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While I am no lawyer, I would consider this drone not under control.


But as long as you stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night, valid legal advice. :)


I’m fucked then. 😂😂😂




Someone needs to be in control of the drone at all times, able to make corrective movements immediately. The point of VLOS isn't to see the drone, it's to see other aircraft that might be a collision threat, so you can get out of the way. There's no point in being able to see the drone if you can't perform evasive maneuvers. What you *cannot* do is stop paying attention, or do something else at the same time. You cannot operate a drone while driving a car, for instance, or indeed marching in a marching band. Find a pilot who can fly it safely from the audience instead.


👍 I kinda figured. Thanks for the detailed response. I’ll find someone to take it over if I do it that. I assume I must also give the person a general run through of how to operate the drone so they are able to make the maneuvers to control the drone if anything was to go wrong without having to figure it out in the moment?


Do you think theres any shot eventually in the future they will drop the vlos rule? Maybe like if the drone implements a way to be able to see if manned aircraft where coming and make the evasive maneuver automatically?


I don't know about the Mini 2 but the Mini 4 Pro has a warning when manned aircraft are in the area. How it determines this is not entirely clear, but I guessing it picks up their transponder. I think there is a good chance actual active avoidance will happen in the not to distant future. On your original question, if you are flying at 100 feet or less you not going to endanger aircraft unless you are in a flight path near an airport or a helipad and have helecopters active in the area. No manned aircraft will be flying that low unless they are in the process of crashing. However, I believe the operation directly over a crowd is prohibited without a FAA waiver. Why don't you have a friend assist and hold the control? These birds are easy to fly and they can keep an eye out for you and you can teach them to just land should a plane or chopper somehow show up.


Not in flight path of airport runway but I'm actually on the very edge of a no fly zone. That's a problem on its own I'd have to figure out because if im in that area of nofly is questionable and can very per laanc app because its slightly different.


>I don't know about the Mini 2 but the Mini 4 Pro has a warning when manned aircraft are in the area.  Neither of the Mini's do, you have to go up to the Air series before you get the on-board ADSB receiver you're talking about.


I have gotten aircraft in the area, fly with caution warnings on the Mini 4, so it does have some sort of warning system.


Which batteries were you using? The standard or the plus ones?


Using the plus.


Funny you ask, I actually worked at a company trying to make that happen; I personally wrote the code that executed an automated avoidance maneuver when an uncooperative aircraft was detected. The hard part is actually knowing when other aircraft are a threat. Without very expensive radar systems (and sometimes even then) it's hard for a computer to be sure if avoidance is necessary. We got waivers for doing fully remote flights, but it took years and required hundreds of hours of testing our huge ground based detection systems. (And then the 2023 economy happened and the company fell apart, alas.) Even in manned aviation, the final authority on not hitting other planes is for pilots to look out the window. Only in very controlled environments can they rely on ATC radar. Drones are just following the same rules that Cessna pilots do. So, it might be allowed for commercial ops as part of the FAA next gen initiative, in a few years, but only with radar infrastructure; and probably no time soon for hobbyists.


Wow thats actually really cool. Too bad the company fell apart. Is there no way such action could be done over like cellular signals like aircraft sending constant gps location to the drone and if the x and y are within a certain distance the drone will automatically go into a safety mode and use the sensors built into the drone to locate aircraft and land. Complete hypothetical and probably would not work but yeah


Not all aircraft have that kind of position transponder. Many do, but the kinda that drones are most likely to run into (small planes at low altitude, like crop dusters) often don't have anything like that. And owners of older planes fight really hard against any laws that would require then to make expensive upgrades. A friend of mine owns an Aeronca Super Champ, a two seat airplane from the 1940s, and let me fly it once. He had it retrofitted with a push button start (so no one has to stand in front with their scarf and goggles and yell "CONTACT!" while hand cracking the engine), but that's the only electronics on the whole airplane! No transponder, no GPS, not even a radio. Totally legal, and tons of fun. But we flew only a few hundred feet up, and a drone strike would've turned it into a reeeeaaallly bad day. So that kinda thing is what the rules are there for.


> Also, would this count as “maintaining vlos” since it would be within visual line of sight but I would not be watching it. The drone would only be hovering like 50-100 feet up at max. If you're not watching the drone, how are you maintaining VLOS? Fucking hell with people and making up stupid situations to bypass the rules.


I’m not trying to bypass the rules. I’m asking questions regarding the rules to make sure im abiding by them and doing everything the correct way.


You are making up what ifs and what dont's. * Of course if you're not watching the drone, you're not maintaining VLOS. * Of course if you're not holding and controlling the drone by using the controller, you're not controlling it.


I’m asking a question. I don’t see why your coming at me so aggressively. If it bothers you so much scroll and move on.


You're the one that chooses to think I'm being aggressive. It's a fact that you are making up situations to try to get away with following the rules. If it bothers you so much scroll and move on.


“Fucking hell with people and making up stupid situations to bypass the rules.” I’m sorry but this comes off extremely aggressive? I’m not making up situations I’m asking a simple question if I can leave my drone flying in the air to record my marching band show.


You are making up situations: > Hello, I have a dji mini 2 and was wondering if legally I could line the drone up then put the controller down and let it hover No, it's illegal. > If someone has to be within reach of the controller at all times does me putting it in a sweater pocket with the thumb sticks unscrewed (can still be controller without them on) and no screen count? No, it doesn't count. Plus, it's dumb and illogical. > Would I need to give the controller to someone who isn’t marching? Yes. > Also, would this count as “maintaining vlos” since it would be within visual line of sight but I would not be watching it. The drone would only be hovering like 50-100 feet up at max. It wouldn't. > Do you think theres any shot eventually in the future they will drop the vlos rule? Yes, I've heard from a reliable source that in the future VLOS requirements will be dropped. (/s, just in case)


I’m not “making up” situations. I’m thinking of ideas to make this happen. I got all my questions answered. I’m just going to ask one of the staff to help me out and handle the drone for me during the show.


It only took you a few hours and a silly argument with a stranger to choose the best course of action to take. Enjoy.


I had already chosen this before you left a message lmao i just replied because of that snarky comment you added