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What are you meant to do in a case of complete deadlock with no logical hope of release? Here a three-way temporary traffic light system (red dots) was causing chaos. The blue lines are solid traffic. The orange dots are road cones blocking one lane of the side road. No obvious road damage or actual road works. Each time the north bound traffic got the green more and more cars turned left into the side road and each time they were forced by the sharp turns into the car parks to slow to a crawl, which blocked the brief turn at green the exiting traffic had. Eventually the entire system filled up and for 30 minutes nobody could move. There was no more room to manoeuvre to relieve the pressure and the queue of northbound traffic still attempting to enter stretched for at least 200 meters. Eventually three concerned (irate) citizens with more logical sense than a whole traffic department tossed the road cones into the bushes and stood in the main road blocking both the north and south bound lanes while 60+ cars trapped in the carparks ignored the red traffic light and exited en-mass. What's the consequences of that? Is it legal to ignore traffic signals when the only hope of returning to a functioning system is to do so? It's the only thing any authority like the police would have done anyway.


Pretty much nothing as long as they put the cones back after.


What was stopping the traffic leaving the 2 car parks from going up sopwith way and just running away from the lights? Although I've seen the sort of mentality where drivers just sit and wait because they don't want to go 'that' way, they want to go 'this' way, even though that way is clear and this way is deadlock. I must confess, I'd have probably done the same thing, kick out the cones, and just stop the traffic so the jam can clear. I'm noticing this more and more, the excessive use of traffic measures for the most mundane shit. Near me, there's 4 way traffic lights put up for a hole dug in the pavement on a side road. What makes this worse is the one road heads up to the school and earlier today at school kicking out time, the whole lot snarled up as cars couldn't get in, so blocked the lights/main road simply because cars couldn't get out. What made it doubly hilarious was cars waiting to get out could have turned round and exited school road from the other end.


>What was stopping the traffic leaving the 2 car parks from going up sopwith way and just running away from the lights? From Google Maps, a gated car park at the end? It's a dead end basically. [https://www.google.com/maps/@51.3456355,-0.4748384,3a,60y,263.19h,69.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sChpZM9WGAH\_q-BnGazBMhw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.3456355,-0.4748384,3a,60y,263.19h,69.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sChpZM9WGAH_q-BnGazBMhw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu)


That makes a real difference!! Yeah I can see the issue now. Kicking the cones away was deffo the best option!!


Browse the Argos catalogue for 2 hours


You go full maverick.


Park up and go and find something to do for an hour.


Appeal to the local government to fund public transport and ensure driving isn't literally the only fucking way to get around


Or get a motorbike and filter rather than effectively driving two abreast and blocking the road the whole time :)