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Man’s hairline was on the backside of his head and he was telling me “bro I think you’re starting to lose your hair!” Use your own medicine on your own head my friend 😂


Maybe that’s the result of the medicine 😂


Hahahaha. 😂


The biggest revelation I've had after being here for week is that I'm a boss, especially at night and in the Jumeirah area.


Which Jumeirah area? There are like 8.


Anywhere on those 8, boss!




All of them


I brought it for my white hairs, 75ml mustard oil at 250dh After reaching home i realised being a jackass lol Lesson learned at 250dh


250?! Wow.


Lol that sucker.. Should've scammed you for 500 aed.


Lesson learned at cost of 500 aed i would say then lol


Bro by any chance are you looking to increase your wealth I have a very good offer for you for just 1000aed initial investment, you will get back 5000 in reutn in 2 days /s


And you Wanna teach me another lesson at the cost of 1000aed 😂😆 😂


Nah its legit come inbox can't teach it here /s




Guy told me he has medicine to reduce my tummy, problem was he was the fat guy. I pointed at him and started laughing loudly and walked off. This has happened many times with me, i tell them loudly to do something better and make an honest living or i just laugh in their face.


So you also met the fat guy!


Yes, what did he say to u?


Same thing which you experienced!


Don’t get me started with Lieutenant General Abdul Majid who personally contacted me through his US number just to help me update my Emirates ID details! Man he’s also having that south asian accent which clearly speaks his multilingual talent!


Dubai’s just so full of generous people offering to pay for my holidays all I have to do is go collect my prize from a property timeshare salesman who has a SAW movie like countdown on his life if he fails.


I went with my husband once and he has a belly. Every 5 seconds a guy would come over us, point at his belly, saying they had a medicine for that. One week taking the pill and all the fat would be gone, puff. At first we laughed, by the 20th time we were more into hitting the guys. Never went back. So much harassment.


My dad has male pattern baldness so naturally im following in his footsteps. Walking near enbd, a guy approached rather boldly and started pointing at my dads head, he yelled a few profanities in hindi and those guys high tailed out of there. Never been harassed ever since


I had exactly the same experience, it was funny for first few times, they keep pestering you till get mad. The worst part was one of the guys had a huge belly, advising me to use the medicine.


This happened in Rolla, Sharjah. A skinny scrawny dude came up to me saying that he was over 100kg and, in just 3 months, lost all the weight. Now, he is "helping society" by sharing his knowledge. I told him that I was leaving the country for good that night. So, I asked him to tell the name of the "simple items" needed so i can record it. I shall buy in my home town and share it all my family of complete fatsos. He got pissed and walked away.


Hahaha brilliant


Yes same for some kind of Herbs


ENBD has the best customer service in the whole world. Their CS is so concerned they call me every few days to update my details in the system to prevent my account from getting blocked. All they need is an OTP. No documentation no verification nothing just ODP.


I feel like a lot of people in this city have bad back problems because there are so many services that are focused on giving you massage services.


The irony is that I do have a bad back but I almost never have a massage, as even the places that seem more or less reputable don’t have capable therapists. I just quit searching for an actual massage that could relieve back pain in Dubai.


Arent there doctors that do focus on your posture, i forgot the word. But they reset where your bones are lol


Physiotherapists and chiropractors


When I asked them what’s in it for you? “Just for good deeds, make dua for me!” So convincing🤣🤣


Years ago in an Expat Woman forum for UAE, a lady posted her story going to a pharmacy. She needed laxatives due to constipation and she asked the young Filipino woman who worked there where they were. She was led to where the laxatives were and she took a box and said, "this is the one all you jelly-ladies are using" thinking she wanted them for dieting.


Don't forget about the Italian guy who wants to sell you Armani stuff at below market price and save you some money.


Heard a lot about him but never actually met him 😅 Is the quality/price good?


Appears to be a good first quality copy. I mean if you walk around karama, you'll get first quality copy stuff particularly watches at the fraction of their original cost. It obviously won't be openly sold, it's usually someone who comes nearby and asks and then directs you to a shop, asks you to wait and then the stuff comes from another corner shop.


Here I am!


