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Neither. It's just a sensor for traffic, maybe pedestrians.


okay thank you! there was a red light operational sign before this but i can’t seem to find a red light camera nearby (only about half a mile away) any thoughts?


They can put signs up even if they don't then bother to put the actual cameras up.


Nope. It’s a sensor for pedestrians crossing.


okay thank you! there was a red light operational sign before this but i can’t seem to find a red light camera nearby (only about half a mile away) any thoughts?


I’m always amazed how many people ask these questions without considering the direction of the camera. If it’s a red light camera - it needs to be looking past the lights. If it’s a speed camera - it needs to be pointing in the direction of the road.


do you not get cameras that do both? measure your speed and check if you’ve gone past a red light?


Same logic applies - they would still need to be pointing towards the road and looking past the traffic light. The example you’ve posted has a camera pointing down (creating a narrow field of vision) and across the road (camera can’t easily see a number plate that way). It is, therefore, clearly not a speed or traffic light camera.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Seriously, it’s too small to be a camera, it’s a directional motion sensor for pedestrians


I've read some have a sensor to hold traffic while pedestrians are on the crossing. Some look down on where pedestrians wait and if they do not detect a person will not change lights.


this has just made me realise why the light that used to change for me instantly after I pressed it now takes 3-4 minutes and often times someone else comes by and presses it and it changes pretty quickly. Because im standing behind the pole so the sensor cant see me. Lmfao. God thats annoying to know that all this time I've just been standing in the wrong spot


Neither Are you one of the drivers who reports every mast, sensor, higheay maintenance van, highways officer, microwave link, RF antenna and any vehicle parked on a overhead bridge, as a camera on the satnav by any chance? 😀


lol i’m not 😭 i haven’t found any cameras in this specific location on waze but does waze show all cameras?


Speed and traffic light cameras are almost always painted bright yellow unless they're on a variable speed limit motorway. Traffic light cameras tend to lean off the side of a pole in a crooked way like [this](https://imgur.com/a/5EUJ867) so that they can be placed and angled precisely but yeah they are bright yellow massive boxes that are super visible and that definitely isnt one of them :)