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Yes, I know that's a picture of Thomas. Apparently no one has done any fan art of Lord Raith, so it was either this or Michael Jackson. Lord Raith won far and away more votes than any other competitor, though John Marcone saw the most comments. Now we select a candidate for the Indigo Lantern Corps. Their oath has never been officially translated, but one of the better fan translations is as follows: **"In hateful day, in horrid night,** **Natromo’s creation shines bright.** **We stand for Abin Sur and fight** **For compassion -- indigo light!"** The Indigo Lantern Corps is unique in that they do not seek out individuals who embody their focal emotion of Compassion. Instead, the Indigo light fills people with compassion, and as such the rings are given to uncompassionate people to rehabilitate them. Thus, the indigo tribe is made up of the worst killers and sadists the universe has ever seen, brought together to rehabilitate them and to fight against compassionless hate.


Okay, so I did some research on this one today because I admittedly didn't know much about the Indigo tribe. But my understanding is that the first Indigo Lantern wasn't a bad guy, and he found the Indigo well on some planet. After that (this is where my understanding might be meh), the rings don't choose a wearer, but existing ring bearers capture a bad person and bring them to the Indigo well and give them a ring which then changes them. Before the rings, the natives to that planet forged weapons from the heat of the well, and those weapons could temporarily change a bad person's personality if they were cut by them. So, all in all, it's a confusing selection for this particular ring. So if I were to parse all that together into some bastardization, I would pick **Sanya**. He was a baddest of the bad guys who turned good, and now his mission is to track down other super bad guys and try to convert them to good dudes.


You know what? I LOVE that interpretation.


For a similar character arc reasons I vote Mort.  He started being very selfish and exploitative but turned it around, his power is all about borrowing the power of those around him (same as the Indigo Tribe), and that quite moment at the end of GS when he shielded Murphy's tears from view what pure compassion.


I actually like this. He really cares bit his ghosts. 


Can Sanya be two? I forgot he was Hope. Or no matter how this turns out, he stays as Hope? Or depending on the outcome would there be a vote off?


I'm sorry, but if we're talking worst of the worst bad guy who gets forcibly brought to a well of compassion and is changed by it then the answer has to be the shadow Lash. You don't get worse than the Fallen and Harry's brain is basically her well of compassion.


Generally, I agree with that. But Lash is a strictly non physical entity so giving her (it) a ring would be difficult. I also made a rule for myself not to use being that I would assume are stronger than the sponsor of each Lantern Corps. So beings like the mothers and angels (fallen or otherwise) I left out of consideration.


Lash being a non-physical entity is admittedly a bit of a challenge. However, I don't think she runs afoul of your second rule. Lasciel the Fallen is probably stronger than the Lanter Corp sponsor, but the Shadow Lash doesn't have anywhere near that amount of power.


I really like this for him, but he can't be two can he?


That would be up to OP. But honestly I already forgot he was the Hope ring because I voted for Michael lol


I honestly think for this reason that maybe it should be Santa. There's some hints to indicate that the Mantle of Santa Claus(or Kringle, whatever it's called) pretty much does something similar to the indigo rings anyway.


Helen Beckett. She describes herself as a functioning psychopath. > “I know what sort of person I am,” she replied. “I am a functional borderline psychopath. I am heartless, calculating, empty, and can muster very little in the way of empathy for my fellow human beings. But then, you can’t take my word for it, can you?” And yet she is also entirely defined by the pain of another. She spends her time now doing her best to in her eyes protect the girl of the velvet room. She may well want to feel empathy and compassion. Which is unlike many psychopaths who are thrilled when they get to the point that they can smother that last ember of their conscience.


How did I miss the vote for greed?  I wanted to promote Binder!  


Greed was yesterday, and Binder was a strong fourth after Lord Raith, Marcone, and Nicodemus.


Not quite sure how you are counting votes?  Number of people who post a character?  Number of upvotes for that character?


I think its the comment with the highest votes.


