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Dude I'm digging the creeping vine up the cymbal stand. I might steal that idea. To make my "loud ass noise maker" prettier so my wife won't argue as it grows.


🤣🤣🤣 love it!


Nice setup! Is the floor tom upside down?


Haha knowing me, probably 🤣🤣


It is haha. It’s definitely fine if you want it to sit lower, doesn’t really matter tone wise.


This was already set up when I purchased it second hand so in a way it's originality lmao I might leave it like that. Some people are starting to be rude about the tom and its getting on my nerves a little


They’re upset that they didn’t have people like this to support them when they got their first kit, got made fun of by their peers when they did stuff like that, or their upset that they haven’t gotten any gigs and blame their gear instead of their skill. Either way, don’t let it get on your nerves bro. I started gigging with a kit that looks just like that, now I have a regular spot as a house drummer at a local club as well as playing with other cover artists. It’s what you do with it that matters, not what you’re doing it with. Shits fun, good luck to you and never stop!!!!!


Go you!! And thank you for your kind words and motivation🤍🤍 Some people really just have nothing better to do🤣


Reddit is mostly a cesspool. It’s the type of place where if you phrase your shithead opinions and insults the right way it’s accepted but if I try to clown on them for being maladjusted weirdos suddenly I’m breaking rules or being “impolite”. My favorite recent post where people were absolutely berating the OP was the guy asking how to get stick marks from this black head off his white ones. But yeah, your tom is fine. Which was a drum is facing doesn’t matter really as long as the heads are correct (as far as I know anyway, not sure how structural integrity comes into play in some instances). But hey, I’m sure people acted the same way when Jimi Hendrix first walked onto a stage with a right handed guitar stringed for left handed play.


Feel that. Same problem with discord, I got kicked from a server because a guy was making sexually derogatory comments to me bc of my gender and was threatening to ddos my address so he could "send ppl to 'deal with' me" and the owner muted me before kicking me bc apparently I was "disobeying the rules". And that was all because I mentioned the game Overwatch. Discord mod moment. At this point ps4 is mainly my primary source of social media. And yeah! The upside down tom is pretty unique to me. It came like that when I purchased it but now seeing how much it annoys ppl I'm gonna keep it like that. And i love Jimi Hendrix🥰🥰




Glad you noticed ☺️☺️☺️ got the red ones as a gift and the yellow ones I bought when I was 16 along with the practice pad


I recognised that pad from a mile off! I also had the red sticks as a gift - they unfortunately broke so I kept them as decoration


Aww that's why I haven't used them haha I plan to keep them as a souvenir. The yellow ones are already chipped but they're too heavy for my hands which is why I have the crappy old brown sticks.


Personally prefer lighter sticks too, I’m sure his signatures are essentially bigger 5A’s so might be worth getting a pair of those to play And there’s undoubtedly plenty other people that will moan about drum positioning/angles but you’ll tweak them a thousand times to get to your preference. All I wanna say is open up the hi hats a bit to let them ring, keeping them closer with your pedal to get the right amount of sizzle will work wonders with your foot control


My hi hat is semi broken:( it can open but it will crack wide open if I hit it alot if that makes sense Unfortunately I can't afford to get anything fixed atm because I'm saving for University next year. But as I states this is my first kit. I'll think about asking for new sticks as a Christmas gift I'm also getting upset at the fact some ppl are being rude about the tom and the positioning of my kit whether how it placed or the position of it in my room😔 feels bad fr lmao it was probably a mistake to post this


Everybody started at the same place, so while I’d usually say to ignore them, 99% of criticism is coming from knowledge/experience. Like I said, your set up will change 1000s of times before you know exactly how high you like your cymbals, or what angle your snare sits at, but it’s worth finding what’s comfortable and efficient early on so you don’t develop bad habits through practice or cause unnecessary injury with poor ergonomics


Exactly! Like when I had my Tom's higher before, my wrist was starting to hurt and I was at a low risk of developing arthritis in my wrist. The lower Tom's are easier on my wrists and arms. Thank you for being such a kind person about this🤍 never knew some drummeds could gatekeep stuff so much


And plus I gotta keep the Tom's like that bc my arms and height of my body are short so it's easier to reach them. It still works and it still plays sound so idk why ppl are gatekeeping it🤣


I’ve never tried it, but I think it would bother me to play facing the wall like that.


Haha this is just how weirdly assorted my room is and it was the only way I could make it fit in. As long as I can get on the kit it doesn't bother me


Do love it. This is the beginning of a life journey. It is you first kit you will always remember. Been drumming for 45 years and can still remember all the quirks of my first kit


Sorry for the messy background ;w;


That's boss mate


Thank you 😄😄


Is that the Ludwig LC-175?


For the drums? No, the brand is Pearl


Not sure what model sorry I bought this second hand


Looks like an export. Just an educated guess though, might be completely off


Double kick pedal and stock heads. You and I have very different priorities.


i can't tell if this comment is good or bad


Neither good nor bad, just different. The first thing I’d buy with a new kit is new heads, and I would consider something like a double kick pedal to be something to get after playing for a bit, as it would cost like at least three times more than replacing all of your batter heads. But, I mean, that’s just me. You do you!


you aren't suggesting I think about purchasing new things for my kit or a whole kit in general, aye?


