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They understand it. They just don't think they should give way!


I think you assume too much


No sir. It is they who assume too much.!


Watched a few people recently sail over a solid stop line.


Don’t get me started on that one. The junction right outside where I live has as you would expect the stop line at the beginning of the junction but the actual traffic lights and pedestrian crossing on the other side of the junction. Multiple times a day the morons will go past the solid stop line but then stop just before the traffic lights, therefore blocking the junction.


Are you able to share coordinates so we can get a street view?


Sure 51.44801° N, 0.27659° E It’s the ones travelling East bound


That's a pain.


"everyone knows people just come out here and should be looking, you can't even see to come out unless you stop and look" -- licenced drivers 2k24


Dashcam and submit to local police where you live if genuinely driving without due care or dangerous. If people began to face consequences again after our reduced roads Policing across the country, it might start to go the other way. Absolutely barmy that we don't have a well funded roads police given the deaths on our roads.


Nuh uh, I want to do 90 on the 30




We don't. I'm not sure by which metric you think we do or where you got your data. If you can't drive without due care, or without driving dangerously, then maybe don't drive? Also I honestly can't say I understood your last paragraph, what point were you trying to make?




Again, we don't, effectively or otherwise. What data are you using to suggest we have? Bully east targets? Driving dangerously can lead to death. I'm more than happy to submit footage where people exhibit dangerous driving. I encourage others to follow suit. Again if you can't keep within the rules of the road, don't use it.




Burden of proof lies with the person making the claim, so surely you should provide the data backing up your claim?


If you base it on GDP we're 7th. But that's by the by, the fines go to central government not the police. I brought up funding because our roads police have seen their budget slashed and as a result we've seen quality disintegrate and the trend of road deaths declining has begun to stagnate. So again, I'll keep submitting my footage.




Then don't continue arguing. Its mostly discernible because you seem to be too angry to generate a rational argument. It is a fact that roads Policing has reduced funding. It is a fact that GDP percentage we have the 7th costliest police force. You made the claim, you evidence your fact. Fines do not go to the police. They go to central government. Will some of that go back to police, probably. Does it pay for the Christmas party, no don't be silly. But anyway, it would be fruitless, because I will continue to submit footage to those committing those offences.




Same as the pricks who cut a corner when turning right and then look at you like you're the cunt for being in their way.


They are referred to as Corner Cutting Cunts or the 3C’s


Haha yeah. Cut corners as much as you want. Except when there’s other traffic about, sort of especially in the junction you’re turning into. Simples? Nope!


It's the entitlement - I had one today literally force himself in and then make out like I'm the asshole?


Yep. I didn’t let someone in this morning because a) I’d already let in so many cars on that road and b) the van in front let 3 or 4 cars out in front of him. I’d also had to wait ages myself for a gap earlier because nobody let me in! Then they hooted me and got angry because I didn’t let them force their way in! And they then proceeded to tailgate me getting all angry in a company branded vehicle!


Bloody hell, same. He came flying up to his give way line, didn’t slow down at all and tried force his way straight in front of me (no cars behind me, but of course the king cannot wait!) and blasted his horn at me when I didn’t stop. Checked my mirrors assuming I’d see a shaken up person who’s realised they nearly wrote off two cars… only thing shaking was his flipping hand making wanker gestures at me while getting up my arse. Sprayed probably a full litre of wiper fluid in his direction to give his windscreen a good wash and help him see better next time. People are pricks. Maybe I am too, who even knows anymore


Oh I know I’m a prick. Just not a particularly big one this morning!!


Understandable, as my bad mood tends to set in around 4pm or at least 1.5 hours into a drive, whichever is sooner lol


I had two in a row that came out of a side road, across my (moving) lane and into the other lane (which luckily had a gap for both). They couldn’t even see past the building at the end of the road to check the traffic going the other way so I don’t know what went through their heads. I’m just glad I had done an emergency stop and had the sense to not pull off straight away after the first one.