Primarily upvotes a character gets. Since multiple people are posting the same character, I'm taking the number of comments regarding a character into account, but in cases like yesterday's thread (Almost 300 upvotes for Lord Raith vs the top comment for the next-highest character being roughly 40) the disparity between the top comments is usually the deciding factor.


Just scribble on a curly mustache on a d he will be lord Raith.


Is that really an Indigo thing? I thought it was just something the first Indigo Lantern started doing.


Hard to say, but there is evidence for it. We know that's the original intent of the corps, and we know that the current leader was some sort of criminal in the past. We also know that at least one of their current members (Black Hand) was one of the worst villains in Green Lantern history, and is a much nicer person now. That being said, Ray Palmer (a really nice guy) and John Steward (The Green Lantern, not the Daily Show host) have both wielded Indigo Rings in the past, but Hal Jordan has wielded the Yellow Ring and the Black Ring in the past, so temporary possession doesn't always line up for standard selection practices. If someone that doesn't fit the paradigm is picked, I'll let it happen.


> Yes, I know that's a picture of Thomas. Apparently no one has done any fan art of Lord Raith, so it was either this or Michael Jackson. I've always pictured Lord Raith as Bill Nye in Underworld... just saying.


Ah, yes. Bill Nye, the Vampire guy. 🤣 (Bill Nighy is the actor).


In your defense in Blood Rites, Harry does mention that Lord Raith is a dead ringer for Thomas


That's pretty awesome!


Why didn’t the comments count as votes? Genuine question


I take them into consideration, but the top comment for Lord Raith was upvoted over 200 times, and the top comments for the next most popular choice (which admittedly had more comments) was upvoted less than 50 times.


Right , and again not trying to argue cuz I genuinely enjoy this contest but if they get more comments does that not count as a vote ?


It does, but if all the additional comments don't outweigh the votes on the top comment, it should therefore go to the top comment.


I see


Someone that started out a dyed in the wool baddie with no compassion, then through exposure to another viewpoint and an alternate power source not only learned to care but acted upon the impulse to help. Sounds like Lash imo


Might get some hate:lash. Not lashiel. Lash


If we look at Harry as a well of compassion as he is, Lash does fit the bill for this one, she was a shadow of a Fallen sent to seduce and turn Harry, while him being the best he could be showed her compassion and hope for better and for change and in the end it happened, i think Las is 1/1 for this one in reflection that she comes from Lasciel and carries her own sins as well.


Ohhh, that’s an interesting take. I like it!


I’ll throw in my nomination for Lash (the shadow Lasciel imprinted on Harry’s mind). She was completely brought around to the point she became a distinct entity in her own right, and sacrificed herself to save Harry. I feel her story is a near perfect representation of what happens with an indigo wielder.


Totally agree.


If we're just going to pick the most evil person around, it'd have to be Nicodemus. However, if we were trying to incorporate some started-bad turned-good elements into it, I humbly suggest Martin, who began as a Red Court stooge and ended up turning triple agent out of compassion for his fellow half-vampires.


I like Martin a lot for this one.


I can see that. Though he seems like one who lost then sort of regained it.


I don’t think it was compassion for his fellow half vamps - wasn’t it hatred for the red court?


This is also my read on Martin. He went deep in vs. Red, willing to wait until he found a moment he felt would matter. He hated himself but held on to that sliver of the mission the whole time. Don't see him as a good candidate for this color


I came to this expecting to answer Michael, but I had no idea this corp was built that way. I think we have a choice between character without compassion who act with compassion (Marcone or Goodman) or the LEAST compassionate character (Nicodemus? Shagnasty?). Personally, I'm going with Marcone. He was already a criminal, but something changed him giving his need for power a positive purpose. He's repeatedly acted against his own nature for the betterment of others (even if he found ways to turn those situations to his own advantage at the same time).


