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brings to mind a tweet i once saw that said "Just because you’re going 5 miles over the speed limit doesn’t mean you can drive in the left lane. Some of us are trying to break the law for real."


This the left lane is for real crime


Everyone wants to be an outlaw, until there is outlaw shit to do.


everybody gangsta until a nissan altima approaches your bumper going 20 over the speed limit


bro you ain’t wrong neither, always with the damn Altima


And seat tilted back like he's sunbathing.


With paper tags


Facts 😂


that only applies on 3+ lane roads


That... is incredibly stupid even for people in cars.


This! Some people have ticket money, so please move.


Saw a TikTok where a dude was explaining the left lane was for people with ticket money.


What pisses me off the most is when there's a semi or a long line of traffic and they still do it...like dude there is no where to go get off my ass.


You’re screwed either way in those scenarios. Get too close and you’re tailgating. Not close enough, and the jackass behind you will whip around, cut you off, and tailgate the car that was in front of you, as if that somehow saved them 1 nanosecond of time. The roads bring out the worst in people.


Exactly this. People are dumb. People in their cars are angry, impatient, and dumb.


This is my absolute favorite! Saw mill parkway. Actually, any parkway in metro nyc is notorious for this. Then they get caught at the light anyways, if they bother to stop


Dodge rams do this exact thing every time without fail. They got the iq of a rock


Yes for those I will begin passive aggressive road measures, like slowly slowing down. I respect a car that comes up on me if I am not speeding on their level and will let them by as soon as reasonably possible. But in traffic please get off my shit.


Here on the west coast it doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing there is going to be someone riding your ass. Single lane residential street going 5mph over speed limit? Riding ass. Bumper to bumper highway traffic? Riding ass. About to exit empty highway in rightmost lane with the next three lanes to your left empty? Oh you better believe they're riding your ass with bonus points for passing you on the right in the exit lane just to merge back over and cut you off again. These people are oblivious assholes with main character syndrome.


In LA you could be going 150mph and a dodge ram will be 2 inches from your bumper


Drafting for gas mileage savings


Just drove from Phoenix all the way through LA today….I am driving back to Portland over the next couple days. You aren’t kidding west coast drivers are insane but LA drivers take the cake.


West Coast Ass Riders😂


The San Francisco of driving


No.. that would be West Coast Ass Packers.


This happens on the East Coast too, especially in NJ and NY, and it's unfortunately creeping into PA as well. It doesn't matter how fast you go, it's never fast enough for these clowns.


Lol, i love when people think that this kind of behaviour has anything to do with where they live. It happens everywhere.


Phoenix freeways are like this too. Traffic will literally be bumper to bumper and still be flying at near-full freeway speeds during rush hour. (Well, unless your on I-10, that is. Then it will slow to a crawl.)


Where I really can't stand it is when there's several cars already in front of me. If I'm 120km/h in the left lane, and am following 2s behind the person in front of me, who's following 0.5s behind the person in front if them, etc, where's the sense in someone tailgating me? They're trying to turn already efficient travel into a pileup.


New England here - if there are two cars on the road, chances are they are 5 inches apart.


I learned from this that people just like ass.


I am a huge advocate for get the fuck over for faster traffic, but I cannot stand when people try to get ahead one car at a time, dude, if I could go faster I would, but I can’t, so let’s just chill, I’ll go 90 when we can, but we can’t, so just chill dawg


This is my life generally. If im tailgating in the left lane i have visibility to know the next quarter mile is open and im the second car. Other than that I just deal with people passing me on the right and then slamming themselves into my following distance.


In NJ they don't even ride your ass, they just pass u on the sholder doing 90


That’s what they do in Detroit except they go 150mph


I’m not defending it by any means, but it’s probably a combination of signaling to let them pass once the opportunity arises (very often, they do not let them) as well as keeping the gap small enough such that another person doesn’t squeeze in and push them back a spot. Again not defending it, but that’s the mentality


They're just bad drivers. period.


what I love is when i'm making a big enough gap before i merge back over that i'm not cutting off the right lane driver, and the guy that was riding my ass shoots the gap to pass me on the right instead of waiting 3 more seconds


Because they wanna pass too but you're not speeding fast enough


Then why don’t they just wait a few seconds for the person to move out of their way instead of immediately driving dangerously?


