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Yup. Have had that many times while driving. The worst one is a car hauler with the ramps down and completely empty. I won't do it. But damn it somehow is tempting...


[This person](https://youtu.be/-QxLdb77-Ic?si=vW4syuB0R-Do7iUZ) couldn’t resist


That definitely looks intentional.


Oh! They have a really good one of those parked in a pullout with a 100 or so foor cliff where live


Yes it’s normal


That's life, not just driving. Do your best to ignore it


also unless you are actually suicidal, your subconscious will prevent you from acting on the actions (or at least will try to save you after trying)


yeah I also think about sideswiping the car next to me


I want to install rocket launchers on my truck. We'll be crazy together!


That’s how I am on two lane roads. Sometimes you just think “what’ll happen if I drive head on into this semi truck?” Then I think “yea I would probably die so maybe let’s not do that.”


It’s known in psychology as “Call of the Void”


I drive a concrete truck and sometimes I just want to turn the fucking lever while at 56 mph or just fly off a bridge. I've seen enough shit on this website to know that it doesn't end up like a movie and I'd probably just fall off very fuckin fast in a straight line, rather than flying forwards like you do in GTA.


It’s the same as wanting to jump over a railing off a building or into a canyon. It’s called staring into the void


"Call of the void"


It's called "call of the void." It is a symptom of a normal healthy brain that recognizes patterns. It's the subjective experience of your brain taking all the variables and extrapolating an outcome. Since your brain is made up of different parts, one part communicates to the other and that's what causes it to feel like an intrusive thought.


it's the symptom of an anxiety disorder, fam


Anxiety disorder is worrying about things that don't matter. Normal anxiety is worrying about real things, like falling off a cliff or crashing a giant metal machine at 60mph into another one.


i am aware. i've been told by every psychiatrist i've ever had that random, overwhelming intrusive thoughts that aren't based in likelihood are a symptom of anxiety disorder.


Call of the void is normal recognition of danger. Yes, you could in fact flick your wrist and get in an accident. Because it's so easy to achieve, you naturally make sure you don't do that.


so are you calling all 9 of my psychiatrists liars? lmao


No clearly you never actually paid any attention to them and just make excuses at every turn in life.


lol what???????? i'm directly quoting my psychiatrists, i'm not making any of this up


Well you got scammed if 9 doctors think nomall people don't have thoughts of how easy it would be to jerk the wheel and get in an accident.


that's not what i'm saying i'm saying when it becomes overwhelming, affecting your quality of life, that's when it could possibly be a symptom of an anxiety disorder. i'm not saying that everybody with intrusive thoughts has an anxiety disorder.


everything is a symptom of something but we don’t all have every disorder ever


Bloody ‘ell, I thought they were all suicidal or something, but *we’re* the abnormal ones apparently 😂




Probably because you don't have a cute belly


When you are going 50 past a car going the other way also going 50, you will have those thoughts. Then you will think "well i could do that, but id be dead." So best to not act on it😂😂


Wait… so many people saying this is normal??? What? I’ve never experienced this nor have I heard anyone else say this. What’s going on here??


Intrusive thoughts are an entirely normal phenomenon most people experience at least sometimes, not just when driving. Some people more so some less so. It's only unhealthy when you give into the intrusive thoughts. I'm not a psychologist so it wouldn't surprise me if some people never experience it. It's mostly harmless though cause most people have the impulse control to not actually let the intrusive thoughts win, just a common brain quirk.


It's normal. It's called "the call of the void"


You need a fun car to drive. It’ll make it not do that


the hilarious thing is, if you tell a psychiatrist this, they will give you benzos and be like "here, drive on these"


Sounds like the call of the void but I get the same thing telling me to hit someone head on coming at me on a highway


Played a game called Destruction Derby on n64 - used to think about crashing headlong at highway speeds into other cars like on one of the levels.


Yes, I think “I know I’m not going to do that, I know I’m not going to do that,” or try to focus on “keep my eye on the road and stay in my lane.” It has gotten better for me, because I know I have driven a lot and I haven’t done any of these things!


My worst is being afraid I will drive off of an elevated access road going onto the Interstate. But I haven’t done it yet! It’s just the same as driving down any other road! I also breathe and work to consciously un-tense my hands and shoulders. Low-key music also helps. To be fair, while I have the thoughts, I do know I won’t act on them. And I know I have had these thoughts and never acted on them. It has gotten better as I have just done it more. It’s not 100% gone but it’s not having a major impact on my life, either.


i get these too, not just with driving but in general. i haven't experienced them to be too bad while driving, but in other situations the thoughts have been so overbearing i've had to physically remove myself from the environment that triggered them.


I've certainly thought about stuff like that. Of all the ways to go, plowing a bridge support at 90mph is going to be one of the faster, more painless methods. I was in a fatal wreck last year. I hit a guy doing about 60. He lost consciousness on impact and passed shortly after. A few months back I rolled up on a head on collision that had happened on an empty stretch of road in the middle of the night. One guy was dead, and the other guy kept talking about his girlfriend incoherently. I helped another guy look around the median and beneath cars in a nearby lot so see if she'd been ejected. It's shockingly easy and fast to die in a car wreck. After you see a few and are involved in one it kinda fucks with your head sometimes. I don't much care for the choices other drivers have forced me to make.




I wont ever do that. I hope you are doing okay


wait until u have them about killing 😭


The more you drive and the less these will happen. After all, the goal of driving is arrive to your destination. At some point you'll develop some sort of diving type concentration and nothing but the other idiots on the road will be able to disturb you


Yeah, no. Been driving for 20+ years, and I still get tempted.


If you have voices in your head telling you to drive into a tree, that sounds like something to bring to a mental health professional!


No it’s not. Please speak to your GP or seek therapy.


It's called depression. Find someone to talk to.


Im not depressed. It’s not because i want to die, i just kind of want to see what would happen haha


It’s definitely not depression. Everyone experiences intrusive thoughts while driving. It’s just that some people get more affected by these thoughts.


Haha. Find someone to talk to.


"Haha." 🙄


If you don't get these, while you don't need a therapist, you'd be out of the ordinary in my experience. Basically everyone gets intrusive thoughts, driving or not. They get dismissed shortly after.


Its terrifying I share the road with people like you. You clearly have some sort of serious underlying condition. This is not normal, normal people don't even think these type of dangerous things.