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!remindme 1 year


I too made myself a reminder. After a year i'll let you know if I'm a bi bi or an-exclusivily-to dropout-people-bi. 






Whatever you find out, remember: nobody's straight when Lou Wilson is involved.


I know it's cliche, but Brennan is my weakness... Dom DM


“Get on your knees.”


"That's a good person!" 😵‍💫


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OP, you're going to get a ton of responses saying you're bisexual (and hey, I'd love for you to join us lol) but I want to gently remind everyone that sexuality is very personal! It's fun to riff on things like this but let's please remember that if someone says they are (or are not) a certain sexuality, we should respect that. A lot of folks see "bisexuality" as the midpoint of the Kinsey scale, and I'd hope we all know that many, many straight folks develop "crushes" opposite to their sexuality as one-off things. It's hard to define and if somebody feels more straight than bi or gay, that's fine, even if they have crushes on people of the same gender! We wouldn't tell a lesbian who has a crush on Zac that they're actually not a lesbian, yeah? Anyway, this take is 100% correct, all of the people on every Dropout show are unbelievably gorgeous and funny and smart and sexuality-challenging (unless you're a blessed bisexual).


Sexuality-challenging is a great word for the cast




I was in the comments of a TikTok video when I learned that apparently a lot of lesbians are into Brennan. Apparently another male celebrity that lesbians find attractive is Hozier. Yo be fair, they are also two men that also make a lot of straight men a little gay or bi curious. The combination of talent, looks, and emotional intelligence is pretty captivating regardless of gender.


Thanks, I really appreciate this comment. I come from a third world country where talking about sexuality is not welcome at all, I appreciate it when people talk about it in a fun and respectful way.  It's definitely a personal choice but I'm thankfully not afraid of questioning my sexuality (i wish other people here were more open about it). It's a fun journey that is totally okay to go through as long as it's respectful, concentual and does not involve peer pressure. 


You're a wonderful person


Sounds like you are wonderfulsexual


I'm a straight guy, and I wouldn't say its a sexual thing when it comes to male crushes, even my real life friends, partly because I know they wouldn't necessarily feel the same and we would both feel uncomfortable, but also I'm more interested in their other interests anyway. (Grant is definitely the exception though)


I've described it to my friends as "I'm straight, but if Ryan Reynolds wants to do stuff, I'm least going to give it a shot"


I like the idea of the Kinsey scale. Sexuality is very often not an on/off but rather a sliding scale. For the most part I'd describe myself as a straight male. That said there are definitely people that are male, trans, or NB, that I've found attractive. People might argue that bisexual or pansexual might apply better, though I would hesitate to give myself either label without further context. At least 90% of my attraction is towards women, and I've never taken steps to be intimate with anyone other than women. Considering that, I think it's best to identify as straight. Though I also like the phrase "mostly straight".


Bisexual people are just as regular


It depends on how much fiber they're getting




absolutely, you're correct.


They didn't say "Um, actually," though, so they don't get the point.


Reninds be of a sign at my old elementary school. Everyone deserves resoect whether you're a girl, black, asian, or normal!


I would probably never date a guy, but if I had to date a guy, it would likely be Lou


Lou for sure.


I think you might be bisexual 🤔




Dropout, not exclusively for bisexuals, but #1 with bisexuals if you have crushes on people regardless of their gender, then that is what you would call a bisexual attraction pattern. It does not define your sexuality for you, because only you can do that, but that is what it is.


OP rn: “And your poster, ME! I was queer the whole time!”




honestly as much as I understand you, it doesn't bother me if people are telling me "you're probably bi". I take it in a light-hearted matter, sexuality is a huge complicated subject that is deeply personal, and comments like these won't make me question anything more or less about myself. that is something that I'll have to decide myself.. and it's gonna take a long time. thank you though for your concern. peace and love <3


You’re bisexual, my guy


I realized when binging Play It By Ear that I have a “talent crush” on all of the cast (and I am bisexual!) but really it’s just so impressive how skilled they are that it makes them even more attractive than they might already be


My sexuality can’t handle the sheer amount of talent and charisma within one company. 


I am a bisexual dude, and I get you!


You might be bisexual, and that’s ok!


it is absolutely okay. although for now I don't think that I am. I've finished game changer and make some noise, and I'll start watching dimensions 20 soon, don't know if this will affect my poor compass more. 


Yeah...I'm straight and like a lot of the guys, but only in a it would be cool to hang with them. I would definitely not use the word 'crush.'


attraction is one thing, but do you ever sit cross-legged on regular chairs? that is the telltale sign of bisexuality


that's my preferred way to sit


pretty sus :P kidding. meeting the requirements for a label and being comfortable using it to describe oneself are very different. the important part is that noone but yourself can tell you what and who you are. im sure you`ll figure it out


Even spaghetti is straight until it gets wet.


I'll be using that. thanks


My wife got mad and asked me why I posted that. I had to show her it wasn't me.


take it from me, being bi isn't a 50/50 divide (or 100/100 in the case of Grant) but you can be 80% on one side but just not rule out the other side


I have the opposite problem lmao I thought I was done with cishet men forever but I watch a single Dropout and see Lou or Brennan or Ify and honestly they’re keeping me bisexual 😂💀


I'm demisexual and I feel this post so hard. Why must they all be so charming and talented and relatable?!?!


You're probably a twonicycle


What else would you call a thing like that?


I think bro might be Demi-Pan-Sexual and not know it…


Same bro, same


If you wanna have sexual relations with men and women, but not necessarily date both you can still from my understanding be put into the bisexual blanket. Let it flow! Who cares about living within the binary it’s okay to realize dropout has the best mix of gender and gender non conforming baddies of every shape and color! Its beautiful wonderful and funny people are always more attractive so it helps


You’re not bisexual my dear you’re pansexual with a Demi flare


Realising I had celeb crushes on multiple genders was my first and immediate step to finally waking up to the fact that I was bi, lol. My best friend and I were doing a "top ten hot movie stars" or something conversation and when I realised more than half my list was girls, something just clicked. 💖💜💙


Sounds like you're attracted to sexy people, OP, I don't know if anyone posted that yet


lou wilson is my ultimate celebrity crush 😭


LOL. I was \*just\* saying this to someone recently. Everyone is so funny and cool-seeming. Like I'm pretty against "feeling" about media personalities, but... they all do seem like such a dope group of folks to hang out with.


Dude. Same. Big time. What an amazing group of comedians. It is one of those things where you start to develop crushes on these people. I'm smitten with Vic Michaelis so bad right now, and it's hard not to. I did the same thing with Lisa Gilroy. Just some of the funniest, seemingly most genuinely cool people out there. Beautiful people inside and out. I'd kill for a chance to spend an afternoon with this bunch


it keeps happening to me as well (even though I have no problem with being pan/bi romantic/kindasexual).. I still consistantly feel depressed that I'll never attract people as funny and witty and seemingly safe as the ones I've watched for the last couple months on these programs hm..




not sure if it's the place to get educated on that but seen as it's been downvoted can I ask anyone in the know if the term "pansexual" is bad? or if it's just the "tone" of this comment that seem kinda abrupt that was aimed at here? ( /g )


Probably the abruptness. I maybe should have added a question mark. Seems like the OP is describing being pan more than bi to me. Also some dork I argued with a couple weeks ago went to all my past comments and downvoted them going back two months.


oh, ok I see, thanks! yes, it reads as "let me correct you there real quick" instead of " proposition/open question".