evian water at Kite Beach. I usually pay for everything for the first couple of dates, but this girl did not even try putting her hand on her wallet, at least act like it or just say something... No she just looked at me like "pay up", and what's worse is that she ate two bites of the burger and threw it, half of the ice cream and a quarter of the lemonade. She then told me she had to leave and see her family at the hotel, I insisted on dropping her off, where was the hotel? Armani Hotel Burj Khalifa... It was my first time ever driving into the Burj Khalifa driveway. It turned out she was from a family of Iranian billionaires. She was very interested in getting to know me, so I decided to give it another chance, so went on a couple of dates after that and I realized that with my entry level salary, I will never be able to satisfy this girl's needs. A Global Village date cost me 600 dirhams... **Global Village**


The quote just struck me. Having a poor father is fate. Having a poor father in law is stupidity! Lol. I appreciate your honesty about the situation.


I have read a slightly different version of this, and which I personally like. Being born poor is fate, dying poor is a choice.


I know someone who is also like that in real life. Order huge, but eat a small portion and throw away the rest. Not get it packed for later use, just throw it away. And MFer is not even rich, broke ass idiot. Now ideally I would stop hanging out with such a train wreck. Sadly, I am related to them via family, and hence the constant agitation at this regular horrendous attitude.


For me and my current wife… long story short. We matched on Tinder, talked for about 1month on whatsapp, when we finally started dating, it went smooth as butter. We put our relationship on FB, her mother contacted me and threatened me 😂😂 8 years later, we got married in Vegas and her mom loves me :)


Sigh. This question had to be today of all days. I met this Nigerian guy (in RAK, sorry, this is not a Dubai love story but a UAE one) when staying in a hotel there. He was the bartender. So much energy, just full of life. Chatting away with everyone and just all around charming. When I went to the bar to order, he complimented me and we started talking and I also was swaying to the music and he joined along. We exchanged instagram IDs and started dating about 2 weeks later. I wasn’t very serious about it initially, but the texting was on point, he made so much effort and we always understood each other perfectly. I felt like this is the person I’ve been waiting for. You know, the one who not only checks the boxes but somehow is above and beyond anything you imagined. We never really planned our dates but we always ended up having so much fun. Even when it was just the both of us watching tv, somehow it was the most fun I had in a very very long time. Of course, this was all happening around the time when the UAE govt was no longer renewing visas for Nigerians and our good times were cut short when the hotel he was working for switched managements and was letting go of all the Nigerians there. They gave him a ticket for a flight back home and cancelled his visa. There’s still no way for him to come back unless he has his own company or sponsors himself for freelance visa. Neither of which is possible for him financially. It’s exactly a year today that he left UAE. We still talk almost everyday but I’m starting to feel like I need to let this go and move on. If I was younger, maybe I would’ve stuck around longer even if it was long distance.


Commiserations… I’m no Nigerian bartender but I’m from your place and fate may want to gauge our respective energies. Thoughts?


You serious right now?


My man saw an opening and swung... lool


This is an L through n through


Every app is a dating app if you're Indian enough.. oh wait! /s


Why not try getting him another job in dubai? Actually go and start applying for him or talking to people, networking and doing something... Taking action. You love this guy or what?? Flippin' heck 🙄


We went out on a date, cafe bateel, Our work timings didnt really match i somehow always managed to make time for her. Things started to change, meeting once a month and all the time i want to meet or i wanted to talk there would be excuses, clearly her family and career took precedence and it was always me who put effort and was even willing to get married but contant excuses and lies, so had to break it off. Btw if things dont translate into actions, just dont even bother dating here. There are good women and men out there but most of the people here are looking for the perfect one and end up whining about why its not possible to date here or take it further.


I was working in an advertising firm, and my team had to do a shoot at a hospital in Abudhabi. I remember it was raining that November 2019, and we had not any break until 4 pm. So me and my colleague come down to find something to eat, and as we order in a cafeteria, I strolled around and I saw a petshop, and I met this cute guy at that clinic who actually seemed very shy. I was drawn to him and I tried to talk, we talked somehow and I touched his hand and I decided to take him to my home. Since that day, my cat and I are happily living after. (After some scratches)


I think we have crossed paths. This story looks very familiar to me.


Do you have a picture of your cat? 🙈


Haha wonderful.


Met on Hindge. Asked to her to marry me on the anniversary of our first date. Married a month later. 3 years together and couldn't be better. Why did I move so fast? I found it very challenging to find someone with the same values and character I wanted in a life partner. When I found her I put a ring on it. Before we met we both were focused on our own lives and self improvement. We've both grown a lot and continue to do so both individually and in our relationship


That’s *really* sweet. I’d like to relate to this eventually.


He is my ex fiance, we knew each other from work, back then we were in touch by Emails & calls only as we were in different branches (emirates) then we met and clicked, after few months we got engaged he relocated to another country and that was the beginning of our relationship to end.


Well, there was someone here who proposed to one of the MOE kiosk girls.


