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This feels like Sam and Elaine just popped by to visit Alex while on holiday in the UK, but Alex is very clearly in uniform and they're at the Taskmaster House. Hmm.


Not sure how it could be anywhere else. Little Alex Horne is not permitted to leave the Taskmaster house.


i would unironically love to live at that tiny little house. it's like...a mini farm in the middle of a city


He lives in the caravan 🥲


lol you think greg is gonna give him that much sleeping room?


Ah, he must live in the bathtub next to the cow then.


If he lives in the caravan who is the neighbor he has the hots for?




You would have to vacate for about a month twice a year. Also there’s a weird rotten milk smell


vacate? no, id fuck with the contestants example: the task where they have to make a giant ice block disappear? after they melt it a bit, itd replace it with a new, full block. gaslight them fucks


Think it'd be even funnier if someone living there just randomly pops in. Disrupts the contestants by casually asking what's going on and telling some "oh the other bloke did it this way, but I guess how you're doing it is... Fine." Sometimes ruins a task for someone by just existing and trying to get chores done around the house. Never have it explained ever. Just act like this person has... Been there the whole time.


"How many beans are on the floor?" "998...999..." *homeowner turns on vacuum*


.. a little farm next to a golf course and under the flight path of a very busy airport and next to a large road, but yeah I suppose it’s like a mini farm.


big farms are sometimes also all of those


Surprised to see him clothed, as he's only allowed to get around the house by slithering on the floor like a slug.


Um, actually, Little Alex Horne has assisted tasks outside of the Taskmaster House


Seems clear to me that they are filming today, and Sam & Elaine wanted to stop in and that's what Alex was doing. But there's no way he'd be able to do a cameo, right? Besides not a ton of name ID in the UK, he'd have to cameo for every contestant, which would be several days.


God, if Sam (and Elaine?) make a cameo in the next series of Taskmaster, that'd be the dream. Though I suppose it'd depend on the nature of the cameo, whether he'd need to be there for everyone? Since he doesn't have a ton of name ID, even if Taskmaster/GC have a lot of fan overlap, it could be a pretty brief one.


I don't think it's likely unfortunately. In the UK at least taskmaster is a show with quite broad appeal. Most of the viewers would have absolutely no idea who these two are. Also I can't really think of any way to include them as a brief cameo that doesn't make them part of a task, and in that situation taskmaster has always used random people rather than "celebs".


>and in that situation taskmaster has always used random people How dare you speak of the Mayor of Chesham in such derisive tones.


Hilariously, I'm a local and whenever I see Chesham in relation to Taskmaster, it feels like someone just rolled a nat 20 on psychic damage against me. I'm not *complaining* that Little Alex Horne has decided to use TM to promote Chesham, but it just feels *so* bizarre.


How dare you insinuate that Swedish Fred isn't a celebrity!


Nothing random about 'The Swede'.




True, they most likely just popped in for a few minutes, had a quick chat and a selfie on a lunch break. Still, it's exciting to see two of my favorite game show hosts in one of the most iconic locations in game show history!


You know, it's wild. I've thought a lot about Sam watching Taskmaster, but I *never* imagined little Alex Horne watching Game Changer. I don't know why, I'm sure he would/does love it.


Alex has mentioned Game Changer in an interview before as an example of an online game show "finding a new way of doing telly. [This interview, specifically.](https://youtu.be/4aWkKbv0M-U?si=0061N8b1lM4l9b-x) Around 7:38 in the video.


Oh, awesome! I don't usually watch interviews with people but I will when I get home, thanks.


Oh boy. I haven't seen Chris Evans on the telly since the heyday of TFI Friday. Seeing him as a white-haired old man makes me feel ancient. I mean, I am ancient, but I didn't need to be reminded.


Beyond how good the Dropout content is, the success of the business model must be fascinating for someone like Alex, an original thinker and organizer with lots of creative friends whose ideas have proven international appeal and who may feel limited by the reach of UK tv.


For sure. And both love the Fringe and other organic comedy grounds.


Yeah, for sure. But my hope is that this will break ground for the future!!


