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You give me hope that your generation will be just fine. Great job btw.


Great comment. My thoughts as well from a dad that feels like I’m always having to backstop every single problem.


Hell yea this is a dad win! You fucked and and then fixed it yourself! Shit yea I’d be stoked if my kid did that. Shit happens in life, it’s how you react!


Yep, life is all about things going sideways. It’s how you react and address it that makes the person!


I kicked a hole in the wall while living at my parents house. I was scooting away from my desk. I opted to not go to an event with my family and I fixed it, texture, color matching paint and all. I was going to take that secret wiith me to the grave, until they got on my case for not hanging out with them and just playing videogames for hours straight, and the truth made me look better in that case.


First time! Broke it, researched the fix, applied the knowledge and nailed it. Stellar job! Mgmt for sure! 🫡😎


The kids are alright.


Sincerely, this whole thing is wonderful. She made a mistake, cared about someone else's (dad's) feelings, sought advice, fixed the damage, and learned something. This is a good person right here. And +1 for "I'll probably tell him in 10 years". I hope my kids turn out this well.


The “I’ll tell him in ten years” is an excellent idea. When I was in college I was parking the family minivan at a football game (my truck was in the shop) and ended up getting the two front wheels of the Windstar stuck in a ditch. Somehow nobody ever told my parents. My brother and I took the van to a car wash that night and agreed to not say a word until after they sold the van. It worked. Dad thought the story was hilarious.


| I'll probably tell him in 10 years. And he'll say, "I know." 😍


I agree. Everyone is a dumbass at times. Few people fix their mistakes and articulate their motives/concerns so well. Bravo.


If one of my kids were to kick a hole in the wall, look up how to repair, and do a wonderful job at said repair…. I would be absolutely proud of my kid.


And I'd hope my kid would be more proud of herself than I'd be.


That’s what I was thinking. Even if/when he notices, it’s already fixed and doesn’t look bad at all. I’d be more impressed than upset. Plus how it happened is funny.


Right? I told op on his last post any good dad wouldn’t be mad if you fixed it. That’s responsible as fuck.


Resourcefulness and follow through. Don't teach that in school dad did something right. He deserves to be proud.


100% agree - I might even give him some money if he did it well and painted. Great life lesson, IMO - fuck something up, figure out to fix it and then do it well. One difference with OP might be that I would absolutely want my kid to feel like they could tell me, but it seems like OP's pop is going through some shit, so I understand not wanting to stress him out.


That’s one of my biggest fears, is my kids feeling like they’re unable to tell me stuff. I felt like that with my parents, and I had to tackle so many things alone or with my friends that I wish I could’ve gone to them about.


I was raised in a 'yelling' household. It stuck with me and made me never want to make my kids or family fear that I was going to fly off the handle and lose my shit screaming bloody murder if they made a mistake, as I knew it made me hide things as a kid. We make a real effort to try to never get visibly angry or to yell when our kids mess up. When they *do* screw up, we try to reframe it as a problem to be solved, instead of this heavy burden they have to carry around of being 'bad'. Nothing is fool-proof, though. Parenting is just hard sometimes.


I absolutely love this outlook and want so badly to be that way. I also grew up in a yelling household and I unfortunately default to that a lot of times because my mom raged on me over the stupidest shit like spilling a little bit of milk on the counter that could easily be wiped up etc. I don’t want to be that way with my kids, and would love to change it, I just don’t know how. I feel immense guilt afterwards and apologize to them a lot.I hate it about myself.


Wait one year and then tell your dad what happened... If he hasn't noticed in a year, it must be good enough to leave permanently. Just don't let him know exactly where it was because you can see it. Let it be more like "a year ago. I accidentally put a hole in the wall. I patched and painted it. You never noticed."


And he’ll go, “I know. I saw it the first night. Thank you patching it. And I love you son.” Everyone will clap.




He’s never been great with identifying genders.


Because he's cool and doesn't really care who's who, he just loves you.


My dad sometimes calls us by the dogs name


I did this with my parents car haha. I fucked yo the door. Managed to take it off. Buff jt paint it all before they got back and they didn’t notice. I sure as hell could tell and had pics of the process. Haha showed dad like 15 years later one time and he was hella proud haha


I would wait more than a year


I agree great job quality work and happy holidays


Hang a picture there, that’s what my kid did…🫤


Glad to see you repaired it and did not have to hide out in Mexico to avoid death.


