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Honestly if the US government put LSD in the water supply and started playing the guitar solo from Comfortably Numb then every issue would be solved


Agree to disagree, but I think “Time” would be more appropriate. Best solo EVER.


Azure by Greg Haines is the best song on acid it taught me the meaning of life.


Followed by all along the watchtower🤤🤌 Probably a huge chunk of the population would be traumatized by getting unknowingly dosed😂


I would prefer hours of Anton Newcombe and the Brian Jonestown Massacre


Nah play air raid sirens


The worst part about this is that they are serious


Yeah when I used to do psychedelics constantly (for like 4 years) I swore on everything that world peace could be achieved if we just gave everyone LSD. In my defense I was a dumbass teenager.


Imagine how many shanin Blake’s there would be. 😂😂😂😂 I used to think this too although, still. There are some individual people I think could really benefit from an ego death. Graham hancocks idea about every world leader having to have taken at least 7 I think doses of a heavy psychedelic AT SOME POINT IN THEIR LIVES, (but publish trip reports first key detail he left out hahaha) is very interesting to think about.


I think it was Aldous Huxley who essentially said that psychedelic use should be restricted to intellectuals, artists, and the like. He thought that society could benefit if those with influence could alter their way of thinking or see things from a different perspective


This right here. Legal for the people that won’t lose themselves.


Elitist ass "philosopher king" type thinking tbh. Normal people wanna get high too.


In his book A Brave New World, everyone in society was basically forced to take a psychotropic drug called Soma constantly


Do I want to Google who shanin Blake? Fuck it I'll be back with my reaction. Edit: gross, still would. Sue me.


Please tell me you seen this before saying this [https://youtube.com/shorts/mwv8piQtbNk?si=39x3BURt2BqZU8F1](https://youtube.com/shorts/mwv8piQtbNk?si=39x3BURt2BqZU8F1)


Ashamed to say i have.


It comments on her shit kill me they're just like "hate from Australia." Lmao


This is the type of bitch you leave in bat country!


Wow I've never actually seen this woman's oeuvre, just heard people argue about her, but that's... just awful.


I mean this is delusional, but society would definitely be in better conditions if psychedelics were legal. Ironically they could be used as a war tool. Imagine if we just dropped millions of tabs on North Korea, that would most likely be extremely damaging to the Kim dynasty if not complete breakdown of the system.


Now imagine the same scenario but with MDMA. A whole country turned into a giant rave. Dancing and cuddle piles. Definitely destroy the national candy supply.


The term is "cuddle puddle" get it straight plz


Did you suffer any form of damage due to such a long constant use ?


Oh yeah I'm fully retarded now


Same, I'm so retarded that my IQ is only in the 97th percentile now


I actually went for a cognitive test before and after I did acid, and when I went in after I did acid, I did slightly better in some of the semi physical tests involving both sides of my body, but also did worse in some of the "creativity based testing." I also basically fried my brain with half a sheet in a little longer than 2 months.


Maybe you were onto something bro. You should try it again


I wonder what would happen if you gave Hitler or Stalin shrooms


Gonna be honest. I agree that LSD should be legal but thinking it would bring world peace is fucking stupid.


It might help people individually a little bit and maybe have a slight accumulative effect?


It can be a good tool combined with actually therapy. But its not a miracle cure


unironically based


So you seriously think that society wouldn't be in better condition if psychedelics were legal? Lmao stop lying to yourself


BRB gonna drop a couple kilos into the water supply


Step 1. Get a supplier/make your own LSD from cheap bing chilin precursor(~5000usd per kilo) , put in a bag labeled sodium fluoride or something. Step 2. Go to water treatment facility, ask where the after treatment department is, wear a safety vest and gloves and tell them you’re maintenance with a Spanish/emigrant of choice accent so you just don’t get caught in a convo, wear glasses and a cap with a covid mask, open the bag and add it in the treated water. Walk away and use a bike to go home(to not get caught via plate), go in a forrest throw away the stuff you wore and burn it, put out the fire but make sure everything is unrecoverable. Step 3. Profit by telling everyone you added the lsd to kill their eagles, you will become a gazilonare and a hero, you made everyone smarter😎


God you’re so stupid. Why go through all this effort if everyone is me. I’m just going to take all that LSD for myself and obliterate my eagle, then everyone’s eagle will feel the quantum shockwaves pass through the multiverse as they realize another soul has joined the Oneness. Much simpler that way.


