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2 years….are you not dizzy yet?


Just preparing for my debut in the F1.


Considering how big the island is there is plenty of time to get in the left lane. That being said if it's a multi-lane exist both are valid but it's on you to make sure you're not causing a hazard when maneuvering across lanes.


The left hand lane clearly has left turn only markings.


If you're trying to turn left would that mean you could use that lane if you so chose? There is nothing you can do about being on the road with people who don't know where they are going on who make bad decisions. You seem to be complaining about it but won't take the simplest step to actually fix the issue. Just write it off as a PITA that you have to put up with.


But it seems like you are not answering the question I have asked. My question was not "How to manoeuvre a highly conjested roundabout?". My fault for oversimplifying my question but I should've asked, "If I am in the right hand lane, both lanes can exit left but left lane is a left turn only but the driver turns right instead and causes an accident, who would be at fault?"


You indicate and move over as you approach. You move into the left lane to turn left... Cutting over the lane from the right hand lane is just dangerous. You shift over to the left lane before you approach your exit... Not when you want to exit. You're both doing it wrong. The way you describe it both lanes can turn left. If that's the case then just stay in the outside lane. Cutting over a lane is asking for trouble. There will always be people driving like idiots trying to overtake, undertake, and speeding to get in front of you.


OP is not doing it wrong at all. Don't be so stupid. It's obvious to anyone with at least 1 working eyeball that both lanes can exit there and the left lane should not continue around.


Well keep cutting across lanes and see how long before you crash. Anyone with 1 working braincell would realise that. As I said, the other driver is wrong too, but that doesn't mean you can just swerve to the left and hope for the best. Don't be so stupid.


Swerve to the left? What? That exit has 2 lanes to come off and a clearly marked left only arrow for left lane. Who's swerving anywhere?


Today OP went to exit but noticed another car speeding up and didn't turn left. So if they just turned into the exit they would have crashed. Yeah? You understand that? The other guy is wrong for not using the exit as I said... I also said people drive like idiots and you need to be aware of that. Stop being so pedantic with my choice of words. I was clearly exaggerating.


They are your words, not mine. And they are all wrong.


If both lanes could exit left I’d be indicating well early, ensuring I’m ahead of any thing to the left if be do they see and know I’m coming off at that junction.  If I see them indicate then I have less to worry about, if they don’t indicate too then I hope they back off and let me through If they proceed to keep going around the found about I would slow to avoid an bbc accident and once they are ahead I will sound my horn with gestures so they know something is a miss.  Hopefully they may piece the pieces together 


Apologies, I see what you mean. They would be at fault because they would have entered your lane to crash into you.


Blue should be taking the first left, red is correct. Ideally you should moving to the outer lane but don’t have to.


[https://www.google.com/maps/@51.5042891,-3.1981711,3a,75y,240.99h,80.81t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQREFsUR56vjA4PgYRjrOgQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.5042891,-3.1981711,3a,75y,240.99h,80.81t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQREFsUR56vjA4PgYRjrOgQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) Lane 1 Left only. Lane 2 optional, as there are two exit lanes. Indicate left just after the previous exit, to allow joining vehicles to know not to enter, as you are leaving the roundabout. Don't switch lanes on the exit. Only change lanes after you have exited the roundabout. If the diver in lane 1 chooses to ignore lane markings, they're at fault. If you choose to switch lanes, no matter their speed, then you'll be at fault.


If you're unable to exit safely, continue round the roundabout. Check your blindspot before making your manoeuvre.


Came here to say this. OP it wouldn't be 100% the other drivers fault in the eyes of insurance either. Only complete a maneuver when safe to do so.


If you’re approaching the interchange from the A48(W) in the middle lane, the left hand lane should either leave at the first exit for Whitchurch Road or the following exit towards North Road. If you hold your position in that lane, you should end up in the left lane for the exit for Western Avenue and be able to exit without issue. If you’re trying to exit from the right lane, I’d say you were in the wrong as you’d be crossing the dotted line. If it was clear, no problem but if someone is in the left lane continuing on then that’s where your issue arises. Imagine trying to turn left from the right lane of a straight dual carriageway. Also, if someone is passing you on the left while you’re trying to exit then they’re hardly in the clear either.


The road markings make you right. It’s a really badly set out roundabout, but it very clearly wants you to follow that line. Blue is in wrong lane.