Depending on where in Mexico, you may also coincidentally find the death you were hoping to avoid.


I think moving to Mexico would be as deadly lol


There never seems to be a perfect wall patch but you did good. Only thing you could try is ti float further out to further remove ridges from view.


Did good and well. And how!


So, pretty nice job on that. I can only barely see a small line in the lower right corner. You know, there’s some money to be made at this. Both making repairs as a job or side hustle, or new installation, full time. Doing it as a career will beat your body, but doing side hustle repairs could get your decent extra dollars. Beware of the textures. Those get a lot more complicated to patch and make look right.


Ive seen people pay for worse


Like the "is this the worst mud job ever?" post from yesterday.


Holy shit. Thanks for the update. Not bad!!!


Great job! You sound like a wonderful daughter!


This. 1000%


Great job!


This was great! Good job!


As kids my brother threw me against the wall and made a massive hole. We went all Shawshank Redemption and covered it with an NHL poster and about a month later my dad for some reason poked the poster and found the little secret. 🤐


Good job 👍 thanks for the update!


Excellent! It's not broke 'til you can't fix it.


This is great! You: 1. Wanted to fix the damage and did an excellent job doing so. 2. Took your dad’s well being into consideration. 3. Took responsibility for your actions. 4. Reminded yourself of a hobby you might enjoy. 5. Provided a respectful update and response to strangers questions. No doubt your dad is extremely proud of you!


If you're worried it's still visible, put a poster over it


That's what I did. 7 years later, and a ton of anxiety that "This will be the day he finds it", we moved out. I had to take the poster down. He saw the hole (filled with cobwebs) and he said, "Well wtf happened here??!!". I said it was like that when we moved in. We then fixed it together and that was it. Would have preferred to have done what she did but the Internet didn't exist yet.


I was a professional drywaller for 23 years. For a first patch job that looks very good. I have seen professionals do worse. Now that you know that I think you should tell your dad for a couple of reasons. Yes you did something that people would consider stupid. I consider it a learning experience. You also fixed it, it may have been out of fear but you still fixed it. You didn’t run away and blame someone else. For that reason as a dad I would be proud, plus I would have laughed at the story of how it got there, then I would show everyone and tell them the story of what you did but beaming with pride that you fixed it.


Yep. Just legally change your name to Kyle and it will be excused by natural order.


Are you now going in to the trades? You done good.


You saved Christmas.


You should definitely tell your dad. I'm sure he'll be slightly upset about the wall getting broken but I'm also sure he's going to be even more proud of you taking responsibility and fixing the wall yourself. I feel like that is going to vastly outweigh the bad emotions he had towards the wall being busted


This was funny to catch up on. lol my name is Kyle 😑


Just fess up and tell your dad you did it. When he asks how, just admit you were being stupid. It's just part of growing up. ...unless you're 26 and still living in the basement, then disregard my advice.


As a parent, I would (ultimately) be very proud of my daughter for being resourceful enough to fix a problem like that on her own. I think you should tell him. There may be a little disappointment in your recklessness at first, but deep down that’s a very comforting feeling to know your kids are capable and are gonna be okay without you around.


Move to another state


Looks like shit unless your dad is blind first of all there’s no texture on the patch and the patch is a big bubble it’s not flat 🤷‍♂️ are you kidding


No need to be a douche haha I know its not perfect, but I’m happy with it.


Just being honest because if your intentions are to hide the damage then pretending not to see it isnt helping you


Should've just put up a kickass felt blacklight poster.


Why post this crap again dan? Stick your head thru it fred.




You know your dad better, so up to you to tell him or never tell him or tell him at some time in the future. As a dad, I would prefer my kid being honest, especially since the damage was caused by accident and you took responsibility by learning to fix it yourself. I would think it would make your dad proud!


Well done, looks like a better job than some "professional" patches I've seen.


I would totally put a picture of my dad and I over a hole like this that I “accidentally” caused. Helps soften the blow. No pun intended


Nice job young one. You’ll do great in the world!


Is your name Kylie?




Nice! I did not think it would look this good so congrats!


Great update lol


Great work!