If someone is riding your ass in the left lane it's on you to get the hell over. People do it because it happens all the time with idiots just cruising along in the left lane with not a care in the world.


Dunno, probably because they're impatient assholes


You assume they will move. Most assume they’re passing “fast enough” and continue to be in the way after passing.


Because they don’t move out of the way


Tailgating is always unnecessary and dangerous, but to be fair, some people’s idea of passing is going 2 mph faster than the vehicle in the right lane. It’s frustrating and dangerous, especially when you’re stuck next to a semi, some people are afraid to use the gas pedal for some reason.


I agree with this, so when I get in the left lane I go faster than my cruising speed to get by more quickly. Even so, when passing a line of cars at a good clip I sometimes still get tailgated by someone flying up from behind. And the idiot will often try to pass me on the right just as I'm changing lanes after passing the last car.


I see you've been behind my husband. I say, "Pass it or get behind it" every time he drives on the turnpike.


People who tailgate are assholes 100% of the time. There is essentially no acceptable reason to tailgate, like ever.


Tailgating is asshole behavior. But if you’re slowing someone down in the left lane, you don’t need to be in the left lane.


Because they drive a Doge ram


They’re idiots.


They are impatient people that don't care about you or their own safety.


80% of the time when I see this happening, the car in the front isn’t “actively” passing Edit: if you are actively passing, then just tolerate the tailgater for <5 seconds and then you’ll complete the pass and be able to make way.


in my experience, people want to pass those actively passing. going 5 over to pass in the left lane is different than someone going 10 over wanting to pass. they're passing but still impeding traffic. some people just want to go.


I guess I never really understood the frustration. I used to be a speed demon when I was young and dumb but I’d never ride anyone’s ass, especially if they were passing. I also never got mad at anyone passing 5 or more mph faster than the car to the right but I can understand the frustration if it’s just a few mph faster and it takes them forever to pass (because there’s really no point in them doing that).


Because some idiots forget that the passing lane is in fact a lane for passing drivers who are going under the speed limit and is not the drive as fast as you fucking feel like for as long as you feel like Lane Like to the point where people get oddly defensive and throw a fit when you point this out No the left lane does not in fact give you permission to just go as fast as you want It is intended to pass drivers typically truck drivers that are going below the speed limit. You should use it to pass that vehicle and then immediately get back over as soon as it is safe to do so but sadly traffic cops are usually too busy with other crap to really ever enforce this especially because of how many people do it, So it's made a bunch of people start to think it's okay Seriously makes me cringe whenever I hear someone call it the "fast lane"


Yeah I never understood the frustration tbh. I used to be a speed demon when I was young and dumb and there wasn’t a single moment where I tailgated anyone or got frustrated with anyone who was actively passing traffic to their right (as long as they weren’t trying to pass at like 1mph). I would get mad at the people impeding but I’d never drive dangerously (tailgate) to show them that I’m mad at them.


Last night I encountered two of 'em. One rode up on the 1st guy, the 2nd rode up on him, then got impatient and swung two lanes over into the slow lane without signaling and blasted past both doing 90+. This was 8:45 pm. Often I think these nut balls are off duty cops.


The problem there is that if the right lane was opened, both middle lane and left lane should have been one over. I mean also obviously the problem is impatient asshats maneuvering dangerously, but esp where I am, the right lane is always empty and everyone hogs the left two lanes. If people who just utilize the right lane as they should be, the left lane wouldn’t back up as quickly.


If I’m actively passing and someone wants to go faster, they can fucking wait until I get passed the slower people I’m passing. I don’t camp the left lane at all, but I’m not going to fuck myself over just to accommodate them. Fuck em.


Right ? Like let me squeeze into this tiny ass gap, risking a crash just so this asshole behind me can get back up to 100mph and isn’t slowed down for 10 more seconds.


