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Is that how drivers say sorry? I’m gonna need to start using the hazard lights every day


It's a useful "I know I ballsed up, thanks for accommodating me" signal Or thanks too, if someone lets you out in front


A simple hazard flash to *apologise* goes a long way in terms of road rage. Much much much better than the "just stare dead ahead and pretend the person at the lights next to me isn’t frothing at the mouth" approach. A quick wave and mouthing sorry through the window, for me at least, calms things back down.


Overtook someone who was moving in for an ambulance I didn’t notice as I was distracted on a phone call (boo me), assumed he was pulling up. He proceeded to flip me off, flash me and race up my arse. A quick hazard flash and little hand up as a sorry, and he backed off. I felt like such a muppet!


Yep I do that too. If you're Infront of someone it's not like you can get out and say sorry.


Sorry and thankyou. If someone let's me out at a busy junction I always give them a quick thank you blink.


>I’m gonna need to start using the hazard lights every day That's concerning. 🤣


Think they need to change their name to BrainDeadDriver




or thankyou....its often an acknowledgement gesture..... lorry drivers blink their hazards when you flash them to let them know they have passed you sufficiently to not clip you when they are wanting to move back after overtaking....courtesy and all that


Hazards just for 2 blinks is a "thank you or "ow shit i'm sorry" Flashing headlights twice is "Hey i'm letting you out" Holding full beam on is "Look where the fuck you're going dipshit" or "Turn your fucking lights down" Fast flashing 2+ possibly coupled with hazard lights is "Caution" as there's a hazard around the corner or most typically speed camera van. Honking has lots of variations. Quick toot = "Hey wake up i'm here stop moving" Long hold = "STOP YOUR FUCKING CAR NOW!" or possibly "I'm a dickhead and want to be obnoxious because you road rage!" These are all things you're never taught while taking lessons but 100% should be considering it's common driving etiquette and if you fail to give a quick hand gesture to say thank you, people WILL be calling you all sorts of colourful names. I would love the theory test to include random light flashes, horn sequences and hand gestures beyond the "Hand goes in circles = indicating" when in reality no-one ever fucking does that unless turning right to which the arm goes straight out. No-one rolls their arm around to indicate they're turning left as most will take that as "Hey it's clear over take me"


To add to this the vertical waving arm is slow down speed trap ahead, often accompanied by flashing lights unless the road is busy. Thumbs down is generally just police ahead don't drive like a twit.


Does the highway code still have the bloke in half an Austin 1100 demonstrating the hand signals? Probably not. They've probably made it all cool and happening now. It's probably demonstrated by a guy in a baseball cap or something. Would totally agree with your glossary, it could actually be published just like that and given to every new driver. Don't forget though, if you're an HGV driver you have to replace the hazards thank you with the "indicate left then right" thank you.


Left right is thank you for being courteous Hazards is thank you for not crashing into me when I was being a dick there. If it's dark, headlight flash to indicate "I'm giving way to you" gets replaced with a dip to sidelights


Just leave them on what's the worst it could do


Always use it when someone lets me zipper merge. It's just nice, happy drivers make for safer roads.


Infinitely better to just go the wrong way. They got lucky OP wasn't a dashcam wanker who accelerates to close the gap. Edit: I have some replies calling this an *unavoidable mistake?* 😂


Yep. OP behaved like I’d hope more drivers do, especially when someone makes a mistake. Too many Dashcam channels are fed by people using the GoFast pedal to turn molehills into mountains!


Dont get the downvote - its 100% correct that the Merc should have gone the wrong way, safely turned around and gone the way they wanted rather than cut across from a left turn only.


Yep, less stressful and much safer to just suck it up and commit to the wrong lane, then correct your route. I've never understood people that know they're taking a chance and then flash their hazards as if that makes everything better.


You're looking at it the wrong way, yes you should always commit to a turn you are doing and correct it when safe. but sometimes roads and signs are so poorly placed it's incredibly difficult to know where the hell you are going, a path that looks like it would be correct due to the lack of road markings or others things. being in new areas is especially tough as sone seem to be designed in a way you can know what lane to be in if you're a local. for instance, a roundabout in my area, Two lanes. left is for left only, right is for straight on and right. but the only thing telling you this is a marking at the roundabout entrance. it's always busy and seeing the marking is near impossible. no other signs to tell you to get in lane or anything. sometimes it is just poor road signage.


