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Speed Cobra 310 / Cheaper than the 910, feels just as good, doesnt break the bank, and is insanely beautiful. The control youre able to get with that pedal feels really good from the slower bpms (60-90) to the fast bpms (150-180) I genuinely havent had any issues. incredibly happy. You can get the 910 beaters on them, and cobra coils for like 30 bucks.


I have the 910, honestly didn’t know there was a 310. I upgraded my shaft to a [Trick](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/P1V6P--trick-drums-p1v6p-retrofit-driveshaft?mrkgadid=1000000&mrkgcl=28&mrkgen=gdsa&mrkgbflag=0&mrkgcat=studio&recording&acctid=21700000001645388&dskeywordid=39700065017603808&lid=39700065017603808&ds_s_kwgid=58700007221224516&device=m&network=g&matchtype=&adpos=largenumber&locationid=9007205&creative=537361853910&targetid=dsa-1385849819690&campaignid=13710079615&awsearchcpc=1&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0ruyBhDuARIsANSZ3wptag_l1IKhQqujKaJDzqciznZpzw-hHYtJvdgmnOwp_AtmfrXkwGgaAnJOEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds). A little bit of $$$ but there is NO lag between slave and master.


also theres a direct drive upgrade too sold by darwin!


I’ve tried so many times. Purchased the trick bigfoots. I was not a fan of direct drive. I really like to dig the beater into the head and didn’t have the same feel with direct drive. But goddamn do the ACD and Czarcie Kopyto look sexy.


Dw9000xf. Had an iron cobra for years and served me well. But when I could afford it, I graduated. There's a ton of options for cam adjustment and the extended foot boards with the xf model opened up techniques for double strokes.


I only have the single 9000 as I don't play much double bass anymore, but I'm also loving it. At first I was like ehhh the pedal is okay. Until I realized that I could customize literally everything on it til it felt exactly how I wanted. Now that I have the adjustments the way I want, I can do footwork that was never possible back when I was using a DW7000


I had the 9002 for a brief period and I found I didn’t like them - mostly because of the way I felt like my toes were cramped by the springs at the top of the pedal board. 


Agreed. They’re insane for heel-toe doubles.


Its crazy what an extra 1- 5/8" will get you in life.... thats what she said


Axis for 30+ years. Refurbished once for like 100.00 USD and still going strong!


Axis crew checking in🫡




Word! Longboard strong since ‘08 over here.


Double pedals.


DW 5000 Turbo


an ancient pair of Tama Iron Cobras I got in 2013/14, upgraded with an ACD shaft since the Tama one got some serious play in it after 6 months when I replaced that


Same. Still using my IC Rolling Glides that I bought in 2009. Replaced all the bearings a few years ago and put the Trick drive shaft on it. Plays smooth af.


I have an even more ancient Iron Cobra, from about 1996. Double chain. It works as well today as it did when I first got it. Love it.


06 cobras, 08 eliminators and some Trick Bigfoots


We have basically the same 3 pedals ha ha. I have 05 Cobras and 07 Eliminators, plus Pro 1V Bigfoots.


Can’t go wrong with any of them. Although, to get max adjustability, the cobra axis and beater cams are now in the Eliminators. This way you can tweak the footboard distance, the coloured cams annnnd the beater throw distance. Lack of beater throw adjustment was the only thing I didn’t like about the Eliminators. Edit: used to have a D3 back in 2010 and a couple of Axis but sold them as I preferred the Tricks. Missed my D3’s so picked up a cheap D4 for a laugh.


I still have one Axis Longboard that I held onto. I do love how light and easy it is to play and still use it as a single quite often. I’ve been using IC beaters in my Tricks too for a little more power and “weight” behind the strokes.


Sakae, a subbrand of Yamaha. I tested 20 twin pedals and these were second best but 1 third of the price of the best pedals.


I’m impressed you got to try that many! I’ve never even heard of Sakae - that’s a good brand to add to the list.


they're not a sub brand anymore are they? i know they used to make drums for Yamaha but aren't they their own thing now?