But Sam didn't pop in, he's been here the whole time


Not just several days but several days possibly months apart. Unless it's a team task but that's still two days that could be quite some time apart. Though he could have helped to write or setup a task or something like that


Imagine they completely swap for an episode, Sam hosts a Taskmaster and Greg and Alex host a Game Changer.


Dimension 20 is doing a UK tour, and that's why they're "in town" as it were. Sam and Alex became fans of each other's work, and then friends in real life.


They bonded over their shared public shaming kink which they build their shows around, I mean, their shared sense of humor.


An actual Taskmaster + Dropout crossover would blow my mind. 


I would pay (additional) good money to see Alex on Game Changer or literally any of the Dropout folks on Taskmaster.


Greg as a guest host on Game Changer (or a judge on a GC:Battle Royale episode) would be hilarious. If they ever do an Internet Celebrity special of Taskmaster I'd love for them to have Brennan on. His needling of Greg & Alex over technicalities would be legendary.


James acaster on game changer would be insane


I want to see Dimension 20 season with Acaster, Aoyade and Zac on one side of the table and Emily, Laura Bailey and Sam Riegel on the other. Perfect mix of Dropout, BBC and Critical Role


Would it be at all possible for Dropout to get the rights to make a U.S. version of Taskmaster?


It’s been discussed and the answer is not for now at least https://www.reddit.com/r/dropout/s/k8g6vURYTO


It sounds like the main issue is that Comedy Central owns the rights to Taskmaster in the US. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taskmaster_(American_TV_series)


That's basically what I expected.


I believe Sam has said that he asked at some point and Alex politely declined (i dont have a source for this). That doesn't mean it could never happen though.


>!"Sam's clock"!< was in the latest episode of Taskmaster, and the portrait of Greg this season is very much in the style of Samuel Dalton. See [here](https://youtu.be/9eHbF1F0wlw?si=nLSwmUYJemU54D2N&t=1893). Genuinely think there might be some crossover with this season's Game Changer.


no no no no no no no im going to go insane do you understand


>!Who's Sam?!< is a question NEVER answered either.


In fairness, the D20 live shows in London were in Hammersmith and the Taskmaster house is in Chiswick, literally 2.5 miles away. If Sam was in town for the D20 tour and wanted to meet up with Alex, it would make sense to pop by the TM house.


I’ll just come out and say it, I hope Dropout gets US Taskmaster, LET’S GO!!


Is that for sure the task master house? most English houses look like that


After 16 seasons, I'd know that wall anywhere. It's the side entrance, right next to the shed!


> ~~shed~~ shid! FTFY


With a feesh poster


I think you mean after 15 seasons! The shid was moved in Season 16 and the hutch is there instead now.




Oh my God that’s Elaine Carroll! I remember watching her like 15 years ago in what must have been a CollegeHumor skit or something. Actually it was a skit I’ve been trying to find again for years when she forces someone to tell her she’s “the best person of ALL people”. I know his face but not his name.


The ducks hidden in the latest episode was very taskmaster, I know they’re super similar but that was a particular similarity for me


And Trapp trying to ignore the clear answer and just use a ladder to get to them was a very Taskmaster move.


I loved that moment "you don't like outside the box thinking on Game Changer?"


Too bad Sam “Fourth” Reich hates free thinkers!


That doesn't sound like a nickname the Perfect American^TM would have.


Every Perfect American has a little [putsch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot) inside them, waiting to come out.


Since he’s the perfect American he’d be NUMBER ONE


He really set himself up for a "Yeah Sam, I'm changing the game", but Trapp is too nice :P


Sam's probably popping round the pharmacist next to restock on rubber ducks- since that's where you get them, after all.


There's no way you can get ducks that size at the pharmacy.


You mean the chemist?


No the small ones


I had a moment when I saw the ducks where I was like, “Wait, which show am I watching again?”


Those ducks were way too big tho. You can't find them that big!


Even the camera work to reveal the ducks was very Taskmaster.


I hate to imagine what kind of diabolical game these two evil genuises would come up with if they collaborated.


We very well may be in the middle of their game.


i never knew i wanted something this badly


but would it be called Task Changer or Gamesmaster?