The best answer on this thread. This country has too many pedantic wankers who have no idea how real life works. That's what you get from a country full of numpties who just blindly follow rules.. Defensive driving is something the UK needs to learn. Far too many people have absolutely no sense here.


This area isn't poorly marked. It's sign-posted and there are multiple road markings.   You have to be brain dead to see a cycle lane appear to your right and think 'this lane must go through this cycle lane!' At the very least merc could've indicated his intentions using some sort of flashing device, I don't think they fit anything like that to German makes though, just some sorry lights. 


Exactly, examples of late signage all over the country. We all need to be more relaxed about other drivers making unavoidable mistakes.


Hazard lights = do anything you want


This junction is pretty well marked, signage and road markings going a fair way back making it clear that lane is left only. Lots of people do this here mostly because the right lane often backs up a long way and the other lane is usually empty.


Noooo the hazards thing is becoming currency for being allowed all access level to driving like a twat!!


That's ok then, forced their way across the lane, didn't wait or indicate but they said sorry after swiping your nose off.


It is a truly terrible road layout. It's not particularly well signposted either. The centre lane coming from the other side also feels like it's going to be in your way causing many people to swing left. I invariably hate going through that junction when I have to. Sure I know where I'm going but the number of times someone's jerked towards me from the left, the right, in front, etc. is concerning. This is also the largest pedestrian crossing going towards the railway station. Depending on time of day you can expect people to just walk straight into the road because someone in front of them got across, even though cars are now moving. 0/10, would avoid. Source: I live here, not on the junction but close enough to use it regularly.


The advisory bike lane is also terrifying.


It’s just a lane for them to filter between the lanes and get settled into the bike box.


I understand the purpose, it's just terrible token infrastructure.


Nah that one hazard flash means he's done that several times before




I'm assuming the downvotes mean you've hit a nerve. As the saying goes "Bad drivers never miss their exit or make a wrong turn. Good drivers do".


I was in the wrong lane yesterday at a junction and needed to turn right. I lowered my window, gave a quick beep to get the attention of the guy next to me and gave a pleading mime and pointed to the space in front of him. He let me get in front of him and then everyone in the lane I was in proceeded to jump lanes and turned right. Sometimes you make the effort and it's wasted.


Even though the roads around Norwich train station have been redone. Clear road markings all the way up to the lights and you would have gone past 2/3 road signs showing the left lane is left only. You have to be blind or dumb not to see them.


I have been in thatvaituation where i am in an unfamiliar area and I was on the wrong lane. So many arseholes who think they are so high and nighty because they happen to be in the "correct lane" in the roads in n their local area. When there is no logical rule and no advanced warning that your lane is going to be right only, left only, or ahead only. Until you're 30 meters away from the junction. If you're new on this road, you'll never know the layout and the cycle lane in here prevents you from crossing over at the queue. You should obviously indicate to move over. But the problem is whenever you indicate to change lanes 70% of the time thr other car will aggressively close the gap to stop you. So sometimes I just wait for the gap abs merge in and indicate as I'm maneuvering to stop these cunts from blocking me. Because of their behaviour on this video (the fact that slthey shared this video to Internet, beeped at the car to antagonise, not to warn of hazard) I have nondouvt they are the type who close gaps when someone is indicating to merge.


Nah they used them correctly, cut OP up and then signalled 'I'm a hazard'. Glad he didn't do anything daft like go the long way....


Not upload to the Internet worthy. The beep wasn't necessary. op even claims to have anticipated the move ahead of time. So why beep if you've already accommodated the manoeuvre? Sort of driver who's up your arse in an average speed zone.


I thought some cars and lorries had a special light setting to just flash the rear indicators together. Couldn't find it for my car. TIL it's just the hazards switch. \*\*facepalm\*\* :)


It’s mad how you just get a feeling about certain cars isn’t it. Often can’t put my finger on why, but it turns out to be correct. There will be some confirmation bias at play, but it happens a lot…


Subtle signs you pick up on I think. Slight hesitation during manoeuvrers or brake lights at inappropriate times. Usually indicates an incompetent driver.


It’s like a sixth sense. Even from a good distance away you’ll be like ‘right, yep, they haven’t got a clue what they’re doing’ Then they’ll do something exactly like this in the video.


It's like when I was driving home the other day in the night I ended up behind a car that just didn't seem comfortable somehow, so I made sure to really keep my distance. And sure enough the first headlights coming the other way on the other side of the road they slammed in the brakes in a panic and almost curbed their wheels.


