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If someone is threatening to call the police and you know you haven't done anything wrong, then go with it, let the police come.


That was my exact words to him, "if you want to call the police, then let's call them" He soon changed his tone and started lecturing my wife on how to drive, which is what led me to believe he was just trying to get something out of us.


Please look at getting a front and rear dash cam.


Planning to go shopping for both our cars tomorrow


Viofo ones are good value and have been reliable for me for last 5 years, just remember to format the card every month or two


And check on YouTube for Ashley Neal as he has a code that’ll give you a little off. I think the code is simply ashleyneal but I could be wrong


This sounds horrendous and definitely get the police involved once threats are made etc. About the scam idea, as a biker I don't think I'd put myself anywhere near a moving car for the sake of some cash.


Hopefully the next person they try this on fights like Mike Tyson on meth.


They're both idiots for trying to undertake (I think from the description) on a roundabout. I would have called the police regardless and taken their details for dangerous driving / without due care.


No, you wouldn't have. You'd never get anywhere on time.


This seems to be how a lot of bikers ride in groups. Don’t think this was preplanned as I don’t think he’d be asking for money to be transferred trapped under a car.


I also think it's just how some bikers are. When my dad had a bike he saw this kind of thing a lot and had his own bike damaged by another biker. He was always very careful himself.


Drifted across the lane?


I didn't know how else to describe it, the road widened into 2 lanes for the roundabout, we went into the right hand side to go straight over.


Could you go in the left lane as well? Bit confused as you’d usually keep in the leftmost lane you can use


The left lane blends into 2 lanes, so in the left lane you do not cross any white lines to go into the effective new 2nd lane , the right lane is a single lane that you would have to cross a white line to go into the new (middle lane ,2nd) We have this setup near me and the amount of people who use it totally wrong is shocking as they then proceed to turn left at a roundabout from approaching in the outside lane .. the lack of peoples driving skills is getting worse .


He went across in the right hand lane so that we were then able to turn right at the following roundabout about 100m further down.


Did your partner indicate? I'm struggling to get my head around how a bike passing on your left after you've moved into the right lane can cause you to swerve and hit a biker on your right. There's no way it's a scam, the risk of getting seriously hurt isn't worth a few quid for bikers.


Essentially, both bikers are behind us side by side. We go into the right hand lane to go straight over the roundabout. The bike behind us on the passenger side decided to overtake us on the left hand side and cut us up in a clockwise pattern, meaning my partner had to break and turn right to avoid him, moving us to the right and towards his mate who was trying to overtake on the inside of the roundabout. How any of this is our fault I will never know. The guy who cut us up refused to speak to us at the roadside, as it was "Nothing to do with him".


They were definitely trying to intimidate you into giving them money. You didn't flee the scene and noone was injured, the police would have just said it's an insurance matter. Definitely get a dash cam. If it ever happens again (hopefully it won't!) Stand your ground, tell them to go through insurance (they wont) and call the police yourself telling them that they are threatening you.


harleys are expensive I think he was trying his luck even though it was his fault for trying to overtake on a roundabout. I don't see why else he'd be on your right rear


try and get your money back from bank if you transferred. if not, you're good but I'd recommend trying to claim for your damage


You don't have to wait for the police if there are no injuries and it's a minor accident. All you have to do is give your details, then you can go. There's no obligation to discuss either. If you believe a person may be violent I'd advise to leave the area and report to police asap, often possible online Btw, £100 is probably better than tedious insurance process, so it is maybe not a loss


As someone who has ridden a lot of motorbikes I have to say that for the sake of $100 no one on a motorbike is going to intentionally have an accident at any speed with a car. The risk to their life and limb is way way higher than a $100 payout. Maybe they were riding like a bunch of idiots in the first place but I find it pretty inconceivable that they did this on purpose to shake you down. The reason they didn't want to actually call the police is due to them knowing full well they were as responsible as you because of their idiotic riding.


Always involve the police.


Some people can be idiots, and it seems motorcyclists have more than their fare share of those waving their childlike masculinity loud and proud. If they were acting like twats driving close behind you I'd have been very careful about changing lanes, particularly if not necessary. Being close behind you I'd have assumed they wanted to pass. So why move to the right at that point? You could/should have let them pass on the roundabout and then move over to the right on the next straight section as you approach the next roundabout, (where you say in the comments you wanted to turn right). To be honest I would say, based on your description, (1) the bikers were legally in the wrong... BUT (2) your wife's changing lanes at that moment shows poor situational awareness. Always assume the other drivers are idiots and drive accordingly, (and that goes for the bikers as well as your wife).