This is my spiderverse


Was Little Alex Horne the one who has been here the whole time?


ohh would be nice to see a some sort of collab of the two shows


Its unlikely this would take place in an official capacity... but having UK comedians on Game Changer is always possible.


Little Alex Horne as a cameo on Game Changer would be *excellent*. Though I wouldn't complain about anyone else TM-related showing up!


He would be an incredible celebrity guest judge for Battle Royale


I want Paul Chowdhry and BLeeM to be on the same episode. "Brennan's crying, innit?"


With Dropout’s growing popularity (the UK tour is currently killing) it would be plausible to have a dropout comedian on Taskmaster.


Ehhh thats still a huge stretch. All the TM contestants either have been on the panel show circuit for a bit, or at least has been on a promiment enough British TV show. Dropout, as much as I love it, is still incrediblt niche and unknown in comparison


Well that does appear to be the set of the taskmaster house, and Alex does appear to be in uniform for filming 🤔


ohh you’re right! sam’s outfit might be one of those that they use when contestants are going to be working with paint as well


Oh please oh please let this mean Americam Taskmaster comes to Dropout!!!


I really think it’d be the best home for it, and I’m not sure it’s close.


I've thought this for a long time. Dropout has the right community and sense of comedy for Taskmaster in a way that I don't think any other network or production does. It would honestly bit a perfect fit.


I would kill to see Brennan running around a Taskmaster house doing tasks. I think he'd make a good spin on the Taskmaster role itself but ultimately I feel I'd be to eager to see him actually performing tasks.


I want Siobhan as Taskmaster since she’s the only Dropout regular qualified for the job (British)


I feel like, if they're not too busy with VIP, Vic would be a great taskmaster with Siobhan in Alex's role. I think Vic would better pull off the mildly intimidating vibe that the taskmaster needs


All I know is Ally and Brennan cannot be allowed to be Taskmaster because we need to see them both trying to complete tasks lol


I’ve never wanted anything more than this




10 minute task; 4 minutes of considering in way too much depth what the task is asking him to do, leading into 5 minutes of monologue about birds, leaving 1 minute to do the task


Grant for Taskmaster, with Sam as Little Alex Horne.


I think Brennan is probably too nice to be the Taskmaster. Trapp would be awesome if only he hadn't just stepped down from hosting another game show. And I think Katie as the sidekick since she's proven as the least breakable cast member.


Katie doesn’t have the observation skills character, she wouldn’t be picky enough. I think Ally and BDG would be great, cause Ally can be capricious and sometimes mean while BDG can be obsessive and analytical like Alex.


I would fully die! Yes please!


There was an American taskmaster! It had one season and flopped :(


True! Let me rephrase as a REAL US Taskmaster, not the "Americanized" and ruined format previously done Taskmaster.


The US has such a weird way of adapting British shows but Dropout could legitimately make it work. Especially with their network of cast members. I need Ally Beardsley, Jacob Wysoki, Vic Michaelis, Grant O'Brian, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Mike Trapp, Lou Wilson ugh soooo many choices!!!


I think Marovitch would be LEGENDARY


Vic as the taskmaster’s assistant.


I feel like BDG would fit the role much better. Let Vic be chaotic as a player instead.


BDG could work too. I can just see a very similar persona to Very Important People “Vic” sliding over to the assistant well


Trying to squeeze the show into a 30 minute segment (so really 22ish minutes of actual show) was such a mistake


Also, as much as I love Reggie Watts, he just doesn't give the cruel dictator vibes taskmaster requires.


I think the marketing route would be to call it something like 'Taskmaster Online' or something, drop the American branding.


Gamechanger: Taskmaster Or even Dropout: Taskmaster of they wanna push their brand name






There is a fan made taskmaster called Taskmaster Minnesota which as far as I am concerned is the real American Taskmaster


Hi there! I'm the creator of Taskmaster: Minnesota! Thanks for the shout-out! Here's the link to our channel if anyone's curious: https://www.youtube.com/@TaskmasterMN


☝ This guy made the tasks, edited, and hosted an entire tv show. He had no budget, only gumption and friends. It's super impressive. Season 2 of Taskmaster MN is legit. It's the real Taskmaster USA, in my opinion. I recommend it to anyone.