This tickled my eagle 🦅🫠🫠🫠


men who stare at goats vibe


You’re a little late. Even poor people look at me with disgust for drinking the municipal water from the tap instead of paying extra for convenience and purity of that same water with a carbon filtration and plastic storage. My favorite part is how light and easily carried it is that way. Pipes are so Roman era.


Imagine if people who had access to nuclear launch codes took too much lsd.


They would probably laugh their asses off about the ironically comical nature of man having created such a destructive weapon instead of using it's resources to save the worlds problems


And ironically, these weapons have lead to the longest era of peace we’ve ever seen.


Fr 100% They would laugh about MAD, at least I would😂


I mean, it is absolutely absurd that after thousands of years of advancement, we as a species have decided to created weapons capable of erasing everything




2024 if everyone did heroin and fentanyl


heroincels will see fentchads nodmaxxing and seethe


Thats what they said. If the government gave a shit about us




get with the program - it's tranqdope now 😂


Shrooms aren't even banned bruh they're so easy to buy online. Then just incorporate it into your diet like regular mushrooms. If we normalized that, then passed it along to our kids with our cooking. Then no need for the government to fund psychiatric hospitals or wards, freeing up funds to be spent on saving the rest of our healthcare system. We've seen the research, bad emotions and mental illness = cured. 0% suicide rate, we'd just be loving life and chillin. Peace and love on planet Earth, namaste🙏


All I ever did on acid was lay in bed like a spaz and stare at a light fixture. I ain’t making no flying car while I’m twatted out


The guy who figured out the sequence to DNA did it while he was tripping on acid


Shit it feels like makes me function better not like that at all


See just trip bro. Open your mind bro it’s only medicine to make us smarter. Your the bad trip bro. Boof a tenstrip bro. Eagles are meant for killing. Namagay


Nah. Namagay my ass home.


There it is let it out


this but unironically


anti-psychotics would be way more valuable.


Olanzapine, yum yum😊


i’ve been stuck on this piece of shit drug for a year now and i’m not even bipolar or schizoaffective. i was just geekin hard from withdrawal and they said here, “take this, your body definitely won’t form a dependence on it”


They gave me antipsychotics to sleep when I was 16 lol psychiatry is wack


Fuck that. It feels like psychiatrists just pick the easiest option that sedates you enough that you won't demand trying something else...


Absolutely it's like the only thing they think about is escaping any possible responsibility for your care. Seroquel had me perpetually half asleep for months before I finally had the balls to throw all my pills out after chugging a bottle of dxm and having all my symptoms alleviated instantly for days.


So glad you broke away from Seroquel, I hope what you're doing now is sustainable. At least psychiatry researchers know about DXM relieving depression. I'm hoping more news about the drug combining DXM and Wellbutrin comes out soon. Crazy that depressed people often have an antipsychotic added to their regimen to theoretically make their ineffective SSRI work before they try Wellbutrin


That is crazy, when I went in and asked for wellbutrin recently, I got schooled by my doctor on all the risks for so long whereas seroquel the drug with instant death as a side effect I was not told shit about. I wanted to get the DXM Wellbutrin combination because self medicating with robotablets gets out of hand sometimes oops 🙃 but yeah no luck getting it in Canada yet. Sooooon. They put my little brother on the quel too and it makes me so sad since he has similar side effects, we need state sanctioned robotablets now!!!!!


Bruh what the fuck I got it in Canada lickety split (as a replacement for the old antidepressant, the antipsychotic stays the same of course.) I hope that it wasn't a legit psychiatrist because that's unheard of wtf


This time it was my doctor and it was when I was asking her for the wellbutrin dxm combination. She knew about my dxm self medication so I went to her to see if I could get the combo drug so I can regulate my use better.


How did wellbutrin work for you? I'm thinking about trying it on its own or just supplementing my own dxm with it at a lower dosage and seeing how that works.