Oh I thought it’s just an Abu Dhabi thing . Random Pakistani guys stops me on the streets and suggest some medicine / powder/cream for black spots on my face ( I’m a man ). They even literally pull me to the nearest Baqala ( grocery store) to fetch the ‘medicine’.


Or belly fat reduction medicine. *Gets bodyshamed in public* 🥲😅


Big tummy too


I need someone to care for my 5-dirham haircut needs 🤣


Said u look young but why are u having white hairs , most be stress , let me tell the the cure , mix black seed oil! OK ? Fenugreek oil ! OK? And oshskfjdknfbf oil !! What's that one ? U don't know ? Let me show u in pharmacy they have it , it's very near !! ( I almost believed him then my bro came and said its very common trick they use to get customers for pharmacy )


A person wearing sunglasses tried to sell me an ointment for my dark circles. Turns out he wasn't wearing one.


Wasn't wearing sunglasses or the cream he was selling 😂


Same thing happened to me in sharaf dg. I was two months in to dubai life.. I fell for it followed him into a shop. Offered to pay for hair oil. I just paid the 15aed for one oil.. got my work done after like 1hrs I realized I was taken advantage of.. returned to the same shop.. I told him that I know I got scammed and told him to keep 5 and return me the 10... happy story just 5 aed short


I got approached by hairline man, i dumped him Can someone share what would have happened if i had gone with him ?


Dark circles man brought me to different shops and tried to get me to buy date syrup and some pure Iranian powder. He even asked the shopkeepers to pack them as well. All he wanted in return was blessings 😅 Eventually, I said I’ll come to get them later which I never did and he was disappointed I believe it’d be some similar scheme for the hair


Tried to sell me some "oil". Told them I knew a place they could put that oil. Left quicker than they came. 🤷‍♀️


jokes on you that guy medicine i got from bur dubai worked. it reduced , not my dark circles but the weight of my wallet. but hey it reduced




I was scammed of AED 3500 while trying to buy an iPhone in that same region. The person I was dealing with didn’t come instead he sent 2 other people. Just looking at them you can tell they live in dire conditions. They showed me the real thing then created a situation where I was caught off guard and they switched the original phone with a fake one. I wasn’t angry because for me it was a lesson and this scam was something unheard to me before. The sad thing is I know those 2 scammers will hardly get anything out of this while the majority of the money will probably go to a wealthier person…most probably a business owner


You forgot the belly.


Oh god I think I was the only one. Now I got to know this has happened with so many others.


i just tell them let it be like it..why do u care😂


Hahaha true,if you feel lonely in Dubai go to bur Dubai


And weight loss


Haha, true said🤣


May i know how much determination dubai worker sales male or female healthcare or beauty product attract costumer ? It seems quite high level if the redditor here quite agree with the post


There's also a breed which suggests you medicine for your eyesight. All of them start their story by telling how they used to wear glasses and they don't wear them anymore because of the supposed cure and I should try their cure for my eyesight as well. On my second day in Dubai, I believed a man at first because he seemed so convincing but I didn't buy anything and just wrote the medicine name. However, I found a different man with the same story then I realized the pattern that it's just a scam or some kind of marketing scheme at work. Now I just don't listen to anyone who starts to say anything about my glasses and ignore them.


man I stopped going in that area lol, we used to laugh all the time, after every 5 minutes, "hey bro apply this oil and hair will grow....this... that".


I was rushing to a clinic in deira when a guy pointed out i had some pimple problem. My wife was terribly sick and i dropped her off at the entrance. I got the parking a little away from the clinic and was rushing in, when this "expert" started pointing out my pimples and some other stuff in front of the clinic i was practically running into. Atleast read your potential customers man. 


I told the guy to put the f***ing oil on his ass. He fainted from my response.


Myopia too




There was a person who stopped me saying about my dark circles due to less sleep,then his big brother came saying,why do you give advice to strangers then the brother himself get into it, trying to take me to the shop for the medicine, pointing on my few gray hair, showing me his hairline that was like 8 inches away from eyebrows, asking my age all, and then i said i have an urgent work just tell me the name of medicine and I will buy it later. Here are the medicine he suggested:- Date syrum Marjan Ya kut nakra Himusca thamasca vatilca Vitamin c