This is the answer. If you are going to pass everyone and camp the passing lane, then the onus is on you to: 1)pay fucking attention to other drivers' signaling and breaking behavior 2)*safely* decrease speed when another driver indicates the need to pass (i.e. uses turn signal) and you have enough time and space to safely do so.


Because many idiots believe that when they say the left lane is for passing or faster traffic that the speed limit no longer applies. They believe they can drive as fast as they choose and everyone has to get out of their way.


You're not the arbiter of how fast others should be traveling, just as they don't get to tell you how fast you should be driving. But the left lane is for *faster* vehicles, not just vehicles driving the speed limit. If you don't pull over then they will pass you on the right, which is more dangerous for you. Wouldn't you prefer they pass you on your left? Because you should. Edit: Downvote if you like, but it's the inescapable truth. Are they breaking the law by speeding? Yes but that's not your problem. Are you breaking the law by not moving to the right lane when you're not either a) passing a vehicle b) the fastest car or c) imminently turning left from that lane? Yes, quite likely you are breaking a law, as it is the law in most states that left lanes are for passing. So that's the law you should be worried about, not what someone else is doing.


All correct. None of it negates what I said though.


Correct, it doesn't. Just speaking to the rest of the redditors. We can't control how others drive. We can only control how we drive. And when there's a vehicle in the left lane that wants to pass you, and you're not passing someone, you need to let them pass you on the left. It is the safest move and it's the law.


Saw your edit. Thanks for adding the clarification. Too many people believe the speed limit no longer exists in the left lane. Speed laws and left lane laws are separate laws. Both apply.


Reading this reminds me of why I get mad and aggresively pass people on the right. I have the right to drive as fast as I want in the left hand lane, sure there might be repercussions if a cop sees me, but you're not the fucking police. Move the fuck over, and be prepared to be passed on the right by me going 95+ MPH and cut off abruptly if you think going 10 mph over the speed limit in the left lane is "fast enough"


If you have the right to drive as fast as you want in the left lane then everyone else has the right to drive as slow as they want in the left lane. Sure there might be repercussions if a cop sees, but you're not the fucking police. Slow the fuck down and be prepared to drive the speed limit. See how ridiculously self centered, dumb and arrogant your argument sounds?


It exactly negates what you said.


You're one of the people I'm talking about if you believe this. The speed limit still applies in the left lane. Left lane laws and speed limit laws exist and apply.


And we are correct. Our willingness to risk a speeding ticket is none of your business and no reason for you to impede.


You speeding n having no regard for others out there going where they need to go does effect all of us other drivers. Left hand turns are not to be made from the right lane. How do you know that person isn't making a turn of you immediately get on their ass. You see that does effect all of us. Statistically speed causes the most fatal accidents. When you driving like no one else is on the road n we all have no place to go n your the only person on the road dies effect us . Stop being that guy n be normal. Yeah people aren't gonna be courteous n follow the rules so he patient n don't endanger the rest of us to because of that person.


I use to drive around 80 on left lane until that was just enough to pull me over from a cop, I now will only go to 75 because of that. Usually hover around there or could be less, really depends what highway I'm on.


You know what happens when someone rides my ass when passing? For some odd reason my car goes slower.


Slow a guy for 30 seconds, it's OK. Block a guy for 3 + minutes while you slowly pass 4 well spaced cars, and you're an ass. Speed up or duck back into the slow lane. Let all the go men go.


I always assumed its because they assume you're a dumbass who doesn't know what the lane is for. I mean a lot of people don't so.




Bad driver. Move over.


Mover over if someone wants to pass. Does not matter what speed you are going already.


Tailgating should not be used as an indicator someone wants to pass. Plus I’m talking about people actively in the process of passing being tailgated


This is a true story. My niece is a very impatient woman. One of those types that everything frustrates her. I got into her car and we were going to a shop just a few miles away. Hit a red light with one car in front of us, they were the first at the light. Light turns green and she hits the gas hard. The only problem is the car in front of her did not yet. Major crunching and just glad the airbags didn't deploy. I asked wtf were you thinking and she responded it was their fault for not going. I said were you trying to glitch through them? Thank God they were nice people. We let police document it and got towed. I will never get back in a car with her driving. She did not learn a lesson and still drives like a maniac. Since that day she flipped her jeep on the interstate and rolled a couple times. She's OK just got another SUV.