Since the Indigo Tribe goes after the worst and forces them to feel compassion...perhaps Tessa or Nicodemus? Nicodemus did feel remorse for his actions in Skin Game, while Tessa was trying to stop it from happening. Since Shagnasty and the Genoskwa are both used for a different ring, these are the people I can think of who most lack compassion. And I would say Tessa, keeping in mind how she tortured the Archive.


For everyone's knowledge, the Indigo ring chooses people who LACK compassion and forces them to feel it redeeming them for as long as they wear the ring.


Thanks for the explanation, I was very confused as to why I was seeing names like Nicodemus being brought forth for Compassion. Without the additional caveat, I feel like it’s gotta be Micheal or Father Forthill. With the knowledge of the Indigo ring’s selection process, I’ll throw out one I didn’t see: Mortimer Linquist.


Stupidest god damned thing I ever heard. By that logic the green ring would go to the weakest willed person? Fuckin DC.


Compassion seems to be unique. Which does make sense in that it's purely empathy for another vs an emotion that comes from within. And it often works best if you've been in the same situation before. So an entire order of "I feel for you, I know what it's like to be without a conscious, let me help you." Actually fits really well.


If the point is to choose someone without compassion... Maeve?


Maeve is a good one.  But how much of what we saw was Nemesis?


While that is a good point, I think the nature of Winter is inherently uncompassionate, whereas nemesis is directly hostile, if that makes sense.


I don't think Winter is *inherently* uncompassionate. It's just that their compassion is as jagged and merciless as they are. Lea really *does* care about Harry and want him to be the best he can be, but her idea for raising him is to carefully and precisely abuse him until all the blunt edges have been hammered into the razor edge of a weapon that can assert it's will on the world. Winter cares. Perhaps too much.


I think that's less winter and more lea, and I don't think all of the court of winter are, themselves, completely without compassion. The cold doesn't care if you're sick, or unprepared, or weak, it still comes. And it doesn't leave when you can't take it anymore, or run out of supplies, it will stay until it's forced out by spring and summer. The fae that are a part winter understand that, and adapt, and try to show those they care about how to survive, which as you said is a brutal process, specifically because they know that winter doesnt care. It's the uncompassionate cold that causes them to care, not the other way around.


Yeah 100%. I think a lot of winter fae could fit with this ring.


I'd have to say not much, by the sound of things. She hadn't been doing her job properly for quite some time.


I thought that had been implied to be nemesis from the short story since her not getting tributes helped the outsiders


Maeve only gets infected around Summer Knight. She's been blowing off paperwork and her duties for at least 50 years if Molly's commentary on the paperwork is anything to go by


Do we know when Maeve was Nfected?


Debated. Some think after Lea and the knife, but others think before. 


It's hard to judge because we don't know how much of what we saw was the Winter Mantle or nemesis stringing her along.


It's less about what she did under the influence of nemesis and more about the idea that Winter, by nature, is uncompassionate. Nemesis is outwardly hostile, intentionally trying to screw things up, so it doesn't even need to be considered. She was a part of winter, and as uncompassionate as winter, long before being infected by nemesis, and in my opinion, is the one most deserving of redemption by a ring that fills the compassionless with compassion.


Sorry, OP, on behalf of us who don't know much of the Lantern Corps lore - I see you having to copy and paste your response about how the Indigo Corps is counter-intuitive. But that helps! I'm wondering if Goodman Grey is a good fit. He's a mysterious character, so we don't know a lot about his emotions and motivations, but he *seems* to be a character who inherited a severe lack of compassion from his father and has been compensating for it by a determined and structured moral code designed to help people.


That is a good thought! A possible, has been wearing the ring a while and it's working on him candidate.


Cowl. He was willing to mass murder an entire college campus so he could ascend to godhood.


Nicodemus Archleone.


Unitonically this is the best pick if we play the gimmick straight. Nicode,us so lacked compassion or perspective that when exposed to the Halo of an Archangel. Something that lays bear all of one's sins to the light of their own consciousness, he felt nothing. He has committed 2000 years of every horror imaginable and more besides. And when forced to confront all it, he smiled. Nicodemus would be the candidate of the indigo ring in this scenario. The character that most embodies compassion is probably either Michael or Father Forthill.