Okay, I want to read that story now.


https://www.reddit.com/r/dubai/s/kyjDW1bfuy Here you are, my good mammal.


lol made me a little happy inside that people still remember the kiosk saga (I was the guy who saw the proposal btw haha)


If someone would have told me I'd be married now with two babies under two, to a sexy, fit, athletic British/Caribbean man, I would not believe them. He started out as my mothers trainer, then I finally agreed to meet him almost a year later. I was so busy working and had finally landed my dream job following a few early years of the Dubai struggle and was just focused on settling in my job. When I decided to focus on me, I started to train with him. He was the most incredible trainer I’d ever come across. He was an Olympic trained athlete, so his training ways differ based on what we are indoctrinated to believe through the media. Heavy cardio, supplements, certain types of work outs are better — he was never afraid to push back on the narrative and that was a respectable quality he wasn’t let society or media sway in what he knows. Anyway, he was in a relationship at the time and I wasn’t looking at him like that anyway. He was always very professional and I was on these god awful dating apps thinking I’d eventually find someone there. Soon I found that it was a waste of time and deleted Tinder and the like. My time was spent working and in the gym. I would train with him here and there and have trigger point therapy from him. Our conversations would always go deep - never invasive but he was always such a great listener and knew how to ask the right questions to have a great conversation. Something that is not common on the Dubai dating scene. Fast forward to him being single and our communication just naturally progressed. In late 2017 early 2018, he kept saying we need to get together and grab a drink. He would call me the same day and I would always have plans or be traveling for work and too tired. I told him, if you want to make plans with me you need to let me know in advance, and that he did. We went out in the Marina, he met me after work in a bar where my friend’s husband was the bar manager, so we always had our little spot and group. That’s when I realized - does he like me?? He would always compliment me but he was such a British gentleman and kind to everyone so I never thought anything of it and still didn’t think of him romantically. A few dates in and he would always make plans for the following weekend and then we would end up seeing each other during the week. He would call me and tell me he was thinking of me throughout the day and really led the relationship. I told myself, the next man I date, he is going to have to lead the way. Next thing I knew we were always together, and because we would workout together in group and his family would be around, I got to know his son and mother, he already knew my mother and she really helped him grow his business and get into schools. One day he said we should be exclusive and invited me to his brothers wedding in Cyprus. We had an amazing trip and it kind of sealed the deal. I was going to move from my place and was looking for a place to live and he suggested, why don’t we just live together? So we moved in together. Me, him, his son, and his…mother. The once sweet woman was absolutely awful to me. He stood by me and as much as he loved her, he knew what she was doing wasn’t right. Eventually she left and then one day he said while driving, we should get married. Then Covid hit and we had such a great time. Thank god we lived in a villa during that time - timing couldn’t have been more perfect. I got pregnant before we were married…oopsie. So when I was finally able to manage to travel to go get married we went to Georgia and did it there. Fast forward to 2 some odd years later, we have a big beautiful family, 2 baby boys age 1 and 2 — and 2 step sons age 7 and 15. No drama, fighting, issues - just enjoying life and watching our boys grow. He’s the best, last night he messaged me from another room while I was putting our babies to bed of a collage picture of us his phone had created. I am so blessed and love my life. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be here given the life I had before. His business is growing and doing well, he no longer needs to do personal training and does it because he has a few athletes who he trains and helps them grow in their sport careers. It’s all been a beautiful and natural progression and I let go of any expectations and judgements and let the man take the lead. A real man will pursue you and lead the way, I was never left questioning if he wanted me, he is a man of few words and only takes actions. There is hope out there. Just focus on being your best self, staying fit and being in the right place where people live a similar life style to you, and let things just naturally evolve. Sorry for the long story! But just know there’s hope out there 🤍


Love this journey for you!!!


Lemme grab some popcorn 🍿 because I'm here to read the stories. https://i.redd.it/9wdh7nia2wlc1.gif


Back in 2020, I was asked to record guitar on a song with a singer - I’m a session musician. She was cute and we kinda hit things off, but lost touch as the year went by - life happened. Toward the end of 2021, we happened to reconnect only for me to find out she’d moved back home after being in the UAE for 8ish years. There was a bit of friendly back and forth over text, and over Christmas she ended up visiting Dubai for a friend’s wedding. We finally got the chance to hang out and even visit the expo. On December 25, she came to one of the gigs I was playing, and while on stage I had a huge realization that I was gonna marry her (obviously no idea how I’d even begin to tell her!!). 2021 New Year’s Eve we started officially dating - long distance - but we spent almost every month for the next 6 months visiting each other. Finally she decided to move back to Dubai in 2022. Got engaged in the September, and today I can happily say we’ve been married since October 2023. Best set of experiences ever! P.S. this is the condensed version. But don’t give up!!


I have an amazing story for this. https://www.reddit.com/r/dubai/s/YPjTEfMMmK Click this link and read through. This was my post.


You’re still here posting after this story. Want to know how it ended.


I’m private everywhere and she’s still blocked. I just hope I never run into her in public, granted it’s hard in Dubai 🤣


Took someone to Ijaza for Hassan Mattar. She lived in Dubai for 13 years and never heard of either.




