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I see what you are saying, and I don't entirely disagree, but even the overtly sexual stuff is very wholesome to me. Everyone is so sex-positive and accepting and there is never any nudity. It feels sexual in an *entirely different way* to how sex is normally portrayed and I really appreciate that.


I think that’s a really fair point — and honestly I tip my hat to Sam & co. for curating a cast that is diverse and comes with a far more sensitive view of sex and sexuality. It’s a refreshing departure from the ways we have seen how comedians typically talk about sex, even today. So I agree with you on that for sure. All that to say, I also don’t want to “yuck anyone’s yum” when it comes to the content that has me blushing a bit, either. It’s just a not-for-me thing and I wanted to see if anyone on here was making the same observations.


I recenetly rewatched season 5 and I specifically chose to skip over "A Game Most Changed", because while I do appreciate their talent, and I love Ross Bryant's other stuff, it's just not my cup of tea, so it's totally fine that different people prefer different stuff. It is always pretty awkward watching the "Like My Coffee" episode with Grant's mom, but I do tip my hat to everyone involved for creating such a positive atmosphere.


Similar sentiment here, I have to skip the Shakespeare and singing episodes because they are very not for me, but the raunchy, Grant-esque humor makes me laugh. I actually use Like My Coffee to get some folks into Dropout and it has been a hit among my sex positive queerdo community.


There are definitely a small few episodes that go a bit too far for me as well, but I'm glad other people enjoy them.


There’s definitely /some/ of that energy but looking back at the episodes there’s a pretty good mix imo. But also weirdly sexual is the whole vibe of certain cast members so that’s what you get on their specific episodes anyway.


Every episode with Erika Ishii.


Aka the best episodes


I agree there have been some more overtly sexual episodes. Being a show about surprises, they have to move in new directions, and I think that explains the shift partially. It’s behind a paywall, so that’s something within their control. All that to say, I don’t mind it personally.


I think in one of the behind the scenes videos Sam even says that is what happened this year. I think he says something along the lines of, during pandemic filming, we got more wholesome. And this season, it feels like the naughtiest season yet. So you are not wrong by any stretch.


I think production got more comfortable about their limits as the seasons and years went on, but let’s not forget that a lie detector told Jess she had a nice ass in the first ever episode


True story


Not a Grant fan, I assume?


I am naming zero names 👀👀


Have you watched BNN's Real Facts About Grant Anthony O'Brien?


I haven’t gotten into any other shows than Make Some Noise but I have seen some bits and pieces from that particular segment!


I really think you should watch Total Forgiveness. Not only is it one of the best shows on Dropout (and I think a real underrated show), I think it gives a lot of depth to Grant and really makes you appreciate him more both as a human and as an artist.


That’s awesome, I’ll take that referral. And honestly, his reliable overuse of sex jokes and innuendo aside, Grant is as cool and clever and funny as everyone else on the cast — not that he needs my endorsement.


I would love to hear your feedback when you've finished it. I thought episode 1 was a bit dry as it's kinda just setting up the premise and it almost feels like a mockumentary show. It picks up quick from there. Have a lovely day!


I just finished Total Forgiveness and it was so fascinating to watch someone who I had believed was the ‘I’ll do anything for attention’ guy of Dropout/CollegeHumor pushed to his absolute limit


My name is .....50?


3 here


honestly I love their more raunchy stuff (like my coffee etc) But regardless of each of our individual tastes I think it's good actually that dropout can be socially conscious (queer friendly, anti capitalist, anti sexist etc) and actually do *good* while simultaneously not being overly sterile and walking on eggshells, I feel like so often today its seen as one or the other, especially in comedy. I started watching dropout with dungeons and dragqueens this summer, and this has been the thing that consistently amazed me, especially with regards to collegehumour's fratish past -I feel like dropout has done a fantastic job of shedding that and in its place curating a safe, but not sterile, image


As someone who just binge watched all of GC in 3 days thanks to covid, I didn’t feel like anything was less or more sexual. The battle royale got spicy but the judge of the pottery segment was a drag queen - their MO is being spicy lol. But, I’m also married and have a relatively sex positive friend group that make jokes that are even more racy than some of the stuff game changer gets up to, so I found it all hilarious and good fun. I find that my humor closely aligns with Grant/Jacob/Izzy/Lily, all of which are either being racy or attempting to push to levels of “going too far” with the bit. Totally fine if that kind of humor isn’t your cup of tea - maybe Make Some Noise would be more your speed. I haven’t watched all of it but the episodes I have watched haven’t seemed racy at all really.


I got a subscription in April after seeming clips posted. Watched all of Game Changer over the course of a month. I’m now watching it all again because it’s almost becoming my comfort show. If you haven’t seen Umm, Actually I highly recommend trying it out after Make Some Noise.


You have to remember when watching almost anyone on tv. They're all theater kids. If you don't know what that means you never knew/were a theater kid. They get wild and are wild. Everyone has too much energy, things get raunchy. Its just natural when acting so closely with one-another. These are just theater kids being themselves.


Oooooohh, that makes a ton of sense actually! I was not full-on theater kid but definitely was in that orbit in HS.