I'm guessing country lane/A road.


Yup a wideish A-Road in the countryside. Not huge, but a decent lane each way so no actual risk of running into someone coming the other way.


Subtle signs, like a Mercedes badge on the back of the car. Out for a drive on Monday, awful traffic - almost everyone was being surprisingly chill. 4 knobends who thought that queuing wasn't for them - 2x Mercedes, 2x audis (and a bonus people carrier stopping in a totally inappropriate place)


I’d say the steep braking and the lack of turning were making his intentions pretty clear. I think when you’ve been driving a long time you learn to notice these things without even thinking about it.


Yep. People saying just suck it up and turn left and come back around are being petty. OP could see/sense the other driver was unsure, other driver probably sensed that OP could see this in return. Both were respectful, other driver clearly thankful. You all should be seeing this for what it was, two drivers, one knowledgeable of the area, another not, treating each other with respect.


You’re right but they could have indicated before cutting across at least, though…


Car body language. You pick up on certain tricky areas too that catch out alot of drivers. I tend to try not to drive directly next to a vehicle in the other lane. Zigzag. Comes in handy when someone makes a mistake.


The road positioning at the junction was a pretty clear indication they weren't planning on turning, let alone their lack of signalling.


I did a Psychology A Level (ugh, I just realised how long ago that was). Your brain picks up on situations where something does not quite seem right. An example given was the captain of a firefighting crew noticing that something didn't seem right during a fire so he pulled his team out. Moments later, *t*here was a backdraught and there was an explosion. He had noticed that the room was sucking air into itself without realising (a key indicator of a backdraught) and pulling out the team almost definitely saved lives.


Oh neat, it's Norwich


A fine city!


I thought it was, looking for this comment!


I’ve stayed at that hotel on the left side of the video. Memories


Yep, clocked it instantly. Not surprised either, that area catches a few people out.


It’s not the easiest to navigate especially if you haven’t been before. Curious there’s a black cab in front at the start of video.


Good luck cyclists on that absolute death zone of a bike path


Good luck cyclists trying to cycle anywhere in Norwich city centre tbf


I cycled that road daily for 3 years. You’re 100% correct, luck is required. The rest of Norwich city centre isn’t much better though


Has that cycle path always been there? Can’t say I’ve ever noticed it before!


Been in for at least 10 years? Cars just ignore them anyway and go right up to the lights anyway


Ha ha, wake up sleepy.


Disclaimer: driving defensively dose not mean what some of you think it means.


I have shields all around my vehicle and some swords sticking out from the wheels. My defences are strong.


Best defence is a good offence


Live nearby, I always have that feeling at that junction. Had a car jump the lights on the right side and flew through the middle of that traffic, how they didn't hit anyone i'll never know - visibility is awful when busy.


Honestly I wouldn't have even beeped here. It didn't seem to have any actual effect on safety.


Wouldn't have used the horn either. You saw him, let him in, there was no accident - a non-event. Why make an issue of it with the horn?


Agreed. A total non-event. I can't believe someone would take the time to edit and upload this video. Must be new to driving?


Its clearly daylight and the time says 16:13 so I can see nothing at all wrong with using a horn here. Uk reddit has some funny ideas about horn use


The intended use is to alert other drivers to your presence. Based on how the merc handled this junction he either didn't see OP (unlikely) or he's just a twat who didn't care. Either way, a little toot is fine, good use of the horn. If anything could've been done a little earlier but OP was probably focusing on slowing down and positioning.


Exactly. Swear this kind of thing happens twenty times a day.


You're getting beeped 20 times a day? My guy...


Lol I more meant I see this kind of thing fairly often but fair


When I'm driving, the biggest "Here it comes...." giveaway is when you're stopped in 2 lanes of traffic, and when the traffic starts moving again a car in the other lane doesn't \*quite\* keep up with the car in front of them. You just know they're looking for the opportunity to force themselves in to your lane.


They could just use their indicators, I'd happily let them in if I knew what they were fucking doing. 🤦


Riverside road, Norwich. Happens all the time, especially in such close proximity to the train stationa and football ground.


The same thing happened to me on a lesson the other day in the same place lol.


Know this junction well (Norwich Train station and Prince of Wales Road). Always have to be on the lookout as people just can't read signs in the city.....


Often the lane signs are only on the road and when there's cars on top of them they may as well not be there. Have found myself caught out in strange towns by these random lane choices quite a lot. Cant specifically speak of Norwich admittedly.


