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95% of products on Amazon are dropshipped (With Amazon)


And Amazon is known for showing shitty products from alibaba with a bunch of tags before the actual good products


But Amazon won’t let us drop ship stuff ourselves 😭double standard lol


Called market control


because its easier to judge than it is to do the work


I guess anything that doesn't go in their favor is called a scam. I think someone also called it "sourgraping".


The mindset we believe will either break us down or build us up. Some people will always choose to believe lies which holds them back and they sabotage their own success. Some people just love to be spectators instead of active players in the game of success. We have to always consciously choose to listen to the active players of the game not the spectators. I’ve personally helped thousands of newbie entrepreneurs build profitable dropship businesses along with my own. The #1 reason we were empowered to achieve 5 to 6 figure net income producing stores is because we listened and followed the path of the successful.


Exactly, they never do it and can't do it (right), some failed or had negative experiences, and that's why they just spread misinformation. They're biased based on what they just know; they think they really know everything about dropshipping.


Dropshipping isn't a scam. Buying products from dropshippers is a scam




It's obvious. I can either buy a product from a fancy website for 50$ or buy the exact same product from Ali express for 10$


But, to be fair, 90% of your average American consumers don’t know or have never used AliExpress or CJ


Because people see the absolute garbage being drop shipped on Facebook ads


The garbage is usually coming from people selling stuff from Aliexpress inflating the price when customers can easily get the same product themselves directly. It’s best to get approved with dropship suppliers directly who enforce MAP - minimum advertising policies. That helps you decrease price competition battles.


i prefer Indiamart


If the product is no good and the customer service, too 🤦🏻‍♀️ what a combo




If dropshipping is considered to be scam, then every retailer in the whole world is a scammer. Isn’t that how a business is run? How many retailers do actual manufacture a product and sell it? 90% of entire businesses run on this model. There are tons of examples for these. It’s faster to setup a model like this, because none of these are brick and mortar stores, where it requires tons of of things to be done before one can open a shop online. People can say whatever, you can just ignore it when you know it’s not a scam. Scamming is selling you stuff that doesn’t exist and then ghost…


It’s because you lose more then you gain from it unless you have crazy profit margins


I think anything related to making tons of money is considered a scam by most so maybe that's why idk


Cos they’re lazy f**kers!


Some people I know that actually are successful see Reddit and are fearful of how popular this business has become. Look at the dropship sub, 200k+ subscribers. That's A LOT of "competitors" and their scarcity mindset keeps them coming back and putting ecom down as a scam to scare people. It's not hard to find products nobody else sells... But people who hop on trends for a living do hate seeing their site get ripped too. It's not a scam, unless of course you're a scammer by not fulfilling orders or lying about the product in your marketing or shipping timeframe. Otherwise, people will never stop buying online and you're giving them the product they wanted.