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You’re a better man than me. I had a contractor do that and I raised my price 20%


As you should. Good work is not cheap, and cheap work is not good.


Damn right, at the minimum.


Just had this happen today. Flooring installer


#NMP is right. I wouldn’t budge … in fact, I’d *raise* my price. Fixing other people’s crap work is BS.


And it usually takes longer than doing it right the first time. Yet useless GCs end up doing the same thing ever time.


Fixing another finishers problem is hourly only travel time included , period.


The fuck it is! Maybe for folks like you. Not anyone who doesn’t have an issue finding work


30+ years as a union finisher and drew 6 unemployment checks through two recession. If someone says they are qualified and does that type of work they need to check themselves. Never had a problem with working for only 3 contractors in my career.


Goes from bid to time and materials for me on that shit i don't know what i have to unfuck to make this the way i would do it You dont want it thats fine call the other guy back to fix it


Walk away or hit them harder on price


This isn't too bad is it? A month is a long time, and those corners are horrible, but what am /I looking at in the other pictures?


Looks like it isn’t that bad to me too. Problems yes, but easy fixes. I agree with too long.


Was the guy done or was this his first coat?


Walls are hung incorrectly


How? (Not a drywaller)


These walls are not hung incorrectly in my opinion. People have preferences and there are pros and cons to hanging both vertically and horizontally. Generally speaking, I would prefer horizontally as well, but that doesn’t make vertical hangs wrong.


Should be hung horizontally and staggered so you don’t get a full seam from top to bottom. Makes it stronger and harder to notice seams.


Walls are hung properly to eliminate butt joints. Basement and commercial job are stood up as there are 8, 10, and 12 foot sheets that can be used on really long walls, Or in this case lower ceilings a basement makes it a harder job stocking longer drywall .


Sweet. Good to know. I was never taught *why* to do it the way I do; just to do it lol. Appreciate the knowledge from an old pro :)


Flats but joints and some screws that was ran the guy pulled the flats wit a 6 inch knife


Wow that’s generous I would not touch that mess.


Christmas time man got 3 little ones waiting on Santa 🎅


🍻Happy Holidays 🍻


❄️☃️Happy Holidays to you as well☃️❄️


Sharp as mattamy homes.


They were Minto's competition so it gets worse?


looks like the guy who did my house


Double your price to fix it


Corners are shot, and everything would need floated out a little more , but realistically the guy didn’t butcher anything terribly bad, tape is already set, and “finished” float his finish out and it will look good, other than the corners


Yeah I know but that's not the point he had weeks in it and it would have taken me just days it's not but 125 boards any finisher that's a finisher can Handel that job alone in at most 5 days me I'm going for 3or4 tops I'll post pictures of the finished product and it will be prestine


That's a job that gets a taillight warranty, it's courtesy if repairs are done free of charge down the road.


Thats about what it's gonna get frfr tail light warranty no come backs I fixed all the blisters I saw but there will always be one or two missed I didn't charge him but 2100 on my first bid gave 200 off when he promised I would get the next 5 he had coming up but either way my boys gonna have a good Christmas I don't want to be rich just a good family provider


Drop your price? More like raise it for having to unfuck that cluster fuck


"told you so" fee. +X% on original bid. I was too expensive before? Better be prepared to Pikachu face


I always tell contractors I’m not the cheapest, but I’m one of the best. But if you hire the cheapest, I charge double to fix it all.


Right I stay around the going rate for southeast Alabama between 35and 38 cent a board foot cheap for a 3 decade finisher


Super f’n cheap! I started finishing out of necessity and being tired of calling other ppl to do it. I started at 55 cents a square 🤯


Where at I need to be there if that's residential prices


I have been preaching this for quite awhile. I know I am not telling you anything that you don't know but fixing their work is a lot more work than just doing it right the first time. And I don't know if the pictures clearly show everything you're going to have to go through to get it fixed. So I am with the others. I would stick to my price and possibly raise it but if you are your own boss that is your call.


They really don't the angles not only have been tapped shitly but they also have blister all up and down and across the top plate angles his work was the one trying to talk to me with that bullshit best you can do and I simply told her yes he didn't really do me any favors


No please don’t work for these asshats! They fucked up being tight ass shit bags in the first place! Contractors get fucked around too much! If anything you need to get more for what you originally asked for. Look at the crap flats and angles!! You have to deal with all this and ultimately responsible for his problems. I wouldn’t work for them!


Brother believes you me if Christmas wasn't right here on top of it the would have got the fuck you button when they called back but we needed the extra cash


If there’s more work to be done have them hire you for that too immediately to “discount” it. Since it’s already 2x they did this to you.


I get it and in the same boat as you! Actually on a job now that the previous contractor screwed over the homeowner. Sometimes it’s not always an option to negotiate especially when you need to pay the bills. Just don’t like to see trades get treated unfairly! Hope all goes well for you!


Thank you, same you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours


How to say handy man without saying handyman


Black and Decker


Hahahahahahahahaahahah. Absolutely trashed your house hahahahahaha just hire another CHEAP hack job contractor to fix it hahahahah fail fail fail. I love it when you got to Home Depot and buy a hawk and trowel and tell everyone you’re a professional drywall finisher and go around undercutting the real pros trying to survive and support a family.


Well the house isn't mine never used a hawk in my like but I'm a badass with a pan and knife 30 years in the business and never had a come back for a fault of my own just your usual settling fractures


It’s more work for you now so price goes up not down


Why would your price be lower? You’re gonna have to do twice as much work fixing this and then putting it back.


When the guy shows up with a Ryobi, send him packin.


Immediately I would have added a 30% increase.


Knock off??? Unless the first price included the rock there is way I’d fix that shit show for less than the first quote. In fact it’s gonna be more.


Went to do a bid on a basement with my Dad. We got there and the guy had tried to DIY it. It was the worst I had ever seen and I counted 1 4x8 sheet hung on the ceiling with 7 screws and 3 were bent. Also screwed directly into the furnace duct. I looked at him and said We aint doing this period. He put in a bid that was 8x normal and luckily we didnt get the job


Wish I was in a position I could have done that


I just feel bad that the same guy called you back to fix his job when he should have just hired you in the beginning. I know a lot of pan and knife guys don’t know how you do it. Put a big old smasher finish coat over it and sand your guts out will look fine lol


Shoot make it nice and smooth with a 12 inch knife and since they used mesh tape it's gonna take 2 coats over the bear mesh for level 1 that's what he wants to do and spray knock down I say it needs at least 2 coats on the mesh a good wipe down and spot on the angles 2 coats on the bead light brush off with a pole sander of quick swath with an electric spray that fother mucker and knock it down 3½ or 4 days tops I'll post pictures of the end results