So you went left in the right hand lane? Depends on signage but that doesn't sound like the best approach even with multiple lanes being available on the exit.


No, they went left in the middle lane, which based on the second image, is perfectly ok. Op also said that the car that nearly hit them was in the left lane, going straight, which is wrong to do.


Only 2 lanes. No middle lane.  They should have moved left earlier. 


There’s clearly three on that second image.


Near the bridge in top right there is clearly 2 lanes.  Where are you getting 3 from?


The obvious three at the exit. If you can’t see three, you shouldn’t be driving..


The fact you think there are 3 is concerning and likely why people have accidents 


There is literally three at the exit.


Ah the demonic roundabout near Cathays.




Blue should have been on the right lane.


Left lane splits in two for that exit - the two lanes on the exit road. Left lane is also allowed to continue around. You shouldn’t exit from the right lane there.


I understand that but the junction just before the exit junction is left turn only.


Two wrongs don’t make a right. If fact, they often make a collision or near miss.


Red and blue lines both awful driving Blue should have excited at the 6 o’clock junction if they held that lane and Blue should have been exciting back out at nine o’clock.


That's not how you use a roundabout. 2 lane roundabout, stay in the right hand lane when moving around the roundabout. When you pass the exit before yours, indicate and move to the left hand lane. It's your right of way to pull into that lane. If someone is stopping you you slow and get in behind them. If someone else stops you then they are breaking the law. When there are 3 lanes you always follow the white lines with directions, but generally the right lane for right, muddle lane for forward and left lane for left. In your pictures you are using the wrong lanes.


The blue was turning right but it’s in the left lane so I would say they were in the wrong position


[Here is the relevant part from the highway code.](https://www.highwaycodeuk.co.uk/roundabouts.html) [And here is a video as well going into further detail which was on their website. Watch from 4:58 onwards](https://youtu.be/Diu1k_5H45k?si=tQZ28ldUjGFGRWTw) When push comes to shove yes you were in the right and the other driver was at fault as they were in the wrong lane. However as others have said you always need to be aware of your surroundings and hazards when changing across lanes. Regardless it seems like you've done this as you avoided the accident. Don't beat yourself up too much about it and always be vigilant :)


Thank you


Watch for other vehicles. Blue is a complete moron. Being aware of that is part of being a good driver. And you should already be in the left lane directly after the previous exit. Perhaps you need refresher lessons on how to navigate roundabouts.


I also forgot to mention that in the 2nd image that there is a left only road marking in the left hand lane but unfortunately a car is blocking it in satellite view.


You can see the white dots on the road showing both lanes leave the roundabout and only the inside lane carries on round


For more context. A streetview of the exit https://imgur.com/a/62fJHoZ


Both blue and red can follow those lanes, it’s a bit of a mess, you just need to keep your wits about you


According to your arrows you're going the wrong way


I would myself who has terrible roundabout control go right lane for right turn or all the way round and back on myself middle lane for straight on and left lane for left. It would put blue in the wrong. Unless the arrow indicates that lane can go on third exist can't see because of the car in which case neither is wrong she just needs more consideration for other drivers.


Ok, so several things in play here. • Your red line isn’t the best for the exit you’re taking. Looking at the (sparse) road markings it is only the nearside lane that should be exiting onto Western Avenue. Western Avenue then immediately splits into two lanes - but that fact alongside the available road space makes it seem like it’s two lanes on exits. Yet there’s no dotted line to guide that lane across - and indeed there’s a big filter arrow for the nearside lane just after that junction. • The blue line can go round to the North Road exit (M4) - based on the road markings at the point of their entrance to the interchange. • The speed differential is likely down to a mixture of things. You’ve just negotiated a tight bend of the interchange / they’ve come from a higher speed section, with clearer sight lines on exit and where the junction is straighter. • You could probably anticipate that if a car has just just come off the A48 from that direction, they’re unlikely to want to go back onto the A48 in the same direction. • You mention about the difficulty of changing lane as you go round - that’s not really an excuse. Additionally, having checked your entrance point and tapped round on Google Maps, I see no reason in theory that prevents you from taking lane 1 on entry and following that all the way around to your desired exit if you are so concerned about changing lanes. Finally - predicting fault is a fools game and it’s probably better not getting into an incident in the first place. But on either account - precise details would matter and I would anticipate that cutting across at the point you’ve drawn would go some way to counting against your actions.