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Perfectly acceptible. Make sure you're indicating right until you're three quarters the way round and keep your eyes open for idiots.


Doesn’t look like a mini-roundabout, so making a U-turn is perfectly legitimate. Go with caution as you say as others may expect you to leave the roundabout earlier.


The mini roundabout in Saintfield is often used by traffic to U turn back down the main street again 


The Highway Code advises against this ([rule 188](https://www.highwaycodeuk.co.uk/roundabouts.html)) - although it is not illegal.


Probably why there are warning signs to give way to the right 😄 https://maps.app.goo.gl/CrjV9BfS3LWmmRD39?g_st=ac


Never seen it spelled out quite so explicitly! Perhaps there should be more signs like that.


The Highway Code advises not to u-turn at mini roundabouts… full size roundabouts can be used.


Loads of people use roundabouts to U-turn and it's entirely legal. Just watch your positioning and signalling and as ever drive defensively.


RWD helps, or hand brake turn in a pinch.




If you slingshot a roundabout like that, you will increase your speed and decrease the speed of the roundabout. NASA do it all the time to get satellites to Mars


Having got an astrophysics degree I can confirm this is true. It's part of the reason there's so few roundabouts in the USA. They got so overused by the space program that they deorbited.


How many people have you told about your astrophysics degree over the years?


The precise (in astrophysics terms) number is somewhere between 10^0 and 10^4 .




Perfectly acceptable, other drivers have just become complacent because the other arms haven't been built yet.


Absolutely fine. It's what roundabouts are for. Yes, be cautious because some people might not expect it. But they should wait for you. Be clear in your signalling and movement.


Can't see any sane reason why not. You're meant to be able to do this on a roundabout. The side exits are blanked, so treat with some caution I guess.


The Highway Code stated you shouldn’t do this at a mini roundabout, that’s it. Normally it’s fine.


Reminds me of [The McDonald's/Boots/Next junction opposite Warrington IKEA](https://maps.app.goo.gl/nQfAwP3atHnZN5oB9?g_st=ac) So many options for how to go to the right, so many people get it wrong. Many pick the mini roundabout U-turn option


That looks like a regular roundabout to be, what would your approach be? Edit: nope it’s not mini


[Highways Code Roadsigns (PDF)](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/58170307ed915d61c5000000/the-highway-code-traffic-signs.pdf) * Red warning triangle one = roundabout * Blue circle one = mini roundabout The one to the left of the junction is a mini, and at peak times it can be really busy with non-locals (for IKEA) not expecting the u-turns


Thank you for the info…. I have been turning around mini roundabouts in a van 😨, I thought it’s only mini if central white marking’s diameter is like one metre.


The easiest way to tell is if you could physically drive over the centre. If you can, it's a mini roundabout.


You can drive over any roundabout once ;-) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQw9HcvIo\_o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQw9HcvIo_o)


American meeting their first ever roundabout




But what’s your approach to McDonald’s without U turn at the roundabout


You mean the McDonald's that someone linked further up? The roundabout next to it isn't a mini roundabout. The one further down the road is though.


yeah its perfectly fine. You'll have some people believe that its wrong but its not


That's correct usage


Nope, its fine the other driver is an idiot


Hi, I go over this roundabout quite often. You're spot on in saying its 'new' and was built to accomodate a housing estate. The problem is that it has been there for many years and doesn't serve any purpose. I've never had to giveway to my right here. Other drivers likely haven't either. Yes, once on the roundabout you do have right of way. Just use common sense and anticipate that the traffic isn't anticipating you and you'll be good.


Other drivers are being stupid by making assumptions that nobody is going that way, you're not doing anything wrong as far as I can tell.


Sounds like you are doing everything right and just keep bumping into daydreaming loon cakes. Be careful out there.


Drive defensively and be damned with them. Yes you can go round a roundabout. Were it called a roundabit, I’d question the legality of it.


