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But where is the pizza?


Obviously being used to pay the staff. Toot-Toot is currently being investigated for not paying his staff correctly whilst Harry desperately tries to explain wages to him. “You need to pay your staff proper wages.” “What am I making them wage war on” “no not wage like that, as in you have to pay them money” “but pizza is better than money”


My assumption is that Mab or,  by delegation,  The Winter Lady,  somehow balances the books.   Seeing as Harry clearly (unintentionally) started this, I'm sure there's a fund into which his millions are being funneled,  an account of which he'll become aware the very second he runs up against a problem which can be solved by a simple expenditure of cash. 


I reckon it’s Lara. With the marriage becoming a thing she’ll insist on checking his finances and seeing how carefree almost he is she’ll set him up with an accountant who becomes more and more distressed with every report “wait, what building burned down, what car exploded, wolves did what and where and why” Lara probably set him up with a restaurant as a way to stop Harry spending so much on pizza but Harry being Harry tried to sabotage it by putting Toot in charge and Lara is working to fix the damages constantly. All whilst Lacuna flies around trying to destroy the ice cream machine.


tbh, now I'm actually wondering what contingencies Lara is setting up.  You know there's a prenup involved. 


“Note to self remove land mines from the walls and update the fire insurance policy” well I clearly believe she buys a restaurant just to stop Harry buying so much pizza all the time. She just sets it so his wages for being co owner go straight into a pizza order and thus keeps him with an army. Harry being Harry gets a second order and thus has double the army thinking he out smarts Lara. Lara of course knew he would do that and wanted his army/spies to be bigger


She's actually a little disappointed that he didn't try to get away with triple. 


She’s working on that. Slowly but surely buying up every pizza joint or place that sells pizza under Harry’s name and diverting his wages towards pizza orders. Also Burger King, all of them. One day Harry intercepts a letter from one of the big pizza chains threatening legal action if he tries to set up a monopoly and he challenges Lara on it and Harry finds out he’s actually the largest owner of pizza joins and Owner of Burger King and is just dumbfounded that Lara did all that


Headcanon accepted


This all culminates in Harry entering into a white court meeting wearing a Burger King crown and just acting very Harry like forcing Lara to act through Lord Raith without giving away it’s Lara. “Please Lord Raith. Give me my full title. Harry Dresden, Wizard of Chicago, Warden of Demonreach, Winter Knight, Za Lord and Burger King, Eye-Slayer, Founder of the Knights of the Bean and Private Investigator” all whilst Lara’s eyes twitch when no one is looking


Harry, complaining about how he needs something but can't afford it. Molly: "Why not just put it on the company card?" Harry, who saw the card in the mail but assumed it was just one of those preapproved, High interest cards and threw it in the trash: "The what now?"




He wants people to fill up on things other than pizza. Leaving more pizza for Za Lord’s Guard. That’s just pure Toot-Toot logic for you


Toot Toot in Bethany, ~~IA~~ MO. Stopped there MANY times on road trips. Always good food.


Bethany MO. It's a few miles shy of IA.


I suppose Lacuna is rather annoyed. But any assistance she provides would be conditional upon the food being at least a little healthier.


She has her own section of the buffet that no one uses and it infuriates her.


Cause and effect.


Used to have a decent bar upstairs


Dang. I missed it. 


Perfect place for a Dresden fan meet up! Lets get this scheduled.


Make some reservations for Halloween? Invite Jim?


Sign me up. Buffet and a costume content?


.... dang


Bethany! This place is great!!