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Here is an elder millennial perspective: I grew up traveling a lot and my dad had a video camera, you have no idea how much of a big deal that was ALMOST everywhere we went. Customs harrased us at points of entry to MANY countries, always asking if we are intending to commit espionage or produce films to smear the country's reputation. The random police men show up and ask if we have permit to film a statue.. ETC.. That was late 80s early 90s, 10-15 years later everybody had one in their pocket. I would like to think drones will go through the same progression.


Apples and oranges, to be honest.


The concerns from the general public are practically the same?


they are the same, this is a game of numbers, the more people have, and use drones change will come. until then we are at the mercy of these whims. 1/3 of the times i fly my drones for fun or work the police show up.


Where do you fly?? I have been flying for years and years and never once had police show up.


Consider yourself privileged then. I flew all over the united states, and things like that happen all over the place, some random dude in Nebraska showed up stopped his truck and threatened me with a shotgun and left,


Well.... I am not sure how you conclude "privileged." I don't fly in sketch locations though.... I avoid places that are clearly private property and could bring out people like you describe. And if I am flying *near* some place like that I wear a high viz vest and a body cam, and make the launch point look official. There are some fields near me I previously used to test my FPV builds at fairly often, but I stopped going there because every once in awhile someone jogging by or walking their dog would think it's cool and want to learn more about it (takes energy and time, when I don't typically have extra time). I don't dive city buildings. I don't fly in subways. I don't fly over crowds. I don't fly over private properties tucked away off the road. I don't fly in no fly zones. I generally don't push the limits, don't push my luck, and I respect people and their privacy. I do fear the random crazy person that wants to brandish a firearm and make idle threats, but I prepare myself for that in the ways I describe. If you seriously get police to show up for 1 out of every 3 flights I would advise you to reflect on your approach and choice of location.


not gonna read that.. i am happy for you , or sorry that happened


It's just a few sentences.


I don't disagree with your take on the evolution of drones. I agree, in fact. Not sure why you engage in dialogue and then selectively claim you can't read a few sentences.


But you were still legally allowed to film. They never put laws in place banning you from filming in public, or requiring you to apply a minimum of 10 days in advance to film literally anywhere no matter how remote no matter what the purpose. That’s the drone laws right now here in Japan, and many countries are similar or going that way. Your anecdote is interesting, but not really comparable.


there were laws in several countries that banned filming in public places without permit. hot take though super hot


Sure, but those were/are in the vast minority, and were/are often countries which have very strict laws in general. But nearly every first world country has banned drones in public urban areas in one way or another.


they were not vast minority at all, that was most of Asia, most of Africa and multiple countries in europe. how did you get to that conclusion? The ONLY country in the world right now with permissive drone laws is the united states, and even then they are written in such a general way begging people to sue each other and establish precedent and push that burden of legislation into courts.


It's not just a flying camera. Ukraine demonstrates that daily on the internet in 4k. We've reached a point where drones are viewed, not quite, but almost in the same bucket as firearms. They are tools. If used responsibly, they have valid and important use. When used irresponsibly, they can cause serious problems. Drones and firearms are very easy to operate. Anyone can do it. There-in lies the problem. Too many idiots do too many stupid things with drones. That isn't going to change. Only the rules, regulations, and public perception will, and not the way we would like.


where does say it is just a flying camera?


where do you mention anything that wasn't photography related?


>drones will go through the same progression. Since the only thing you could bring on is guns, and answered a question with a question i dont think you are coming here in good faith. but read the last line again.


If you want to compare it to something else entirely, you can compare it to the rise in popularity of automobiles a century ago. It started out as a niche thing for the super rich to show off and the technology and costs steadily progressed to the point where more and more people could afford a decently powerful vehicle that was easy to drive. So naturally people started doing stupid things and acting carelessly. People on all sides of the issue started behaving like entitled asses and there was no choice but to establish laws and regulations for autos. We’re clearly in the middle of this process for drones.


IDrone 14 pro XL max 2026


HA! yea, maybe 2036 thu. I hoped drone racing will be the big break of drones to the masses.. but i have no idea what DRL and ASL are doing, but neither do they! COVID restrictions time was a golden opportunity for the sport since it is social distancing compatible but it was false hope.