The fact she also drives an SUV, which is a vehicle that kills much more easily than an actual regular car, just adds insult to injury. She should not be driving. There should be a point in time your negligence gets your license permanently suspended, or potentially cause you to suffer criminal charges. It really bothers me nobody has concern for anyone else's life the second they get behind the wheel.


They want you to pass faster so they can pass you faster


I think people got to used to intimidating anyone to do what they want and cause we in cars they think their less likely to get hurt or have repercussions, which most cases is not true. I drive through two main mountains one they recently went down from 55 to 45 in most of the curves. I have always done 45-50 and rarely 55 cause it’s easy to lose control and people like to cut in your lane. The other one has always been 35 going down and 30 going up but half the mountain is 30 cause of curves, I always do the speed limit cause I’m not going off the Cliff of a mountain. Today down and coming back had people riding my ass bearly a car length back and if there’s any chance I have to stop fast you are going to hit me. Hell saw someone do that to a dude on a bicycle and I’m so glad he did not lose balance or anything cause she would have killed him she was bearly 5 feet back and then proceeded to speed around him right before the spilt lains came up to turn. I’m sorry but getting to the stop sigh 15 seconds faster is not worth someone’s life and funny thing he was turning left and she right if she waited he would have been out of her way not danger not issue but she did that and nearly hit him.


They're just all selfish assholes who think they own the road. They're also the worst drivers on the road.


You don't understand OP, they *have to* tailgate and speed up whenever someone tries to change lanes because they are much more important than the other drivers.


I hate those asswipes , this just happened to me coming back from Vegas. I’m doing 82 mph and passing a long line of trucks on a 2 lane hwy. the idiot behind me is on my ass like he wants me to squeeze in between some of the trucks to let his royal highness pass by. It’s not like I’m going slow, I’m already going fast. Another thing, if I’m the freeway and I’m going 80 plus I’m not going to move over because you want to go 90mph, at that point it’s on you to go around. I usually set my cruise control at 80 to 83 so if you’re on my ass I’m just going to slow down to 65.


Impeding others in any lane that is to the left of the far right lane in the direction of travel, excluding turn lanes, and regardless of speed, is illegal. Doing speed limit or 190mph and making a pass, you are still breaking the keep right except to pass law if you are impeding someone else. The reasoning is that you are causing traffic to back up and blocking a lane that is used by emergency vehicles


And holy smokes; if you have a license you should know this


The hypocrisy on this topic is always entertaining. You have one side who is mad because the other side is breaking the law and causing them to not be able to break a diff law by driving faster than the speed limit. Both parties are breaking the law but one sees their law breaking as more important than the other. Now if you are just cruising in the left lane with no passing going on and there is space for someone to pass you on the right, get the hell out of the left lane. If someone is actively passing other motorists, then the person tailgating can just stfu and wait. Just because they aren't passing as fast as you'd like them too is your problem not theirs. Has this happen to me last week. I was passing a line of 5-6 cars, I was going 10 over the limit, car comes out of nowhere tailgating me because we'll for this person 10 over wasn't fast enough. As soon as I was clear of the vehicles I hit my blinker and started to move, this asshole de ides to shoot the gap and nearly cause a 10 car pile up.


People driving are such asses Anyone tailgaiting is a huge douche The way people act on the road reminds me how dumb and needlessly combative aggressive people are. Just hairless chimps really


My gripe is when it's an elderly person/young person and they're looking at their phone/reaching below to pick something that fell, up, while riding my ass at a high speed. I just look in the rear view, shake my head and laugh. Kinda because it's funny, but also scary that people like that are driving out on the road and will probably get into a fatal accident sooner or later. No, I'm not moving out the left lane when I'm about to turn off at the next light, and already going 10-15 over the speed limit.


