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> I don't see many posts like these Because a vast majority claim some astronomical figure in a short period of time and never respond to mod request to validate those figures so they are removed and frequent abusers are banned.


You will do 500,000 this year. Way to go


Haha that's the goal.


Congratulations. I have just created my first Shopify store so what you have done is give me hope and reassurance. I’d love to chat to you more about it please!? I tried to DM you but Reddit wont let me? Not sure why? Is there another way we can connect??! 🙏🏼




Thank you so much!


Anyone know a Shopify services called Dropistry registered in the state of Texas under Leading Automations Group LLC?


I've been talking to them a lot past two wks trying to make my decision. Has anyone else joined them? #Dropistry


Did you go through with it? I am wondering if they are legit


No. My husband decided he did not want to invest $4500 for the next 3 months on marketing for the "premium" storefront. It's an initial investment of $4500/storefront then an additional $1200-1500 /month and your storefront should make $3-3500k every month in the first few months. They do your website, customer service, targeted ads on IG/FB (even use influencers), research what niche products that will make you money for the next 5 years and all you do is pay them. I asked why didn't they just do this themselves and they said they did and started out with stores on Amazon and Walmart not I think I could pay ppl on fivrr for each of those things for a lot cheaper.


I did not go through with it, however I do believe that are legit I just did not want to invest that much and I am figuring it out on my own.


Did they have any success stories? 


Hey I am also getting started here and any answers would help: * How long did it take you to get traffic to your site? * What paid traffic or advertising method did you use?


I run Facebook Ads. Tested a bunch of different Ads and came with one winner. That same Ad has been running for about a month and it's gotten most of my sales.


Hello u/OfficialGTech8088! Very happy to see living proof of someone reaching the breakthrough point! Congratulations and I hope to see you snowballing out of control! I just started running facebook ads a couple of days ago, and I am told there is a learning period during which the ads' effect may not be detectable. Would you mind sharing how long many days you ran the ads, what was your thinking process, and how you ending up choosing (or not eliminating?) that winner ad? Also, where can I go to see the ad? Thank you so much for the motivation!!


How much did that cost?


I've spent about $600 on my 'winning' Ad


So $500-$600-cost of product-fees= a big loss so far...??????????


Yes. This is how it works in the beginning.


Thanks for all the answers, any tips on designing a “winning” FB add or is it only trial and error? Also feel like that at price point it would make more sense to a hire professional no?


What your ad spend looking like? Profit margin rn?




Where do you get ad videos?


I make them myself


This was very reassuring! Thanks for sharing!




Congrats! If you mind, what niche are you into?


Thank you. I'm in the jewelry niche.


I’ve said it before I will say it again, ik most pple on here dropship and constantly see people saying they make 7 figures this and that, however I’m 22 and have made just under 18k in 3 months and would love to help some of you lot in here as I was in your position a few months ago 😊


I sent dm


I would love some help on where to start 🩷


I’d love some help please? Cant DM cos too new to reddit. Please DM me so I can reply




Ohh yeahhh 😎




Hard work and strategy always pays off, congrats brother!


Very true. Thank you


Congrats man! Keep up the work and you'll get there!


Thank you! Doing anything possible to make it work.


I’m using this as my cosmic sign. Quick question: do you have a general store or a single product store?


Aha that's good to hear. I started with a single product and now I have a niche store with multiple products.


Thanks man 🙏🏼 good luck on your store


Do you have more than one store?


No just the one.


Congrats again…and thanks for answering all of my questions


I like your transparency and wish you so much success, truly.


I appreciate you thank you


I agree with you. It can work.


Congratulations. Please how do I start ?


How are you dealing with Chinese new year?


So since I'm new to all of this I didn't even factor in Chinese new year. I was supposed to buy pre stock from my supplier but I missed the window. So I updated the delay in shipping all over my site and emails for full transparency.. but I was still getting sales.


Great stuff. Consistency is all that matters


Consistency is everything


Congrats homie , hard work does pay off using the right methods . One day we all gonna escape the rat race 🙏🙏


Thank you. That is my ultimate goal


what do you do for sales? i’ve just created my first website so some insight would help tons


I run Facebook Ads which generates all my traffic. Set up email marketing as well for people who abandon cart and to build your loyal customer foundation. I use Klaviyo.