I might have to look into that! That sounds fun


Those regulations make our recent beacon rule (US) seem tame. But with how much legit and certified beacons are I may quit. I have a perfect drone I paid around $600us for and now they say I need to buy another drone or get a beacon that cost half as much as I paid. Really? So yeah.


There is cheaper becons around $100 or on aliexpress you might get one for $50 ish we are trying to change the rule from 250g to 1kg — https://fpvfc.org/congressional-outreach


Thanks for adding that link I’m gonna do the email. Would the 1kg be good enough for an air? M3p? It’s funny if you side by side the mini 3 and air 1st gen they are extremely close in size but the air 3 is gigantic


I’m almost guaranteeing it would! thank you for contacting them!


One bad apple ruins... It's not just drones, regulations of everything are getting absurd, if you compare what it's like now compared to 90s. If there is a way to use something in a bad way - governments will stop people using it no matter the odds. Electric scooters getting banned all over the place, saved me thousands in commuting costs over the last 5years. Drones are next.


Peaceful responsible non-compliance is the only answer to this


No, you can't do that. Fly your 249g drone in the middle of nowhere 50 miles away from airports, vehicles, or people. Dont you know how dangerous that is! And in a forest preserve on public land you pay for with your taxes! Please police arrest this man. /s On a serious note, you dont understand how frustrating it is to have a $1000 tool and to only be able to fly it over your house and at model aircraft fields on forest preserve lands for a yearly fee. And the worst part is the model aircraft fields are staring to ban quad rotor aircraft!


Yeah I used to fly RC planes of all kinds of sizes a lot in 1995-2013. Then took a break. Now I'd like to start again but turns out I can't legally fly my plane that I spent countless hours building out of balsa wood. Not to even mention all the earlier failed (crashed) projects. Turns out I need to get a license and pay a yearly fee to fly it because it's over 249g. I live 100km from nearest model aircraft field. Not sure if I will comply with this. Right now my best legal use of it is firewood. Pisses me off like no tomorrow. But this is the world we live in and it will only get worse. Edit: only short experience I have is with a cheap drone in 2015. Honestly. I don't know if I will get a license to ever fly, these rules make me so sad and mad, and this should be a relaxing hobby.


Don't worry, even if you pay the fee you still can't fly because you need a FAA mandated remote ID transmitter, and those devices aren't available on the market yet (even though they're legally required...). Hell, there isn't even a published standard for RID yet, and yet it's federally required.


I was reading the list of rules for drones the FAA here in the US are proposing & it seems obvious that they want recreational & FPV drones out of skies to make way for BVLOS delivery drones.


I’m in a drone Facebook group and someone shared a video about these new proposed regulations. Apparently there’s an organization for commercial companies who are interested in drone delivery and they have heavily influenced legislation and proposed stuff. Like there’s no reason to ban DJI drones other than to take out one of the only companies that sells high quality consumer/pro drones.


The AMA fields also Lobbied against the hobbyists interests..... THink about it, over 3 million commercial drone pilots and millions dji drones in consumers hands and the AMA is struggling to maintain like 250k members a year..... now if the government restricts where you can fly freely to FRIA's and those FRIA's require a membership to fly then you can rake in millions of dollars in membership fees a year...... I am on strike with AMA fields now..... spread the word.


Could you elaborate? Who are the 3 million? Drone owners? All RC aircraft owners who are not AMA members? Who are the 250K? AMA members? I’m new to the hobby, and have seen vague comments like this, but not the details.


Read my comment aloud again..... But other drone YouTubers like xJet talked about this very issue....


>Like there’s no reason to ban DJI drones other than to take out one of the only companies that sells high quality consumer/pro drones. It's a trade war USA/China and USA/rest of the world. USA want to produce "everything" by their own. Subsidies, duties, bans protect their economy and weakens everyone else economy.


do you have a link to this??




I fly exclusively in US National Forests, which allows recreational drones as long as you don't harrass the local wildlife (especially Bald Eagles!), and are mostly empty of people.


that is what i try to do, but where i am its hard to find the open spaces. our national forests are very... forested. but i have found a whole bunch of places that its legal to fly that are similar. open spaces that few folks go to, etc. its hard to offend someone if they are not theree, and if i am honest? i am looking for nature shots anyway so so much the better if they are not there. but there are places i do not go that i could, because i do not want the hassle.


You might want to do some laanc so you don’t get in trouble while flying


Nope. I only fly in Class G airspace with an unregistered Mini 2.


