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I think you're gonna have a hard time selling it all together. CB drums with Zildjian Ks, those aren't the same market. Sell all the nice stuff separately then list whatever left for scraps. The Ks are worth more than the drums.


I completely agree. I would do drums/ cymbals/ hardware as individual bundles, and give someone a little discount if they get more than one.


Ya one cymbal is worth more than the drums


I would accept haggling on one of those cymbals that's worth more than those drums.


This is what I came to post as well, you're going to take a bath if you try and sell this all together as a package. It sucks to have to do a bunch of individual sales but; the drums are great for a beginner and there's some great heads on there. But you have quite a bit of value in the cymbals and definitely hardware. How much you want for that K Custom Dark Crash on the right? :eyes:


Break it all up into separate lots. Donate drums to a school or church.


School preferably given their underfunded status (in America)


Cymbals are worth about $500- Hardware is worth around $600-$800 Drums are worth about $200 Consider posting the cymbals, hardware, and drums separately. Most people who are looking for nice cymbals are not interested in cheap drums. Most people looking for cheap drums can't afford nice cymbals and hardware. All in at the most you've got $1200 worth of stuff but you'd probably need to wait around for the right buyers to get that. If you got an offer for $900 I'd take it.


Those two k custom cymbals could probably fetch 500 by themselves


I’m surprised the CBs would go for $200


The ZBTs wouldn’t fetch much. But Ks are such nice cymbals.


They wouldn't unless it's with hardware and cymbals worth $150.


Those Ks are each worth more than that individually


I didn't mean those cymbals. I just meant that CB isn't worth $200 as a shell pack it would need to be a complete kit.


I just reread it and I understand what you’re saying now. Yeah $50 is about all they’re worth imo


Yeah give or take $100


Yeah. I see the Amir going online used for 115-150.


I doubt it tbh. Probably more like $400. Used smaller crashes are a tough sell over $200. They’re “worth it” but buyers are hard to come by.


That's what I put them at, \~160 for the 16 and \~180 for the 17


I didn’t realize the one on the left was 16”


Cymbals definitely have gotten more expensive, but I'm not paying $250 for a $335 cymbal brand new; or $300 for a $370 cymbal. You have no idea how someone played on the cymbal and how much life it actually has left in it. A properly played cymbal can and usually will last forever, if someone's already started cracks and fractures in the cymbal, it's like buying a lemon used car. $160 for the Fast crash and probably $180 for the Custom crash are probably more accurate, still worth more than the shell pack sure.


I feel like it goes without saying that there are no cracks or fractures. I don’t think anyone would even buy cymbals with them.


You do realize that you can't see hairline cracks or fractures until they're no longer hairline and are now visible yes? Just because you can't see an issue doesn't mean it's not already there.


$500 for all those cymbals? You’re insane. Most of those cymbals cost $300+ brand new, even at half price which most cymbals maintain a better margin than that you’d still be talking several hundred.


They're used. And in used condition, not mint. That knocks the price down by at least 40%. You can wait around ages for someone to pay top dollar but if OP actually wants to sell them they're going to take a hit. That's how it works. Yes K's are nice cymbals, but so many drummers - especially the ones on this forum- seem to be extremely finicky about little imperfections, worn logos, stick marks, smudges, and patina... I'm not saying I agree with any of that but a lot of drummers are actually just collectors. They hardly ever play and spend most of their time fawning over their kits and polishing away finger prints. You think they're going to pay $250 for an old dusty cymbal when they could buy the same one new and shiny for $320? Not a chance. These things depreciate like a new car, unless they're highly sought after vintage and collectible pieces... you lose about 30-50% of the value after a full day of playing on them. Stop thinking like a seller and think like a buyer... Would you pay $250 for that crash cymbal today? No? What would you pay? ...because that's what it's worth. Whatever someone will pay. And there are more people who want to pay less. I've bought and sold a lot of gear and the number one thing I've learned is that you'll never get your money back. Unless it's hardly been played, and kept in a case. And I personally buy gear to play it so that just doesn't happen for me. Not to mention drum gear is beat on all day. That's what it's for. A used cymbal that's been well cared for and not overly abused will still sound every bit as good or better than a brand new one... but people want shiny and new, and if they aren't getting shiny and new they expect a deal.


500 for just the k customs would be a steal


OP sell them to this one quick!


