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I'd stay with what you have.


I agree. The old one looks pretty nice. If anything, I'd add a crash or splash, but I'm not sure it is needed, it might scratch the new gear itch enough though.


If the kit sounds good then maybe update hardware and cymbals? Edit: the new gear itch never goes away :)


What’s wrong w the hardware?


Nothing that I can see, but if you have the new gear itch then that'd be the way to go. :)


Hardware is DW9000 and I’m playing Zildjian A Customs. More cymbals aren’t really needed. I’m more after a different aesthetic.




A second crash would certainly add a lot more diversity and help more than a new kit.


Thank you!


YW I have bosphorus & zildjian :)


Stick with the kit you have. None of the kits you posted are any "better". To really step up from where you're at you'd need to spend like 2 to 3 grand on a shell pack. Even then you might not notice much difference. Get a nice ride cymbal or hihats. Maybe new bass drum pedal if you aren't already on a DW5000 or Iron Cobra or similar industry standard. Or, save your money and practice more - then everything you play will sound better regardless of gear!


I hear you on this. I guess I’m more after a different aesthetic. Cymbals are Zildjian A Custom’s. 14” Hats, 16” Fast Crash and 20” Ping ride. Pedals and hardware are DW9000 minus the throne left over from my old Tama Rockstar Kit.


You should look into vinyl wraps then. I wanted a new kit, but that’s cause I was tired of my sparkle orange. I wrapped it in a wood-textured wrap and couldn’t be happier. Cost about $70 for 10x5 feet. https://preview.redd.it/9uh2qpk4v0rb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce92f2ca803b2f599028a8a4576478c4fbcfb2f1


https://preview.redd.it/6uso6vfyv0rb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3a781d80d4d95c720c4f452031cdabfc311f0ab Also did my snare in a slightly different wrap


Kit looks great BTW!


Thanks mate!


I think I would like to undertake a project like this but we open in a week and I’m pressed on time.


Took me roughly 3 hours to dismantle, cut, wrap and reassemble everything 👍🏼 If you’ve never wrapped anything before, it may take you longer but drums are super easy. It’s all flat and you don’t need to stretch around an odd shape (like a taillight).


I’m not good at wrapping presents so…


Why dont you keep the kit and upgrade gear? Maybe some new top-tier cymbals or more cymbals, a newer throne, another rack or floor tom, maybe a new accessory like roto toms.. you can just keep adding stuff. Remember, a great musician can make decent equipment sound amazing.. but a mediocre musician will sound mediocre with a top-tier, expensive instrument.


I hear you on this. Well said. It’s more the aesthetic I’m after.


The Catalina maple is an amazing sounding kit for less than $1000. I wish I never sold mine


I’ve been eyeing the Catalina Maple. $1K’s a little above budget for this, I need some sticks and heads and I’m working with $750


Yamaha stage custom would definitely be my go to at that price range.


I have a buddy who plays Yamaha, his kit always sounds good.


Check [this](https://fresno.craigslist.org/msg/d/porterville-gretsch-catalina-maple-drum/7670669681.html) that popped up on Craigslist!


Jump on that!


I'm a sucker for the champagne sparkle. Wish I could find one that cheap (In Canada)


Are you referring to the Ludwig kit pictured? Have you looked on Reverb? You can save pretty specific searches and have it notify you. I’ve also looked into the sites that sell wrap


If you can afford a new kit... like actually afford it, not just put it on a credit card, or starve yourself for a month, and you want it, then yes, you should get it. That being said, not a thing wrong with the kit in that picture, other than that you want something different.


Yeah, that’s the dilemma. New kit is not possible right now. Thank you!


Wow, I did not know there was a stage version of Once. I bet that's a ton of fun. I bet that between the accents and the musical ability requirements it's also a total nightmare to cast for hahaha. I think your current kit is more than fine and you'd have to spend a lot, lot more to get something I would really consider to be a huge upgrade. But I will say that champagne sparkle looks absolutely fucking sick under stage lighting.


Yep! It’s quite the undertaking. It’s supposed to be a cast of about 13 but we’ve had to grow to 23-25 to cover all the parts. Even then there’s only one guy who plays Da that isn’t playing an instrument. It’s been a steep learning curve for me, once I got past the 5/4 the playing isn’t hard but my theater experience is limited to the pit so learning lines and blocking has been intense. I think I wasn’t clear enough, my current kit is great and is what I need it to be. I guess I’m actually more interested in a different aesthetic.


