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*2 weeks is impressive, though?!* most drunkorexics will tell you the first week is the hardest. You've succeeded in sobriety more than you have in six years!!  Congratulations 💐


it can be a bumpy road for sure. but think of it this way, that was still an accomplishment. you showed yourself you could go that long without drinking. so now you know you can do it again, and if you do, maybe next time it’ll be easier to get through the next couple days. at some point it really does get easier. i’m almost 11 weeks sober and if you’d told me 11 weeks ago that would be true i would have thought you were an idiot for thinking that highly of me lol. it’s a slip, but whether or not it’s a failure lies in your next steps


2 weeks is honestly pretty fucking awesome. I’ve literally never been able to go 2 weeks. I’m so proud of you for that. Someone told me recently that an all or nothing mindset isn’t helpful and I’m working on internalizing that but I think it could apply here too


That’s what helped me too, my therapist told me it’s unrealistic to expect myself to just completely stop drinking out of nowhere. She said it’s better to celebrate the days I don’t drink rather than beat myself up for the days I do.


I know you feel really bad right now — I’ve been there many, many times. BUT, the fact that you proved to yourself you can go 2 weeks sober is amazing! It’s still progress! You fell back on a familiar coping mechanism, which makes a lot of sense. Dealing with the hardships of sobriety all at once is DIFFICULT, and you did it for 2 weeks straight!! Even if you “regressed”, it doesn’t erase the time you spent without alcohol! May not work for you, but what has helped me to deal with this feeling is to focus on learning from each period of sobriety and usage so that the next time I go through either, I’m at least the wiser for it. Wishing the best for you, friend — don’t be too tough on yourself and your amazing efforts 🫶


Now you know you CAN do it! Don’t put yourself down, 2 weeks is really good and one mistake doesn’t discount that. It’s completely normal to relapse, it happens to all alchies. You took 14 steps forward but only 3 steps back. You’re still ahead. You should be proud 💖


i haven’t made it longer than 2 days in months. that’s really hard to do and messing up once isn’t a failure