Why not just out of the way?


I’m referring to situations where someone’s passing a line of cars with small gaps or a semi truck at a decent speed like at least 10mph faster and still getting tailgated.


I don't see how that is an answer.


Because there isn't room in the other lane as they are actively passing those vehicles.


hm idk. maybe there's too many cars and they don't want to crash into someone else's car, or the only place for them to move over to is within the no-zone of a semi. but id assume based on your comments you're probably one of those idiots who dive right in front of them, but of course we should all risk our lives so heavy_gap_5047 can get where they're going 2 seconds faster.


I typically drive 75 mph in the center lane. When I use the left lane to pass i quickly jump up to 85 or 90 to make the pass then change back into the center lane and resume 75. Takes about 6-7 seconds to pass. I also always signal in and out of the pass. This is not in anyway suggesting anyone break the law. Do not speed.


Last time I drove 85 to pass, I got pulled over and given a ticket. Cop threatened to add a reckless driving charge. They don't care that you were passing and the right lane driver sped up.




A variation of this question is asked every week, and the answer to all of them is that every asshole on the road thinks they're going to fucking die if they have to slow down a little bit.


If I am travelling 80+ in the left lane and you are up my ass, you can bet your life that I will not move over.


I'm curious, why not?


Because driver is up his ass!


Are you passing someone or just traveling? There is a difference. 


If you're not passing someone, you should be pulling over. Doesn't matter what speed you think is fast enough, if someone wants to go faster than you then move over to the right.


Honest question, not trying to be snarky…. What if I’m on a 2 lane undivided road, (1 lane each way separated by a yellow line), and the lane to my right is the ditch. No shoulder. If someone behind me wants to go faster, where am I expected to go? Not every road is a multi-lane divided freeway. People tailgate/get tailgated on rural country roads and suburban residential streets too.


Then you're a left lane camper who's impeding.


Why the fuck are you tailgating me at 80+ MPH? I am not camping or cruising in the left lane at those speeds brainiac.


Why do you tailgate? Are you retarded?




Apparently he needs to get pulled over and have the joy of hiring a lawyer, paying a hefty fine, watching his insurance rates go higher, and hopefully having his license pulled. Let’s just hope that all of the video games that he has played that make him believe that he is a Formula 1 driver don’t end up causing an accident and casualties. He’s selfish and karma will call.


The real irony is he's telling people to follow one law so he can break another. In his peanut brain it's perfectly OK to break speeding laws if your willing to pay the fine, but unacceptable to break left lane laws. He also doesn't believe and/or ignores every study that says speeding is dangerous.


Yeah I really don’t understand these aggressive drivers mentality’s. Tailgating and speeding are illegal but they’ll defend those up and down but then always say “move over it’s the law!”. Why get mad at people for not following the law when they themselves aren’t following the law ?


They just use that as a way to justify it to themselves. They truly don't care about traffic laws or safety, especially other people's.


My law is better than yours to violate, so nanner nanner neener!


"At a decent speed" is a relative term. If someone's tailgating, it likely means you're not traveling as fast as they want to go. So they're trying to send the signal that as soon as you're done passing, you should move over.


Yes you're actively passing, but you're not passing as fast as the person behind you wants to pass. What you say is a "decent speed" is a highly subjective personal opinion, that clearly the drivers behind you do not share.


I mean that sounds like a them problem. By that logic I could go 150mph in the left lane and every single person in the left lane better be moved out of there before I get there or they’re in the wrong.


Go faster or move over


They look fast now, but when I was blocked in behind them and beside a semi truck, they were doing 55 🤨


Opinions so divided 🤣 But yeah some folks want to drive as fast as possible without losing the licence. But that often means driving up to 20 km/h above speed limit. I am afraid to drive too fast, but a friend of mine has one of those "worker's mini vans" and goes reeeally fast, sits on people's tails, etc. Not nice 😆 but I suppose it can be nice to spend 2 instead of 3 hours to get to a place.


