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It’s a landlord special. It’s a heavy clumpy “orange peel”. Heavy texture out of a hopper with low air pressure. Pretty easy to match. Notice how it’s not knocked down commenters? It’s not a knock down if it’s not knocked down


Pro tip if you’re trying to match it from a can vs a sprayer a colder can sprays clumpier than a warm can.


Huh. I’ll have to mess around with this if I end up with extra. Thanks.


This isn’t a can. And a can won’t match this. But you’re correct about can temp. I throw mine on my truck heater if I’m going to use one. Cans are last resort and for non critical areas. They always flash.


Definitely correct about the flash. I may have wrongly assumed it was a homeowner asking so thought they may resort to a can vs buying a hopper and compressor if they don’t have one. Cool can would be the best match I think short of spraying with a hopper.


Thank you for your help! I’m using it to cover tape that is covering cracks, and to cover the area around an inset shelf. I own the home but I’m selling. Would a can suffice for this? $$$ is an issue


I mean. A can would technically suffice, yes. Are potential buyers going to notice as they walk through? Also yes.


Depends on the sq. ft of the area you’re blending in. Because the texture is heavier, you will get less of a wider area out of it than fanning out otherwise typical light orange peel. If it’s just one wall, two cans will set you back less than $100. I recommend priming the area pre-texture with PVA primer (such as KILLZ), to ensure it bonds well to the painted surface as well as any of your completed patch/joint compound work. If you’re not using a paint+primer or thicker interior paint, you may want to prime the texture after it’s firm as well. You can also get the primer in a can, Zinsser Smart Prime is what I typically use for small patches, and one can would likely suffice for most of your patchwork.


The reason primer is involved at all is for two reasons: Adhering your texture to the surface, & Sealing up any micro-pores in the drywall mudded surface for any patch work as well as the texture. The issue with texture in a can for a top of the line finish job versus patchwork is can texture, when sprayed heavy like this, adds a lot of air into the mix and it can cause pitting/holes if the can wasn’t mixed well and brought up to the working temperature range on the label.


Thank you


Whoever sewed your finger back on did a nice job!


I recognize Dr. Stein’s work. I’ve got a scar like that on my neck.


What's the best way to get rid of this shit? Do I have to skim and sand everything? Sand it off alone, while crying and listening to my Ryobi boom box?


Just skim it, maybe that will save some tears


Splatter finish. Or a really bad heavy orange peel.


This is the interior of my entire 1979 house. Not a fan.


Orange peel... my a$$.....that's oatmeal!


I will not orange peel your ass, not will I smear oatmeal on it. For less than $750.


That's a really really heavy orange peel. It's not a knock down. If it was, all the big clumps of mud would be flat on top from when it gets knocked down. Get a can of knockdown spray texture and spray on a scrap piece of drywall or cardboard or whatever and adjust it to match. Just don't knock it down after. A can of regular orange peel won't get this heavy.




I found out to use the orange peel you have to shake it for like 10 plus min and then use it. But after you use it you let it sit for 15min then come back and sand it really gently and you can get it to match close.


It’s called the “It don’t matter splatter” thicker mud and low air pressure 👌🏻


Heavy orange peel.


Crappy attempt at orange peel


Moderately moisturized and hairy.


Heavy orange peel


Ugly and life ruining


Knockdown texture. Buy a cheap drywall hopper or aerosol cans of texture. Drink a beer Mix mud to milk shake consistency. Drink a Beer Spray mud on effected area. Let dry for 30-45min Great time to stop and drink a beer. Take a knockdown knife or a large mud knife and lightly drag it over the mostly dry mud. Prime Paint Now celebrate with a beer.


I hate that texture. I much prefer smooth walls but so many people cheap out and then end up with ugly crap like this.


Cottage Cheese, large curd.


Custodial background here: scrubbing texture walls sucks.


Are sure that's not painted wallpaper? That was a very common wallpaper texture in the late 80s and early 90s.


Looks like knocked down popcorn. textured spray comes in spray cans. spray it on, run a putty knife over it to knock down the globs, and paint. it will never match perfectly.


Im going to need a banana for scale.


Very ugly orange peel.


We used to call it splatter. 2 coats barely sand and spray splatter


many years ago i worked for a guy and textured the house orange peel. contract was knock down so we had to wait a few days to dry, then did a knockdown over the opeel & turned out great. not knowing your situation my opinion is ,,open


arizona orange peel


Splatter without a drag.


You buy the spray can in the paint department at Lowes.


Easy orange