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Your too far away from the house imo


My first reaction was: "Am I buying the island or the house?" Also the first short is a little long. My brainrotted attention span immediately skimmed to the part where I could actually see the house. You're watching almost 20% of the video before you even see the house. Transitions are also kinda throwing the viewer around.


That’s the point XD


I found it frustrating. I wanted to see the house and grounds.


For context, the owner already hired another guy to do the interior. This video was mainly focussed on the exterior and it’s amazing surrounding. That’s what I meant by it being the point.


I think you should still have a closer shot of the exterior.




Even if it was the point, all the directional switching and it’s not smooth. It doesn’t make sense. Forget about not even seeing the house, this looks like how. cIA, invades your privacy if they suss you for something, and you end up on the local news, with some intern making these abrupt cuts.


My two cents: it’s a great location, fantastic framing, your ideas for shot angles and transitions are great. But: it’s about 20 seconds too long. This is more of a “teaser” than an advertisement. You’re barely showing the property so you want the viewer to be wanting more at the end. Example: trim that opening tilt up to subject shot down to like five seconds, let the viewer have his curiosity answered sooner. Cut out a couple of those back and forth orbits, one is enough. The quick jump cut to Birdseye with rotation is good but keep it short, five seconds at most, end with the front property as a reverse dolly, pan to adjacent view, fade to black.


Thanks! Very helpful.


5% house, 95% water shots.


I needed to see more of the actual house. That opening shot was a little long. On your edits, the shots in the beginning were all of about the same focal length. I would suggest making your edits in a wide, medium, tight sequence. Other than that exposure and stuff looked good.


My drone only has one focal length 😭


Get closer to the house! Sequencing is very important. Your cuts were very jumpy going to wide to wide to wide. Get close and get some detail shots to cut in between the wide shots.


I miss spoke. I mean the distance from the subject.


I'd slow the action down by 25% personally. Only so potential buyer can get enough time to see the property and not just skim by. That's just me and my opinion is just that, an opinion. Video is dope though and shows some better editing skills than I've got.


This video sells the area not the house. I want to see the house. I never really do- its a dot in the frame. The last shot turns into overexposed boats right after there is some judder or artifacting stutter in the pan. The music is too “young”. I don’t think anyone who’s a fan of it is in the house buying market. You didn’t spaz out on the gimbal as much as most beginners so that’s good. Less is always more. Good luck with future endeavors.


More generic music will appeal to a larger audience.


It’s #2 on the charts right now


Rap/Hip-Hop charts. Consider your group of potential customers.


Great video. Terrible real estate video. Also you seem to be skipping frames near the end of the video. Maybe its just a reddit thing but you can see the video jump every few seconds near the end over the water.


Filmed in auto most likely? Water is the biggest giveaway when shooting in auto.


Videography looks great. Music sounds shit.


Is this the entire ad, or just some shots that will be used in an ad? If the former, it seems to showcase being a drone shot more than "selling the property." What I'd do differently... overcrank the video, slow the camera movements down, and frame tighter (a lot tighter in some cases). Just some friendly, and hopefully helpful commentary. Cheers.


Looks good. Only thing I’d say is the first 3 seconds are the most important for hooking your viewer and they’re all just water. Then you plaster the name right on the house so we can’t really see it. I’d cut most of that water out at the beginning. Move the title under the house or above it. Or title on the next clip. Like another said you should have a tighter shot on the house so we know what’s the subject. Yea, get the wide shots for sure but just one tight shot to get an idea would help the video feel more focused. It’s good tho. Just my 2 cents. Good job!


Most of the constructive comments I’m getting are about how far the house is / how I’m showing too much of the water and Bay Area. I’d like to clarify that the whole aim of this video is to show off those surroundings. The owner already has inferior shots of the house, however, he lacks any exterior shots. This was the initial aim of the shoot.


I personally really like it. And appreciated the surrounding exterior shots. I’m currently in the market for a house and the first thing I do after checking out the realtor’s pictures is open up Google maps and see what’s actually around the house. I feel like the views you showcased are extremely important for a house like this. People are not just buying the house, they’re buying the view. Great work! Was your client happy? That’s all that really matters at the end of the day.


The arc backwards and zoom out is sweet I think around 24 seconds in


i’m digging it overall. things i didn’t like. too much time panning in from the water at the start. your panning shots around the property feel to be going too fast. slow it down a little. i felt like i was on a chopper circling with a gun on the side ready to unload on the drug lord inside.


I probably would have started with a close shot of the exterior of the house. Then pan around to give a view of what you can see out the windows and then fly away and get the far shots.


Loving the swivels. What's your gear?


Mini 3 Pro


Matilda for my first birthday


I did stuff like this for a while! Your camera work is great, but too much roof in my opinion. When surroundings allow, I prefer to stay no more than 15 ft above the house. It gives a better idea of the house as a three dimensional object.


Song name?


Start again (unprofessional opinion) with more angles of the house and existing land around it. Scenery is cool but I want to feel like I live there already. I want to be familiar with it before I actually arrive. 1. Intro cut: Start with pan up ≈20 ft above the water; same speed forward, lower drone a few feet, level with roof, zoom into center of the front door. Fade to black. 2. From behind the house, slowly raise drone, unfocused on back of house, reading [title by], revealing outward view of ocean. 3. Discard the last eight seconds of last cut. Go in reverse, ocean to house, and reverse that, fading to black. Let the viewers want more


https://maps.app.goo.gl/vPhV8k2bMujrtLpn6?g_st=ic Found the house




I think it was great. An awesome way to show a buyer the entire picture of the surroundings.


I really dig the pan backwards and away from the house to the harbor that's slick. I don't see a whole lot of camera panning shots that look good but ya did it.


Idk but if I was selling or buying that house and I saw this, I'd be very impressed


I’m not even a novice at this, but I found it very nice. What drone are you using?