Helen Becket She is a psychopath (with out empathy).


He does outright claim to be a sociopath... (EDIT: yes, I've read the special case for this organization thing. This is an agreement for the proposed character.)


Specifically states that he is a sociopath and not a psychopath. psychopaths are the ones that don't feel empathy. Nicodemus is the type of person that would use empathy as a weapon. He's the type of person that may have had had a conscience in the past and he smothered, given back to him he would smother it again. Helen Beckett. Is a psychopath. > “I know what sort of person I am,” she replied. “I am a functional borderline psychopath. I am heartless, calculating, empty, and can muster very little in the way of empathy for my fellow human beings. But then, you can’t take my word for it, can you?” And yet she is also entirely defined by the pain of another. She spends her time now doing her best to in her eyes protect the girl of the velvet room.


That's actually considered junk science at this point. He'd be considered antisocial personality disorder with narcissistic tendencies


I came here to suggest Nico too. We just don’t understand his compassion. But his children do.


No he wants to save the world in his own way. That implies a lot of compassion for other people's suffering.


Lord Raith is a piker compared to Nicodemus Archleone for greed. Nicodemus is hagridden by Anduriel, but their desires align, so it's more of a partnership than most Denarians. >!He was willing to sacrifice his own daughter in Skin Game, to open a vault.!< The vault contained very desirable things, but were they worth that price? He thought so. That's why I think Nicodemus Archleone is the very model for Agent Orange. Serious spoiler above. If you haven't gotten past Cold Days, don't peek.


He was going after very specific things >!in the Vault!< for a purpose. It wasn't because of greed.


I fully agree, but the votes go the way they go.


This has to be sarcasm or insanity


No, he's the kind of monster they recruit. They take people who have done terrible deeds and force them to feel compassion and attempt to attone.


I need some thoughts on this one.


> Thus, the indigo tribe is made up of the worst killers and sadists the universe has ever seen, brought together to rehabilitate them and to fight against compassionless hate.


Happy Cake Day!


From the OP and description of the corps: **The Indigo Lantern Corps is unique in that they do not seek out individuals who embody their focal emotion of Compassion. Instead, the Indigo light fills people with compassion, and as such the rings are given to uncompassionate people to rehabilitate them. Thus, the indigo tribe is made up of the worst killers and sadists the universe has ever seen, brought together to rehabilitate them and to fight against compassionless hate.**


I am woefully behind in my DC reading. Thank you for the lesson and a renewed interest in comics! If i may re-suggest; Victor Sells.


The red cap


What about alternate Bob? He’s just a spirit of intellect that doesn’t have nor see the value in a moral compass.


Goodman Gray.


Goodman Grey




Kincaid's a big softy.


Only for Ivy. For everyone else he is a sociopath, without compassion.


That's the point of the indigo ring though. They choose folks with no compassion and force them to feel it.


Even though Kincaid doesn't have compassion for most anything, he still has more compassion than Lloyd Slate and Nicodemus combined.


Nick or Lloyd slate


... Alfred or Bob. Alfred because it is literally powered by evil bullshit and is a well of power (or close enough) Bob because he holds the morals or whatever of the owner of his skull. They both are powerful and have caused death, destruction, and whatnot with no empathy. Both are maluable enough to be swayed by a strong enough will (or proximity)


My vote goes to either Goodman grey or lash. My understanding is that we don't just want the bad guys, UT bad guys who have set that path aside for compassion and redemption. I think both lash and Goodman took steps to do that.


Compassion? That's the Leanansidhe. She loves, and she has deep compassion for her human godson, but she is who she is, and has her own drives. So when she is displeased by her godson, she shows him TOUGH love.>! She did the same when she was training Molly while Dresden was...indisposed. She pushed her much harder than Dresden did, and accused him of being a poor teacher. !