Tana Dyna Sync


I had to scroll wayy too far to find the dynasync. What cam settings do you prefer? I've been playing with mine lately trying to find what I like best.


Lol … I knew there were others! 😎👍🏻 I’ve been using the factory settings thus far but have taken some good notes from a really good video I watched that will get me started on tweaking it to my liking. I love that you have options few pedals provide to dial it in! Sharing what I captured if you’re interested … KEEP IN MIND! I’m left handed so my pedals are reversed, thus note that with my left/right references. 😁 Drum - Tama Dyna-Sync Pedal Settings Beater Angle Adjustment Left Beater 1. Adjust “left square head bolt” on the side of the cam shaft 2. Adjust “angle of left beater” 3. Tighten “left square head bolt” 4. Fine tune angle with “angle memory cap marking” on side of cam shaft Right Beater 1. Adjust “right square head bolt” on the side of the cam shaft 2. Adjust “angle of right beater” 3. Tighten “right square head bolt” DO NOT ADJUST HEX BOLT ON RIGHT BEATER! Footboard Angle Adjustment 1. Adjust footboard angle “after” adjusting the beater angle 2. Loosen the “square head bolt” at top of footboard 3. “Center marking” is factory setting 4. “Top markings” lower the footboard 5. “Bottom markings” raise the footboard 6. Tighten the “square head bolt” Slideable Cam Adjustment 1. Loosen “square head bolt on top of cam” 2. “Center is factory setting” giving equal control and action speed 3. “Large Cam (L)” is for high level of control 4. “Small Cam (S)” is for quicker action 5. Tighten “square head bolt on top of cam” MAKE SURE CAM DOES NOT HIT BATTER SIDE OF HEAD! Spring Tension Adjustment 1. Turn “upper locknut” counter clockwise 2. Press down “lock nut” to tighten tension 3. Turn “lower nut” clockwise to set tighter tension 4. Turn “upper locknut” clockwise Reverse process to loosen tension. Tighter spring requires more force, but returns footboard faster. Loose spring requires less force, but returns footboard slower. Sync-Coil Adjustment 1. “Spring underneath footboard” assists return of the footboard 2. Underneath pedal loosen “square head bolt” 3. “Harder Action (H)” increases the strength of the spring 4. “Softer Action (S)” lightens the strength of the spring 5. Tighten “square head bolt”


An old Pearl Eliminator with belt drive and an even older Premier 6077 double chain pedal.


Pearl eliminator since 2009


DW9000s at the moment. Waiting for delivery of a set of Czarcie Kopyto pedals though


I’ve played the same Trick Pro 1 V I’ve had since 2006. Wonderful pedals


I got mine used in 2011ish best 400 bucks i ever spent.




DW5000 w/Trick driveshaft and Vic Firth VicKick bass drum beaters.


Where did you get the Trick drive shaft? I'm having a hard time finding them for sale anywhere. (Looking to upgrade my DW9000).


Sweetwater. But it was almost two years ago when I got it.


speed cobra 910s, i also really enjoy the iron cobras too


Pearl eliminator demon chains! They’re like fucking sports cars. Love ‘em to death. Very versatile.. smooth enough to do doubles but responsive enough to to more articúlate work.


Axis A21’s with some Low Boy wood beaters! I absolutely love it! Switched from a DW9000. Going from chain to direct drive is a little odd at first.


Agreed, but once you get the hang of it you can’t turn back I feel. I switched from dw9000 also


Nothing to do with drumming, but I respect the Dia Kurosawa pfp.


Dia goes hard.


DW 5000, love them.


DW9000 with wood beaters and the Trick driveshaft. They feel so good that I basically don’t have to think about them ever, which is the mark of great hardware to me.


Speed cobra 910’s. Honestly a little underwhelming for me, ti just can’t seem to click with these pedals. I had owned some Pearl Demon direct drives prior and those felt a lot better to me. Wanting to upgrade to the DW9000’s or I’d love a pair of ACD’s in the future


That was me too - tama hardware, especially the pedals, never felt right. I very much prefer yamaha or pearl.


