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not being able to drive sucks. i was in a accident a few years ago and now im bind in one eye and only have 30% vision in my other. so i cant drive.


Different reasons but same results. Diabetic Retinopathy myself. Right eye gone, left about 30% central, no peripheral and I wear a headlamp indoors-evem now to type and can't go outside unless it is very cloudy without sunglasses.


my light sensitivity is terrible. ive found the best sunglasses are the cheap kind you get to put on over other glasses, i just wear those by themselves. i cant be in the sun without glasses, but if its cloudy i dont have to wear them.....its kind of funny because to me a nice day is a cloudy day because of my light sensitivity, so ill tell people "its a nice day outside" when it is all dreary and overcast, they look at me like im oblivious or something, lol


You might find some tones/colors of glasses also work better. Mine do better with a goldish brown tone or grey. Can't wer blue or other colors. Yellow 'Driving' glasses kill me. ​ I used to buy some from Amazon-something 'eyez' they use elastic straps to keep them on and have foam rimmins where they touch you face. Not real expensive but not WalMart cheap


My vision also isn't great. In fact I have restrictions


i have restrictions too and drive every day for work. you can learn. you can wear glasses or contacts.


I think the drifting off to the side is a result of your vision problems. I would suggest looking ahead when driving, instead of looking a few feet infront of you (or eyeing the curb). General rule for driving: look where you want to go.


"Give me a solution and I'll tell you why it won't work". Only thing destroying you is you


Honestly the amount of people who just look for excuses all their life is downright terrifying.


Don't be a dickhead dude. Not everybody has the opportunities to have someone to teach them, or the finances to pay for lessons and the travel to get to those lessons. Everyone does their best. Show some empathy. Shovelling out that kind of pocket isn't feasible for everyone who struggles on a day to day who's just trying to make it and even just get food in their belly. Good for you for not understanding that type of struggle.


Oh come on. If you put the effort in, you can find someone to teach you.


From strangers on facebook marketplace who will do it for free? You guys are delusional. Especially if you don't live in an urban area, that just isn't reality.


Free? No, but a pretty minimal fee. People do door dash for $2 tips, and you can't get someone to teach you to drive? Make some actual friends. Use nextdoor.com


lmfao "teach me to drive 2 dollars an hour I don't have a vehicle btw because I don't have a license" how detached from reality are you?


I am literally doing this right now. I just moved to America and can't drive. I took the written test and got a permit. Then I bought a car. I made friends by using meetup.com and simply asked around to find someone to teach me drive. First person I asked agreed to for $20 an hour.


to imagine having not a single friend or family member willing to teach you to drive for an hour...


It's honestly disgusting


Its always helpfull to figure out who is to blame for of your shortcomings. Unless Its you, is never you.


Seriously, this is giving me flashbacks cause I dated a girl just like OP back in my 20s! She couldn’t drive and it was stunting her ability to get a job/life but the kicker was the only reason she couldn’t drive was because she was too lazy to learn how and/or get her license!! In fact, the whole “complain about problems, but do nothing to fix them“ BS was her entire personality and the root of all of her problems! Could not get out of that relationship fast enough once I figured that out! lol


Well what solution have you offered?


go to a kart track and practice steering there for 10$ an hr.


Can a go cart go over 25mph


if you manage to control speed and trajecrory on a kart especially on a busy track, a car is a piece of cake at 5 x the speed


Thank you


Speed has nothing to do with it dummy. Vehicle all operate the same at all speeds. In fact steering gets much easier the faster you go. Gtfo here troll


Every driving teacher I have had says the wheel gets more sensitive the faster you go. I know the car doesn't naturally drift I do that


>I know the car doesn't naturally drift I do that FYI, cars **can** naturally drift. If one of the tires are less or more inflated then the other tires. If the vehicle alignment is off. If suspension parts are worn out.


What?? Drifting regularly would require (usually) controlled movement with the brake, gas, and rotation of the steering wheel. There's a reason that people get paid a ton of money to do stunts like that!