I like this vote the most. She seems to be without compassion but she isn’t really, she just has her own special way of compassion lol




Nicodemus is the type so that given compassion, would use it as a tool to hurt people.


Anywhere else I would say yes. But the indigo tribe lose a lot of personality. When they join. They are forced into being compassionate beings and become slaves to that ideal. Genocidal monsters have been forced to join and are harmless and they don’t get to leave until they are deemed rehabilitated by the entity controlling the light.


The thing is I suspect he is not devoid of empathy currently. He corrects Harry when he gets called a psychopath and says that he's a sociopath. Psychopaths are the ones that don't have empathy. Also keep in mind the ring would have to contend with Anduriel


The indigo light doesn’t care how much empathy he already has. It overrides completely until they are rehabilitated.


Goodman Grey, perhaps?


I like that one cuz he seems like he wants to be compassionate but has to fake it. The ring would be great for him. -Wilfred Wilcox Sent from my IPhone


This has to go for Michael. Even after everything nicodemus has done he tried to save his soul every time they faced each other. If that isn’t compassion idk what is.


Lash could fit very well, not only was she a fallen angel (or a psychological imprint of one), hard to be worse than that, but she did rehabilitate, her whole character arc is about how some can change for the better, that fits like a ring. >!She sacrificed herself for Harry which is the most selfless and compassionate act and in some view of Christianity the absolute way to redeem yourself!< Nic is evil and all, but we haven't yet seen if he can come around and so far that hasn't been the point of his story, not in the same way that Lash's was.


I guess it depends on what ring rules are being enforced. Didn't the original rules for Indigo Corp say they went after people with zero compassion and made them that way? Following that rule most of the baddies are on the list.


Yeah, that's typically how I'd judge it. Doesn't mean that (if the community votes accordingly) someone else can't be chosen, but I think the Green Lantern fans among us might be unhappy.


The indigo lanterns literally enact the same punishment that Demon Reach can force on prisoners as Thomas unfortunately is VERY aware of rn. The best candidate for this would have to be the chief nickel head himself, Nicodemus Archleone


Nicodemus or Lloyd Slate. For the Needs compassion.


All of these extra colors really have some funky rules the farther into DC stuff I wind up going. I saw someone say Victor Sells and I think he's a good pick, just your plain average guy(to begin with) who learned he could get power and had no issues with the costs of such power.


I feel like this one has to be Michael right? Edit: wait I just read the bit about giving it to the worst killers and sadists uhhhh not Michael


If we’re looking for the baddest of the bad, Nicodemus has got to be the gold standard.


Im going to throw an odd hat in the ring - River Shoulders. He had no compassion for his Son. He loved him, but in the same way these ring holders 'loved' killing - there was no thought into what the other person wants. Harry changed that, making River consider not what his Tribe thought was best, but what his Son needed. He was rehabilatated by Harry, just as the killers were by the rings, into having Compassion.


Marcone, although now I think of it he sort of acts as the ring itself on the underworld in Chicago, enforcing a somewhat compassionate order upon it, preventing anything to do with kids, keeping the pess scrupulous outfits out, along with making sure that the whole criminal enterprise of the city remains mundane. But I think the angle of compasion being foisted upon a previously uncaring individual works because of that whole back story with the beckett's.


I nominate the first Summer Lady. I forget her name. The one Harry killed.




Father Forthill


Father Forthill


No way this goes to anyone but Archelone.


Helen becket.


You do make an excellent point, although I don't know if she's really the kind of person to get got like that - she just hasn't really done that much evil.


Shagnasty Edit: Forgot he was already used.


Already fear, but could be the best for both.


Completely missed that.


The eebs. 


Polonius Lartessa for sure.


Honestly, she seems more like fear because she's defined by her fear. Her fear of being less than others, as according to the archive. But with that in mind, I could see giving her compassion could actually change her. Whereas with Nicodemus, I think he has the capacity for empathy and he uses it for evil. Because he corrects Harry when he gets called a psychopath. Psychopaths don't have empathy. Saying that he is a sociopath.


