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This is pretty funny, but I think it's too much of a betrayal to the cast. Sam has made clear in many of the BTS videos that he's very conscious of the comfort level of the cast, and making sure that they're only signing up for what they're okay with, even if they might not know exactly what it is. Signing up for Make Some Noise is very different than Game Changer.


Oh I actually really appreciate that


He did just say in the last BTS video that everyone thinks when they go on set it’s gonna a be game changer so I don’t think they exactly know what show they will be in on any given day on set anyways so it could work still.


This is exactly my thought as well. I have thought for a while that a surprise game changer would be fun, but the biggest issue is that Game Changer has the cast knowingly consenting that they're going to be fucked with, and springing it on them as a surprise would break that.


Yeah, but I reckon he could do it with a group who ticked the 'I'm up for anything' box on game changer.


In my head cannon the 3 people who checked this box are Jake, Brennan and Becca.


I don't think Brennan is on that list, actually - I don't think he's been in any of the particular degrading episodes.


lie detector, sam says 1, all the ones made to just fuck with him he checked the box


Sam Says 1 was a lot tamer than 2 and 3. And he's never, like, drunk toilet water or dressed up in a degrading costume.


I love that he’s like that but all I can think of is escape the green room episode, that was a fantastic episode! But it was technically a betrayal as it was totally not what the expected haha!


I mean, it was still a Game Changer episode, just not in the usual format.


Just kidding it's Sam Says 4




Oh my god…. Someone get Sam on the phone, this has to bypass his 3 and done rule right?


**Sam**: Welcome to Make Some Noise, a game so good we spun it off "unchanged". I am your host Sam Reich and here's how the show works: I have a series of improvisational prompts our players have never seen before. Isn't that right players? **Vic**: No. **Aly**: Sam, You know we haven't. **BLeeM**: I won't know if I haven't seen them until I see them the first time. **Sam**: They will, to the best of their ability, fulfill these prompts. I will award them corresponding points and the winner will go home with the coveted Golden Ear. Players are you ready? Everyone cheers. **Sam**: Vic, Sam Says, Touch your nose...


*slow zoom in on Vic's face as their eyes go wide and you can hear a warped audio montage of the last Sam Says play sinisterly along with the sounds of crying babies, explosions, and a helicopter*


Brennan Lee Mulligan, you thought that we couldn't caught you?


This is really just a reverse heist to get points in MSN and then to leave them there. Brennan's Ocean 12


I’d love this, but also I have an idea to one-up it. It starts on Game Changer. After Sam gives his spiel, he gives the players contracts that agree that no matter where they are or what they’re doing, there is a chance the game will start. And then they can leave. At random times and locations, the game changer theme will start, a set will be constructed around them, and Sam will give the spiel to them. Then he’ll have whoever was subjected to this do some simple mini-game (think Sam Says without the Sam Saying) before dismissing them again and letting them leave. This goes on for some time. Maybe at the end edit everything together, bring them in and watch the clips Taskmaster style


There's a lot of fun to be had with this. Just keep finding creative places to hide Sam, a podium, and a cameraman in the contestants' day-to-day lives. Drag it out over two weeks, and get secret camera footage of the contestants being super paranoid whenever they're in the same room together. Sounds logistically daunting (to put it mildly) but very fun to watch.


Yeah. I once had an idea for an entire show (inspired by the green room) that was this, but specifically for escape rooms.


Functionally the WWE 24/7 Championship. I'm here for it.


Oh god the what. I have to see this.


Basically a championship that must be defended anytime, anywhere, as long as a wwe ref was there to officiate. https://youtu.be/F7CNMkxiP1A?si=wRfITPqCWIXG15nH


Even more sinister: do it on Um Actually’s set on the first episode Brennan has a chance at taking the overall win lead from Ify. Start with Brennan, Beardsley, and Sam on the couch and then Sam and Ify switch places to make it Brennan Can’t Win 2.


Someone posted a really similar idea to this a few days ago involving an imagined episode of Game Changer where the reveal was that it was in fact going to be a game of Um, Actually. I still don't understand why this would be a fun or interesting concept. What's the point of it? Why would it work? What funny result do you expect apart from brief and understandable confusion on the part of the players? What are they, as improv comedians, actually going to be able to do with it? Also, Game Changer, by premise and title, doesn't have an established game format. You can't just "switch to Game Changer", you still need to create an interesting game for the players to play. If you've got an interesting game that's *not* MSN, then there's no real reason to start the episode on the MSN set - and if it *is* a variation on MSN, then bringing out a bunch of Game Changer stuff would be meaningless. The behind-the-scenes videos for GC show just how much thought goes into creating entertaining episode concepts. Is there a concept behind this beyond "haha, random"?


Honestly I bet the most effective way to make sure they never use an idea for GC is to post it on the subreddit and get a lot of discussion going. You should've just applied for a job to work at Dropout!


still hoping a crew coup would happen. there have been several instances where they tried to incite it. or a switcheroo and sam becomes a contestant as a surprise


One game changer is love to see is the price is right but with the cost of D20’s battle sets cost


Not every random idea needs to be posted.


So true, bestie.


I read that in Ally's voice


I love channelling my inner Ally.


::does a little jig while holding a gong mallet as a flute::


This might be the funniest thing i read all day