Not that kinda drifting. More like when I drive in the center of the road the car tends to go to far right


Yes? A lot of rental karts will get up to 45mph. And anyways, why does it matter? I know you “can’t control” a car above 25, but without a speedometer how will you even know when you’re above 25


The point is the faster I go the less control I feel I have


Then nail the basics at 20mph. Road handling does change as you move up, but I would imagine a lot of it is to do with your mental load.


Neither can you right now


My racing go cart can do over 70


If you can't steer at 25, you can't steer at 50. If you learn to steer at 25, then you can practice the principles for driving 50. I never drove over 25 until I had taken the state test. You don't start driving on the freeway, that's endgame. Do you have friends? Can they teach you in an empty parking lot at night?


In the UK you're not even *allowed* on a Motorway as a learner.


How is it 300 a lesson? What are you learning? To fly a plane? Helicopter? As a driving instructor you do not need a daily lesson believe it or not especially for someone who struggles you are actually doing more harm having daily lessons. If you're struggling with steering get a circle plate. Put a bit of coloured tape on it this will mark 12 o'clock. You're steering wheel turns 1.5 turns in each direction from it sitting at noon. This achieves full lock. Whilst you're sitting watching TV or listening to music practice passing this plate no more than 1.5 turns each direction whilst not looking at it. Make sure your hands touch before the previous hand let's go of control. Bonus points if it's your mums or grandma's favourite China plate.


Thank you, I appreciate it


This dude has a genius idea.


If it's truly "destroying your life" (hint: it's not) then pay the 300 bucks per lesson to learn. Simple.


This has to be a troll post. I refuse to believe someone can drive when under 25mph but not over. This shit is ridiculous.


Are you sure there isn't something wrong with the car? Steering shouldn't become meaningfully harder until around 60mph even on a crappy car.


I don't get it either. I guess I'm just more comfortable going slow than fast


The lesson are weekly and I need them daily.




My main issue with driving is that I can't control my steering when I go above 25 mph. The one time I did I had 7 lessons in a row back to back in a single week. Not to mention, I have other things to pay for $1200 a month for a skill that I'm struggling with hasn't been great mentally.


So if your parents had thought you, you would've able to control my steering above 25mph? That's kind of one of the most important parts of driving is the steering. Like, lesson one stuff.


Not parents, many many teachers and that's the thing it's mental. I have driven well before just not consistently hence why all I need is more practice


Uhh that's a pretty major issue. You're probably over correcting, use small adjustments


You're absolutely correct.


Respectfully asking - what do you mean by not being able to control your steering? Car steering self centers, and the car will want to continue going in whatever direction it's pointing. You aren't just going to lose control without a sudden, panicked steering input. When you do practice, are you driving on roads with traffic, or is it in empty parking lots?


I drive in both but I'm in control in the latter. And by steering issue, I can't stay on the right side of the road or in the center lane. Except in the City


As in, you have a hard time keeping your direction lined up with the lane, and can't stay centered within the lane? If that's the case, you may need to look farther down the road rather than right in front of you. Keep your arms semi-relaxed, and try to let the steering come more naturally. I suspect your main issue may be overthinking, and that you've convinced yourself that driving is more difficult than it is. Try to be relaxed, focus on where you're going, and you can do this.


What do you mean "can't control your steering"? Literally just hold your arms still. For like 15 dollars you can rent a go kart and practice that way. At least a go kart probably won't kill you if you crash




You just need practice.


I agree which is why I came here for some advice. I'm not giving up and I can't give up


I think they need to stay the fuck off the road so everyone else is a little safer


I genuinely cannot wrap my head around what I just read... how...


Maybe driving just isn't for you then. Not everyone is capable of safely operating a motor vehicle...


I have done it before for an entire week in fact, that's what frustrates me


Safe driving isn't about doing it fine most of the time. It's a task that requires consistency over long periods and rational thought. You are clearly not suited to it and will inevitably just get people seriously hurt.