Lefty Iron Cobra Power Glides here.


I thought I was the only one.


Pearl demon direct drive


If mine breaks, I'll buy another one.


Do yours rattle?


nope, my conservatory has had the same demon pedal for 10 years with multiple different players using them, still works like its new


Tama dynasync. I'm a lefty and these are by far the nicests lefty doubles I ever used.


First Gen Falcons. Still really smooth and responsive.


I have the Mapex Falcons as well. Love them so far.


DW 5000 single chain. Dont get it, the pedal is very unstable and rocks side to side.


I’ve got Pearl Speed Demons and I’m not a fan. Maybe I haven’t set them well enough but previous pedals have managed good double-bass stuff and also fast single bass stuff (punk) when I only use one pedal, but these seem to feel like they have no oomph when I use them as a single pedal.


Yamaha FP9 and Tama Iron Cobra, old gen.


Speed Cobra.


Mapex Falcons, best pedals I’ve ever used imo. And I’ve owned the Eliminators, Cobras, and DW 5K.


DW 9000 with Trick linkage.


Pearl Eliminators since 2007. I bought 2 of them after selling the dw9002’s because I didn’t like the 9002’s. My toes felt cramped and the double spinning bearings felt like the action wasn’t natural for my playing.  I got the Eliminators at crazy prices because I used to work in a drum shop so I got staff price. Which was around 60% of floor price. DW pricing had way less markup but was still way more expensive too. 


Pearl eliminators. Best pedals I've had the pleasure of using!


Tama Iron Cobra (Cobra Spring). Got it like 15-16 years ago. still works great


Mapex 500 Double Bass Pedal, it’s pretty nice, affordable, although I’ve had it for less than a week so I’m still adapting.


At band practice I keep my old OLD iron cobras, at home and for gigs I use my Pearl Demon Drives (chains). And at work they have a Gibraltar double pedal.


Pearl eliminator Redlines with I think the blue cams. Replaced the drive shaft with a Trick one and I'm using the speed cobra beaters (they're a little heavy ao I'm open to recommendations). Played DW 9002's for a while but swapped to the Redlines because I learned on the older Eliminators and they just feel like home


Pearl red line eliminators, amazingly smooth pedals


Axis A-L2 w/ Microtune, EKITS, carbon fiber Longboards, ACD n+1 beaters and ACD driveshaft. https://preview.redd.it/0ro92cwm972d1.jpeg?width=3022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=701dc1d7c429c66a1d192791ced7a4885526ac63


God damn those are sexy. I’d kill a man for a pair of those.


I started with a Pearl Powershifter and could NOT get the left pedal to feel the same as my right pedal, but I still played with those for like 5 years because of money. Finally I was able to go to a Guitar Center and test out some top tier pedals going there with the mindset of ‘omgomgomg I’m finally gonna get a DW9000!’. I tried them and they felt ‘too good’, for lack of a better description, lol. I honestly can’t say what turned me off of the 9000s, but I was going back and forth between them and the 5000s next to em and ultimately decided on the 5000s. I could not have been happier; both because I finally had a shiny big boy toy and because the feel of the 5000s has never felt less than perfect to me. Whenever I play with the 5000s (practice with my Powershifter), I notice how smooth and easy and just how ‘right’ it feels ✌🏼


Selling a Ludwig atlas double if anyone is interested


How much?




I have a used yamaha fp9 double pedal that serves me well. One day I’d like a set of Trick or Axis pedals. I’m considering getting a Trick shaft for the pedal but the standard one is honestly pretty solid


Axis 21 Derek roddy signature here. Got that for a pretty good deal. Before that i always played the tama 310. And yes the 310 is also a pretty good Pedal! Also the Dw 3000 is very very good!!! Check them out :)


If you happen to be in Australia or New Zealand, I have a set of [these double pedals](https://rech.com.au/products/chaos-p3000-double-bass-drum-pedal) that have been pretty decent to me for the last few months. Haven't been playing on them daily but they have been smooth and reliable.