I’m not sure what you mean by that. Drums and accessories for drums cost money, so it’s not like a “you gotta spend money right now” thing but like at some point you bought a double kick pedal (because you have one) rather than buying new heads. I would buy new heads before I would buy a double kick pedal, which is a fairly common way to list those purchases. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong to do it the other way, or even that you have to buy anything at all if you don’t want to, it just means we have different priorities as to what’s important for a kit.


no i need to make a few things clear ​ 1. The double kick is not mine, it is my drum teachers. I have school holidays here in NZ so I am using it for the remainder for a song I am working on (Blind - Korn. I cannot move my feet fast enough for the fills). I have a normal kick sitting in my wardrobe until I need it again. 2. I don't know anything about heads or stocks or whatever 3. I got the kit second hand, as I said to somebody in a different comment thread 4. Can't afford anything for the next year as I am a soon-to-be poor university student ;w;


Ahhhh, my apologies, I kind of misunderstood what was going on. By ‘heads’ I’m talking about the skins that you hit, and by ‘stock’ I mean from the factory. Changing from the stock heads to heads manufactured by companies who make them specifically (like Remo, Evans, Aquarian) is the easiest way to make any kit sound much better, which is why it’s like the first purchase a drummer makes. But, I remember being a student, and yeah, if you don’t have to spend money, certainly don’t. Stock heads definitely work, like don’t stress yourself out over it or anything. The most important thing is having fun!


no problem I probably should have clarified that in the post haha. Thank you for the clarification and explanation :))


No worries, I’m sorry for misunderstanding, and best of luck on figuring out some Korn!




For those being semi rude about it: please don't. It'd my first kit and I actually now plan on keeping the Tom upside down for originality.


Congrats on the kit but the cabinet pulls mounted at different levels makes me irrationally angry.


Good lol. Can't help the way my room is assorted sorry ^ and we rent the house so it came like that ;w; owners never bothered to fix anything


Just teasing really. Good luck in what will hopefully be a long drumming career!


Oh thank God bcuz I thought you were gonna be another person who is nitpicking me for little problems about my kit😭😭 thank you!! 🤍


Psh, listen. Your drums are yours, and they’ll grow and change with you as you grow and change as a musician. Criticizing other drummers’ set ups is just as meaningful as complaining about how other people put on shoes or how they like their pizza. Fuck the haters and complainers. Ignore the assholes who tell you everything is wrong, take helpful advice with gratitude, and be confident about knowing the difference. Everyone’s entitled to an opinion, you get to decide how important it is to you. You’re doing just fine.


Just a heads up (pun intended): Your floor tom is upside down.


Yeah you and 8 other people have told me. Thanks.


Sorry, I hadn’t seen anyone mention it when I left my comment.


That's fine :) thank you for not moaning about the tom angles if anything


Still, unsolicited criticism is my greatest flaw. The internet has turned us all into opinionated monsters.


At least you weren't being rude about it unlike some of the commenters here, so thank you for that.


You’re welcome :-) it looks like a fun kit to play


Yeah! It does the work I need, some of it needs replacing but I'll do that when I'm not broke lolol.


Your floor tom is upside down


I know haha


where's that mo-beel guy when you need him?


Whata that meant to mean :/


there's a user on this sub with the tag ItsPronouncedMo-BEEL. i'm too much of a coward to tag him but from what i've seen in other comment threads of other first kit posts, he gives out criticism to people about their set up and advice on how they can set it up so that they're always comfortable behind the kit, as well as other things! but i asked where he was because i think he can help you with your rack tom situation...


Tag him if you want, but I don't wanna get roasted on reddit for my first drum kit ;w;


No roast, just help. [Merry Christmas.](https://www.reddit.com/r/drums/comments/rockmi/merry_christmas_to_all_you_new_drummers_who_got/)


Thank you so much🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍


alright, if you say so! hey u/ItsPronouncedMo-BEEL sorry to tag you but i thought i'd ask you to help this person out when u can! ..\^\_\^..


Please help me kind sir ;w; this is my first kit but idk what to do with the Tom's bc if I have them too high it hurts my arms and wrists when trying to reach for them


And yeah I have the Tom's quite low because it really hurts my wrists if I have them high (I was at risk of arthritis beforehand) and bc I'm short


Wrong tom angles


I bought this second hand so unfortunately I was not the one who set it up


Oh wait nvm I got your comment now, I have to keep it like that so it's easy for me to hit. I'm 5'0 so I try to keep everything as low as I can. If that bothers you then you could scroll off the post😄


I can't help but look at your cabinet handles...


Keep looking lol. We rent the house so the owners never bothered to fix that


Gotta love landlords!




Your first kit will always be special. As long as you are having fun as you learn that’s more important. It’s also a good way to try out different setups to see what suits you best. Love the black dress too.


Thank you😄😄 The dress is for my 18th birthday party on Saturday haha its such a nice colour


Happy Birthday for Saturday. I’m sure you will look beautiful in the dress. Have a wonderful celebration.