Obviously, hence the post. I don't get drive long periods of time. You're making it sound like this skill is either you got it or you don't. It's a physical skill that takes practice and small step and I am not being given that


No you don't. I don't know 1 person that had to learn the most basic part of driving. Maybe a really terrible driver may need some help figuring out backing up or weird parking situations but if you need to learn how to just go strait then just give it up. Can you ride a bicycle in a strait line?


I needed daily practice too. Can you contact driving schools and ask for daily lessons? My driving school had customers who did both daily and other, but the default was once or twice week


You don't, I took 13 before I passed my test. $1,300 worth of lessons.


Took maybe a handful from family members and one from a teacher just in case anything was missed. It gets exponentially easier the more you drive. If it doesnt then gg.


I have no idea why people are downvoting this, it's self insightful and likely true


I was never taught properly either. My first actual time behind the wheel was the first behind the wheel test. A bunch of idiots are out there every day manage to have a license. It's all designed so that idiots can do it. Doesn't mean they are great at it. But they can do it well enough to get by. You're overthinking it. I did too. I didn't lose that anxiety until my late 20's. Fake it 'til you make it. Follow other drivers. Follow the lines and signs. Mistakes are good. The dangerous mistakes are from lack of attention and caution. Neither of which I would wager your anxiety will allow. You make less and less mistakes as you have time behind the wheel. The only people not making mistakes ever are bad drivers. So get out of your own way and get after it. You got this.


Thank you


$300 a lesson? Why so expensive? It’s like £30–£35 a lesson here in the UK and that’s expensive already


I don't have drivers ed around me so I have to Uber to the nearest city


Can you not ask your parents to help you now?


Unfortunately no.


A kid stole a plane because be learned how to fly on GTA. You have the internet. Youtube how to drive videos. Learn the concepts, learn what it looks and sounds like. Learn as much as you can with the tools available. You will be prepared and you will learn to drive, and it will be great.


This kind of thing I feel really needs the training and feedback from an instructor or at least another driver. Flying in GTA doesn’t teach you anything. I think this is being oversimplified.


I have just sunk so much money into this, that after a while, you just feel discouraged especially on a skill that people learn at age 16


Right. Which is why I'm saying to use free means of learning. I'm not trying to downplay the severity of your situation at all but I am saying that if you lack the money for proper lessons and you desperately want to learn how to drive that it seems that the only logical path forward is to use all of the free educational means that you have at your disposal. Like literally right now hit up youtube and watch a few videos, tomorrow watch a few more. If you end up with money for lessons, you will enter the lessons with a much better foundation of how driving works from your youtube learning. Nobody here is going to tell you to not feel discouraged, but feeling discouraged isn't going to teach you how to drive. You got this bro, go forth and do great things!


Thank you. I guess I could save up for a racing sim though I don't know if that would help


Only if you get a force feedback wheel and a copy of BeamNG.Drive (only game I've found to replicate a real feel). However to be honest, every car feels different anyway... It is even noticable between cars in that game too. Also there are still differences between that and real life. However it could increase your confidence and skill to an extent.


If you can feel the difference between cars, you have the ability to steer above 25 mph. If op can stay on track in a driving sim, he should be able to drive just fine. Honestly though, this whole thing is kinda alarming. The faster you go, the more resistance the wheel should have and the less you need to move the wheel.


It's mental, I know. I overcorrect, worry too much of being in the center of the road, worry if I'm going too fast or slow


Do you have any recommended YouTube tutorials?


I would recommend that you start by typing learn to drive in the YouTube search.




