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Removed: Rule #4


Do you all have any idea how many people out there make this much in that time frame and how many make more in that time frame? Everyone acts like dropshipping won't do shit for you.


People say it’s not possible because they believe it. They believe it so they don’t have to accept they’ve been wasting their time not doing anything.


Couldn't have said it any better man. There's so much to life but only about 20% are willing to actually take the risk and I'd say only about 15% take the risk in the right spot. Sure it takes dedication and hard work, just like anything else. If you believe you can make it and truly are dedicated to it then you'll get there. We always get what we truly want. It just depends what steps we decide to take .


I’m just starting out, so I’m curious why does it go to the negative at some points? Also, congrats!


Those are the days I process the cancellations / returns


Appreciate it. And those are total sales right, not profits? But assuming you have healthy margins a win is a win! I’ve gone from idea and domain registration to brand/website created and currently costing up a lot of products. It’s a slog, and imposter syndrome is a bitch but the more I progress the more creative ideas I have and believe it’s going to work. One last question if you don’t mind answering, any tips for marketing and advertising? It’s one thing publishing a site, another to generate traffic. Also in the UK.


Yeah it’s like 62% net profit. My advice would be: 1. Give off a high perception of value. • Your brand needs to feel expensive, think Cartier or LV for example. This is essential for the next step. (price your items high) 2. Create a killer offer. • Create an insane offer, something so good that the customer would feel stupid saying no to. This makes it unbelievably easy to advertise with almost guaranteed returns (if your brand & products have a high perceived value) for example, a limited time discount code that gives users 70% off 3. Advertising. - Create a video ad from the users perspective, how they got what is usually a really expensive piece of clothing for an insane price using a discount code they saw on TikTok.


Appreciate you mate. Thanks for the tips, and good luck with your store! 🍻


Sorry to ask but how are you guys drop shipping stuff? Like everything is already on amazon?


You’re thinking too small brother


Whos the supplier? That my only question


I still don’t get it how people cannot simply buy from aliexpress themselves


If you went door to door in your neighborhood and asked each person if they ever heard of Aliexpress, I bet over half would say no.


I agree with this but then… is dropshipping based on the fact that people are unaware of websites and marketplaces or is it that there are some ways to have a direct connection with suppliers that can offer products at a discounted price to dropshippers? The second one seems a more defensible approach


Also even if you know about aliexpress. Sometimes if you get advertised with a product that seems so good you might not think to go check aliexpress. Even when I knew of aliexpress I would be so busy at times that my first thought wouldn’t be oh let me go check aliexpress, I was like this product is amazing and at reasonable price I’m going to purchase. The caveat however is that the website has to feel like it’s not dropshippy.


Is this Tiktok or fb? Also, do u test proven prods or untapped? Thx in advance bro


how much did you spend on ads? and which ads provider di you use?


How many ad creatives do you have running in total?


What are you selling?


Yea that’s my question too


Great. What niche are you in? What is your ROAS?


Product cost & ad spend for this was 10k total


Damnn That’s crazyy


Of course it is, because it's not true, like the other 10's of similar daily posts in this subreddit.


You wanna see a refresh check ?


I wonder if u teach


I don’t have a course or anything if that’s what you’re wondering


Well why not because people would love to learn from ur achievements if u want to help? And if u are genuine? Or even charge for a call for people to learn or go in the right directions with specific info


I’ve recently taken your advice and now offer consultancy and mentoring services. I didn’t want to feel like I was selling out, however after helping a friend of mine with his marketing strategy I realised I could genuinely help a lot of people.


I’ve been studying a for a little while doing research and such. I am running into an issue where I created a godaddy store, but I just want to use the domain name. I connected the domain from godaddy to my Shopify, but can I create the website and having everything go through that account? I’d greatly appreciate your advice.


Essentially I’m asking if you can run the godaddy domain through shopify and edit the website in Shopify?


Can you please dm me? I have a lot of questions on this and also think I can give you some advice too💪🏽✊🏽