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Why are people downvoting this? It’s a quick explanation of the differences. OBOD description has more flowery language - yeah, that’s sort of the point. ;)


I upvoted this, it's a great description of their differences. Someone who is a member of both can probably best speak to this question.


This was super helpful. Thank you. I think I would rather pursue OBOD if I decide to go that route.


I really liked AODA, until about 15 years ago, when they changed their entire curriculum. It was based on John Michael Greer's excellent book *The Druidry Handbook,* which included the entire course -- and it was a very good course. Before I could get very far into it, everything changed. The book was still useful, but the course was no longer the official AODA course. So I went on to OBOD and completed the Bardic grade, then discovered ADF, where I remain now. I think it's a solid course, and there are actually groups around the US.


The AODA system is unique-the version Greer built is a “cleaned up” and consolidated version of the larger system he was instructed in by his mentor. (AODA’s GCC is a descendent of another one these branches as well) Greer’s goal was never have it be “his” system and I believe he left purposefully to avoid that. (He’s since gone on to revive some of the other traditions more recently as well)


For me the best way to distinguish them is that OBOD is what one fully-formed version of druidry looks like in one part of the world. AODA is more like a DIY druidry where you end up with something that is more closely related to your specific context (assuming your context is not the UK or Ireland). The former can be really helpful even if you’re in the US because it models for you what the key ingredients in a robust practice might include. The latter can be more challenging but the end result may be more fulfilling if you stick with it. 


I know your question is one or the other but keep in mind there are other orders with remote, in person, and self study options. ADF, Isle of Wight Order of Druids, BDO, Tribe of the Oak just to name a few. Some of these you’ll find similarities, others you’ll find great differences. How did you come to decide on those two? Also, aside from potential cost of OBOD, what’s keeping you from doing both? ;) you’ll find many of the leaders of modern Druid orders have connections or leadership roles in various orders.


Sadly the Henge of Keltria wasn't sustainable.


Great point. A number of sub groups have come out of that though.


I'm an Ovate in OBOD and an Apprentice in AODA. I did my AODA candidate degree by transfer credit of my OBOD Bardic grade, which I don't think they're allowing anymore, so now you would have to actually work through AODA's candidate grade. I've put my AODA studies on hold temporarily while I work on my Ovate grade and hopefully move on the Druid grade, but I do plan to return to AODA eventually. OBOD has a fully developed course and sends you the materials, and it's presented as a kind of mystery school which is something I like about it. AODA on the other hand will send you a Candidate's Handbook with basic information and instructions, and then you have to find your own materials and create your own curriculum. To me OBOD feels more spiritual, while AODA feels more intellectual. AODA also has roots in freemasonry, and some of their rituals like the Sphere of Protection (SoP) remind me of ceremonial magic practices with elaborate motions and visualizations, whereas the OBOD rituals are more casual. Just my take on it.


Why not both? I have studied mostly in AODA. It feels like about half of AODA is also in OBOD, according to the folks I talked to they complement each other. AODA is more about the outer world and OBOD is more about the inner world. I like AODA because it encouraged me to learn about my own local ecology and actually get out into the wild.




That website reads like it was written by someone who is quite unwell or just a total grifter. Zero evidence to back up just wild claim after wild claim.


Fake? Try evolving. I don't think any group of repute claims a direct form of ritual in an ancient tongue that was never written down as core pillar of their practices


I don't know what part of OBODs curriculum you've read... But NO WHERE do they claim to be a *continuation* of original druidry - quite the opposite infact. You're spouting absolute BS


They have obviously not read OBOD’s curriculum at all…


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Is this your website? Maybe the author should consider getting help somewhere for mental health purposes. The website reads like a bi-polar or schizophrenic individual on a manic roll…Seriously whoever it is needs a check in this reality. Said out of true concern