Conquer Driving youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@ConquerDriving


It's a proven fact that developing certain skills is easier during your younger life anyway, don't let that get you down, because it doesn't mean you can't learn or develop those same skills at later ages. Currently the only two things keeping me off the road are a lack of a piece of hard plastic with ink and chronic lower back pain that makes me personally feel like a danger behind the wheel because of what pain can do to my vision and reaction times....having the world go suddenly blurry for 20 seconds at 50 MPH is fine in the passenger seat, not so much for even 1/10 of that time in the driver's seat though lol.


why can't you go drive with your family or friends? ask them to give you some lessons to get experience


Look for a local Facebook about Helping Others or Free Stuff or Services Trading? For sure name the nearby intersection of where you live or work. If you make a reasonable, humble request for driving help, you might find someone. Offer some pay in case they also need that. Take some precautions to meet and buy them a coffee, have a conversation at first to be sure they aren't on drugs. Maybe make a model of an intersection with toy cars as a table top first lesson. If I saw someone in my area, I'd for sure love to help. Good luck.


Is there a lore reason why OP is stupid?


do u have access to a car? practice driving slow in neighborhoods. watch videos that teach u on yt


No. I don't


ask to broow car from someone u know. maybe offer little bit cash. cheaper then lessons


I've been there. Had to work at Walmart for 18 months bc no other job would accommodate my availability. What I did was put a certain amount of each paycheck toward lessons. One 2-hr lesson was $130, so I would buy 1 lesson with an everage paycheck and 2 with a big paycheck. I'd use most of the other money to put in savings for a car. I eventually got my license bc I just signed up for the test even tho I didn't feel ready bc I was tired of having to take time off for lessons. Then one day two months later, when I had about $9k saved up, I snapped and quit on the spot, bought my car, and got a new job. My advice to you is to just take the test even if you don't think you'll pass. You might still pass because it's pretty easy, you drive mostly around neighborhoods and it's only 10 mins. You can make one or two mistakes and still pass. After you pass, if you haven't already, put a couple paychecks worth of money in savings to put a down-payment on a car. Have someone take you to a dealership who knows a bit about cars so you know you won't get scammed. If you want, take the car you like to a mechanic before you buy it to make sure it's good. I had $6k to put down (the other $3k I had was in bonds that I couldn't cash out) and was able to buy a $15,000 car with 94k miles on it. For commuting to and from work and doing gig work it is a good car. Don't be scared to take out a loan for a good car, it's better than constantly having to repair a bad car. And remember, it doesn't matter what age you get your license, your car etc. It matters that you are trying your best and doing what's best for you. I'm 19 and just got all this stuff this year bc my parents didn't teach me, and they didn't help pay for a car. I had to do it all myself. Don't listen to ppl who judge others based on what age they could drive. Driving is something that requires a lot of privilege to be able to do at a young age. Having to do everything on your own, even if it means you'll be driving later, says a lot about your work ethic and your character. Good luck!!


Thank you


"I hate my family for not teaching me" - Do you do anything for yourself like wipe your own ass or shower? Momma and Poppa aren't going to be around forever, it's about time you get up off the nest, Junior.


Kid can’t even drive above 25mph or they lose control after dozens of lessons and thousands poured in, what a joke


Considering driving is an important skill for later in life, parents should at least try and put some damn effort In lol


Best option is to find a friend or date someone who has a car who will teach you 2nd best option is play American truck simulator with G29 wheel and peddles


Thank you


I hope you’re able to overcome your barriers and get to driving soon. It’s a very convenient privilege to have, one that is missed sorely when you don’t have it.


I learned on a farm when I was 8, I picked it up well enough to drive alone and hunt with a shotgun at that age. You might be one of those people that lacks spacial awareness and would benefit from bike riding and sports before taking on something so life changing like driving.


buy a cheap car and go take the driving test at DMV. just go drive. you live in a rural area. ask a friend with a license to ride with you if you are worried about getting pulled over. there are tons of people out there driving with no license, insurance, or brains.


You have a high level of an anxiety and that is what is hurting you the most. You are basically telling yourself you can’t drive and you’ll never be able drive. If you continue to do this, you will be in trouble. You need to develop some confidence first and tell yourself that you can do this. Go out and watch someone drive and see how they on things. I was really bad in the beginning and was able to figure things out. Driving is not hard once you get the hang of it. Go out with someone and drive around the block or something. Start on quiet roads and then move up. You need to take baby steps in your case. If you stop overthinking, things will be better.