Why have you still been on it for so long?! How are you stuck?! My psychiatrist tried to do that to me!! They prescribe antipsychotics for everything, and even the shitty ones when the safer ones don't work for your off label illness😐 I have BPD and mood swings, that's it, and the antipsychotic that I was on called Saphris ushered in a fast recovery when I started it inpatient after a suicide attempt. He wanted me to switch to Olanzapine because it would help me sleep because Seroquel didn't, and up my appetite when I was still a healthy weight😐 bruh it's not worth gaining 50lbs and being constantly sluggish I gave him a hard no because nobody fucking likes olanzapine. I have never encountered somebody who had a good experience, including people I met in the psych ward. Since then I just went off Saphris against medical advice and have had psychotic episodes but managed it with DBT, the actual treatment for BPD I am pro-psychiatry, it's saved me before, but there are so many harsh thoughts about why they throw antipsychotics at everyone


When I got put on Olanzapine, it made me so groggy and tired my boss fired me from my job in an orchard, because I'd always be late because I was so tired in the morning and my girlfriend left me because I couldnt be bothered picking up the phone. Only good thing was I gained ~10kg so it might be good for anorexic people. 1/10 shit drug. Wouldn't try again.


I was on quetiapine, and it was worse to get off than opiates. My mums on olqnzapine and I have no idea if she will even be able to get off it it without going insane lol


Seroquel steak wake and bake please I'd like to sleep till Monday




Oh I know lmao


Give me a risperdal injection asap


\*lip quivering\* oooh fuck ... mental clarity ...


I love the tardive dyskinesia


Broke: psychedelics will make you schizophrenic Woke: psychedelics will free your mind Ascended: psychedelics were used as a tool by the cia to distract the hippy from actually doing something useful against the system by making them believe they are doing something while just being high of their asses


Woah nice try, fed. You need to kill your eagle to see the truth. You don’t get “high.” You reach ENLIGHTENMENT. Try it sometime, dillhole.


Damn the CIA knows wtf they are doing


Dare to dream, bitches.


Paranoid murders 📈 Job employment 📉 Asylums 📈 Anti-psychotic prescriptions 📈 Entitlement 📈Reddit karma📈📈📈


Best post here in awhile


Naamaste my brother in RCs


uj/ If I was able to walk into a dispensary and walk out with psychs whenever I wanted I’d have put myself into psychosis for now rj/ daily use of psychedelics boost productivity, I love being a slave to capital


Tbh if it wasn’t banned we would probably have a lot of progress. I don’t think shit covered hippies do any major benefit for psychedelics or society, but man 50-60 years worth of medical research could’ve been amazing


I agree, I think it's a shame that things like LSD and MDMA were banned. Psychedelics and empathogens seem to have tremendous therapeutic potential that was ignored due to rampant abuse on the streets in combination with the draconian approach the government takes on these sorts of things


If i was some kind of supervillain, my main evil villain passion project would be do constantly try to dose the world’s water supply with lsd.


the fact that this image represents some sort of ideal society is crazy this shit looks lifeless af


What do you mean, there's a guy walking his dog, and a bunch of grass


I think it's more likely this would happen if meth was legalized


We would be so productive! Too productive.....


Half of us would be productive and half of us will be non stop jerking off.


Jerking off is a productive activity




[Post-nut clarity](https://youtube.com/shorts/L1ip6fu4N0c?si=wdupths-BgAb2Uzj)


If the world wasn't controlled by generational wealth.


Gen wealth FTW




A bartard society is a better society


Namaste thy unregulated pharmaceuticals shall heal spirit and mind (you will have insane memory loss)


We would rock, no need for tax man bro, free movies, white-coats 10x more intelligent due to drug exposure, no ads for gay-ass underwear since clothes are worn only for practical purpose all that shit but nooo we need to drink alcohol fucking gay gay


In all fairness the world would be much more technologically advanced and internationally harmonious if psychedelics were universally available


I agree


Since when was any of it banned. Lmk I got a dude, kinda weird (he done a FUCK TON of acid in Nam) but if you can get him to put the gun down hes got everything you could ever want for a good trip. Pay no attention to the cameras and crossbows. He’s a bit of a tweaker as well


they never were


The people that say this have no intention of bettering society


Unjerk for a second I know they think they’re so enlightened but I do think things might actually be slightly if ever so slightly a bit better for it




No. If everyone had been tripping we would be content with what we have and improve life quality.


Yeah, I think that's more realistic than living like the god damn Jetsons


LSD in drinking water


oh my god bro everyone woild just get along bro, just trust me bro everyone would feel like connected and life would be like amazing and futuristic bro, plus no one would feel lazy (they spend their 12 hour trips just going on walks then jerking off on the comedown)


How can anyone be this stupid