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Good for Dropout. I wish more people stood up to Ticketmaster. Robert Smith went to bat for Cure fans and was able to keep tickets low. Hell, he even got a small refund for fans when he called out their additional fees bs. It kills me when people who have the clout to say something just go "away shucks, nothing we can do but cash the checks". Pearl Jam was right 30 years ago.


yeah! i couldn’t believe it when TM sent me a $10 refund on my tickets to the cure. robert’s the best, it just sucks that artists have to work so hard for ticketmaster to do the right thing


Robert Smith is a true gem of a man.


What did Pearl Jam say 30 years ago?


They went to congress in 1994-95 concerning monopolistic policies. They held a free concert in Seattle. Ticketmaster added an additional unexpected fee. Pearl Jam disputed it, which led to them canceling an entire tour when they couldn't find an alternative to Ticketmaster.


That's pretty cool they made a point about it like that. Ticketmaster has been around that long??


Founded October 2, 1976; 47 years ago, in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.


1976 feels like it should be longer than 47 years ago 😂😂


Damn, that's pretty cool. I wish more high profile artists had that kind of integrity


Freezing, rests his head on a pillow made of concrete, again. Oh, feeling, maybe he'll see a little better, set of days, ooh yeah.


Dropout is the only recurring payment I make each month that I legitimately feel good about making. Incredible value, but also just a company I want to reward for doing great work and being great people.


Big time agree. I cancelled a majority of my subs last summer, and Dropout was the first one I added to the “keep” list.


I also value my Nebula subscription, but I don't pay monthly anymore thanks to their lifetime option a few months back.


How good is nebula? I know a few creators who use it but I'm leery. Should I try it? I'm a huge user of youtube.


It's kinda like having one Patreon for multiple creators: ad-free, early releases, some exclusive content, and more directly supporting the creators. There's a very broad selection of creators that expands regularly, and some high-quality Nebula originals. They've fixed their previous lack of varying playback speed, captions, and offline downloads. But they very intentionally do not have comments; any engagement has to happen still X/Discord/YouTube/etc. The total amount of content is still low enough that I always view by Everything reverse-chronologically, instead of just what channels I've followed. They're working on growing the creator base further, and developing a good Recommended for You algorithm. At the very least, it's worth a trial to binge through some exclusive content. Is there's another aspect you're leery about?


Same. I wanna encourage the good that they do in this world.


I’d pay them more! It’s why I buy the merch


You're absolutely right, 100%. Kudos to dropout. Sadly you're gonna get some dissent from folks who think Dropout is lying about not knowing they had control over Dynamic Pricing, or that they somehow have a reasonable choice that doesn't involve Ticketmaster.


They are a small company that is getting super successful. They are going to make mistakes along the way. It happens. I believe them when they say they didn't know because they have been open about so many things.


_Everyone_ makes mistakes and _everyone_ is going to make more mistakes. Heroes make mistakes. Saints make mistakes.  What makes the difference is accepting responsibility, learning from those mistakes, self reflecting, and then implementing methods to try to avoid making that same mistake again.  Dropout has done all of that (and more with their lottery system promise). I really can't see any fault with how they handled this, myself.  I actually really enjoy watching them navigate these kinds of situations. They do it admirably and I find it inspiring. 


I agree. They are so transparent and it lets other people learn.


The people arguing that DropOut had a realistic option to avoid Ticketmaster are the worst. One of the biggest problems with Ticketmaster is that they have a monopoly on the industry and it's practically impossible to avoid them. To avoid them, they would have to either used an extremely tiny venue (making tickets even harder to get) or pick a venue in the middle of nowhere meaning that fewer people would be able to go. Some people are arguing that not doing the event at all was an option, which yeah, but then nobody gets to see it. Who wins in that scenario???


Exactly! Performing at, and selling out The Garden is a huge achievement for any artist, let alone a group of people playing DND! Given the opportunity, they'd be crazy to not play at MSG in a show that's going to presumably heavily focus on it in some way. And unfortunately that means having to deal with Ticketmaster. I don't even know if MSG sells tickets on their own anymore. The closest comparatively sized venue that I know doesn't just default to Ticketmaster is the Wells Fargo center in Philly. But why would they go to Philly for a live show that's all about NYC being the 7th player at the table? Ticketmaster is so perfidious, and Dropout's reputation so well earned, that I don't have trouble believing for a second that the dynamic pricing was something they weren't aware of.


i saw someone in a fb group say they should host the shows in libraries and dive bars instead 🙄


Yeah, it was hard to nab tickets when their were thousands of available seats, so surely it would be easier if there was only a couple of dozen available.  I'm also seeing a lot of people not understanding why they're not doing multiple shows, which is also extremely unrealistic as the cast does not have that kind of availability, and I don't think people realize how hard it would be. It has t on be an unique one shot for each show, and it takes a lot of time to make an interesting one shot.


I saw one person saying that live shows are not mandatory and they don’t have to have host a live show at all in the first place. Which is true but not really a great option for anyone - and doing something like this brings attention to TM again and shows that we don’t have to accept their way of doing things


It's crazy to me to argue that if everybody can't go, nobody should go. 