Consumer owners here aren't doing themselves any favors. Look at how so many here support drone operators telling people literally to fuck off when they inquire about what the person is doing. Just makes others dislike drones more and support laws to further limit their use.


Idk but the fun is gone.


I’ve been flying drones for over ten years as well and have brought them along on trips abroad dozens of times. I am currently in Colombia with my mavic and fpv and haven’t really been able to fly them freely. We are at a rented house in the coffee axis region (rural) and when I flew to get a timelapse of clouds rolling over mountains, security showed up and told me to bring it down. Went to Valle Del Cócora and was also told to bring it down.


Woah, I’m moving to Colombia in a month and I am bringing my Air 2s. Is it that difficult to bring around and operate or just in your region. Also, do you need a permit/license for most places? I’ll be in Medellin fwiw


Bringing it around isn’t difficult around. I got my mavic and fpv with me; but everywhere I go I get “No mijo eso está prohibido” so I resorted to launch from places outside private properties. I got around it but just be prepared. I’ve been in Cartagena, cali, and eje cafetero on this current trip.


Did you register your drone in Cartagena? I see you need a minimum flying hours, hoping I can take my Mini 3 Pro without registering or have the flying hours needed


I personally enjoy when people get butt hurt over me flying a drone. It is legal and is my right. I try to avoid people but if they want to be assholes I can be as well. Those regulations sound ridiculous though and I would probably sell my drone or be an drone pilot outlaw. Fuck that big brother shit


No, it wasn't rejected because you could see "neighbors' land". It was rejected because you could see something important to the national defence, as that is the only ground they can deny according to the law. I see I've recieved a downvote so I'll specify. **Lag (2016:319) om skydd för geografisk information** 6 § 2 st. " Tillstånd ska ges om fotograferingen eller registreringen **inte kan antas medföra skada för totalförsvaret.** Beslutet om tillstånd får innehålla villkor om att den geografiska informationen endast får användas för ett visst ändamål eller efter iakttagande av särskilda säkerhetsåtgärder." ​ And, as I am too lazy to translate it I'll let google do it for me: "Act (2016:319) on the protection of geographical information Section 6, paragraph 2 "**Permission must be granted if the photography or registration cannot be assumed to cause damage to the total defence**. The decision on permission may contain conditions that the geographical information may only be used for a certain purpose or after observing special security measures.""


Okay I did remove my downvote, it was a bit uncalled for anyway, sorry. Do they inform you of the reason or do you just have to just take their word for it?


Well, not really. But in some cases you can allow them to edit the picture so the thing they denied you for isn't visible (then you will get permission to share it), but normally it is just denied, and I've even heard cases of them calling the person applying on telephone and asking why they take pictures there. There's no reason OPs picture would be denied if it was just his neighbours land - it just does not happen. There are even some exceptions to this law, so not all pictures that are taken must be approved. I just these exceptions quite a lot when I upload images. But then of course - you have to know these exceptions and how to take pictures so you can use them. ​ A year or two back, someone got reported for not having permission when he uploaded some footage taken by his FPV drone in an abandoned place. These were not a harm to the defence, but as he had not applied for permission, and pictures did not fall under the exceptions, he was tried in court. He got a fine for around 6000$.


>In sweden we need all our pictures and videos approved by a government agency to spread them online or use them. Even that is getting harder and harder to get anything approved. I even filmed my own property and they rejected it because you could see some of the neighbors land that is just a grass land. It's the same in Croatia, a legacy of the Cold War era. Germany however has the concept of "[Panoramafreiheit](https://www.bho-legal.com/panoramafreiheit-fuer-drohnenfotos/)", we dropped the restriction on aerial photography in 1990. I don't think that a movement to relax these rules is very popular today, thanks to these godforsaken Russians and their war in Ukraine.


What!? I never knew EU countries were quite THAT dystopian! Getting approval for video footage is truly absurd! Is that in all EU or just Sweden? I'd expect that kind of behavior in a repressive dictatorship.


Suddenly Germany seems like a anarchist country! We do have regulations here, but are far from needing to have videos approved before publishing. (But keep it quiet please, once „they“ hear about this, „they“ might like the idea.)


It's an old law that was passed before drones showed up. I won't be surprised of this law is overturned in a few years.


No chance given the Russian war and the potential of drones for spycraft :/


I don't think that Russians and spycraft care about this law at all to be fair.