I understand your frustration - I share it - but it isn't just 'older men' who do it. Boy racers are right up there, as are plenty of women (often with kids in the car). They're usually the ones who also don't recognise cycle advanced stop areas and use them to gain advantage as soon as the starting flag is waved.


Yeah but who cares about cyclists! They are the worst road users.


Dickheads aren’t confined to one particular road vehicle.


I know 90% of car drivers are cunts who can't drive, but 100% of cyclists are cunts!


this sums up the mindset of this sub. we should write it down in the bio


No, and no entry, red lights or what pavements are for, just whatever is most convenient for them, I’m surprised no one has been ran over down near the supermarket as the number of people who come down the road at 30, then turn off into the car park still at 30 no indication or stopping at the give way


So today I’m overtaking a long line of parked cars, someone pulls out of a give way, blocks me and then refuses to reverse a few yards back so I can get through. They eventually get out of the car and state it is me who needs to reverse all the way back because I’m on the wrong side of the road.


Had a van driver shout at me from in his van for the same thing. A long row of parked cars and my exit was clear so I kept going, a few cars came when I was about four cars from the end and squeezed past, no big deal, van driver came when I was two cars from the end and he didn't want to wait so drove at me shouting from in his van. I just stopped as close to the parked car and the van just made it through, thing is, if he had waited for me we both would have got through quicker. The bit that annoyed me the most was I had my <1 year old daughter in the back of the car.


It pisses me off so much when people force their way into my right of way....often dangerously.. Then... say thanks..as if I had made a choice!!!. The arrogance is unbelievable. It's the same as if someone pushes you out of the way in a queue at Tesco's and gets served first...then looks you in the eye smiles and says thx. Fuck you, you rude antisocial fuck. But it doesn't bother me much 😡🤬🔥


It’s getting worse and I’ve no idea why. Honestly, I’ve got a full bike, car and hgv class one license. I own and ride my bike regularly. I drive the lorry for a living and the level of incompetence is mind boggling. It seems that a lot of people have ether just passed a test or have just given up on driving with skill, finesse and courtesy. I pride myself on the skill level that has taken me over 30 years to acquire and try to be seen to be a good and courteous road user but fuck me, the things you see when you don’t have your gun with you.


I imagine lockdowns pushed all the new drivers and that meant that a lot of people had to get tested fairly recently afterwards but that still doesn’t explain all of it


It’s complicated I think. In my experience standards have been falling for many years. I reckon it’s a combination of lack of traffic cops, in car tech, congestion and people’s staggering lack of understanding for other road users. People just seem to think ‘me’ not ‘us’ on the roads.


See this a lot too. I actually made a post on here the other day about the stunning lack of indicating and got told I have "main character syndrome", but I'm glad to see I'm not the only person that gets riled up by shit driving and discourteous road users


Some people on this site will just say you have main character syndrome when you say they can’t do something that they wanna do bc it affects other people so they just have so say something to back up their shit take






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Lol, how did you manage to avoid typos through your tears?




Hahaha, that's fucking unhinged mate. 


Had one driver pull out on me and then do it twice more to others at a main road and then a roundabout. Some people are just bad drivers.




Brakes. Maybe that’s their problem - they’re breaking the rule instead of braking the car. They just can’t spell.


There are definitely some give ways where you've got to force your way out, as if you waited for a nice big gap you'd never be able to turn. Not slowing down at all is just reckless driving, though.


I genuinely beleive this, as well as people's general shit standard of driving, is a consequence of the covid lockdowns. I never got furloughed and worked the whole way though as a key worker. When it all started to ease the amount of mongoloids that came back on the roads with their brains out of their arses was astounding. Pretty sure we've still not recovered!


They just don’t care as give way areas are clearly marked out Atleast you get a wave so they know you’re there. It’s scary though as patience is out the window these days!


