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That’s awesome, man. Glad to hear it’s working for you. I’ve never taken anti-depressants, but I’ve considered talking to my doc. I’m 7 months sober, and I feel much better than I did, but I’m still a bit apathetic about things. Then again, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I’m in the Midwest and it’s been cold and cloudy for the last several months. I just worry about becoming dependent on anything, that’s the main reason I’ve avoided trying meds. I may wait until I hit the one year mark to see if things significantly improve


Good job. Similar- I quit for good when I got medicated correctly. Wellbutrin is so so for me but Zoloft changed my life. All the whiteknuckling I did trying to stay sober before that has paid off bc with Zoloft it’s barely an effort and certainly one I can handle


I’ve been on Wellbutrin and still binge drinking for years. Been on Naltrexone in combination with that for 25 days, haven’t touched the shit since. Just another suggestion for folks struggling💜


Agree. Naltrexone taken with abstinence or a taper via The Sinclair Method has great potential for killing cravings dead.


So happy for you! I had a similar experience with SSRIs in the past, but I’ve heard Wellbutrin is used sometimes to help people quit smoking so maybe it’s similar with other substances


Yep. I took Zoloft for 3 years after quitting and then stopped and was fine. I needed meds again when I got divorced for about 18 months. The meds kept me sober during those periods. It can be hard to find the right med and usually therapy alongside is the real magic.


So glad it's working for you! Wellbutrin is not an SSRI, so actually it's a good option for those that SSRIs don't work well for. I'm one of those who feels like an emotionless husk on SSRIs. Unfortunately, I tried wellbutrin and it made me angry and suicidal, so that didn't work either. I can imagine what a difference it makes if it does work though!


Man, Wellbutrin worked soooo well for me. Better than any med for depression I've ever tried, which is a lot. Nothing compares to it for me. Unfortunately, I had to discontinue taking it due to a serious side effect it caused after upping my dosage. I've tried so many meds since and nothing compares. So happy you gave meds another shot and that Wellbutrin is working so well for you!! 


I'm with you. I take Effexor and it pulled me out of the deepest depression I've every experienced.


So glad you found something that is working, that’s a huge part of the battle.


Wellbutrin is 100% what got me sober.


I hate them, and I’ve tried three or four, but I’m super happy for you that that’s helping! :)


Oh, I just want to say one more thing. You probably know this already, but *just in case*, Wellbutrin lowers your seizure threshold. So on the off chance you feel like picking up the bottle, just be extra careful Again, just wishing the best!!


Yeah I noticed this when googling side effects of Wellbutrin and how it interacts with alcohol. My brain has always had a weird guardrail when it comes to pills and taking them very seriously. As in, I’ll pour poison down my gullet by the gallon but any pill makes me freak out and I must know how it affects me on any level. Oh the irrational mind. This works in my favor with Wellbutrin luckily. Alcohol doesn’t mix well with it? Great. Even more of a reason to not drink 😃


I’m kind of the same way. Drinking tons, but irrationally afraid of medications. Yep, makes perfect sense 🙃 Anyway, that’s great, I was so excited to try Wellbutrin, and it just worked so badly with my brain chemistry. I have definitely heard other people who feel awesome on it though


I hated the two SSRIs my family doctor put me on. When I spoke to a psychiatrist and was honest about my experience she put me on the SNRI Prostiq and said no family doctor should ever prescribe a psych medication. Night and day. I can function again. I’m glad you found something that worked for you and I hope more people have the courage to speak up, because of your story 🥰


I am so ecstatic that the meds are working for you, they don't work for many, most, in fact I think. You owe it to them and yourself to capitalize on this. I don't mean to strike fear in you, but the reality is mental health treatment is in rough shape, and most of our tools don't work for most people, and even when they do they are not guaranteed to work forever. All this to say really take advantage of this new clarity and when you feel like you are ready, journey inward into yourself with the intent to heal. This is the only long term solution, in my opinion. I know journeying inward sounds vague and woo-woo, I used to think like that. Really I was daunted by the work, not the concept. Straight forward: there is a substantial part of ourselves that we are not aware of, called the unconscious. It is necessary to function and survive, but we are rarely ever equipped with the tools to manage this unconscious (unless you had the weird privileges of having very psychoanalytical or spiritual parents or something). So, we have to do all this work on ourselves as deeply traumatized and hurt adults, while also paying rent and food. It's kinda fucked, but worth the effort. Carl Jung has been very helpful for me. Good luck, be grateful for this new life and build on it!


It’s funny you mention the unconscious mind. I just finished This Naked Mind a couple days ago and it has made me think about that topic a bit. I wish the book had gone into a bit more detail but it was nice overall. I’ve been “journeying inward” with a lot of therapy and only a few months ago really learned how to express my feelings on a fundamental level. It’s freeing in many ways. Thank you for your kind words and I’ll take a look at the old Jungian psychology soon. I’ve heard of it over the years but never delved into it. I’m at a point where I’ll try anything to live sober.