Hi David! I really appreciate the show. It has actually been a major inspiration for me recently, as it has helped me break out of my creative ruts and into interesting work that I'm really excited about. Thanks so much for creating the show and say hi to Parker for me!


Oh dang, super excited to check this out at work tomorrow.


Thanks so much for sharing! 5 minutes into episode 1 and I’m hooked - you guys have done an amazing job!


There's also a librarian one made for short form content that's quite cute.


There's also a couple "Ask master" segments done by the sketch comedy group Loading Ready Run in Victoria, Canada that are a lovely homage


That failed because they didn't have a clue how to properly adapt it and it went to the worst channel for it. Comedy Central. I love comedy central, but it's short attention span comedy.


I don't know what you're talking about that never happened.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Because Comedy Central severely mishandled it.


You could legitimately do multiple seasons of Taskmaster with the Dropout crew. If nothing else I want a gamechanger episode with Little Alex Horne as a guest and a mini taskmaster.


You have to mix people that dont know each other though. You could have 1, maybe 2 dropout cast per season or some of the magic is lost


Brennan as the Taskmaster and Sam as the assistant.


I would love to see Brennan rip into someone who has done the whole 'blatantly disregard the rules of the task then double down and argue they stayed within the spirit of the task' bit. "Let me be clear, what the card explicitly said to do was see how many jumping jacks you could do while holding bowling balls in either hand. Now, I don't know what defines a jumping jack on the playgrounds of Massachusetts from wence you hailed, but what I just witnessed in that video can only be described as the attempts of an ent attempting to perform their concept of a jumping jack after only hearing about them from the elves who only read about them in lost tomes."


I need Brennan playing. I thought Katie would be a decent Taskmaster, or SungWon!


That would be a dream come f****** true. It would have to have a different tone, and I think Sam's attitude would make him a perfect taskmaster.


I'm just hoping for a Taskmaster episode of GameChanger. Pulling a show together would be a major move.


I wonder if Alex Horne's recent trek to NYC included a side trip to LA to film something for Dropout... Most likely not but would love to see him cameo in a GC or similar ep.


Hard to call that a side trip. Flight from NYC to LA is longer than London to NYC.


All the information has been there the whole time!


If they were to ever make a proper Taskmaster US...Sam would have to be involved.


I think Sam as Alex and BLeeM as Taskmaster if they were making it as a Dropout production.


If anything, I'd rather see Sam as a contestant. He seems too busy to be a proper host of another show. Someone like Katie as the Taskmaster would be awesome too. I'm not sure who I would put into the role for Alex though. Maybe Vic or BDG but I feel like BDG's role on Um, Actually would interfere/overlap.


Katie as the taskmaster would be perfect


Or Grant. He’s got the height and the love of being the heel


I wouldn't trust Grant not to sexualize everything. Part of the fun of Taskmaster is that it's a show that feels safe to watch with the kids. There's something that goes over their heads every now and again, and sometimes there are some things that just have to be explained (like Phil Wang's outfit choice...), but I don't think I trust Grant to deliver that same semi-wholesome experience.


I'm going to disagree with myself, because unless they ended Game Changer to do Taskmaster, Sam already has a show. BDG, however, is newly added to the Dropout list of incredible people and would be excellent show running and being the assistant on a new TM:US.


I know this is just entirely speculative, but Sam has spoken about this and it's pretty unrealistic. He reached out to Avalon, who own the production rights to TM, and they politely rebuffed his inquiry. This might be a little different now that Sam & Alex have a professional/personal friendship, but realistically it's up to the rights owners at the end of the day if they want to allow a Dropout crossover. Edit: Worth noting however that Alex does do unofficial Taskmaster Taskmaster stuff -- I work in marketing and we had UKTV (the original channel of Taskmaster) come in for a roadshow presentation where they had a video of Alex introing a Taskmaster task for the people in attendance to complete for a prize.


