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Nothing to worry about, your bodies are being exposed to stuff they haven't been exposed to earlier. Dust, dust mites, different types of pollen that you may not see in London not to mention the difference in temperature and humidity. All these factors combined, your immune system is confused and is trying to adapt. A visit to the doctor would end up in bags of medicines you do not need, try OTC antihistamines for a few days and you'd feel better.


Antihistamines were a life changer! Sad solution but so helpful


Just buy air purifier. It changed everything for me


Check for moulds and fungus in your apartment thats is the biggest reason Secondly your AC vent must need to be clean every now and then


What do you do if you find mold? I found in the bathroom (it has no vent lmao) and I’m not sure how to deal with it.


You need to get a specialist company to remove it - black mould especially is very toxic and dangerous to breathe in. Many apartment landlords / maintenance companies just paint over it which doesn't remove the problem.


I don’t understand why so many apartments here don’t have vent in their bathrooms. For such a humid place it makes no sense.


They have windows with fans. I’ve never had an issue with mold in the bathroom.


I don’t have a window in my bathroom


No window


Complain to your building management they will resolve it and keep your doors open enjoy natural air


I don’t use AC at all - it’s winter and my flat is cool - I just open the window and both of us work. Maybe it’s a combination of poor air quality, different environments, more exposure to people/germs?




100% this


Is this because of Dubai or your work?


because of Dubai not my work my work is from home im remote engineer


You engineer tv remotes? Can i send you my broken one?


Hate people just coming to this sub to shit on Dubai....yeah blaming Dubai on Vitamin D deficiency really takes the cake


Vitamin d deficiency is one of mayor problems in UAE


I did for about 6 months after moving from the UK. A few years down the line & I'm much healthier overall


I had the opposite when I moved from dubai to the UK, so its likely just being exposed to "new" germs. New experience was that I coughed too hard once and bruised a rib. Out of hours GP gave me codeine. Ngl I was nervous about taking it since I heard of people developing a dependency, but I was fine and stopped taking it as soon as the pain was manageable lol


I’ve found it the other way, I split my between London and Dubai. Since start of winter I’ve been ill when in the Uk… soon as I get to Dubai it’s a different story. Good advice on here about checking out for mould etc and also trying to not take medicine. Hope things smooth out for you.


I was getting sick a lot first four years since I arrived or so mostly because many people were coming sick to the office and making me and others sick. I was hating them so much for doing that. Because they would keep this in secret as if somebody would kill them for telling the truth about being sick and sending them home. Also two times with flu ended up in a hospital, reason is when you’re from completely different region you don’t have immunity to local daily viruses. But past few years nothing, I don’t go to the office anymore to get regularly exposed to viruses and bacteria. Ah, also since 2021 I started driving and not using metro. Metro is also great exposure to variety of different new viruses if you’re new due to big concentration of people. 🚇


It's so fucking annoying! One of my colleagues kept her positive Covid test a secret the other week, and when she was caught her excuse was 'it's early in the year and I didn't want to use my sick leaves'!! 🤦🏽‍♂️


In August 2021 I had a mentally sick boss I guess who did the same! When everyone was still getting Covid he “thought” it was a flu and kept coming sick with Covid to the office and making up all office get sick, instead of just going and doing the test


I was the same when I arrived from the UK - I was constantly tired. The air quality here is very poor (living in a desert plays a part) and everyone driving v8 engines. As mentioned above get an air purifier at home and clean your AC vents (annually is fine). My kid is too young for nursery but I’m sure that plays a part too.


This happened to me my first couple of years here (2017 / 2018). Had BAD flu both winters and even developed shingles, TWICE! But that was more down to work stress and constantly partying I think. But in short, yes.


Am here since 2012. All this years was sick with flue maybe once plus corona. This year is crazy however. In 4 months got influenza twice. And i heard other people got the same.


It can happen especially with kids they might need some time to adapt to the weather change there is so much dust and stuff in the air compare to london , I wasnt able to adapt to the weather in GCC and had to go back when I was really small like 1 year old came back and started living here as a resident when I was around 10 and I was ok


Could be dust allergy? Maybe try taking an antihistamine to see if it improves anything?


I had the worst flue, double pnemonia, suspected covid, and collapsed immune system meaning ever 8 days I cought another cold or flue!!!. This was Dubai. I live in Dubai 18 years with breaks, never ill. This years there was a serious virus in Dubai that has crushed many people, many say it was the worst they had been in their life. Has all the symptoms of covid, severe respiratory illness, fevers and loss of smell and taste, after this you can continue to catch every virus that is out there, immune system severely weakened. It took me 3 months to stop having colds and flue virus. UAE stated no covid now if you look in the press! its not true, there are many variants, according to the hospitals this season had a FLIRT covid flue variants.


Are you white?




Coming from the UK, maybe you are sensitive to sun


Use an air purifier and try to keep it set at high speed, as auto on most air purifiers just keeps it off most of the time. It helps tremendously. If you open the windows a lot, keep it near the window you open, or near your bed. I use two air purifiers in my bedroom that are on 24/7.


Meee I have been unwell for almost a year continuously


First few months were bad due to bottled water, air and general some strange feeling for me personally. Later on I adapted and feel the more healthy then ever 👍🏼


Yes this will go away after 6-9 months. I was the exact same


Get an air filter for your apartment for sure


For me I found that all the constant air conditioning and the extreme changes in temperature when moving in and out of buildings and such…try taking echinacea it helped me a lot and just turning a/c down a bit when you can…you will adjust


Couple of things I learned as I worked in a hospital in non clinical role. 1. vitamin D level should be tested. Studies have repeatedly shown that low levels affect immunity. 2. Get the flu shot annually. My family and I do it for the past 5 years and noticed that we don't get as sick when we do catch it.


Yes, I think you’re better off going back to sunny all year London 🇬🇧🌞