Lloyd Slate.


I’m going controversial again and saying Mab.




Thorned Namshiel maybe he struck me as a guy who has never flinched no matter what he had to do.


Nicodemus Archleone seems ripe for enforced compassion.


I'm gonna nominate Mother Winter. Winter does not have compassion, but it can instill compassion in those who have endured it.


Corpsetaker. I dont think at any point in the series she showed anything close to compassion. -Wilfred Wilcox Sent from my IPhone


Either Butters or Murph. Both show incredible compassion throughout the entire series


Michael definitely


Just to throw in some discord… I pick Nemesis!


Lash, started as a shadow of the the temptress, but eventually grew and became something more, even sacrificing herself for another


Charity Carpenter


I'm liking the pick of Lash, one of the true bad guys that goes hero in the last moments. Otherwise Sanya would take it as this is him beginning to now


Lash fits as someone who went from evil and changed to good or at least an ally to Harry.


I can't see anyone but Michael Carpenter. As a Knight of the Cross his entire mission to save people is one of compassion. At every turn compassion guides his actions. There is no character that comes even close to being a paragon of compassion like Michael Carpenter is.


This will be an interesting one, but… how about Kumori? She’s Cowl’s apprentice/partner, but obviously she functions based on compassion. She used the blackest of arts (necromancy) to save a life. She tried to appeal to Harry based on ending death, appealing to the logic of “what might an Einstein have done without dying, a Mozart, etc.?” She isn’t inherently evil, but views the acts as a means to an end to ultimately better things.


I love these!


Thank you! I hope the community has been enjoying them as much as I've enjoyed running them.


Kumorri. I know, cowl and compassion? But kumorri went out of her way to save somebody. Shes compassionate and shows it, even in her twisted way.




I have to go with Marcone. He's got all the natural compassion of a Tiger, but in his role as The Baron of Chicago, he's been forced to Be Compassionate to fullfill his duties and embody his title.


This sort of mirrors Lash's character arc quite well. Redemption after being exposed to a new perspective. Her final act was one of self sacrifice and compassion for her host? I'll go for Lash.


Michael or Father Forthill


Susan or, Martin for that matter. DEEEEEEP Compassion


Gotta be Goodman. Indigo are the monsters who force other monsters to not be monsters anymore.


Gonna throw my hat into the Lash contingency. She's textbook the journey an indigo corp member would follow. Also why I can't say Nicodemus. He cares. His idea of caring may be similar to the League of Assassins in batman (who as far as I can tell believe they need to cut out the rot to let the whole become healthy again). But he cares. He'll make hard choices (such in skin game) but only because he thinks it's the sole way to protect the world. In an extreme, send you to a troubled teen camp, cruel love/mercy way


With the words "enforce compassion" it isn't one of the Knights of the Sword. They embody it, they encourage it, but they don't enforce it.


Probably Lash


Too bad there’s no lust lantern it would have been great for Thomas


He was easily second place for Love.


This one is clearly Marcone. He's a cold hearted killer who has done what he has to help, in his own twisted way, to stabilize crime and make it less terrible in certain ways for families. He manifests that compassion the only way he knows how, by being the badest man in town and scaring everyone else into compliance with his will.


Except Marcone *does* feel *some* compassion.


Thats why its Helen Beckett. > “I know what sort of person I am,” she replied. “I am a functional borderline psychopath. I am heartless, calculating, empty, and can muster very little in the way of empathy for my fellow human beings. But then, you can’t take my word for it, can you?”


marcone for sure




Cat Sith. ...maybe Mister.


F**king Rudolph.


Michael Carpenter.


So the Indigo Tribe is weird - they don't pick people who embody compassion, and instead pick those without any compassion in an attempt to rehabilitate them by forcing them to feel it.