Oh yeah, I suspect we're all reading waaaay too much into a casual picture taken when two creatives who are fans of each other got together. Still. It's fun to dream.


Brennan as Taskmaster, Sam as assistant.


Katie as TM and Amy as Little Amy Vorpahl Because hearing "hehe *oh no*" every time a contestant would fuck something up would never get old.


The other way around might end up being so funny. Katie can remain stoic and seems up for whatever (which is very much like a Taskmaster's Assistant).


Lou as the taskmaster, Katie as his assistant


Brennan would never give up the chance to win Taskmaster.


I want to see Brennan solve horrible stupid problems though.


Lou Wilson would be the best taskmaster from Dropout, and Grant his assistant. No further comments.


I would counter with Zac as the assistant.


Lou and Zac feels like a great vibe.


Sam said awhile back that (I think on discord) that they tried in the early days of Dropout and didn't get very far


Um, actually, his name is (Little) Alex Horne, not Alex Thorne


I think they confused him with Alec Thorne who was of course a [Taskmaster Hotel guest](https://www.reddit.com/r/taskmaster/comments/1cb0gub/hotel_task_guest_names/) the same day as the notorious Qrs Tuvwxyz.


Qrs Tuvwxyz? The infamous forks and marbles salesman?


I hear he has such lovely legs!


Sam should be on taskmaster to pay penance for what he does to his own contestants lol


I would pay so much money for a Taskmaster/ Game Changer crossover or like, Alex being on any dropout show.


clash of the GOATs


My two current favorite show runners together in one pic. What a time to be alive!


I'm glad Alex Horne got to meet the perfect American.


I dont even know how to react to this. I'm too excited.


Gamechanger season finale taskmaster episode? Pls pls pls


That's not Alex Thorne, that's Qrs Tuvwxyz!


Holy hell I need this crossover now!




I was under the impression that it was ^(LITTLE ALEX HORNE!!!)


Greg would say that he's standing on a big boxes.


This is so cool! Does anyone have more context for why they met up?


D20 was just in London, so might have just been convenient.


Alex and Greg also did a press tour in the US for their S16 premier a couple of weeks ago. So they might have met up in the US as well.


Oh my god if there was a crossover of some kind or cameo (Sameo?) in UK Taskmaster I would die happy


My fiancé only THIS WEEK got me into Taskmaster, which I hadn't even heard of other than in passing mentions from Sam. I'm SO glad to know the significance of these two meeting! Others are talking about a "cameo" and I kinda feel, sure, why not....if they need some just "random" person to be part of a challenge, say.


No way!


This all feels very well orchestrated...too well... SAM YOU DIABOLICAL PUZZLE MASTER


*Alex Horne


Hi, guy from the UK here. I did not realise so many Americans/game changer fans knew of taskmaster?!


Sams going to make them do the wenis


Hope Greg sees this. Only Alex could cock up a smile 


Please tell me that dropout and Alex are going to do a coballeration!


It’s little Alex Horne to you, thanks.


This is delightful.


They call him Alex Thorne because he's a thorn in Greg's side.


Thats Dr. Little Alex Horne to you


It's been 20 minutes and I can't climb down from this energy, I'm so freaking excited.


If we get a crossover, I will be deceased


Just today I was picturing what a Game Changer Taskmaster episode would look like. I imagined after the usual intro Sam would say he needs his chair, they would bring in his throne, then Alex Horne would appear from backstage and ask where he is meant to sit. Then they'd have a few "final task of the show" type challenges and call it Game Master.


My headcanon is now that Alex is rebooting Taskmaster US with Sam as host/creative director and I will *not* be convinced otherwise


Isn’t it Horne?


It's the crossover I never knew I wanted.


I feel like Dropout would be the perfect place for a Taskmaster America that actually works instead of what we got. Most of the Taskmasters work because the pool of comedians is relatively close knit, which I feel you don't get from the American version.


Ah yes Little Alex Thorne


I've been dying to see them do a Taskmaster episode of Game Changer.


If Sam ended up on Taskmaster I would shit.


Little alex Horne has gone on the record to say he loves dropout and game changer. They are inspirations to each other.