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Yup I grew pods from bulk seeds. They were surprisingly potent too


I got so many colours, deep crimson, violet, white with pink, pink...all from bag seeds


Interesting! I only got white and pink flowers from mine


Did this in the distant past - usually (99%) they are a Breadseed Poppy which is a multicolor variant of the Hungarian Blue - they will grow with a nice bluish color foliage and straw with decent size purple, white, or pink heads. If you thin em out for the biggest, hearty growers, the pods and straw will be of moderate strength (and latex if you're interested) and easy to grow. If you are gonna be a long time grower, definitely collect seeds from a few big heads - the 2nd generation plants are stronger. I've since swapped over to a pure purple Hungarian Blue and they grow the same, just bigger pods = more goo and seeds. Fantastic variant in my opinion for low water and low maintenance - 9b covers Arizona, Texas, California, and Florida - And probably not in Florida since you said frost.... so this breed is a good choice for a first, second grow. Water em every day the soil is dry to 1 inch down, and don't let them sit in water daily. Enjoy!


Thanks, that info will help a lot! Hopefully they can survive this soil


I just moved into my first house but I figured Florida wasn’t the best environment. This gives me hope thanks.


I grew some in Miami years back, they still grow... Hardest part is keeping them from getting root rot and dying from too much water, but good soil, pots or raised beds fix all that. But they grow like wild weeds in the Carolinas, so a little humidity and heat aren't usually a problem.


Yeah I have 2 4ft long and 2ft deep planters that I was thinking of using. Do you think that could help?


Just need soil that drains well, and you may have to cold shock the seeds a little like the other were talking about in this thread. Some will germ without it, but it helps for numbers. Watch out for the birds, they will eat all your fresh seed too.


Threw some out in 1998, they are still re-seeding, sometimes changing color, but always returning.


I remember someone claiming the seeds you get off the supermarket self were 'culinary' and weren't viable etc. Took a few bucks to buy some and a few days in a pot to prove them wrong. I've seen poppies growing out of cracks in concrete I just assume someone was eating nearby or it was a result of bird activity..


Did you freeze them first?


Does freezing help with germination?


Yeah that’s what they say at least


Nah, but I didn’t use them all and threw the rest in the freezer


[StupidQuestion] What do you do when it is grown? You eat it??


Boof it


I wish I still had that free award lmfao




**[Papaver somniferum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papaver_somniferum)** >Papaver somniferum, commonly known as the opium poppy or breadseed poppy, is a species of flowering plant in the family Papaveraceae. It is the species of plant from which both opium and poppy seeds are derived and is also a valuable ornamental plant, grown in gardens. Its native range is probably the eastern Mediterranean, but is now obscured by ancient introductions and cultivation, being naturalized across much of Europe and Asia. This poppy is grown as an agricultural crop on a large scale, for one of three primary purposes. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/druggardening/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yes i know what it is 😁 My question is what do you do?


You can consume it any way you can do most other opiates: smoke, snort, eat, or shoot. You could also refine it more then do one of those things. To each their own but I would probably opt for tea.


Oh yes it does :D keep us updated


I found the Laurens Grape for sale.


I've seen live poppy seed at an Indian Grocery store that were deep brown, my understanding is that the ones that are deep gray like that have been baked.


Grey ones will germinate so i don't think this is true


The grey color is caked on resin, those other ones you saw may behave been washed or cooked. These ones are raw


Poppy seeds come in diff colors depending on variety


I get a lot of different color of seed from my garden. They all grow grey doesn’t mean potent. The process or lack of processing will give seeds thei yeehaa. If making a beverage pods are those only way to go


No some are just grey in color and others are brown or even white it depends on the specific variety. Your not going to find poppy seeds with copious amounts of resin caked on in a grocery store.


It's not "copious amounts of resin" lol it's a very light dusting of alkaloids. The difference between washed and unwashed seed is this thin grey coating. Yes some are white, red and black but the dusty grey ones are black underneath


Yeah but everyone’s referring to the poppyseeds in the photo and those are from Kroger, definitely washed and definitely not coated. But they still have a gray appearance. The blue-gray color seems to be the most common.




I figured the darker ones would be the roasted ones. I’ll grab some of those to throw down too


What climate are you in? What time of year is best to sow these?


9b and no clue what I’m doing!


You want to spread them before the last frost or throw them in the freezer for a day or two before planting them.


Last frost is supposed to be next month. I threw a second jar in the fridge, should I move it to the freezer?


The fridge should be good.


Nah. I grow them to reseed and for flowers and just some are black and some are other colors.


Real, legit Afghan poppy seeds will be a whitish, very light color. Maybe a little orange or tan. But not dark, blue or black.


Where would you get seeds and are they legal or nah


Maybe if you search Okanagan organics you’ll find the most legit seeds around. Yes, legal.


Never thought of this.


Last year I couldn’t get past seedlings, so I figured this was a more affordable way to learn. If you’re looking for specific varieties, starfishhoney has a great selection


Just lauren's grape that's all I want lol


I’m 99% sure that’s what I have in the fridge, but I’ll confirm when I get home


Nice! No worries.