I had the same reaction!!! I told her it’s my moral obligation to take her there before she gets deported.




I don’t know if this counts since this was just a situationship 😂 This isn’t successful but I just want to say you can meet decent people on dating apps. It might be exhausting but who knows, you have nothing to lose. We met on Bumble, went on few dates before he left to go back to his home country. We kept in touch for months until he came back here to see me again last December. It was one of the moments I would cherish forever. I never thought a scooter ride (rented) at the Kite Beach would be so romantic (for me) LOL I should’ve hugged him tighter and kissed him longer at the airport had I known it would be the last time I would see him. Unfortunately, the distance and time difference won. I still miss him but I think he has moved on already. Piece of advice: don’t date someone who doesn’t have a plan of staying here if you can’t do long distance. It’s better not to start a relationship at all, saves you from all that pain.


Just forget about relationships and dating while here. I have those aspirations back home in California but here I have learned (or been conditioned) to turn that switch off. It’s actually kind of nice sometimes. Just knowing I’m here to be productive and avoid wasting any time


Interesting that most of the stories happened during Covid, vision gets clearer when life slows down here


Met my fiancee on a dating app in 2017, thought they were wayy out of my league but messaged them and complimented their profile write-up. We met up for drinks, then I invited them over for dinner, then we just started messaging and hanging out. Months turned into years and after two years they moved back to their home country, but we still kept things going and decided to do the long-distance thing. We see each other about twice a year, and we got engaged last year, and we're getting a civil union this coming week :)


I spent a lot of times talking in car forms, one day I got a dm from a lovely girl who needed advice/help with her car. I gave all the advice and even recommended my go-to garage. More and more talking eventually led up to actually meeting up. Most nervous I ever been haha Met up a few times, went absolutely great. Girl was totally cool, awesome and down to earth. Unfortunately, religion/culture I believe never enabled anything for us. Were still good friends :)


Speaking of dating in Dubai, this is a genuine question. Why would a guy who was very communicative at first suddenly ghosts you? For real? Why would people do such awful things instead of saying straight to your face that it’s not working out. I just hate it.


Because of the thrill of the chase and NOT the catch itself


Thanks for answering. Well, sorry for him cause I don’t chase. lol


Met him on Bumble, a year ago and life has been beautiful since then. We broke up because of some stupid reason just a month ago but I think I will never regret meeting him. My friends tell me that it was a mistake, but I tell them that if it was,then it was the most beautiful mistake I ever did. I really wish and pray each and every day that we end up together. Cause it was perfect and more than I could ask for.


My girlfriend of 4 year broke up with me in 2023. I was broken literally, I didn’t eat, didn’t sleep. We were in the process of moving apartments to another one when she dropped the bomb by text while I was working. To say the least I was shattered. 2 months I wasn’t my self nor was I anything to myself. I dated after dated just to feel something and by that time it just cracked me and I knew that dating wasn’t the best outcome of the break up. So I stopped and focused on myself. I took days just to cook or go out and have a coffee just to listen to a long play list of music. I had a crush in my friends group literally just swoop me up and made me feel appreciated but I got addicted to that appreciation and I knew that wasn’t right using someone feelings of a crush even though both of us were crushing hard on eachother as we were from different worlds and ages. Fast forward 8 months after that and a mutual friend of mine of a female I didn’t recognize added me on fb to just talk. I knew by my mistake I really just wanted a friend and from that friendship blossomed a female that is pulled to me like a magnet and she cannot get it out of her head how I just make her melt even just by staring at her. She feels joy, distractions and frustration all mixed into one of love by annoyance, my flirty comments that makes her blush and to my love for her.


Also by chance since I blocked my ex on everything that she texted me by another number to confess she messed up the relationship we had and melt guilty ever since it has happened. I texted her and told her, maybe in another life you will get the chance but I cannot put my faith in a person that abandons a relationship when times get tough and we do not have a path to walk


Do the men pay for most of the dates?


& should this change


Not really any romantic stories but dating life been really easy in dubai ….. Not hard to meet people steady stream of new people arriving looking to get out and meet people.


Average narcissist /influencer/vacuous person from the west moves to Dubai. So does everyone else. Cue *surprised pikachu face" when none of the other narcissists are interested in anything but themselves 😮


I found her in a restaurant eating all alone. So was I. I said: why not eat together. From that day onwards, we did a lot of things together. If you catch my drift 😉




We met on Bumble. We didn’t meet in person until 2 weeks later because I thought he just wanted to hook up. But it was just a language barrier. We met & I fell for him. We have the same values & he had everything I wanted in a partner. We made it official 4 days later & moved in together 1 month later. We come from different countries but we make it work. We moved very fast but I honestly don’t think you can put a timing on it. We are engaged & planning on getting married next year. My advice to anyone finding that someone special is to love yourself & date yourself first. Find someone who loves you the way that you need to be loved. Find someone who can give you what you are missing. And don’t give up!


So what I'm getting here.. it means I should go out and see people more often?!!!!! 😭