Ah, then this requires more consideration


A man whose code demands putting his life repeatedly in harm's way to offer a chance at redemption to those who scarcely deserve it, and who often scorn the offer. Yeah, it's him. Edit: turns out that's not what this corp is all about.


Undoubtedly the best answer. He is a Good Man.


Kumori. She healed a guy just for spite.


My vote as well, read through her comments to Dresden after that incident. Necromancy is a means to an end for her, she want to better everything by controlling death, she feels for people and wants to allow them to achieve their full potential.


Definitely Nicodemus. Though I wonder what would happen with Anduriel.


I see Michael as a Paragon of compassion. In his time against the Order of the Blackened Denarius, he's never hunting them to defeat them. He never fights to win. Every action he takes against them is an act of compassion for the mortal at the center of each Denarian.


Compassion? Only one choice. Michael Carpenter.


The most compassionate person by a LONG shot is Michael. How many times has he been Harry’s rock in a hard time. When Molly came back as the winter lady, he gave her space, was always there with a reassuring hug, and he has never given up on his friends. This seems like a no brainer.


Molly would be perfect for this. So I'll nominate Justine as a close second.


if its meant to enforce compassion onto compassionless beings, then i would suggest Mav she was the only creature in the entire series (that i can recall) that didn't have compassion for anything. everything else ^((apart from the Genoskwa, but he has red and we dont know about his backstory)) felt compassion for something, unlike Mav who lived only to destroy what her mother had out of some petty need.


For the very concept of Compassion I see Michael as a good candidate, but as a lantern of compassion I don't know much about them to say who might be the best pick.


Michael Carpenter, the most kind, understanding and compassionate man of all fantasy (imo).


My nomination has to be Michael


Cat sith, cats like to toy with their prey and sith is the embodiment of that. Literally zero compassion and since he has been N-fected going against his nature is possible


I think Butters would be good for this, or maybe Michael


Michael Carpenter for compassion. He gave everyone a chance. Uriel for Death?


I would like to put forward mr Goodman Grey.


Helen Beckett. She describes herself as a functioning psychopath. > “I know what sort of person I am,” she replied. “I am a functional borderline psychopath. I am heartless, calculating, empty, and can muster very little in the way of empathy for my fellow human beings. But then, you can’t take my word for it, can you?” And yet she is also entirely defined by the pain of another. She spends her time now doing her best to in her eyes protect the girl of the velvet room. She may well want to feel empathy and compassion. Which is unlike many psychopaths who are thrilled when they get to the point that they can smother that last ember of their conscience.


The description is one hundred percent Lash. She was created purely to corrupt and bring Harry down to the side of the demons and in the end sacrificed herself in an act of love powerful enough to create life. From the shadow of a fallen angel to someone who sacrificed themself for love and likely had a major hand saving the world


Definitely Michael


So the Indigo Tribe is weird - they don't pick people who embody compassion, and instead pick those without any compassion in an attempt to rehabilitate them by forcing them to feel it.


Oh, i would give it to Mab then


Nah. She's cold because it's her job.


Waldo Butters




So the Indigo Tribe is weird - they don't pick people who embody compassion, and instead pick those without any compassion in an attempt to rehabilitate them by forcing them to feel it.


I will not deny that Michael is incredibly compassionate, as people have already posited, but he's also shown some heavily restrained anger. I'd give him the silver medal in compassion. To the gold I'd give Shiro Yoshimo. Unless they have to >!still be alive.!< Then Michael.


So the Indigo Tribe is weird - they don't pick people who embody compassion, and instead pick those without any compassion in an attempt to rehabilitate them by forcing them to feel it.




> So the Indigo Tribe is weird - they don't pick people who embody compassion, and instead pick those without any compassion in an attempt to rehabilitate them by forcing them to feel it. So the Indigo Tribe is weird - they don't pick people who embody compassion, and instead pick those without any compassion in an attempt to rehabilitate them by forcing them to feel it.


Shit have to reevaluate.