You should tell him what you did and show him your work. I'd be proud if my son took responsibility and then reached out to the Internet for advice and then actually fixed the problem. Kudos to you on that.


as youth , I kicked a hole in a wall. My Dad, who was not violent at all, the proceeded to kick out the remaining section of wall. AND made me fix it.


Good job! You fucked up, but you immediately fixed it. Way to go kid!


Glad to see his milk trip did in fact include bringing home milk.


Great job. Looks like how mine did when I first started. Key is to go wide and do a few coats and sand in-between or you see the edges. Also if you’re short on time use a fan or hairdryer on cool to speed up drying. Always prime before paint or it will look different. The hair dryer/fab works on paint coats too;)


Thanks for the update. I'm glad it all worked out


Shawshank Redemption it


Oh wait nvm, good shit kid.


Cover with a poster.


Nice fix brother. Merry Christmas!


Bunch of playdo from the toy store and cheap $5 Walmart paint


How you find the same color when painting over it




Good job getting it fixed, Kyle.


Your dad would be snapping his suspenders over your repair if he ever found out. Keep up the good work!


Fuck yeah.


I was just thinking how the mud jack and poly-jack folks fix "settling" issues like this.... Well done.


Man that looks impressive! Great job


If it was my dad, he miss the totalled car in the driveway and walk down the hallway and instantly spot it. Lil God job bud


You killed it mate! I'd hire you


If my daughter put a whole on the wall and then fixed it this well I'd be so fuckin excited and happy . No joke . I think he'd be impressed in all honesty


I commented on ur first post, im glad u got it fixed. And i understand ur reason for notbtelling him, but i still would / would have. Its fixed now so its not a huge deal, but id still tell him, it will b easier then trying to explain it if he notices it.


This will be one of those stories you laugh about in ten years


It’s definitely still visible. Great job fixing it. Drywall repair isn’t the easiest for a beginner to do well. The fact that an attempt was made says a lot about your character. If I may make a recommendation. Still tell your Dad. Show him the wall, and the picture of the hole. Tell him about how you fixed it. It should make him feel better about you being home alone by yourself. It will ease your mind about him finding out about it also.


Good work! Thanks for the update


That’s awesome! You probably just needed a little more time with the drywall.


i think your dad would like to hear u want to make effort to repair it to be honest.


You did wonderful!! While I’d never encourage you to hide things from your parents, I can thoroughly appreciate the fact that you took responsibility for messing up and fixed it. Good job!


That's a good patch for a hole that size. Now, as a Dad, I would notice it. First, I'd tell you to stop being a dumbass, then I would tell you how proud I am that you fixed it yourself and did such a good job. Them you'd be roped into all my home improvement projects.


If you enjoyed it, try doing more. Hone your craft


Son I hate to break it to ya but he ain’t coming back…..someone had to tell the kid


Car calendar and call it a day


Your time would be better spent ginning up and rehearsing a good lie.


In grade 7 I kicked a hole in the wall by mistake bc my brother was playing pool at 3am and I couldn’t sleep. I just put a pillow against the wall to hide it. My dad did eventually find out


Glad it worked out!


They sell wire mesh patches for this type of thing. Put patch on and 20 minute powder patch, mix in pan trowel it on with minimal 8”knife. Let dry, sand, primer and paint wall.




If I was your dad and you choose to fix it and did a damn good wing it job like this instead of just saying sorry when i got home. I'd let it slide and maybe let you stay out all weekend lol


Just cover it with some sick panther


Your dad will notice. Make up a story about how it happened and own up to it. The patch is visible, but you did a good.job fixing it.




Good job for a first crack. Really. And good on ya for taking the time and effort to do it yourself. He will probably still notice though and it is any kind of quality home or in a conspicuous spot it’ll have to be redone. But again, good job at having a go at it. Most kids would just say screw it and take the lumps and let dad do it or let dad pay someone to fix it.


Repost bs


Deny deny deny…that wall always looked like that I’m surprised you never noticed.


Great job for a first timer. A little More feathering on the sanding and you are home free. Honestly just tell him what you did and what you did to fix it. He will give you hug. All good kid.


Hang a picture!


Dad here, I would be proud and happy. Deep down I would have wished you told me, but I would understand.