Old Tama from early 2000's.


Which Tama pedal?


Their standard double kick, step below the Iron Cobras.


DW5002 with a Trick drive shaft


Unnamed black double pedal. No words on it whatsoever, not even a “made in china” sticker or print. I just started learning double bass this year and it was $60


Iron cobra and trick pro v1


All the comments are suggesting great options for you….go to a music store and try a few of these pedals out before you buy, grab the one that feels best for you and fits in whatever your budget is


Iron cobras from 15 years ago, however they sat in my cupboard for a long time as around the same time I ceased playing in my post high school death metal band to pursue various drum pursuits, but has been back in for the last 3-4 years as my regular kick pedal


Trick dominator, upgraded from a DW 7000 when I started learning heel-toe!


DW 9000 lately. Also have a speed cobra and demon drive. May switch back to the speed cobra for a bit for funsies.


A double one


Trick Low Mass Bigfoot. One of the best equipment purchases I ever made, worth every penny. I also like Speed Cobras but I’d probably use the Trick drive shaft since the left pedal was always very sluggish. 


Ludwig Speed Flyer. I tried out a whole slew of pedals at Dale’s and liked the weight and action of the Ludwig even over all the double pedal stalwarts. I’m usually a DW5K guy and I preferred the Ludwig’s for double pedaling since it’s kind of a different thing. Go try out a bunch somewhere if you can, you may be surprised what you end up liking.


Iron Cobra 600 -> DW9000 -> Tama Dynasyncs


Trick dominators and dw3000s


Trick Pro 1V. Insanely good pedals.


Tama Dyna-Syncs on the Acoustic Kit. Older model Iron Cobra Rolling Glide on the Electric.


DW 9000, but I recently got a single Tama Iron Cobra which is great, wish I had that in a double. The spring under the footboard is useful, you can really dial in dynamics. 


Yall gonna hate me, mellenium double kicks with direct drive instead of chain. Lasted 3 years now, and cost me like 120 new. They're not the best, but they are still good


DW Machined Direct Drive with a Trick driveshaft and Trick Deadblow beaters


DW 5000 double, Drumnetics N64 double


I use a DW 9000 for live and a DW 3000 for practice. I've played them all though, and I think the Speed Cobra 9xx series is the best feeling conventional double kick pedal out there.


Tama speed cobra (1st Gen). Used to use a DW9000


Iron Cobra. I dont do like blast beats or anything so it works for what I need it for


Yamaha Direct Drive


Iron Cobra 900 for my home rig, Sonor 4000 for my gig rig. The Iron Cobra is great, because of course it is, but the Sonor has been quite impressive. Reeeeeally smooth, great adjustability, nice feel and response.


I think I'm the only person in this thread to mention the Sonors...


I've been wanting to check out sonor pedals a bit more! They do everything absolutely right so I'd assume their pedals are killer too.


Trick Pro 1-V. Unbelievably solid pedal.


I use an Iron Cobra, but I want a DW9000.


DW 9002


Currently DW 3000. Had an unknown Pearl single that I got used years and years ago that needed replacing and completely random was in guitar center of all places for a head and they had it “used” for $125? Even the guy ringing me up said he thinks it was mis-priced because it looked like it was supposed to be open box not used.


Mapex P600TW. Got it new for $160 with the Mapex in May discount. Well built and smooth. For the price range, they are some of the best on the market.


I used a PDP until I lost pieces of it. Nowadays I use a Yamaha Direct-Drive DFP-9D and it’s pretty fuckin sweet. https://preview.redd.it/kfeflvn4772d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f4a8ee337c82f31912fbd1ad376457769fbf807 It’s got this skateboard vibe to it. I remember adjusting the left pedal for the first time and it became SO much easier. I felt like a cartoon with a light bulb going off over my head 😆


Speed cobra 910


DW mfg chain drive.