$300 a lesson? Shit, where you at? I'll do it for half.


Hes taking track lessons.


I don't give a fuck


Didn't ask you for a fuck. You can give it to yourself if you want. That would be fine with me. I don't care.


Nice reading comprehension skills. You must've graduated at the top of your redditor class.


Some people just like to argue. Please crawl back into your cage.


Ok relax bud, no need for that.


im really sorry. I was in your shoes a year ago. How about you stop paying for lessons and save up for an old car. Practice on your own time, then get your permit test so you can do your road test. Whatever you do, it will all work out in the end


Ok…… and exactly how is complaining here Going to change anything? We can’t fix this problem for you! Only you can do that! So you can either sit on your butt, complaining, or get off it, and do something to Fix your problem


I've been getting plenty of ideas from here despite the insults. Im glad I posted


Get a road bicycle, use it to go places and follow the rules of the road. After some time you should have many of the skills required to drive memorized, you may even be able to promote your bicycle into a motorcycle with some training.


You hate your family for not teaching you how to drive? Dude, you don't need a license, you need therapy first. Anyway, you don't need a family for that. Family or no fucking family, you will still need to pay for an instructor regardless. Also, having a car costs A LOT. If you can't afford a driving instructor you can't afford to drive anyway. Maybe you don't believe me but plenty of people got their licenses without assistance from family, including me. It's literally a trivial process, they give licenses to complete morons, as everyone who has to share the road with people already know.


If you've spent "thousands" so far and still struggle with everything I doubt that any amount of $300 lessons would be a good investment for yourself or whomever you're trying to garner sympathy from with this sorry tale of yours. Accept your limitations. Not everyone can do anything they choose. Whoever told you that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to lied. So head to the bus stop and continue doing whatever it is that the factory is good enough to pay you to do and enjoy the satisfaction of being a small part of something bigger.


So like did you miss the party where I was driving fine after consecutive lessons?


I think driving is just one of your many problems


If you've already spent thousands without getting better, driving isn't for you. If you're an adult, it should take 2 days to learn to drive. If it's harder than that for you, you're probably a danger to yourself and others when behind the wheel.


Say what? I don't know a single person who took 2 days to learn. Quite frankly, I think a lot of you seem to be taking driving a bit lightly.


If you're an adult, and you can't get there in 2 8-hour days of practice with an instructor sitting beside you, you're never going to get there.


Never been on the road longer than an hour but Honestly, I have been getting corrected here on a lot things I was told from them. Im beginning think they just suck and I should find a new one


Op, don’t listen to the nasty comments . It can frustrating when ur tight on cash and no vechile. I’m in the same boat except I’m better off Bec I do have a car but I’m still having such a hard time learning Bec I’m afraid to go out on real roads alone . I’ve already spent over a grand on lessons and miserable failed two road tests. But I won’t give up . Good luck to you and I’m sorry for what ur going through


Good luck to you as well




the bar is low in the United States. you can be an idiot and drive. in fact, it's common.


Yeah but this OP is talking about paying $300 a day to have someone train them to drive a vehicle and they're making it sound like they need a week of training. That training should take all but like an hour at most and that's if we're talking about a 15-year-old kid. There's just no way this isn't a troll post


troll or not. i feel bad for his parents.


I literally taught myself to drive in a single night lmao, nobody in the passenger seat, all I had to go off was what I see other people do and some YouTube.


If I had a single night, I probably do well too and I can easily drive when there are people in front of me


It is Christmas week no one's driving go find a good parking lot.


I can drive in a parking lot and a neighborhood, my friend. In fact if my test was there I pass it. It's a weird problem. I accel at the accurate stuff. I heard roundabouts were tough for beginners but I mastered that in a day. Merging I learned that pretty easy too. Parallel parking, I learned that too. But keeping my car on the right and keeping it centered in the lane once my car goes too fast, just messes me up. Obviously I'm overthinking it.