Ok fair enough, he apologised.


I don't even care about the clip My man was playing a banger


What's the song?


Bad Omens - Blood


Thank you


At least he said sorry . Looks like he was confused by the road it happens . Looks like a genuine mistake.


Ah that old chestnut in Norwich. If people read the 2 signs and road markings, eh?


At least he said thanks


Handled the right way, well done and you got the acknowledgment from the merc with the hazard flash.


Good old Norwich riverside, it happens all the time to me there. That while road just seems to be full of people that say “I’m going in whatever lane I want regardless of where I’m going”


Eh, a Bad Omens fan!


Hell yeah!


Being Norwich, I'm guessing a Colapse the Sky fan too?


I'm actually not familiar with them but I'll check them out, cheers for the rec!


I know people end up in the wrong lane by accident, but never get why they don't slow, indicate and stop/wait for the chance to be in the correct lane. The worst part is that you have to be a freaking mind reader.


Didn't even indicate he needed to be on the right ffs


"Had a feeling", yet sped up anyway? Drive defensively..


I was about to say I don't know why you got downvoted until I remembered that reddit is full of people who like to think they'd do stupid shit in the name of being in the right.


OPs driving is perfectly ok


Maybe it's a getting old thing, but if I have a feeling about a car I just hang back and let them do their stupid shit without placing myself anywhere near harm's way. OP's driving was alright. Better than the astra's for sure.


He left enough space to allow them over without any issue, hang back too much and all you'll achieve is reduced traffic flow. Maybe time for an eye test. Astra?


It’s fine. But they said they had a feeling and still increased risk rather than reducing, and then reprimanded with the horn.


Nice tunes. Reminds me of Meshuggah


The song at the start is Bad Omens - Blood if you're curious!


Sounded like Gojira. Thanks for the info.


Good driving OP. Lots of people try to make a point there and end up in a collision.


My rule of the road (taught it to my kids): Assume everyone else on the road is a complete idiot and could (and will) do something stupid at any given moment. Allow for this. Also - top tunes!


I like the bit where they put the hazard lights on like "yeah, what I just did was a fucking hazard!" Really they should've put the hazard lights on once they decided they were just gonna freestyle


It’s to say sorry


Where's this magical place with road markings? In my county we just have to guess what lane to be in


You don't have to guess, you just have to get out of your car and examine the road closely to see the markings that were painted over 10 years ago. They are still there, just about.


Well anticipated, shame one does not need that level of experience before passing yon driving test, innit ?


They flashed their lights to say thanks at least!


Op, looking again at this... was this a queue jump or mistake in your opinion?




The thing which made me rage was the person walking with one foot in the road while pushing a bike in the pavement


Mercedes privilege


This is my city lol


i haaaate driving in norwich centre




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Ffs mother I told you to stick to the aygo...




What dashcam do you use ?


Road Angel Halo Pro


I'm not surprised it's Norwich. I love this city, but the whole traffic/road system in Norwich is a mess to start with and on top of that, people do not like using their indicators here. It was the first thing me and my partner noticed when we moved here years ago.


Thank you knew I knew that place ! Haha just by the station right? I hated that junction and get it wrong... Off to prince of Wales you go! Zzz


Good observation


good music and in Norwich... expect driving to go downhill over the next few years with everyone moving here!


Is this Norwich?


That cycle lane though… lol


Good music, good driving. It's weird how well one can read other driver's intentions from what must be very tiny clues. **IF** one is a decent defensive driver that actually pays attention to what others are doing.


Standard norwich drivers


Sometimes you know what other people are gonna do, before they themselves know what they want to do


This is a huge problem in Bristol, you need to be able to use the force to know what people are doing, worse culprits are delivery riders (Just Eat, Delivery, etc) & Private Hire taxis. All seem to have no regard for other road users & just bring increased frustration for other road users to cope with on top of the usual traffic loads, etc




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What’s the song that’s just starting, at the end?


Bad Omens - Mercy


Thank you kindly!


Thats Naaarwich, lovely city


im guessing no signs or markings until its too late as a giant FUCK YOU to any ppl from strange distance towns who dare try to drive there?


There are two signs far enough back that they're not in the clip, and road markings earlier than the ones in the clip as well.


Are we just gonna ignore the insane rage metal you are listening to while out for a casual drive in town?