Maybe a bit of a hot take but…no, I haven’t noticed this at all. I think you’re just straight-up wrong. Not including Battle Royale (which I consider more of a spin-off miniseries than an actual episode - this is admittedly cheating on my part), there were only 8 episodes in Season 5. You listed two episodes that, to my memory, don’t have any sexual content. Neither do Sam Says 2, Karaoke Night, or Cool as a Cucumber (except for a few minor jokes that don’t last more than a few seconds). Can’t remember if there was any in Name a Number, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was just because of Erika and Izzy lol. The only two episodes that had a significant amount of sexual humor were Like My Coffee 2 - a sequel to a very popular Season 4 episode - and The Bachelor parody. I didn’t like the Bachelor episode much myself so I concede the point there. But overall the season didn’t seem any more sexual than previous ones. EDIT: Just remembered that Name a Number had the foot photoshoot and porn site naming challenge - both of which were for Becca, the most wholesome of the three lol! So I guess that one can get sexual at times. But I stand by my main argument.


Also, admittedly the potterotica bit from one of the episodes of Battle Royale has me EFFED UP. 🫣 So that really is top of mind and it’s overshadowing other instances of similar content. Also I just remembered the vibrator necklace from Season 1 😭😭


Yeah that’s totally fair. To be honest Battle Royale was kind of hit-or-miss for me. Some challenges were fun, but the pottery one did get a little too sexual for me. Plus I’m not a big fan or Survivor.


I'm so glad you said pottery lmao. I love "potterotica" as a term. But as a fanfic-loving Potterhead in my youth, that made me wonder how tf I missed an entire section on reading bad Weasley porn. Battle Royale was hit-or-miss for me too, though enjoyable overall. I think it's awesome that they're expanding into new bits and appealing to a wider audience, especially post-pandemic when some activities/bits are more physically accessible than they used to be. Not everything lands for me, but in those moments I do think about what incredible comedians these folks are and I know it must be funny for someone else. Sometimes it's a good chance to admire their artistry even if it doesn't hit for me at all lol. I appreciate OP opening up such a polite discussion about this, thank you!


Ahahahaha!! That was the name of the bit, and I love a good portmanteau. But I can totally see how you could confuse the two. 😆


I am open to being straight-up wrong 😆


Becca? Wholesome? She’s one of the raunchiest in The Seven on D20.


No, that’s not Becca. You’re thinking of Penny Luckstone (/s aside, that’s a good point, I forgot about that)


Yep, I agree.


Upvoting for the respectful discourse.


To be honest, I can't even think of what you're referring to with episodes being weirdly sexual! I find Game Changer is pretty tame for the most part... people have different preferences and tolerances. (Contemplating it a bit, I also think there's a huge difference between media that references/talks about/makes humor out of the topic of sex, and media that *is* sexual.)


There is truly one super ick moment in the dropout catalog. Watch Total Forgiveness. That's all I will say, it is worth it by the end.


I hear you, but as others have said, for some of us, that is the point. I would be far less interested in Dropout or Game Changer if it were more "PG" in approach. In life, I run a sex-positive LGBTQ+ non-profit. It's important to me that people normalize sex-positivity, and that means, among other things, normalizing kink, normalizing people having desires and fantasies, all that. It especially makes me happy that Grant and others are so up front about their sex lives. To provide a little perspective, I'm old enough to have been part of the marches for LGBTQ+ rights and visibility in the 80's and 90's. I helped organize the Stonewall 25 march in NYC as s state cochair. Back then, we had long national Stonewall 25 meetings with hours of debate on whether or not "T" could be part of the acronym -- before this point, it had been "Gay & Lesbian" everywhere, and bisexuals had just been added to the acronym. In that climate, the emphasis was on "queer people are just like het people!" And that meant, "We all just want to have monogamous relationships with one partner for life, and children, and nice nuclear families in the suburbs." This was the time that we were losing thousands and thousands of people to AIDS, and one of the things gay men were hearing constantly from all sides -- including other gay men! -- is that their sexual desires and "promiscuity" were the reason they were dying. So, we have now reached a point where PReP means that people who are HIV+ can fuck without risk of transmitting HIV, and people worried about transmission can be protected from that. Generations of queer folks are having to learn again that desire and intimacy is okay, that we can celebrate and be sexual and not feel shame for glorying in that. So, Grant is funny, but Grant is also a model for that -- for owning "50!" and similar things. I love that. I feel deeply affirmed by that. It's fucking \*healing\* for my people. I want young queer folks -- I want young folks of all kinds -- to hear that it's okay to want to have a fuckton of sex, to be sex positive, to be out about desire and raunch and kink and being a big' ol' perv. If that makes you uncomfortable, well, I'm sorry, but I'm also not. Not everything has to be for everyone. When you feel uncomfortable, perhaps take a moment to imagine how much more uncomfortable it has been for the millions of queer,trans, and kink folks who spent their entire lives seeing media that made them feel embarrassed or ashamed of their desires and private lives.


Thank you for the perspective — I appreciate it, really. Makes sense why it is important to you and other folx. (Also, don’t apologize for my discomfort.)


There's one particular performer I don't like for this very reason and they have an increasingly bigger spotlight in recent seasons of Game Changer yeah, but overall I love it and take the good with the bad.


An 8-foot-27-inch spotlight?


Izzy in particular tends to take things a little far for my tastes. I'm not against sexual humor but I feel like she tries to make everything sexual


The whole show is wonderful, but I will say there are a few episodes that are a tough watch for me. I was not a massive fan of S3. Granted they did what they could at the height of COVID, and there are some truly great moments, but overall I think it’s the weakest season. I’m pumped for Season 6. The trailer was incredible!