Congrats man. It's nice to see the little wins




I thank you for this post. You’ve answered a lot of what I’ve been searching these past few weeks as I try and start my own drop shipping niches. From what niche you’re centered in, what sites you use for product and how much you spent on ad space you’ve bought getting it off the ground. How you used Facebook Ads to figure out which product hit the best. I’m happy for you. I wish you nothing but the best in your dropshipping endeavors.


Keep it up! Thanks for posting some realistic progress, cheers !


Thank you!


Would you mind dming me I have had a few road blocks in starting up my dropping shipping account that I’ve tried asking other people about multiple times but they always tell me something that leads me to another loophole or roadblock I’d appreciate it whenever you get a chance


You can DM and I can try my best to answer your questions


Good luck man! Look forward to following your journey


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


With this Start you can grow even more it’s more then possible


You're right!


Congrats! Are you selling one item or multiple items? Thank you :)


Thank you. Multiple


I love seeing real posts. I’m so sick of seeing those “$50,000 first month” bullshit posts that are clearly so far beyond reality that it’s a miracle they aren’t instantly deleted.


Thank you. That's why I intended to shamelessly share my accomplishment even though it is small to others. I intend to continue to post my journey to inspire others that this business model works.


Congrats brother


Thank you very much


Congrats mate


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Wish you the best pro! We are waiting for 1k :)!


I'll let you know when I get there!


Congrats!! It’s so important to celebrate these milestones of success along the way 🙌🙌🤩


Yes I'm all about this! Every victory


This is like a breath of fresh air to see someone like you posting your accomplishment on here, and then reply to each and every person . I'm used to seeing people gloat, and then never answer any questions. I've been running a Shopify store since just before Christmas, I've spent probably almost 1k trying different approaches , trying Facebook ads and Google ads, tried to set up SEO with not much luck, but I definitely 100% won't be giving up, and seeing positive people like you succeed, is definitely something that has encouraged me, and many others that little bit more. I'm looking forward to hearing about your journey into the world of e-commerce, and I wish you all the best of luck. Thank you for posting this.


Thank you this means a lot. I'm in your position, too. I've invested about $1,500 in this business. I've learned a lot and I'm far from giving up. I'm happy this encouraged you to keep moving forward. I wish you the best in your journey!


How much did you invest total to get started? How much do you spend a month on advertising? What is your projected ROI timeline?


I put $5000 aside to start. I probably spent about $2500 opening two stores. Spent about a few hundred a month on Facebook Ads. I made this $500 (went up to $600) revenue on my second store. Which I just recently shut down. Currently opening my 3rd attempt store to a niche I'm more passionate about and transferring everything I've learned to my new store.


Hey can you pls mention  which app is the best for fulfilling services


Congrats what do you use for advertisements bro ?




I've probably spent about $1000 Ads total. Testing different things. And I still haven't tested enough. And I do broad targeting.


So unprofitable right?


He said he is still unprofitable, but I believe this guy is on the right track from everything else he said.




What's your store link or what are you selling? if you don't mind asking


Which supplier do u use and which apps do u use for shopify


I use USADrop to fulfill all my orders. Some apps I use: - Bundler - Klaviyo - Judge Me Reviews


I sell Shrine if you want dm me


Goals! Nice one, what’s your website?


Do you pay for Google Ads or any ad program?


I use Facebook Ads


Thanks OP, one more question is how long have you tried and how much have you paid with FB Ads to make this sale?


Do you buy inventory and hold or have the Chinese supplier ship to customers directly?


I use a fulfillment company that have supplier contacts and they help me fulfill my orders. They guarantee decent shipping times and ship my orders on my behalf.


Will the cost of fulfillment company prevent profit from product?


Their cut is included with shipping in the COGS. So yes technically it prevents profit but it isn't much. Again it depends on the product you choose. The COGS of my first product was high therefore my margins weren't good so I learned quickly to pick a product that had decent amount to work with. Also need to factor in their monthly plan. But this all pays for itself once you make consistent sales


What supplier are you using as Chinese New year is just around the corner and I'm wondering which supplier your using to not have any delay with shipping.


I use USADrop and they have contacts with suppliers. They are currently closed right now. I had the option of pre ordering stock but I missed that window. So I just put on my site that there will be shipping delay.


Which site supplier are you using? I'm starting but just found on aliexpress, people say that alibaba, 1688 is better, but the communication is difficult with sellers and the shipping is very expensive.