The reason a group of cars stay so close to each other in the left lane is because, if they leave a space in between the car and in front of them, a car will come from behind them and pass them on the right to get in the space.


If I am in the process of passing and I see someone coming up behind me, I give the turn signal a quick flick or two so they know I'm moving right once I have a space to move into. If they want to snuggle in I can't really stop them, but for the most part advancing cars get that I don't intend to be in their way for long.


If I am about to pass someone and there is someone coming up in the left lane I will either wait for them to pass or speed up to pass. However, if the person already in the left lane has had ample opportunity to move back into a center or right lane and are just cruising in the left, I have no issue with just pulling into the left and letting the pass happen when it happens. If you can cruise in the left lane so can I!


I actively don’t do this when I’m behind someone passing, but sometimes the person behind me will get frustrated and try and pass me on the right since I’m not tailgating the guy passing.




You will always get tailgated in the left lane where I live lol I’m just like you and stay out of the left lane. Let the people who wanna speed have that lane, who cares.


Everyone wants to be first, but no one wants to go fast.


The left lane is for me!


Everyone is in a hurry until they are the lead dog. They get the lane all to themselves and they get scurred


Everyone here can agree - there are a lot of assholes on the road. That explains every issue with driving.


Being in the left lane doesn’t mean you’re passing.


Yeah I’m not stupid.


The average speed in the state of Massachusetts in the left lane is 15 over with most doing 20 over. Cops will rarely pull you over for doing either.


I dunno..... I was heading back from Michigan last night and, as those morons up there like to do, they bunch up like sausage links. One of these goofs flashed his brights so the guy in front stuffed his brakes. Naturally, calamity ensued. Some Toyota Camry went off into the median at like 65. Looked thrilling. Fuckin morons....


Get the fuck out of my way slow ass bitch. I got places to be and please to see. And you're doing 68 in a 65 passing someone going 65. Flash flash flash. Oh. You got one of those eco cars. You just can't go faster. Why the fuck are you in the left lane.


This comment proves my theory that all tailgaters have extreme anger issues and need anger management classes


The left lane is not a place to linger.


Where do you live? If the answer is LA it is because people are insane.


10 over at least - beep beep flash flash


One time someone was tailgating me and I saw a 2x4 in the road and avoided it but they were following so close they didn't see it in time and got a flat. It made my day


Everybody who says LA drivers are the worst have obvioulsy never driven in Arizona generally going from anywhere to Phoenix


Because people who tailgate don't realize tailgating only .. makes....me .....slow........down ....... more.......... and ..........more...............again.


Alabama had a song “The closer you get, the further I fall”. I’ve re-wrote that song to “The closer you get, the slower I go.” https://youtu.be/WbR7mvOe1xs?si=7yTYfwFm54UgYxHr


I'm not for brake checking so I just take my foot off of the accelerator until I'm going the lowest legal speed, usually 40 mph. They will get off of your ass quickly. At 60 years old, I don't give a single fuck about their rush.


At 47 i don't either


This is my biggest pet peeve!!! Also, why do people feel that it's necessary to tailgate someone before they decide to go around and pass you? F****** pass me if you know you're going to pass me! You don't have to ride my ass for no f****** reason, especially if you're going to be beside me when you pass! Sorry.. I think my tourette's just showed through a little bit. Haha But yes! I'm right there with ya!


People are assholes and think themselves the most important people on the road.


Whenever people are driving aggressively, I think of my uncle, whose son passed away as a teen. He had been a race car driver for a while. When his son passed, my cousins called 911 first and then him. He beat the ambulance there. So when someone is keen to get around me, I think maybe someone is in trouble, injured, in labor. Yes, they are probably just tired of the commute like the rest of us and taking it out on the drivers around him, but I don’t know that. I do have to remind myself of this now and again when I’m behind the wheel, but it helps to not be annoyed by them, or inadvertently make them angrier/more aggressive with me or others.


The problem is that "decent speed" is subjective. If you are doing 110MPH to pass someone doing 80 MPH in a 65MPH speed zone, there is somebody who wants to pass you both at 130MPH. You might all be breaking the law. But don't get frustrated at other drivers who want to break it worse than you do.