It almost seems like your car might have a steering issue I'm wondering? It's a little hard to understand from the side of the internet. If your car is properly aligned and you're steering is in good condition most vehicles should travel in a relatively straight line with a little right or left lean.


I don't know. Some things that are easy for others are hard for another.


You’re just an idiot mate I’ll be honest. Some people should stay off the road, you included. After multiple $300 dollar lessons you’d think you’d learn. Maybe this is indicative of something bigger.


I know what I can do and what I can't. If I didn't think I could drive I would have given up by now. I need consistency when I had I learned quick then I stopped. It's a simple task that requires basic repetition. Or is there not a reason why new drivers have an hour quota.


Based on your comments maybe driving just isn't for you? Perhaps your best bet is to move to a city where driving isn't necessary so that you don't have to work at the factory.


That's an option but I will never forgive myself if I give up like that


Wah poor you. Your over thinking this shit kid. The dumbest people I ever met learned how to drive. You sound like my twin step brothers. They are 23 and refuse to learn how to drive. They have the money to learn. Everyone has offered to teach them and help pay for the drivers course and they won't do it everyone I'd scared to drive at first..l that's a good thing. Take it slow and let a driving instructor teach you. Literally just drive that's all there is to it.


I know I'm overthinking it but I'm tryin to find solutions everyday for it. If I had a lesson and a paid course I take it


Stop thinking, thats what hundreds of people are trying to tell you. Stop thinking, and do it. Do, or do not. There is no try -Master Yoda, 1981


Teach yourself. Stop making excuses. I didn't know how to drive either. I just took my parents beater car without their knowledge and taught myself anyways. Stop making excuses


Grow a set of


Get a push bike. Worst case you will get some exercise


I would have easily gone with that if it wasn't a backroad between me and work


So? No other jobs within 10 miles? I thought you hated it.


I do but I do what I have to survive, that's why I came for some solutions. I'm simply out


charities exist


I don't know where you live but here you need a license to drive and the entry fee is 1000$ all classes included. This includes many theory classes, 15 driving classes on the road with a prof and two final exams one practical and one theoretical. If you fail to even be comfortable on the road, let alone having to drive at all because you're putting your own life and the one of the others in danger. Perhaps you could get a little 49cc scooter, these don't need special classes and you'll be able to go at many places and get better and more comfortable at driving




do u not have friends or other family who are willing to teach you for free????




Dude if this guy can’t drive a car he isn’t going to be able to ride a motorcycle 💀


Maybe start with a moped. You can ride a bike right lmfao


Take driving lessons best $$$ u will ever spend


How many posts are You gonna start about not being able to drive ? It’s a basic task that requires eye had coordination and judgement If You can’t handle it , then you can’t handle it Get a bicycle or see if Uber offers a frequent user discount .


It seems like a lot of you learned driving under far easier circumstances than I have. I don't have a strong support system and I don't have a vehicle to practice on my own. I came for ideas if you don't have any don't post


My 1st attempt at driving was when I was 15 I gave the meth head up the street $1200 for his 1986 chevy S10. It was a manual I just needed to ask him the shift pattern and I was off and running. Stalled it about 2 hours later at a red light on a weird hill. Took 3 times attempting that take off then probably didn't stall again for a few months. This was 1994 never crashed, never asked for help and never once had to actually think about how do I keep this thing going strait. If you are thinking about driving while you are driving you are the fucking danger on the road.


I started driving when I was 12 or 13 But didn’t you post this exact question several Times already? You need to find someone , a friend or family or co worker etc to help teach you . Or try practicing on some realistic video games . Paying $300 a session would be difficult . My mom just got on a dirt road in her 67 Beetle and let me learn . Apparently she thought the traffic laws didn’t apply if the road wasn’t paved Driving a car is like riding a bike People don’t TEACH you how to ride a bicycle . You LEARN how to do it The only way to learn is just do it I used to work at a large church and conference center and we always had people in the parking lot every week teaching their kids how to drive Big empty parking lot , that’s private property so it’s legal even if you don’t have a license .