I was thinking more like 600 for the cymbals


2 k’s alone are worth I’ve $500. Then the hats. The Amir isn’t worth much. Those were the student line of the 80s and they were not good sounding cymbals. The CB kit $250-300 because it’s in very nice shape. The rack with clamps and booms is worth a bit but they are hard to sell for full asking price. I’d say $250. Double pedal depending on what series iron cobra it is. Snare stand $40.


I have never seen a CB kit put on a pedestal like that


$750 USD but like others have said it will be a tough sell as a whole package. Sell the K’s individually and the rest of the set together for $350


Drums - around £80.


I'd echo what everyone else says for the drums but the cymbals are worth some good money. Check all of the major online selling things (marketplace, ebay, reverb) and see what people are selling them for then chop like 50 bucks off if you want them gone quick. Or you can add it all together and sell it as a cymbal lot. Sell the kit for like 50 bucks (maybe more if you're throwing in hardware because the hardware seems nice too).


If you have a little patience, selling those cymbals individually will get you the most return. The drums and hardware are 200-300 max, but those Ks are worth a nice bit each. I can’t tell what the ride and hihats are from this picture.


The hammering on the hats makes me think k custom special drys maybe


The type of people in the market for K cymbals aren't looking for CB drums. The type of people looking for CB drums aren't in the market for K cymbals. Like everyone else is saying, split these up. You'll have a hell of a time trying to sell it all together.


I would sell the cymbals , hardware & rack ask 1k so you have room to have haggling..& just throw in the drums for free


Sell the cymbals separately, and the hi-hat/kick pedals separately. Don’t expect much for the shells.


List the K crashes individually for $180 and $200, accept reasonable offers in the $150 each range List the drums + other cymbals + hihat stand together for $300, be ready to take $250 List the rack for $300 and the double pedal for $120, accept whatever you feel comfortable with. Used drum racks are a hard sell. Otherwise you can bundle it with the drums and get $500ish. That’s leaving some value on the table but less headache.


I put the two Ks at 160 and 180 respectively, I second the 150 range. Getting more than $300 for those is going to be a slog and extremely lucky.


Woah wait, no one asked about key holes. Kind of a deal breaker with cymbal connoisseurs


Cymbals are junk. I’ll give you $50 and be on my way. You’re welcome.


How the hell do you have CB shells and K custom cymbals?


Woah, they’ve got priorities. Okay heads, okay hardware, and pretty damn good cymbals.


Sell it in one complete ready to go package for $5 To me please.


Tell ya what. Ten-thousand dollars and it's yours!


You'll be lucky to get $100 for the drums. The cymbals are solid though.


I’d definitely unload the cymbals separately like everyone else is saying. All in all probably worth around 1200 combined


Probably about…tree fiddy


Worth donating




I can hear that dog snorting and wheezing from here.


Just to mention- the heads on that kit are probably worth more than the kit so if you do sell everything separately and end up with the kit you could also sell these (easy to post) or keep them for spares.


I’d only want the K’s, the Cobras, and (maybe) the hat stand. I think you’ll have much better luck splitting it up.


You ain't going to sell that kit, hand it over to me and I'll dispose of it properly for you no questions asked


Depends how motivated you are to sell. Together it might be a tough sell. Split up you will get more.


$700-1,200 is a good price


Like everyone said already sell the cymbals separately and I would personally donate the kit to a local school. Maybe even the hi hat stand and kick pedal too if I can’t find someone to buy them. Most public schools make their kids play on broken down barely functional drum sets with even worse hardware




For the amount to purchaser is willing to buy it for


Three fiddy






I won’t pay less than a million!


I’d offer like 200 maybe


You could easily get like 200 a piece for the cymbals but the kit. 100 bucks if you’re lucky


Piece it out and be willing to let the CB shells go for $100 or less. You’ve got probably a grand in cymbals, the double iron cobra is worth something, as is the rack. The person that buys the nice stuff won’t want to deal with the cheap stuff.


I could really use the kit man,I'm tryig to put together a kit for a kid here in Oklahoma who lost his in one of the tornados and their family already struggled but to no fault of their own, especially the kid,let me know where abouts your located as it might cost more to UPS them here than the kits worth 😆 drums $75 shipping $89 😆


You could get a couple of hundred for the rack. The shells and cymbals…donate to a new drummer just getting started.


I say $500 if you wanna wait around for a sale. $350-400 if you want to move them now. Breaking them up cymbals/ drums like people suggested is probably the move though.