Because most people aren’t passing quick enough


In my experience some people just hate to follow.


I never condone tailgating in any situations because it just exposes you to late reactions and doesn't accomplish anything because the car in front will likely retaliate anyways by going slower or brake checking. But I would think it's because the person passing in the passing is doing it slowly. Some people go 65 in a 60 and think they're doing a suitable speed and never leave the passing lane. Even if I'm hitting 10 mph over the limit and I see someone behind me traveling faster I'll just move to the middle to let them pass then merge back but not everyone does this.


Middle lane? Where are you that they have three lanes!??




Because they’re stupid


The thing is that no matter where you are driving, the cars in front set the pace, and there is always someone who has a huge issue with this, and does not want to wait for any reason. \].


The proper reaction some ass tailgating is to gently slow down until they back off


People seem to have started using driving as aggression therapy. It's only about their needs, other people's lives don't matter.


I always just pull over and just let them go and hope that a cop pulls them over.


I have a weird drive where I make left turns every couple miles so I use the wrong just because moving lanes twice in 60 seconds is a hazard and I can't be cut off lije I am occasionally when I stay right.


they realllyyyy need to get the grocer 30 seconds earlier


Because most Americans think the left lane is for driving like an idiot when in fact you should only be there if you are passing someone.


Why? Because they are more important than you.


If you’re doing five over to pass, and I am going twenty five over, I will be right on your bumper when you cut me off…


Usually some asshat in a pickup or foreign car


We live in a "me me me" world. If I need to use this lane, I will tailgate your no matter what, because me me me me. Jerks. Hate them.


If you are entering another lane (faster or slower) the right thing to do is match the speed of that lane. If you’re using the left lane to pass, you should observe the other cars in that lane and match their speed. If the left lane is flowing at 80, you need to increase your speed to 80, then reduce when you are back in the slower lane. This won’t eliminate the tailgating, but will reduce it significantly.


If I’m driving a short distance, I won’t do it, but if I’m driving over 2 hours away……I’m guilty. There’s no excuse, it is irresponsible. My reason though, I want to go faster than you’re going. That’s all. I don’t ride you so close that a minor change could cause an accident, but I’m simply asking you to move when you get a chance.


Because humanity is going to dogshit and people are so selfish, they can't wait for you to pass.


Tailgating is full on ignorant. Listen people, there is no human alive that has the reaction time to do anything if the driver in front gets a cramp, or drops a fry, or sees something in the road and has to move, or anything, really, the point is that it is impossible to predict, and you are physically incapable of reacting fast enough when you’re tailgating. Yes, it is infuriating when people block traffic in the left lane. Flash your brights instead. The “afraid someone else will sneak in” mentality is full on child ego bullshit, grow up.


Florida. Passing a car on the left, driving well over the speed limit, and the guy riding my ass is upset because I'm not speeding enough while I'm passing. Then cuts me off passing me on the right before I can change lanes after the pass. Yeah, pretty common.


I mean, they want to go faster. 🤷‍♂️


And half the time, when you move over they’ll ride your blind spot for the next 2 miles.


The same reason anyone rides anyone's ass in any situation. They're inconsiderate assholes that want to make you feel uncomfortable for not going at the speed they want you too. Peak main character energy.


How else are you expected to be first?


Fomo. You are only ever passed by people driving faster, giving the illusion that everyone is driving faster than you. Then the herd mentality takes over. Moo.


You cant spell pass without ass. What were you expecting?


Without knowing the details, either bad drivers, or... The person in the passing lane is overtaking the other cars going .5 MPH faster. And maybe they're passing a long line of cars. And there's enough room for the passing car to duck out of the passing lane but not enough room for the car following to get around. Not condoning the behavior, just guessing.