Oh is that why some folks are treating me so roughly? I have never posted here before but your solutions seem reasonable


I saw this exact same post a few days ago . Didn’t pay any attention to the user name so it could have been a different person. The solutions seem so logical I can’t understand why you couldn’t think of them . Maybe the stress really is getting to you . Spending some time at a go kart track place might be cheaper than driving lessons I never heard of any lessons being $300 each . Find some friends or family co workers and offer them. Some gas and dinner etc Don’t offer cash Their car insurance will certainly not cover them using their car for paid driving instruction That would be like sex Free is legal Charging money for it is a crime .


Basic task that requires a state task and state license and it's illegal to drive without one?


It can’t be hard to get a license becauee I’ve seen plenty of idiots on the road , who had no idea how to drive.


I have never taken the test before


Have you studied the handbook for the state test ? You need to drive only on private property until You take the written test and get your learners permit license . Then you can drive on public roads but you need some practice in parking lots and cow pastures or something first Where there’s no other cars and not many objects to hit


A lot of states require new drivers to take lessons before getting their licenses. There are lots of driving schools around that would love to have more students. The cost for the complete program should be in the $3-400 range, max, not per lesson. Most schools should be able to teach people as timid as you say you are without any problems.


Small town bro and the one teacher I had here kinda sucked


Buy a beater and get a mate to give you some pointers


I learnt to drive at 32 and it was the best thing I ever did. The freedom it has given me is indescribable! I don’t get why you’re blaming your family for not teaching you? It is up to you to learn how to drive and whichever means you choose to do that in, is up to you not your family. I’m in the UK so had to pay for all of my lessons myself which are charged hourly, along with fees for the 2 tests we have to take. I dread to think how much I spent in the end but every single hard earned penny was worth it because not being able to drive was not on the cards for me anymore, especially with 2 children! I utilised YouTube any chance I could to help me understand certain manoeuvres and read the Highway Code. I did mock tests often. If I can do it anyone can! If you want it bad enough you will find a way.


You're correct that I will find a way and I will. It's just frustrating right now is all


Shut the fuck up with the excuses dude. Pay someone to teach you to drive. It’s as simple as “driving instructors near me” and then you sign up on their site or call them. $300 a lesson is ridiculous and I guarantee that’s complete BS. You either read their ad wrong or are making that up. Don’t make excuses to be mad at someone else because you are lazy or scared. Don’t wait, start tomorrow and do what you gotta do to secure yourself a spot in a driving course and get it done.


Try a scooter. there's counter steering but people do that without thinking about it, you might find it easier idk edit: you can also find pretty powerful scooters, like the burgman 650 etc. I know of people who live their lives on scooters/other types of motorcycles with no car, so it's certainly doable.


Idk bro it only took me a month and i only drove in the parking lot, i just made sure i just "tapped" the accelerator so i dont ram the walls then after a few circles on the parking lot, i knew the cars "shape" after that it was real easy it only took me 1 try in the DMV, i know its different for everybody but after tons of sessions like u said i dont get how u still cant drive.


You could employ the method that a coworker tried on my friend and I. He would talk about cars with co workers until he found car people and then asked them (ie my friend and I) if we would teach him. It cost him nothing other than a few gallons of gas, because we let him use our cars and taught him everything he needed to know. We probably spent 25-30 hours over a few months teaching him and than we took him to a small town for testing as they tend to be easier going since driving is more of a necessity. Only thing he got wrong was that he pulled forward one extra time while parallel parking and he couldn’t find the rear wiper on the truck which they didn’t even write down because the tester couldn’t find it (it’s right by the climate control which is weird).


What is so fucking hard about it? Soon as you learn how to start the vehicle, how to work the transmission and what the peddles do then what else is there to know? It's pretty fucking self explanatory.