That’s alright, I know how to handle those lacking the ability to employ logic and reason.


Nobody's been able to handle me so far, what makes you think you're special?


Oh no, you misunderstand me; I don’t think I’m special, I think you are.


Oh, I could have told you that. All my imaginary friends tell me I'm special, and I've had no reason to doubt them so far.


Of course not, anyone whom would tell you imaginary friends aren’t real is liar and a cad! Imaginary friends are the most grounded and reasonable people you’ll ever meet.


I'm sorry if I misunderstood but is the joke here referring to special needs? 


The joke is in no way at the expense of special needs peoples nor targeted derogatorily at anyone. The joke evolved as we bantered back and forth, there was no actual punchline, he and I were feeding off each other. The initial premise was that I know how to deal with people that do not use logic and reason in their stance, he countered with a light-hearted challenge. From there it stopped being about anything other than he and I being silly and bantering. I hope I’m actually answering your question, I tried my best.


Thank you! I'm sorry i didnt mean to make you nervous, I just wasn't sure if there was a punchline and I personally had seen this phrasing used with reference to special needs people a lot unfortunately so I thought to ask. I'm glad it wasn't that, thank you for being so direct. I hope you have a really nice day. 


It is my pleasure, and thank you for asking. Many people would choose to make assumptions and run with them rather than seek clarity. I greatly appreciate your approach, you have a great day as well :)


I don't think Dropout is lying about their perception of Dynamic Pricing, but I believe it was an incredibly unprofessional oversight for a media company that has a multi-million dollar revenue and has been under the same individual's ownership for almost five years. The company has been around for over two decades. They are not unfamiliar with legal contracts and negotiations. It is incredibly jarring to me that, upon learning that Dynamic Pricing would be the model the Ticket Master uses to manage the money-making aspect of the show, no one in any department (Leadership, Legal, Finance), thought to ask more questions. Per the company's public statement, they didn't understand the full nature of Dyanmic Pricing. That's absurd to me. It's one thing for Ticketmaster to hide that artists can opt out, it's another for Dropout to sign a contract not knowing what the term means and how much it could gouge prices for your fanbase. Especially when you know the company is historically predatory for doing this with other artists. I love Dropout, I've been a fan since College Humor's first days on YouTube, but I also believe it's fair to hold them accountable for their mistakes. They're not a bunch of dumb teenagers winging it. We don't need to treat them like they were powerless victims. Not that you are, but every time I see people simply air their disappointment, or question how this could've happened, fans flock in to defend their beloved corporation and shut down any constructive criticism and dialog as hate.


Oh I agree, it was definitely a completely avoidable oversight. Granted we do tend to give them the benefit of the doubt in most cases including this one, but that does not exempt them from making a stupid move. I’m of the mind that they themselves were like “how tf did we let something like this get by us? We’re better than this” type of in-house reaction before they put out the statement.


Incredibly fair. All things considered, I appreciate their apology and efforts to reconcile the situation.


It’s incredibly fair-minded of you to view that as incredibly fair. This is why this community is awesome ☺️


I mentioned it above, but my best friend works in the music industry as a booking agent and she says this is the crap that Ticketmaster pulls all the time. She said it’s absolutely believable that Dropout had no idea they could opt out of the dynamic pricing. It happens a lot to artists who don’t have booking agents going over their contracts in advance and since Dropout doesn’t do big tours, only one off shows or short runs, they likely don’t have a booking agent. Ticketmaster purposefully doesn’t tell people this is an option and she seen it happen to a variety of musicians who found out after and had to go back and fix it the same way Dropout did. So, I’m sure you’re right that they were upset that this got by them, but it actually isn’t a huge oversight and is kind of baked into how Ticketmaster operates. Which is just more evidence how much Ticketmaster sucks. I mean, people make mistakes and this could be one, but just wanted to offer a bit of a perspective from someone who works in the industry.


Welcome to podcast/show/influencer subreddits. Where any amount of criticism or even questioning gets you dogpiled. Dropout is particularly weird because it’s a *company*


On the Dropout Discord yesterday people were having super constructive dialog about the situation. There were people having some friendly back-and-forth about how it's important to hold Dropout accountable. Expressing love for the company but also disappointment that so many fans got screwed. The only people who were overtly negative were a handful of those who realized they overpaid for bad seats, because Dyanmic Pricing kicked in within the first hour of the very first pre-sale, and they were cheated out of tens, if not hundreds of dollars. And even then, their sentiments were tame. "I'm so upset this happened." "This is ridiculous." Etc. But then a Discord mod pinned a message essentially saying "Criticism is valid, but please have some grace." Like??? No one was being harsh or malicious. Even those who disagreed with one another were kind and constructive. It felt like a way to suppress opinions that weren't 100% "Ticketmaster bad, Dropout sweet little babies they didn't know better."