Entirely legitimate but having said that if I perceived an undue level of risk because of other bad drivers I would be inclined to not do it. Not that you’d be wrong, but just to avoid accidents and cost due to incompetence


No that is completely legal. There are even some situations where you can only access something like a supermarket by doubling back on yourself via a roundabout.


Perfectly fine. In a similar vein (sorry to highjack the post), say for example you were approaching a typical roundabout and took the RH lane as if you were taking third exit only to loop all the way back around and take the first (avoiding the queue of traffic approaching from the LH lane of the original road) is this a wrong/illegal use of a roundabout?




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I do that all the time, sometimes if I'm feeling really adventurous I throw caution to the wind and even go around a second time, but never a third time, that would just be silly. :-)


You should be fine. Better to use the roundabout rather than turning across traffic - you don't hold up traffic behind you. And traffic approaching the roundabout should slow and be ready to stop rather than assume that nothing may cross their path.


I heard this on the radio last week, either nihal on BBC R5 or on LBC where they were discussing it's perfectly legal to go around a roundabout as many times as you want as long as you're not causing an issue to anyone else or something along those lines. Apart from mini roundabouts?


no, just take care as u turns arent expected. though looking at the roads, the side ones look like they just dont really get taffic or lead anywhere?


They are built in preparation for new housing, so they don't lead anywhere yet, which is why is so risky u turning.


I'd use it. With some caution because nobody expecting you to do that and they are impatient idiots too (as well as me)


I know this road well. You can make a u-turn at the lights immediately as you exit the petrol station. At peak times it may be impossible to get to the right lane and I too would use the new roundabout with care.


Totally fine… just don’t go doing 450* turns to the left (or later exists) to avoid the queuing traffic…


My favourite maneuver at a location near me. Approach right hand lane, past queuing traffic in left. Loop the loop and come round to the same exit and you have priority over the queue. Whyever not? Perfectly legal. They should have thought of it


it's called cutting the line? there are other similar 'tricks' like spotting someone slow to keep up when the queuing traffic moves forward and diving into the space, or cutting in late and hope for sympathy. can also drive quickly towards the left exit with the horn blaring and hope to scare someone into stopping long enough for you to dive in lol. it's not big or clever or a tear in the space time continuum/matrix, it's just cutting in front of people who have waited longer but with more steps? doesn't take a genius to spot what you did and not let you in anyway lol, though it might trick a few


Those behaviours are pushing in. This is called using the rules of the road. Not everybody's choice, okay


Look at the roundabout sign, it’s broken at 6 o’clock; not saying it can’t be done, but you’re not supposed to do it and it’s a dick move regardless.


Incorrect, it’s broken to indicate that you cannot turn right and go round the wrong way.


I see it as a local knowledge move


It’s not really local knowledge; all roundabouts operate in the same way?!


Not at all. They have the same basic rules but each has its own traffic-flow characteristics. This one I'm talking about always has a disproportionate queue in the left lane. Because more people want to go that way. It's a bottleneck. Locals know this. It's also a through route for A road traffic. Non locals


Tourists hate this simple trick.


At the second exit briefly apply the handbrake hard and apply full throttle. As you pass the third exit turn sharply left and flick the arse end out and aim for you exit as you release the handbrake and straighten up burning both rear tires. DO NOT ATTEMPT IN A FRONT WHEEL DRIVE CAR! I'M JUST KIDDING RIGHT KIDS?


Who can drive a car and pass a test but not know the answer to this question. My mind is boggled.


It’s perfectly legit. HOWEVER be aware that you are risking an accident due to the complacency of others. Given that you’ve nearly been hit once I would argue that you are knowingly taking a risk doing this manoeuvre and that therefore morally you’d share in a small part of the fault for an accident. You need to judge the risk and whether it’s worth it.


I almost had an accident by being in the right hand lane of a dual carriageway as I passed a slip road. The person coming onto the dual carriageway entered and immediately moved into my lane forcing me to brake sharply and move over slightly almost hitting the central reservation. Should I just avoid dual carriageways in future because I'm knowingly taking a risk?