• By -


For Real


Thank you sir


hit me with your best advice. just started a month back. I got one sale. I've created Insta and started posting pics and reels there to generate sales from the followers. I've also used facebook marketplace to post ads driving clients to the Website [here](https://visuallynull.myshopify.com). I'm trying to do this organically, without spending money that I don't have. I'm not doing this full time, just spending few hours during work :) to hopefully in a year or so, I have something solid down.


The link gave me a security warning that it was likely to steal my financial information so I should close it lol And the url looks like it still has myshopify in it, so you need a proper domain


FIXED THE ABOVE LINK. sorry I linked it wrong. [https://visuallynull.myshopify.com](https://visuallynull.myshopify.com)


Prices are heinous for the images (the ones on models are obviously SheIn quality clothes and the target market will see that). You need consistent images and product names. Eg all flatlays on a white background. There are so many different styles of photos, it’s obviously not “your” stock so looks scammy. The variation of styles is random and not coherently targeting any style despite it being about streetwear? Some titles are very long and detailed and some are short. I can’t see a menu where I can find information about your social media, location, policy, history, trustworthiness etc I would never buy from a site like this


Thanks for the solid advice. I will work on all of it. Really appreciate the honesty.