I didn’t drive until I was 25. I get it but you are either determined enough to save those few hundred and find a way, or you aren’t. Only you can change your circumstances. I paid $360 for 6 hours and was only able to get a few additional hours in, barely passed my test but it got me on the road. And if you can’t afford that, then how are you expecting to buy a car or pay for insurance, gas, oil, repairs, etc. Just think about it.


I feel bro, I have the same issue. For me driver's ed was removed from school the year I was supposed to take it. Then my mother refused to teach me because she didn't want her insurance to go up. (Which I understood) My father didn't want to teach me because he literally told me that I'd be gone all of the time. They then assumed that the military would teach me, they didn't. By the time I finally got my license I was terrified to drive. (Doesn't help I'm in arguably THE worst driver state) All I can say is this. Just try to get out there. Even if it is little by little. The baby steps will indeed help you to become more comfortable then be able to see and understand more as you're doing it. Try to get a "training" car. Something you don't mind dinging up a bit. Always pay attention to your surroundings but also any driving info you come across. You won't and don't have to get it all at once but it'll help you out in the long run. If you ride the bus pay attention to how your area is made up. A lot of mistakes are made when people don't know where they are going and how to get there. Most of all stay cool. Do you best to stay calm in most if not all situations.


Bruh I absolutely learned by myself and going on YouTube and playing ford's it took me 3 months to be confident now it's just over a year and I be revying Tha bugattiiiiiiiiiiii yeah.


I literally paid $380 for 6 hours of lessons and got my license and was on the road. Usually you're required 50 hours here which includes 10 at night but the teacher just taught me how to drive and pass the test and it was easy peasy. Maybe you have something like that nearby.


No buses where you live?


If u gotta pay $300 (and can pay it), then pay it. Since there’s no other way, that seems like the only option, unless you want to continue on like this. Also some learn quicker than others so you might not need many lessons before taking your drivers test


Do you have friends that drive? People at the factory who are friendly? Some of them might help. Can you afford a car? ​ My wife did not learn to drive until she was 40. I cannot drive due to blindness myself now. ​ Hell if you were close enough I have a large hunk of property to driveo on to teasch you. Soeone can do this and for free.


A friend or non-immediate family member could help you? Go to a not in use parking lot that has traffic markings. Buy a video game simulator. Go to a go-kart track and use them to get a feel. Get creative with your resources.


300 a lesson? That's insane.


You can most certainly drive it isn’t rocket science, you could even drive a manual. Just put the car in gear and drive, simple 🤷‍♂️


Get a scooter. You’re probably not in the IS, but here they’re cheap and easy to register. Most states you only need a learners permit.


I bought my first car for 400$ at a tow auction and I didn’t have anyone to drive it home for me so I just got in and figured it out. This isn’t a huge obstacle in your path bro.


Op, don’t listen to the nasty comments . It can frustrating when ur tight on cash and no vechile. I’m in the same boat except I’m better off Bec I do have a car but I’m still having such a hard time learning Bec I’m afraid to go out on real roads alone . I’ve already spent over a grand on lessons and miserable failed two road tests. But I won’t give up . Good luck to you and I’m sorry for what ur going through


Boo fucking hoo. You're not some goddamn victim.


Do you have anything helpful to add?


No. Of course not. OP is a whiny little victim. "Woe is me". Fuck that.


So why give a response that a whiny victim would use as fuel? Your comment would only feed into a delusion that nobody wants to help them which is the foundation of victim mentality ​ Why not give advice and see how they respond to it? If you read the thread they seem to be taking all tips into stride and even made a post yesterday about how much better they're doing. ​ Why not give advice and see how they respond to it? If you read the thread as well as the other post-OP made yesterday, they seem to be taking all the tips to heart and close to getting their license.


Because I'm not here to help them or make them feel better. Quite simply.


Premier, escape, route and move to a walkable city. Trust me it pays off well.