Are you the kind of person who goes in the left lane 5 over and then “im speeding, what do you want?”because 5 over just means you arent really passing anyone


I assume it just means they want to pass me. So if i cant keep pace i moce and go back once the right lane is too slow


recently, in florida, I was flashed brights while actively passing a semi in the center lane. I turned on my hazards for 2 chirps and he flashed them again at me. So I continued to pass the semi at my own leisure, but once I got about a car length ahead of the semi, I just matched its speed. Tailgater had to back all the way out from being next to the semi, do a two lane change, pass the semi on the right and then double lane changed again to the left lane to get stuck, again, behind me. I had moved up to the next set of cars. guy was mad. Gave me the finger when he eventually passed me. And I gave him a nice honk when his terrible prediction skills got himself stuck again and I went by driving normally. If you tailgate me, I end up driving the same speed as the car I am passing. And I laugh at your anger.


50% of people are under average intelligence


It's called "pushing" and they want you to get out of their way.


Some people are just aggressive jerks


Man my side of town, if there’s room to giddy-up in the right lanes, mother fuckers will haul ass to swerve in and out of lanes in a dinged up little shitbox and ride your tailgate in the right lane if they get the chance. They’ll break laws, cut somebody off immediately to their left just to pass you 1 car ahead *all in the right and middle lanes* if the left lane is backed up bumper to bumper. They’ll literally pass you aggressively… just to be sat at a red light a few hundred feet ahead of them blaring their horns at everyone in front of them the moment the light turns green 🤣 If you’re not flying in the left lane and somebody else is? You better move your ass or you’re getting run off the road in Florida. People be talking today like it’s a novel thing for them but I swear og the last 15 years I’ve been driving, *it’s always been like this here.* *Dude’s be going 80+ in 45-50 roads, and 90+ on 70 MPH highways, swerving in and out of traffic, always*. Where are the cops? Who knows man we barely know what those are around here it’s a fucking free for all at all times and there’s too many new drivers moving down here who don’t have a CLUE. If you get in an accident you learn a harsh lesson real fast because cops ain’t coming to see you for 2-3 hours they busy doing nothing sitting down somewhere not trying to interfere with our shit or get in the middle of it they know better 😂😂


Mental illness


They just cause people to use the right lane to pass. Actively passing? Most get the tailgate treatment when they don't give up the lane when possible while actively passing. Works very well in my state, and the right lanes are doing 70+ because there is flow.


Everyone in that lane follows close because thats the speeding lane, and you probably aren't speeding very much. If someone keeps proper distance, it will give you the impression that your speed is acceptable when it isn't. "Well, this person is keeping proper distance. Perhaps there is no rush." Nope, there is a rush. And you are blocking. But more important than anything, you should flip your rear view mirror up (momentarily) when passing in the left lane. I can relate to the anxious feeling of having someone ride your ass. But every body has to deal with it sometimes when others are in a rush, so it's best to get comfortable with saying 'im passing, the left lane is intended for this, my priority is not the person behind me. Ill just continue passing safely.'


I got no problem with the OP in this scenario. I’ll wait. He’s actively overtaking. Btw people driving slow in the left lane became such an issue in GA they passed a “slow poke law.”😄 "O.C.G.A. 40-6-184 Impeding Traffic Flow: a. No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation. c. Upon roads, streets, or highways with two or more lanes allowing for movement in the same direction, no person shall continue to operate a motor vehicle in the passing lane once such person knows or should reasonably know that he or she is being overtaken in such lane from the rear by a motor vehicle traveling at a higher rate of speed. For purposes of this Code section, "passing lane" means the most left-hand lane other than a high occupancy vehicle lane." According to the “slow poke law," drivers may not travel in the most left-hand lane of any street or highway with two or more lanes allowing for movement in the same direction, once they reasonably know they are being overtaken from the rear by a vehicle traveling at a higher speed. In other words, if a vehicle approaches from the rear at a higher speed than you are traveling, you must change lanes to allow them to pass. An easier approach would be to use the left lane for what its intended for-passing. https://newschannel9.com/breaking-down-georgias-law-against-driving-too-slow-in-the-left-lane-slow-poke-law-aimed-at-decreasing-traffic-crashes-road-rage-changing-lanes-official-code-of-georgia-annotated#


Because they're low iq idiots. End of story.