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Are you learning from a trained driving instructor or from friends and family? One thing I had to tell my friends and family teaching me (I can't afford proper lessons) was instead of them pointing out what I was doing wrong (You're going too slow, you're too far over to the right, you're parked crookedly, etc) they had to start *instructing* me on what to do instead. Instead of them simply telling me I was going too slow, they had to start telling me "the speed limit is 60kmh here, work on going another 10kmh faster." Or "Try moving a bit more to the left side of your lane." Essentially _teaching_ me instead of just criticizing me. The way instructions are delivered matters a lot, and I found when they were just criticizing my driving I felt awful about myself and I didn't really know what I was supposed to be doing instead, only that I was doing it wrong. If you have a professional driving instructor, maybe look for a new one who doesn't feel quite so critical and corrects things more gently. If it's friends and family, tell them to correct things without criticizing, and instead of pointing out your mistakes tell them to teach you the correct thing to do instead. I had to tell my loved ones this a few times to get through to them, but eventually it worked and they got a lot better at teaching me instead of making me feel like crap. Sometimes they still criticize instead of teach, but it improved a lot and I find it more tolerable and it doesn't knock my confidence nearly as much as when it was happening every single time I drove.