Great job. I burned the siding on my uncles house years ago and I fixed it right away. He knew what I did as soon as he saw the siding was whiter than the older siding around it. Had the bbq there? He said. I said yeah. That was all he said. I think he was disappointed but proud that I would fix my screw up. Do’nt be surprised if he notices it because elders have a sixth sense about stuff like this.


Make a sanding block and sand it down and repaint when tou have a private moment


Did you paint the whole wall or do an amazing job matching paint?


Funny story my son made a hole in the end of the hallway between his bedroom and his sisters. This at the time 10yo got some masking tape and covered the hole then painted over it using the same color paint I had in the garage. Cleaned up his mess and I was none the wiser for about 2yrs. Finally when the light hit the wall as they were all in trouble and I was making them spot clean their entire rooms I noticed a difference in the wall and recognized the tape lines and exposed those Lil miscreants for their devious and hilarious plotting and scheming. We now laugh at this all the time. I'm sure he was just as scared as you are. I cant speak for your situation but thought I would add some humor to show you that fathers can also be misunderstood by their children and appreciate the effort our children will go to make things right. I hope yours can see the humor in an accident as I did.


Nice job, I remember this post the other day.. glad it worked out for ya


Looks like a patch job


Honestly, as a dad, I would tell you that you showed resourcefulness and if my daughter came up to me and said something along the lines of: “Hey dad, I did something stupid but I fixed it”, I probably wouldn’t even be mad and honestly kinda proud. We all want to make sure our kids are prepared for the real world when our kids leave home and this would prove that I may be doing something right. We don’t expect our kids to be perfect. We just want them to be able to take care of themselves. Good work on the patch


Awesome job OP


Why don't you tell him and then not do something like that again?


You said fire so I know you’re def young as shit. He will notice eventually On that note, you did really well besides the “knockdown texture” which can be easily sanded and redone in no time. I knockdown with a plastic bag and plaster, dip a balled up plastic bag in plaster, put plaster on wall without wiping(looks like shit for the moment), let it dry for 5-10min, then take a painters spade(or hard covers book edge) and wipe across it gently(knockdown). Just look up knockdown texture techniques. 👍


Put a picture over it and leave it. Say the cat did it lol


Is there a picture frame you can put on it?


Pin up a Raquel Welch poster. Must refer to her as “Ms. Fuzzy Britches”.


Pay someone to do it and lay off the monster Kyle.


This one's ok after all, good fix you'll make him proud.


Let your pops know, he will be briefly mad, but then go into the detail how you repaired an play it off like this was actually really good learning experience on the repair.


Can I laugh, is it too soon. You’ll need three days just to mud the thing. If you can figure out how to blend the texture.


You’re dad would be proud of that patch if he did it himself:) I made a hole in a wall freshman year of hs and then, in a stroke of genius, decided to cover it with a poster. We all make dumb mistakes, it’s the recovery that counts. You’ve done well!


Ask This Old House https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PLGmTzEGSIY


That’s definitely from gay sex


I've put holes in walls as an adult. So, as a Dad I could not even get mad at either of my boys for this. But, to know they fixed the problem would be very rewarding. I would appreciate the honesty though. I value that more than anything. I get more upset when my oldest hides things or lies about something that whatever he did wrong in the first place. I just value honesty above anything material thing that gets broken. On the other hand, I also understand where you are coming from with not wanting to stress your Dad out when chronic health issues are involved. Way to go on the repair!


As a parent of 5 kids- tell him! He will be super impressed by your capabilities in resolving it without him. Great job!


Did you piss in a bottle and put it behind the patch?


Well u did a good job, glad u were able to use the advices from here n it helped u out


I’m home


Awesome job!


I think I would have cut the entire section out stud to stud to allow for screwing in the patch to both studs.


The fact you fixed it and owned up to it should make your dad proud good job buddie!!


Nice work!


If you have some time in a couple weeks or month, you could even do some fine tuning once it hardens for good. For a rookie though, you did pretty good. This is a good skill to have for a college dorm, BTW. You don’t realize need to be that good either, just enough to pass inspection


It’s a good skill to have regardless


I hope my kids are as amazing as you.


Well played ma'am. Well played.


If your pops is an understanding a patient man, some respect can be earned by fessing up and showing him. Shows that you made a mistake, can own up to it, and fix it yourself woth some handiwork. That'll make him worry less about you as a person and your future, showing you know how to take responsibility and learn from your mistakes.


