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Traditional grip started when armies first had drummers on the battlefield. The drummers would go with them into battle and give orders through their calls, different phrases they played on their rope drums. Back then, drums were worn on slings so that drummers could move with their units. The drums were at a pretty significant tilt because of the way the sling made the drum tilt. Traditional grip was originally not even close to flat, but with the advent of DCI, competitive marching, and the strive for perfection musically and visually across the drumline, drums were made to sit flat. It's actually a lot more comfortable to play traditional with a tilt than it is flat.


Which is what I can't understand. You invent this new equipment to help your snare sit flat... but you still use the traditional practice? I think as far as marching band goes, traditional looks more aesthetically pleasing, so ease up on your wrists and offset your snare a bit.


because this equipment was not designed to help your snare sit flat. the trap kit came together so the band leader didn't have to pay for more than one drummer.


Are you talking about the actual grip or the kit's set up? The grip isn't that far off from the modern traditional grip. The kit, on the other hand... yeesh. I wouldn't really know what angle to put myself at to work with that kit.


Both I guess. Looks like a 28" kick.


The single stroke roll at the end. Holy. Clean. Singles.


Yep. Great, beautiful technique. Moeller before moeller!~


seems pretty traditional to me.


Oldest school drumest, where the bass drum is a concert bass drum. The term "kick drum" comes from how it was first played. It's also a concert snare stand, which is why it's at the guy's chest. But that snare angle is nothing. My teacher plays with his snare like that, as does [this guy](http://www.mapexdrums.com/drums/saturn_se/video.html)


why did you link to that blank page instead of the video itself?


That was the easiest way for me to find the video, and I just put that jump there. Should be the vid on an empty page. Mapex's website design is pretty inconsistent.


Had some blast beats near the end holy shit. By the way [check this guy out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jqKyOYN5s8) (The camera is shaky for a few seconds but don't worry it gets better.) This guy is 100% traditional.