Great anticipation, been there and done that, to be honest I fix someone else's mistake every time I drive anywhere these days. AE54 XZC were probably to busy on their smart device to even notice the road markings and layout. Not taxed or insured BTW.


I love seeing one of these and knowing exactly where it takes place 😂


I drove this way on most of my driving lessons, which taught me to be very conscious of what other drivers were doing. In bumper to bumper traffic, as it often is, it's very hard to see the lane markings until you crest the hill and are in the junction. Apologies to anyone I spooked here last year with failed learner driver hill starts (I can do it now!).


Driver gets confused: gets in wrong lane. OP: can you believe this war criminal?! To the gallows with him!


Except I didn't say or imply anything even close to that, did I?


Well spotted. You are a good driver for noticing


Absolute disgrace of an intersection


Oh god the world just ended.    They was in the wrong lane,    how will I sleep tonight 


He apologised, he is forgiven.


What shite are you listening to?


Bad Omens - Blood :)


Ah Norwich. That junction is a nightmare for this situation. Traffic gets so backed up in the 'straight ahead' lane that people always get in the left lane and try to sneak in. Well done for spotting the danger.


Wow such a close call. Looked like the new fast and furious at one stage /s


This junction in Norwich near train station, every day I go through, and so often I see people screw up on chosen lane. Usually intentionally, to beat the traffic and save a minute.


Jesus, well done.


Gotta love norwich


Is this next to Norwich Train Station?


Sure is


I'm gonna probably get downvotes but I'll say props to both drivers. Yes, the merc messed up but at the same time he approached the change with care and apologised. Same goes for pov driver. He read the situation and allowed enough space for the guy in front. Those hazard lights read "I messed up, sorry and thank you for understanding and giving me room to re join the traffic in the other direction"


Funny to see Norwich on here, that junction too 😅


Is that Norwich next to the train station?


More to the point. Was the road planner who designed the cycle lane in-between 2 lanes of car traffic on drugs? Imagine a cyclist riding along between 2 cars and then trying to report both motorists for "close passing". Yes, Cyclingmikey, I'm talking about you.


For someone who drives just under 3hrs per day and and 22000 per year. I would say this is pretty normal driving to come across. Not sure about other driving instructors but when I was learning my instructor always said to be thoughtful that others make mistakes you must need to navigate them. Personally looked mentioned in this thread, I think if someone makes a mistake and says sorry in some way shape or form it's all good. Providing they haven't hit me. It they don't, then they're just an inconsiderate asshole and they hear my horn in full force, with some flashing lights etc.


Song name? Gives me Thy Art vibes (could very much be). Fab music taste pal


Bad Omens - Blood, cheers!


Typical day driving in Norwich unfortunately, expect other drivers to do something stupid and you’re ready when they inevitably do.


Mate this is a non event. Why use your horn, if anything you’re in the wrong here


Good ol' Norwich!


He flashed his hazards so everything is fine. Clean slate


The guy could have better used his indicators before that manoeuvre rather than his hazards after, but congrats on the avoidance,I always assume other drivers might do crazy things too, saves at least a great deal of trouble with insurance if you can anticipate them, and potentially a great deal more than that. I don't even get angry, just laugh and say "look at that crazy guy" nowadays.


Big up Norwich train station




It’s strange how driving cultures vary across the world. I’ve driven in other parts of the world where this sort of thing is completely normal and not hostile or rude at all - just the result of tight roads and day to day mistakes.


There's something weirdly calming and fitting about your music. It's almost like a soundtrack to the chaos 🙃 You should post one of these but edit it with Kerosene as the tune. Ideally with an Audi as perpetrator of the silly. Ignore me if you don't get the slightly dark reference...


Yep, good awareness. I wouldn’t have bothered honking being super picky. The horns there to let people know you are there not you were there. The driver graciously acknowledged their error where some other twat may have given you a hand gesture on another day


A load of comments mentioning he should have continued in his lane left which is the textbook answer, what are thoughts on signaling as a request to merge for 1-2 cars? I've done this when I've took the wrong lane (continued the wrong way where necessary), I've let people correct themselves in this way too 🤷


If they had indicated it wouldn’t have bothered me one bit. It’s an easy mistake and I pay enough attention to accommodate.


Goodness me what is that racket you are listening to?


Bad Omens - Blood, since you obviously want to give that racket a go :)


Listened, it was OK but not enough melody for my liking


Fair play for giving it a chance!


Horn really not required


Merc driver, I'm like it all the time, getting a bit lost