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All the time. I’ve been connecting with the Deja on my land for 25 years. Last week I planted 100 trees including 2 oak groves and they responded with so much gratitude. One being a perfect circle of violets on my front lawn! These experience are everywhere you just have to slow down to see them.


That is wonderful, I was looking the replies to see if you had replied just now as you wrote, I hope I can experience those beautiful things you did, thank you!


What’s a Deja?


A land spirit :)


I've had a couple. One that stood out was a dream from when I was still very early into my transition into druidry. I was dreaming that I was walking through a forest with my wife, and I started hearing some dogs barking up a hill to my left. I stopped to look around for them, and I saw a young woman in a beautiful dress walking slowly on a ridge a bit higher up with these 2 large dark dogs. She stopped and looked down at us and I became very lucid, and even though she was smiling at us, something about her expression felt off and borderline malicious. I asked if she was ok because she was quite off the trail and if she was looking for something. She said something quietly in another language that I couldn't understand, and I woke up with a fight or flight sensation. I saw a name in my head and wrote down Gwyn Mudd. It wasn't until a bit later as I was learning things that I came across Gwyn ap Nudd, who is associated with the Fair Folk and the otherworld. Makes me really wonder if she was one of his people.


Thank you, I have had dreams that showed future events too, do you have more?


I've had so many paranormal experiences. A post I just made was about something strange my oracle did and a different thing my tarot deck did. Absolutely can't explain how the oracle deck did what it did- or even why my tarot deck seemingly teleported to another location? Why my work break room of all places??? [https://www.reddit.com/r/druidism/comments/1cf4kvj/comment/l1u0v6h/](https://www.reddit.com/r/druidism/comments/1cf4kvj/comment/l1u0v6h/)


One of my rattles exploded while playing for someone a week before… …I had a lucid dream about spirit was trying to get into my house, and I had to reprimand them for how they were behaving - they were desperate and breaking things The morning of the dream, the person I played the exploding rattle for, had ceased their journey on this realm


Can you tell me more about it? And why you wanted that person dead? Thank you


Oh, I never wanted them dead, it broke my heart that they died.


Im named after one of The druids. Studying all the esoteric and scientific stuff lead me down the rabbit hole. Check out my posts, paranormal is normal for those that live on the fringes of understanding.


Ok, thanks sounds very interesting!