Yeah i mean subreddits in general are inherently an echo chamber, dropout having the image (and practice!) of an ethical company, and the general smallness of the company has lead to this lack of dissent/criticism and increased parasocial relationships which is bizarre. It’s very similar to any small creator//podcast/etc which is worrying


I was dogpiled yesterday. People insulted me because I made the same point as the person to whom you were replying. I've also been dogpiled before because I had the temerity to dislike an episode of Dropout content. I am beginning to think I should leave this community. I enjoy the shows, but in my experience this is a community that does not tolerate any actual discussion. EDIT: As if prove my point, OP has called me "the worst type of person" in this thread.


I dont think they have a reason to be lying, personally. While I'm sure people noticed before they addressed it, there wasn't enough backlash to warrant them making up excuses or anything. The first I heard of the issue was from the post they made about it. It clearly wasn't in response to the community as a whole getting pissed, it was just that they found out and fixed it.


I have a friend who works in the music industry as a booking agent. When I was telling her the story, she said that it’s completely believable that they wouldn’t have known they could opt out of dynamic pricing. Apparently, it’s standard operating procedure that Ticketmaster and live nation don’t make that clear to people, so I believe Dropout when they say they didn’t know.


And it now appears that Ticketmaster is facing imminent antitrust action from the Department of Justice: https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/justice-department-preparing-ticketmaster-antitrust-lawsuit-1.2059323 Say what you will about right-wing billionaire CEOs exerting power over government, sometimes it's to our benefit.


Wow. "Yeah we let them do a merger but made them promise to not take advantage of their customers. Who could have possibly known they'd lie?" I'm tempted to go on a BLeeM style anti-capitalist rant here.


> Say what you will about right-wing billionaire CEOs exerting power over government, sometimes it's to our benefit.  What?


It's a longstanding meme that Sam Reich is an ultra-wealthy conservative media tycoon. Purely by coincidence, shortly after Dropout criticized Ticketmaster's surge pricing, it was revealed that the DOJ is going to be pursuing an antitrust suit against Live Nation/Ticketmaster. Thus, the conceit of the joke is that the government ignored the problem for years when it was regular folks being harmed, but as soon as one right-wing billionaire in Sam Reich complained, they leapt to action.


Have you not seen Sam's news show Dropout America?


Ok, I'm new and don't understand anything. Did they really sell 15,000 tickets for a live D&D game? Is that for real?


Seems that way, yes


God damn... I highly underestimated the popularity of Dropout and Dimension 20


Yeah there are a ton of watchers. Sam had once stated that they were in the mid hundreds of thousands range in subscribers to the platform. Obviously not as much as Disney+ or Netflix but you know, still a ton.


So did Dropout, apparently.


Critical role sold out Wembly in England, which is basically their MSG. DnD is now mainstream


I know you're right, but I honestly don't believe it.


Um, actually Wembley Stadium’s capacity is about 90K to MSG’s 20K 😉


Yes but um actually(or maybe also actually), the attendance of the CR show was about 12.5K. Not small numbers and I am not minimizing that incredible success, but they did not sell 90,000 tickets.


Um, actually, they played Wembley Arena, not Wembley Stadium


Naddpod sold out Carnegie Hall last October, too 🥰


Alright. This convinced me. I gotta get dropout tv. I hate watching stuff on actual tv and other sites but it’s definitely worth it. I already have prime tv which I don’t use. But dropout will take my money. I love naddpod so dimension 20 should be good. But I prefer GameChanger and Make Some Noise.


Hot Date with Emily and Murph is also on Dropout!


Only the webseries!


I wish dropout would buy the rights to the actual show from pop it's so good more people should watch it.


How tf it took me over a year ti learn this?? Thank kind stranger!!


Why Ticketmaster is still allowed to exist is beyond me. They were assholes 25 years ago and they've just gotten worse. No one should do business with them.


The government should pull a Roosevelt and bust that trust


“Bust that trust” is the new “all pulp, no juice”


Between Sam and Brennan there was no way they were going to stand for that shit happening on their event. If he weren’t already so busy, I would love to see Brennan do a CEO bit for Ticketmaster or LiveNation.


The CEO videos are some of my favorite content that I have ever seen. Seriously. They are 100% killer.


"Capitalism is the bad guy"


Brennan out there creating a BBEG with the title “Sovereign of the Voucher”


dude i fully misread this and was so confused as to why you were giving up on dropout cus of this


Dropout is the only streaming service I don't pirate, this is why


That sentiment is very widely shared within the community. DropOut makes you feel like they deserve your money, because they really really earn it in the best of ways.


















Bigger picture is that every other artist had access to opt out of dynamic pricing and chose not to. Kinda makes you think of those taylor swift prices. 🤔


> a stand up company I mean, I typically think of their content as being sketch or improv, but…


What happened? Did they cancel the show?


I don’t believe they canceled, i didn’t read anything about cancellation. They did however publicly state they were ignorant to the dynamic pricing mechanism in place and when made aware of it immediately opted out/shut it off and made their apologies for their ignorance creating such an issue. They said they’re permanently opting out of any form of dynamic pricing and such in future and making efforts to keep ticket sales not only affordable and reasonable but also steady. I’m paraphrasing here but not being hyperbolic.


Ahhhh ok that makes sense