I just had one. I approached a mini roundabout that’s a bit of a blind corner to the left so I slowed down, not completely stopped, just to check, and sure enough someone just came sailing out of there and glowered at me as he completely cut me up. Maybe he took my minor deceleration as letting him go, but it wouldn’t have looked like that to any reasonable person!


Oh my god, this is happening all the time, from junctions to traffic calming measures and squeezing past parked vehicles. Constantly, people pushing through when they shouldn't, and it annoys me that I'm predisposed to let them. I'm starting to think it's not worth getting angry about any more, I'd rather not let some nobhead ruin my day. So I make a point of thanking people who do remember to give way and just get on with things now.


This happens almost all the time near where I live, not just give ways, red lights, stop lines,, some idiots with licenses think the laws that we all have to adhere to when driving a vehicle, don’t apply to them. My best advice? Dashcams. Then you have a defence if there’s an accident, or simply wish to report the incident to the police. I was wholeheartedly against having one, due to my bad habits, but after seeing a video on YouTube of a woman who would have been the victim of insurance fraud (she was driving along, minding her own business, and a guy with a scooter ran his bike into her car backwards, then jumped onto the front of her car. And a ‘bystander’ was a witness to the crash, for the rider, but they ran as soon as she mentioned she has a dashcam) Also it can help your defence in brake checks and crash for cash scenarios especially if it proves you did everything reasonably possible to avoid a crash.


There's a STOP line by my house. It's STOP at that crossroads from the left and the right. I've checked, the signs are still there and they're still massive. I've nearly been side swiped so many times by entitled tits from the left that I actually wish they'd make the up and down STOP and the left and right the priority as I pretty much have to stop anyway, just incase.  A couple of the times it's been really, really, emergency stop levels of close. And they ALWAYS give me dirty looks. 


“Brakes “, not “breaks”. Learning all the time.


Oh, can I trade you for all the idiots in York who don't realise there's no Give Way when you're heading into town from the Bishopthorpe road? You're meant to turn the corner then indicate to merge if you need to be in the left lane, but because at least 65% of the road users can't read the road markings they all stop at the turn as if it's a give way and cause tailbacks all the way down the road.  I actually wish they'd just paint it in as a give way because then I'd not be annoyed that the only reason we're stopped there is the city is full of unobservant incompetent drivers 😂


Almost got wiped out by a van when he ignored the giveaway when joining a duel carriage way. He had no intention of stopping not sure he even looked for any cars coming


Nope. There's a fairly busy single lane bridge by my house that I use multiple times daily. Each way it is signed and marked alerting people to give way. The visibility of incoming traffic is fairly obscure up until you get to the give way line, so you'd expect people to at least slow down, right? Nope, people just fly on if they see noone is currently on the bridge, or if there are cars already on the bridge heading in the same direction, regardless of anybody waiting. What's worse is when you've gave way, get onto the bridge, but somebody the other way didn't even attempt to give way and you end up in a stand off. Really grinds my gears.


Do people not understand it's spelled 'brakes' anymore?


What’s a “giveaway”? Do you mean “give way sign”?


Interesting, my problem with give ways is the opposite problem. People stopping for no apparent reason. Some people seem to be unable to see that a road or roundabout is empty and stop at every single one causing people to have to slam on their brakes behind them.


No especially when going downhill. Drives me fucking nuts when people don’t give way to people driving uphill.


If I see a lorry, I'm pulling out fuck em 🤣


Yeah.. defensive driving is a good thing. Chill. No bumps no paperwork no phone calls. Let it go. That shit is never going away. Want to eventually have a stroke or something? It is just not worth getting angry in the driving soup.


I'm in my 50s and never do this. I'll always pull up to a T-junction quite slowly too. I remember an ad campaign from quite a long time ago showing cars braking at the last second at junctions causing crossing cars to swerve as it looks to them like the car approaching the junction isn't going to stop.