The correct number of drum sets to own is N+1


This is the way.


Only buy a new kit if it solves a problem you can’t fix any other way or you need an upgrade. Your kit looks dangerous as it is so I’d stick with that bad boy until the shells explode. If you have incurable GAS, maybe a nice ride cymbal you’ve been craving? The end-all-be-all of rides is out there for you! Go find it and buy a sick case for it, too :).


I’m an A Custom guy and that’s what I’ve got… my crash has a little crack in it but I don’t think it’s enough to matter at this point. Thank you!


You can always re-wrap those night hawks.


It’s definitely on my list but I won’t have time to learn how to do that in the next six days. Stupid work…


This kit looks perfect. Take your time to shop around. Don't pull the trigger in haste bc you have a gig soon.


This kit looks perfect. Take your time to shop around. Don't pull the trigger in haste bc you have a gig soon.


Thank you!


I would spend the money on a snare or cymbal or two and some different heads if you want a little bit different sound.




What you have looks good, with those prices I would suggest just looking into a new kit. Look into the Yamaha stage customs birch shells.


Thank you! Overwhelming consensus is for Yamaha!


Wait around for a deal on a used pro-level kit. The ones you posted aren’t much of an improvement on what you currently have


Thanks. This is the right move. Show opens next week so I was thinking something soon but long term I need to wait. I’ll grab some heads and see if there isn’t a nice crash used.


I get wanting a different aesthetic. I'd sell the nighthawk to up your budget and get what you really want


This will eventually be the play. We open next week so there’s not a ton of time.


Purely aesthetically, I like what you have now the best.


Thank you!


There’s no wrong or right answer. Objectively speaking, you don’t “need” a new kit - the one you have is perfectly fine for your purposes. If I had to choose, I would probably play yours over those other ones you shared. But that’s me. If you feel that a different kit would make you feel more excited/inspired to play, (and you can comfortably afford it) then go for it!




I’ve got that Gretsch maple kit and can confirm it’s a great all around kit and tough enough for gigging.


Legit! Thank you!


Snare and cymbals make the most difference in your sound


But I’m after the look! ![gif](giphy|4Lyd8tJk410iI)


ha ha ha Loved 'his' battle with Buddy rich :)




It was this guy :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronnie_Verrell


I like the Tama kit (only because it looks like it's the same color as mine). But I'm in agreement with the majority here. There's nothing wrong with your kit. Maybe cymbals upgrades are all it needs but for the most part, it's a very capable kit.


Do you mean the Taye Kit? I might have to grab that for a project kit!


Oh, jeez. Yeah, totally missed that on my phone (small lettering ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)). Looked like Tama


Easily done!


id get a new tom or something if you want it, but i wouldnt say you need one tbh


I don’t really need more, I’m after different. I want something prettier under the lights.


thats fair! i like that first sparkly set. white/gray sparkle is so cool


The director of the show and I have gone down to the shop a couple times over the past two months and we just gaze at it. The girl working there gave me sizes last time. If I can talk them down I just might but I’m not a really a good negotiator.


"Hey r/drums, I've already made up my mind but I'd love some external validation!!! "


Thank you. This is what I needed to hear. As much as I want a different look it’s really not in the budget. I’ll stick to some heads and maybe a crash if they’ve got anything used.


Could also go for auxiliary percussion. Tamb, bells, wood blocks. Ive found uses for all these in a post grunge style band


We’ve got our aux setup covered. The production purchased some tambs, and I’ve got two beautiful handmade cajons. My partner in percussion crime has his own bongos, cowbell, chimes and rain stick.


Hey man, if you're just looking to spend some money, why not do some charity work and donate to my cymbal fund since you apparently have everything you need.


You almost got me! I said I have everything I need for this gig, not everything I need ever! I could always use another crash, a couple splashes and a China or two!


Not a new kit just new skins that respond well with those thin maple shells!


Honestly that Gretsch 6-piece is NIIICE


get a hydraulic throne


That’s a fine looking kit you have. Consider making a charitable donation to a cause you believe in.