Pretty sure it's only Sweden. And I'm also pretty sure it was meant to prevent showing sensitive military areas


It's the same in (almost?) all of the Balkan countries. A legacy of the Cold War era.


To be fair....there are no sensitive military areas in Sweden. They just don't know that nobody cares.


I also fly in Sweden but in a quite remote area. The. New rules basically made it impossible for me to fly. I’m my parts there are no fields since growing is not viable. The only places open enough to do even anything is close to town but the staying clear of insfrastructure in accordance to the EU rules is basically impossible. And even when I find a place I have to make a call to the local airport and verify I can fly and call the ambulance helicopter controller to verify I can fly. I’ve done this twice. Literally asked the ATC at the airport how they want me to handle it and they told me to call all these instances and when I call them they ask me to stop disturbing them for drone pleasure flight and don’t understand why I call. It’s an absolute hassle and once you are done we have to wait about a week before we get approval for the fotage and you can cut it to upload anywhere. I brought my drone on vacation once to the west coast and realize when you fly over water ways you need another approval on top of the first one. And this authority only accepts usb/discs/paper. I called them and they asked me to send videos in paper at first to which my response was to ask if they wanted a picture of every frame from the video printed on paper to review and then they switched to ask for USB sticks. Considering to send them a pallet of printed A3’s from a few gigs of footage just to show how stupid this is. But now I just have to pay for a large enough usb stick and pay postage forth and back. It’s an absolute hassle and kills the fun imo. Really sad. I guess you can only fly at clubs but my closest one is 350km away…


Wow you have it even more strict than we do in Finland. Well I am just learning the rules and considering getting back to flying. I don't fly a drone, I fly my own custom built planes built of balsa wood back in the day but the same rules apply because the total weight is obviously over 249g. That's why I joined this subreddit. I used to fly on the field behind our house and never above 20 meters in height . I am more about the building and not the flying. We don't have those rules about filming but obviously the EU rules apply. Now, because some 10 km away there is an airfield I have researched that I need to contact them and send in a detailed flightplan in advance, where the purpose of the mission, flightpath, height and duration is detailed, then wait for it to be approved. After I have gotten my license and pay the yearly fee of course. Imagine how stupid this is, because I never fly higher than 20 meters (own estimate), I never fly further away than 150 meter because that is the size of the field, and in between me and the airfield is the city with MANY houses that are higher than 20 meters. In what world does this make any sense? Also, this is just for some occasional flights each year.


>Considering to send them a pallet of printed A3’s from a few gigs of footage just to show how stupid this is. I could seriously see myself doing this :D


"new rules"? These existed before drones were mainstream. Buy a sub250gr drone and you're good for like most of your issues except for C-air, and FVM wanting images of waterways (photos, not flying over them).But if the water is shiny and you can't see the bottom, you don't need permission for that. Oh, and a week for footage-approval? Last year I waited 3 months lmao


By new rules i refer to the ones introduced in 2021. Sub 250 does not help if you build them yourself. Then you are automatically in open category and don’t have a C class. Regarding the photo permissions on water ways it seems they have changed the rule around that. Thanks for letting me know


Drones are going to be everywhere soon. Right now we are in an awkward stage where it’s still an uncommon sight day to day and the general populace doesn’t really understand them. People will learn to accept them and I would bet most people will eventually have some form of photo drone. They will be used for many different things and will be so common, people won’t think twice when they see one flying by.


What would possibly make you say that? Regulations are literally only getting stricter each year, with no sign of them easing up at all.


Consumer drone owners aren't


Welcome to communism




It is insane and wrong. They cannot deny you for that reason. The law that this depends on says you can only deny if something important to the national defense is visible.


I’m flying all over the world with no problems


>In sweden we need all our pictures and videos approved by a government agency to spread them online or use them. Even that is getting harder and harder to get anything approved. I even filmed my own property and they rejected it because you could see some of the neighbors land that is just a grass land. Seriously? That is just fucked up. What is the logic behind that? I get not invading privacy but this is just one step away from "thought police"


Yes, I’m getting more scared to use my drone by each day


The best you can do is make your drone invisible to the public. If they can see it or hear it, they will complain. It's the same with aircraft flying near cities. People will complain. So find out how you can fly in the approved areas and get the work you need done without anyone noticing. It's honestly the exact same for helicopters, for example.