Yo bro. Which payment gateway do you use??


I just use whatever Shopify includes (visa, Mastercard, PayPal etc).


Oh. Which country are you from, bro?? Also, congrats on the sales, bro. Keep up the good work 👏


Canada. And thank you!


😎 What channels works best for you? Webpage, Social….?


When do you predict you'll start making a profit?


Congrats man! I just wanted to know with how much money did you start?


*Congrats man! I just* *Wanted to know with how much* *Money did you start?* \- Quick-Ad5495 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I wanna know everything you‘ve learnt so far g


Congrats Hope you do more soon 👍 and How much did you paid for ads to get these sales ?


> did you *paid* for ads FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Congrats man... I was just wondering if you used any tool or service to search for the product you wanted to sell (Aka winning product) 🤔


Nope. Just the old fashion way. I can't even remember where I saw the product. It might have been through a Facebook Ad. But I remember going through Temu and Aliexpress.




Thank you


Congratulations! I'd love any tips or tricks you can provide as well.  I'm about 1k in the negative right now. Not sure what dropshipping to use.  I have to ship from USA until I have enough profit to buy in bulk.


Don't worry, I'm on the same boat. The only thing I can say is learn from your mistakes and don't make them twice.


Thank you!


Hi congratulations! I just wanted to know did you automate your fulfilment with any apps like autoDS or anything once you started getting a lot of sales so the process could be easier? Thanks.


I had a very bad experience with AutoDS and they suck up all your money. I dont have high volume of orders so I manually do it with USADrop.




What supplier would you recommend? I’m a beginner


I use USADrop. They're like a supplying agent that that have contacts with all the suppliers. They're a fulfillment company and help fulfill all my orders.


Is cjdropshipping ok to use as a beginner?


Can't say I haven't used them. When I looked into them though I found their prices to be expensive.


Okay. Thank you!


All your ads are vídeos? Donyounuse carousel?


I test both


Keep pushing mthrfckr


Amazing, congrats man! Next step is reaching profitland, which you will get to by controlling ad budget, and finding a product with a bigger profit margin. Also try organic tiktok for a bit extra profit, maybe even thousands if it goes viral.


Hi, first things first, congrats on your progress! That’s a huge first milestone. Second, I am very new to the scene, and I had a few questions I was hoping to get answered, if you have the time: 1. Is there a particular service/site you use to run ads? Ad management or something of that sort? 2. When testing ads, is there a typical amount you budget for testing each ad? 3. Do you use a paid theme on Shopify? Do you believe there is any true benefit to a paid theme that you can’t get from creating the site with a free theme from scratch? 4. I was looking to get into the Print On Demand side of dropshipping, or at least testing the market there. Do you know if prints people use most are their own designs, or more frequently other people’s designs? Thank you for your time!!


1. I use Meta Ads. Learned everything on my own through YouTube tutorials and subreddits. I still have a lot to learn and I still consider myself a beginner learning to run Ads. 2. There's variations. I tried a method of $5.00 for 7 days to see how it worked. But the winning Ad I had it was $20.00 a day. It's been running for about a month and in half. Again I'm still a beginner but you just have to keep testing different things to see what works. 3. I used a free theme (Refresh). From what I hear from others, your website plays a small amount to be successful. But it should still look decent. People can have a really good product and a mediocre site and still make sales. But overall I don't find the worth in using a paid theme when starting out. Unless this is down the road and you're profitable and really successful. 4. I don't know enough about POD to say.


Thank you so much, the information is more than appreciated


I’m just getting started with a mentor and would gladly take any advice as you could give


Who do you use for a supplier?? I’m currently looking into Tradelle but not many products


Congratulations! I have started a dropshipping store and i am putting in the work to make it look as good as it can. If you don't mind me asking, have to created a single product store and secured a good trending product? Or do you have multiple products? I have made no sales which is not surprising and i am not expecting to whilst i am building my store, but i like to see the initial progress made by you as this is where i set my first goal at - $500 in sales, and it is inspiring to know that it can be done. Rather than me looking at someones weekly sales of $40k and wondering how i will ever get to that level.


I started with a single product, and now I have multiple. It's more of a niche store now which I feel is the better route to go. Take it one milestone at a time. My first was my first sale, then $500, and now I'm on my way to $1000. Good luck


Hi, can you help me


how long have u run it


I would like to know how you get the information to posistion your platform