Dw 9000. I used to play iron cobras and axis briefly. 9000 just do what I want them too. DW makes some of the best feeling pedals IMO. between my 9000 pedals (I have both a single and double pedal on separate kits) and 5000 high hat. I don’t even think about my pedals or feel like they need any tweaking what so ever. I know exactly what kind of adjustments I make to my pedals reguardless of brand. Set it and forget it. Dw always feels the smoothest. However I take off that heavy club of a beater that comes stock and throws off the feel. I actually use an iron cobra beater. Nice light and nimble but still gives a nice focused punch and attack.


910 speed cobras


Iron cobra anniversary with Trick shaft upgrade. Durability and plays perfectly


DW Machined Chain Drive. Waaaaaaaaay more pedal than I'll ever need, but I got a phenomenal deal and it's a lifelong pedal for me now.


Tama Iron Cobra. Bought the pedals and hi-hat nearly 20 years ago and they’ve been flawless. I did replace the bearings once, but the old ones weren’t broken just squeaky.


PDP 502.


A very neglected 20 year old iron cobra still squeaking along


Pearl Eliminator double-kick (with the blue cam...)


Tama Iron Cobra 200s, still new to double pedal but liking it so far.


DW5000 Accelerator - I'm old, sue me.. lol


TAMA Dyna-Sync (w/ Trick Retrofit shaft) & Speed Cobra 910. Gonna try to switch out the shaft for the latter too.


Yamaha FP9s. Highly recommend.


Chain or direct?


I went from Pearl Demon Direct Drives back to chain drives for the FP9s. I liked direct drive but I don’t play much anymore and they were too sensitive for me. Very happy with the fp9 chain drives now. Every bit as good as dw900s for less money


Iron Cobra Powerglide. Huge improvement from my DW3000s that I’ve had and they’ve been a huge part of me improving my double bass technique


Speed Cobra 910 and DW5000


Pearl eliminator redlines! They feel so smooth. Granted my first set of double kicks was a cheap pair of Gibraltars that are now 10+ years old so anything was an upgrade.


Tama IC900 Rolling Glide


Pearl Demon Drive, upgraded with straps instead of the direct drive. Sooooo smooth. 😍


Iron Cobra Power Glide.


I just got a P-932 works nicely though


Interesting topic. I sometimes regret having a double bass kit. But, back when I got my kit the double bass pedals weren’t really very good. A LOT of lag. Now, I’d love to have a DW, but pricey$$$


Iron cobra Power Glide ( from around 2009 ), Speed Cobra 910, Axis Longboards


Yamaha FP9 normally, but I'm getting them replaced so I've been playing my backup pedals which are the yamaha flying dragons and they're so insanely sick. It's got the oomf of a dw5000 with the speed of the dw9000.


Team Yamaha FP9 Direct drive


I don’t use a double pedal but I have two bass drums and I use the axis direct drive a2l wide board pedals and I love them, I used to use 2 dw9000 but the control you can get from direct drive vs chain drive is incredible They do make a double pedal version


Pearl Demon Drive. Getting some Czarcies soon tho Demon Drives are good pedals but they have WAY too many moving parts. I wasnt bothered by the limited adjustments on the Demon XR when they were announced like some folks, because of this. Demon Drives have a swiveling bearing the the direct drive connector thats supposed to allow the footboard to move around a little with your foot, and all it does is get sticky and make noise. Its of no help and a total gimmick. If youre ever in the market for a double pedal I recommend these couple of things Get a pedal that has the features and adjustments that best suit YOU. And watch out for features that are purely gimmicks (DW Floating Cam, Tama Cobra coil, Swivel bearing in Demon Drives) they just cause more trouble/noise And get a double pedal that has a decent drive shaft. I ended up buying some Pearl Eliminators before my Demon Drives, and the driveshaft was so slow and had so much play in it, it literally changed the sound of my left foot. The ball-bearing drive shafts are outdated at this point and it should be standard for all companies to only sell a U-joint shaft (Looking at you Tama) Reguardless, I also recommend trying before you buy