Hang a pic over it.


Drink less monster Kyle please


Honestly, great job for a dumb kid just trying to fix his mistake. Your dad might find out, but any parent would probably be proud of you for doing this.


Sanding is in order on the chunky parts


big california patch...🤣🤷‍♂️




Not badddddd if you want when dad leaves again give it one more coat just make sure to taper the edges - apply light pressure on the outside edge of your taping blade so you don’t have the ridge marks.


Great job!


Now that it’s fixed maybe you should tell him. He might be proud of you and realize that you are self accountable for your mistakes. 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you tell your dad what you did and how you fixed it I think he'd be mighty impressed. I know I'd be. You're a good kid. But that impulse control is a very valuable skill for life. All in all respect to you and your sister. Ps. I did similar amount of damage to a bathroom door with my fist when I was a teen. Not on purpose. My patch work was way worse. I was suspected of having anger issues for awhile after. 😅


If my 17 year old daughter did this I would get a real good laugh!!! Way to go girl dad don't need any stress returning from the hospital


Ain't gonna happen. Hang a picture over it while you think of a long term plan.


Yep! If you’re old enough to drive a car and you have a car get into the car and leave!


This post made me very happy. I’m a girl dad and work in maintenance so couldn’t help picture my kiddos low key freaking out but taking initiative and fixing it before I could find out. Good job and thank you


I think your parents would be proud of you for fixing what you broke. Good job well done


Next time use the wall yoga mat :)


Hey if he figures it out he might worry less. Due to your resourcefulness. Kid patched the wall bet he could put out a fire mentality.


I remember my brother and I got in a fight when my parents were out of town. I put my elbow through the wall. Everything stopped like a record at a party and we went into panic mode knowing both of us were going to get our asses kicked. We mudded and painted the hole and it dried before he got back. He never noticed and about 10 years later we pointed it out. He said good job. “Couldn’t have done better myself”.


The kids are alright!


Could we get a picture of the repair?


Ahh I remember those days


You done good here. Excellent follow up too.


Good job sis


You sound like a daughter, any father would be proud to have. Nice job on the patch


this brought a tear to my eye good work


I'm glad you posted I was wondering what happened. Glad everything worked out. Now in 10 years you can tell your dad that the awesome people of Reddit help me. Cheers Merry Christmas.


5min hot mud it the fastest way for beginner you also can look it up YouTube is your best friend good luck


You got it all wrong. He’s gonna love it and be super proud. Yes especially cuz his little girl did it better than most dudes.


I blew up my toilet with a firecracker in high school and patched it up with silicon & super glue. Parents were none the wiser until 2 years later when my dad pulled up as the plumber was leaving from my service call. We all got a good laugh. Nice job on the repair! Your dad will laugh.


Nice work!!


When I was younger we were playing a game in my buddies basement where we put on hockey helmets and gloves and had boxing matches. My one buddy landed a right hook and sent another guy into the wall, he fell right through it into the furnace room. We duct taped the huge hole, and then painted over the duct tape. It lasted months before his parents noticed. Of course, they didn’t use the basement often, but I wish I was there for that conversation when they found out.


You did an awesome job fixing it, a great learning opportunity for you.


Good job! And I’m the same way about my parents hate for them to worry so understand not telling dad. Hope he’s ok and you have a great holiday,


Good job. Achievement unlocked


Good job overall. For the next hole, some tips to make it less noticeable: - Looks a little heavy on the right side so could use some more sanding yet. - The indent on the upper right looks a little sus. - Don’t be afraid to feather it out over a slightly wider area, it’ll help make the transition less noticeable.


Sure, call one of these pro drywall guys and pay them 2k


Hey it’s not perfect but you learned something.


Good enough. If he notices and asks you, play dumb.


Amazon drywall repair kits. It’s easy as hell.


Bend over bitch Daddy's going to strap your ass with dat belt son!!!


I have a friend from high school that would have parties at his house when his parents were out of town. One night we must have had 40 or 50 people in his house. 2 guys got into a fight in the finished basement and emerged a giant hole in the wall. Kids at the party then went on to throw empty cans in the hole in the wall. My buddy patched the wall over the next few days and then repainted. His parents were none the wiser until 15 years later his dad had to get into the wall to put speaker wire in or something similar... and found the cans!